The Girl and Her Breaking Hea...

Oleh Wildfire_247

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Alexandra Queen, she has never had a normal childhood. Her and her mother were abused by her father and his f... Lebih Banyak

Welcome to TGHBH
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
No Update this Weekend (NNTR#1)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A/N Update (NNTR#2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/N (NNTR#4)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chatper 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
The Heart Series


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Oleh Wildfire_247

↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

Five Years Later

"Nat, please hurry up. You're going to be late for school." As I finish my sentence I hear small feet hitting the wooden floor. In a few seconds, Nathalia is standing in front of me ready with her backpack. "Ready?" I asked smiling down at her. "Yep," she said cheerfully.

I take her hand and walk to the door with her. "Excited about today?" I ask opening the door. Today she had a trip to Water Wizz. She loves that place. Begged me to let her go, I couldn't say no to her.

"Yeah mommy, I've been counting the days since they told us." She said excitedly running to the car. I smiled at her and nodded my head. She had put it on all the calendars in the house. Nathalia was smart for age. More mature than most kids her age.

"Remember what I said though." Rolling her eyes at me playfully she nods. "Don't roll your eyes at me, missy." She giggles. Shaking my head I remind her to put on her seat belt.

When we're all set I take off. It only takes three minutes to get here to her school. I park the car in front of the building. I look at Nat in the backseat. "Alright, we're here honey." Excitedly she jumps out of the car and runs toward the building. Before entering she turns around waves bye at me and runs into the building. Smiling at my daughter I drive off to work. I wanted to go on the trip with her but I had to work. One of the mothers at the school who claimed me to be her best friend, at first sight, said she would take care of her. Yessika, the mother is just a year older than me. I like her personality, it's refreshing compared to everyone here.

Her husband is hardly around, he works in the city so he doesn't spend a lot of time with them. He does spoil his boys and wife, goes on vacations to try and make up the time lost when he can. Her boys are close friends with Nathalia. I believe one of them even likes her. One of the boys reminds me a lot of Nathanial when he was younger, the other boy, however, reminds me of Sam, which is the one that seems to like her.

Three years into hiding I decided to settle down. Its been almost three years now since I moved here. I heard about this small town from a family who moved out of here. I love this place and so does Nathalia. I still fear that someday Nathanial or worse Noah will find me. I try and not let it affect me that much. I knew I couldn't keep running and hiding, for Nathalia's sake. I didn't want her to grow up like that. I gave her the name I wanted to give her but took away her last name. As for me I changed my name completely. I was now Megan Smith. Very original, huh. I had to pick a name that didn't stick out and was basic and that's how I ended up being Megan Smith.

Walking into the hotel where I work I greet the workers. I work at the Ocean House hotel as the head manager. I have no idea how I received the job at first. After a while, I realized how. The owner of the hotel has taken a liking to me since day one, taking me out every so often. I won't deny that he is handsome but I'm not looking to start a relationship. 

I reach the back where the staff room is and greet everyone, going to my locker I take out my work shirt and shoes. placing them on a chair behind me I begin to take off my shirt. I get stuck taking it off when I hear a male voice. "Megan I wanted to..." I freeze. I knew who it was, my boss, the guy I mentioned before. "Are you alright Megan?" they asked after clearing their throat. "Yeah, yeah... so what did you need?" I asked still trapped in my own shirt. "Just to remind you of our important visitor today... Are you sure your alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine Oliver, and thanks for reminding me. I had completely forgotten about it. I'll have the staff be in their best behavior today." I mumbled okay and left. "Someone just kill me now please," I whined struggling to get out of my shirt. "If someone does then who will laugh at my dumb corny jokes?" Asked Ava chuckling. "Stop laughing at me Ava and help me out of this damn shirt. I just made a fool of myself in front of Oliver. Oh my god, that was embarrassing. I just wanted the ground to swallow me whole." She laughs. "If you hadn't put on an undershirt then not only would you look like a fool but also given his a show." She said laughing again. Pulling the shirt off I glare at her, she just laughs it off and hands me my work shirt. "Maybe next time." I shake my head in disbelieve. "Your impossible Ava." I finish fixing my shirt and changing my shoes I walk out to greet the awaiting staff.

"Alright guys, today we have a very important client coming. Everyone is to be on their best behavior or you know what happens. Everyone is to triple check everything, I don't any complaints from our important client or Oliver. If I don't get a complaint then I'll treat everyone at the bar Saturday. Make sure to tell everyone. Alright, you all know your jobs, let's get to it, chop-chop, and that goes literally for you Jose." Everyone laughs as the old man shakes his head laughing.

Everyone soon after leaves. I love my crew, they are understanding and hardworking. I couldn't ask for a better crew. I don't ever get complaints from my costumers only compliments. Which is why our hotel is number one in Westerly, Rhode Island.

"Ava tell me again who's the hotshot coming today." I ask her as she walks by me. Stopping she shrugs and walks away to start working. I try thinking hard for name Oliver could have told me but I couldn't think of one that stood out, I'll find out later.

Someone taps my shoulder taking me out of my thoughts. I turn around to find Jose smiling at me while holding a plate with food wrapped in plastic. I've never since him make before. "Hey Jose, what's this?" handing it to me I take it. "My wife wanted you to have this, said that it was long overdue. Whatever that means" I laughed and smiled thankfully. Waiting for me to explain, he stands there. "She had told for a few weeks now that she would make me her specialty meal called Bulgogi, thank her for me will you Jose?" He nods and walks away.

Jose and his wife are one of the most kind souls. When Nat and I came here we struggled for a while. Until I meet his wife Lucy. She's a short Korean women while Jose is an average height Salvadorian. The best older couple I've ever meet. It had only been under a week since we moved into the house when I noticed that I didn't have enough money anymore. I worked in three different jobs for months. She lived across from me and saw how much I was struggling, in taking my daughter to school and making money.

One day while I was at my worse she knocked on my door and offered me the sweetest understanding smile I had ever received, somehow I knew that from that day forward everything would get better. From that day on she helped me find a job through her husband. Helped me pay my bills until I could on my own. She even offered to babysit Nat whenever I needed a break. She helped me be a better mom for Nat. I owe her so much, along with her husband, Jose.

"Alright now to find out who this hotshot is and when is he getting here."


"What do you mean he won't be coming? That is very unlike him. He is a man of his word. Let me speak to him this instant." I hear Oliver argue with someone on the phone. Walking into his office he lifts his finger letting me know to give him a minute. "Busy? What could he be busy with?" He sighs in frustration when the person on the other side says something. "Tell at least that we will reschedule." He nods and throws his head back in relief. "Alright, since I won't be here tomorrow I will have my head manager greet him. He will have to make do with her since he couldn't come today." He rolls his eyes. "I know but the reason why we were going to have the meeting today was that I was going to be gone for the next month. He knew this and he decided not to come. If he wants to come and see the hotel for himself then he can come tomorrow. My head manager is more than capable to answer all his questions." He sighs annoyed. "As I said, he knew and now he has to deal with it. After all, I was not the one that came to him about buying my hotels, he came to me." I lean against the doorframe beginning to get bored. "Alright than tell him, my staff will be waiting for him tomorrow at 10 a.m. sharp. Tell him to make it this time." Hanging up he groans closing his eyes. A few seconds he opens them and looks at me smiling. I smile back.

"You really have great timing Megan." I laugh. "I try my best Oliver." He nods. "I can tell, you're the best head manager I've had since I've opened my hotels." I blush and say thank you. "So what did you want to talk about?" He asks. "I was just wondering when our guest was going to come but I guess I have my answer." He laughs and nods. "Yeah, he won't be coming today." I shake my head. "So unreliable, tell me again why you sold most of the shares of the hotels you created from the ground up to this person?" I tilt my head asking.

"I didn't want you to find out this way but all my other hotels aren't doing as well as this one. Which is why I was gone for almost five months last year." He looked away ashamed. I felt so bad for him. As flirty as he was, he did care about his hotels. I admired how hard he had worked for them. They were his father's dream before he passed. Now he was going to give up most of the shares to some random businessman because they weren't doing so well. I couldn't even get myself to hate the man for buying most of it off of Oliver. I have been in the world of business before so I know when something's like this happens there's nothing you can. "I'm sorry that this happened to you Oliver. If I can do something to cheer you up just let me know." With a knowing look he looks away. "I mean there is something you could do." I looked at him confused. "What is it? Tell me and I will do it."

Looking back at me again he speaks. "Go on a date with me." He said with hope in his eyes. "Oliver..." He gets up from his seat and places my hands in his palms. "I know we've been through his before Megan but give a chance, just one. To prove myself, to prove that I'm not like the men who have come before and hurt you." I look away, letting up of my hand he places his finger under my chin and turns my head. Looking into his eyes I could see how much be was begging me. Sighing I give in. "Alright, just one. Don't make me regret this Oliver." He smiles at me as if he won the lottery. "Thank, thank so much. I promise I you won't regret it, ever." He grabs my hand and kisses them before running out of his office and yelling into the hall, "SHE SAID YES!!" I heard some people cheer and clap while others laughed at his silliness. Running back inside he grabs my face and kisses both of my cheeks. Grabbing his suit jacket runs out again and then he's gone.

I touch my cheek and blush. I could feel myself smile, I couldn't stop it. "I was going to ask what he meant by that but by the look on your face and that blush I can assume what it was." I look to see Ava smirking at me with her arms folded. I playfully glare at her. "Shut up Ava." She laughs.

"So you finally said yes to the guy?" I nod. "It's about time. Everyone has been waiting for you to say yes. What took you so long?" I sigh. "I don't have the best history with men. One way or another most have hurt me and betrayed me. I didn't want Nat to grow with that type of man. She deserves a man who she can look up to as a father. One that cares of her mentally, physically and emotionally. She deserves at least that much and so do I." She smiles at her understanding.

"Well I'm happy you gave him a chance. He doesn't seem like a bad guy. Really cares about his own. Whether it's family, employees or customers. He cares about them all. He has a big heart." I nod. "Yeah he does, I was just scared that if he didn't hurt me that maybe I would hurt him."

"Do you want to hurt him?" I shake my head no. "Than? What's the problem?" I sigh. "I just seem to hurt people unintentionally sometimes." She walks over to me and hugs me. "Don't think about what bad things might happen, think about the good." I nod and hug her back.

Pulling away I wipe my tears and chuckled. "When did you become so wise?" I asked. "I've always been, you just never noticed." She looks at me and I look back. We both starting laughing.


"You would do that for me Lucy?" She nods. "Of course child, you need to get out there again. Not because of bills and a father figure for Nat but because you need someone to help you emotionally. And only your partner can help you with that. Your a strong independent single mother but there's nothing wrong with ask help emotionally from a partner. And from what I hear and seen, Oliver may just be that person. You don't have to let him in right now but slowly. No need to rust things. Okay?" I smile and nod. I wipe my tears, laughing she wipes her own. "Before we cry rivers lets go get Nathalia." I nod and follower her upstairs to Nathalias room.

Walking in we see Jose playing dolls with her. I giggle and as does Lucy. Focused on playing with Nat, Jose doesn't see us come in. Standing where we are we watch them. "Jose is so good with children. How come you guys never had some?" She sighs. "I unfortunately couldn't have some." I looked at her feeling sympathy for her. "I'm sorry I asked." She shakes her head. "No it's fine. We tried to adopt. We had spoken with a mother who was giving up her child after birth. We agreed to be the family to take it in but it died along with its mother. We were so heart broken from it that we agreed not to ever adopt again." She takes a deep breath. "It terrible that they both died but there's so many children out right now that need a home. Don't see it as if your replacing it because your not. Your just giving other children a chance. The same chance you were going to give to that baby." She nods. "Your right, I'll to Jose about it. Thank you Megan." I say your welcome and give her a hug. A hug we both needed.


"Ava I think that's enough make up." I laugh pushing her away playfully. "Yeah your right, I'm sorry. I'm just so happy and nervous for you. Because you seem to have all your emotions under control."

"Because she's bada*s like that." Yessika says walking into the room. "Look what I found hidden away in my closet." Ava and I turn to look at her holding a beautiful long black dress. "Yessika, that looks like it's cost a fortune." She smiles sweetly. "Girl don't worry about the price. It was gift from my husband, it not me so you can have it. Plus I think it will fit you perfectly. I'm not as hourglass shaped as I was when he bought me this." I shake my head. "I can't take it Yessika." I say admiring the dress. "Alright how about this, wear it tonight for your date. When your done if you still don't want it than you can give it back. If you want to keep it than by all means do." I couldn't say no to that. "Just for tonight." I say grabbing it and placing it against my body. "I think you'll look sexy." Ava winked and I laughed at her. "Alright, how about I go look for some shoes to match while Ava puts the straightener to heat up. Deal?" We both nod and go our own ways. I go to close my curtains when I see someone standing in the middle of the street. Blinking a couple of times and slapping my cheeks I look back. There was no one there anymore.

"Megan what are you waiting for? Hurry up." I look away from the window and say okay. I close the curtains and begin to undress.


"Done." Ava and Yessika look at each other and back at me. "Want to see my final masterpiece?" I nod at Ava and she turns me around. I stare into the mirror and back stared a women I never meet before. I never felt so sexy and powerful. I felt like I was on top of the world.

"Feeling sexy and powerful." I looked Ava bewildered. "Don't worry I don't read minds. I just know that look. A dress like this shouldn't have to make you have to feel like that Meg. Hopefully in time Oliver will show you that. Or better yet you will see that on your own." I hug and Yessika. "Thank you guys so much." They both say your welcome. I reach for my phone to check the time. It was ten minutes to eight. "We have ten minutes to spare. What should we do?" I look at Yessika and she shrugs her shoulders. I look at Ava and she smirks. "How about some drinks? Let's get you a little loosen up. Or more like me since again you seem way to calm." I laughs and nod. "Sure just let me grab my bag and phone." They nod and head downstairs.

Quickly grabbing my bag and placing my phone inside I head downstairs. Reaching the bottom few stairs I stop and see Oliver standing at the door. Looking at me he freezes. "Never mind those drinks Megan. Seems lover boy is here early. Has been here for a while actually." Oliver looks away with a blush growing on his cheeks. "Ava hush would ya. Don't you see your making the poor guy blush." Yessika says grabbing Ava. "Sorry about that. She doesn't seem to know when to zip it." Yessika pushing Ava into the kitchen.

Than it's just Oliver and I. I walked down the rest of the stairs to be just a few inches away from him. Clearly my throat to try and clear the awkwardness from the air. "So do you want to come in or head out?" Looking up at me he nods to outside. Walking away I follow. I close the door behind me and walk to the car where Oliver is holding the door open for me. "You can do this Megan, it's just one date with Oliver, who happens to be your boss and a very great guy. Come on now Megan, don't get nervous on me." I say speaking to myself. Once I reach the car I clear my throat once again and say thank you. Nodding I get in and he closes the door.

"Well that wasn't awkward at all." I mumbled. "Why do I have to be so awkward." I hear someone chuckle beside me. I cover my face so Oliver wouldn't see me blush from embarrassment. He had caught me talking to myself.

Getting in the car he starts it and than I hear him shift in his spot. Two big hands tear my hands from my face. Looking away he chuckles again. Placing my hands down I gently grabs my chin and turns it to him. I smile awkwardly. Once again making him laugh. "It seems like we starts off this date with a lot of awkwardness. How about we fix that?" I nod. "That would be great." He nods and smiles. "Alright than," he let's go of me and turns off the car. "Once I turn this car back on, what happened before didn't happen at all. Got it?" I nod and giggle.


"So... How did it go? Any sexy talking or sweet touches?" I shake my head and smile. "Don't tell me that you guys had it?" I playful slap your shoulder and shake my head. "No you idiot." I laugh. "Well than, what was it that has you smiling like a fool?" My smile becomes bigger when I think about our date.

"Spill Megan! Me and Ava have been waiting three hours for you to get home. Next time I'm giving lover boy a curfew to bring you home." I roll my eyes at Yessika dramatic self.

"Nothing happened okay." It was now their turn to roll their eyes. "You can't fool us Megan Smith. We know something happened and you will tell us." I sigh and give up. "Alright fine." They both squeal, I instantly cover my ears.

"Jesus you two. What are you? Teenagers?" I roll my eyes and they laugh. "Alright so what happened?" I begin to smile again thinking about what happened tonight.

"Alright so after you guys had decided to make the start of our date awkward, we had decided to start over. He took us to a fancy restaurant in the city. I forgot the name but he said that his buyer owned it and that he had asked if he could make us a reservation on the rooftop. It was so beautiful you guys. The whole rooftop was cleared out. There was a bar in the corner and just our table. And a garden surrounded us as the city buildings towered from afar. It was so beautiful and romantic. We spent the night talking about all matter of stuff. We took turns talking of ourselves. He understood that there are things in my past that I want to keep hidden. He didn't push me, he actually drew the conversation away from my past whenever he saw my not want to talk about it. After eating we danced and had some drinks. A few minutes before we left we stopped and to look over the city. We stood in the most comfortable silence I've ever stood with a man in years. We mentioned how he admired who I was as a single hardworking mother. That Nathalia was thankful to have me. He mentioned how he wanted to finally meet her. I told him that Nat would have to be the one to say she was okay with it. He understood and said he will wait however long it takes. On our way to the house we started to sing along to the music on the radio. We joked around about who had the worst singing voice. Once we got to the house I didn't want to get out and it seemed like neither did he want me to. Staring at each other we both knew I had to go. Like the gentleman he is he opened my door, it was funny because I had got of our the car before he could. He made me get back in the car. He said get your cute behind back in that car so I be the gentleman my mama raised me to be. It was so sweet and funny. When I got to the door I looked at him and said I'll see you tomorrow he just looked at me. And than in a split second he pulled me to him and kissed me. I swear I have never been on a date before so this was differently what I would have wanted it to be like."

I look back at Ava and Yessika to see them laying on my bed staring at me with awe. "Stop looking at me like that you dummies." They laughs. "In the years I've known you Megan I have never since you this kind of happy. When your with Nat your different, you happy but not like this. It's different." I look at her confused. "Whatever you loser." We all laugh."By the way Megan, I brought another one of my dresses for you to wear for the meeting tomorrow." I groan tried. "I almost forgot about that." Ava laughs. "Good luck with that girl." Yessika laughs.


"So your buyer is coming today?" I asked Oliver over the phone. "Yeah he will, for real this time." I sigh with relief. "Alright thank you."

"Yeah sorry about the other yesterday." I laugh. "No it's okay, it wasn't your fault. Hey so about yesterday..." I say. He chuckled. "Did you like it? I never got the chance to ask." I laugh and nod my head. "Yeah I did."

"That's great! I mean that's great." I giggle at his excitement. "So I was wondering that when I come back, if we can have a second date?" I think about it.

"Yeah, that would be excellent. Do you know when your coming back? I know you had to change your date because something came up." He sighs. "Yeah, I don't know yet unfortunately. But as soon as I do I'll let you know."

"Alright, well I'll call later after I've meet with the buyer." I say getting up to leave the changing room. "Alright, don't let him intimidate you." I laugh. "I won't." He laughs and hangs up.

Walking outside I gather most of my workers. "Alright guys, yesterday was a false alarm but today is the real deal. You guys did awesome yesterday so I want you guys to keep at it. I won't ask you to push yourself to your limit. All I will ask if to do your job the right way like you guys have always done. Alright than, chop chop people. Get to work." Everyone go their way. Walking to the charts I grab them to make sure they are all filled in for the morning.

I begin to fill in the ones that aren't by memory. Someone comes up to me smiling. I chuckled and urn to them. "Yes Michelle?" She laughed. "Oh you know, just wanted to check up on my boss." I shake my head laughing. "You sure that's all?" I questioned already knowing the answer. She sighs and gives in quickly. "Nope, I wanted to know if it was true."

"If what is?" She rolled her knowing I knew what she meant. "You know, if you went on a date with the big boss yesterday." I shake my head again laughing.

"Yes but don't tell anyone okay." She squeals and nods. Skipping away she goes back to her work. Michelle is the youngest here. Still in high school, a junior to be exact. She's so energetic and cherry all the time. That's what everyone loves about her. She's also very chatty, it can be very useful at time with the costumers. She joined the hotel a few months ago. She is also one of our works niece.

"Did I fill them out correctly today?" Asked Jose making his way to me. "Oh it was your turn today." He nods and I see his name above. "Yeah you filled it out right just missed a few. Nothing more." I say as I place the charts away. "So how was Nathalia yesterday? Give you guys any trouble his morning or last night?" He shakes his head. "No, you know how she is. Very shy and obedient little girl. Didn't give us any time of problem at all."

"That's great, did she struggle with her homework again?" He shakes his head again. "Surprisingly no, not even one question wrong. You have a smart one there." I smile and nod. "Thanks you, and thank you so much for taking care of her last night. I know it was last minute."

"No it's okay, you know we don't ever mind taking care of that girl. She's like a daughter to us as well." I smile and hug him. "Thank you." I say. "Don't mention it child. We're always here to help."


"Where is he?" I say looking around. I fix my dress annoyed of this guy already. "I don't know Megan. Oliver said he would be here already. Do you think he took a wrong turn?" I shake my head . "No because he has a driver who has a GPS." I hear someone running up behind me. Turning around I see Michelle. "Michelle what's wrong." Taking a couple deep breath she speaks. "The buyer." She say taking another deep breath. "What about him?" I say looking down at my watch. "He came through the back kitchen door. My eyes widen with shock. Taking off my heels I run towards the kitchen with Luca and Michelle behind me. "Why the heel did he go through the back?" I say to myself.

Reaching the kitchen I look around to spot only the workers. "Where is he?" I ask them. "He said that he will be checking out the pool part of the hotel." I take off running once again once the cook finishes talking. Reaching the pool area I stop and take deep breath, I look in and see his with his back to me speaking to who I assume is his partner. Someone else was by his side. I look back out to see Luca rushing to me with papers in his hand. "The papers are all there?" He nods and wipes the sweat away from his forehead. Walking in I say speak. "Excuse me, are you the buyer for Mr. Myers?"

"Megan your heels." I quickly look down to rust and put on my heels. I grab onto Luca as I struggle. Once I'm down I fix my dress and throw my long hair back. Looking up I stick out my hand to introduce myself. Once I meet his eyes I freeze. My heart began to beat so rapidly.

'Get a hold of yourself Alexandra you don't even know if he remembers you. It's been five years.'

I clear my throat and shake his hand. "It's a pleasure to finally mee Mr. Adam." Shaking my hand he speaks. "No the pleasure is all mine." He says kissing my hand with a smirk. I pull my hand away and wipe it. Looking to either side of him I see Adam and Victor. I swallow saliva as my mouth became dry.

"I am Megan Smith and I will be your guide for today. Any question you have about the hotel financing or rating I can help. I know this hotel like the back of my hand. This is Luca, he is my assistant for the today." Luca steps up and shakes their hand.

"These are Adam and Victor Williams. They are here to watch over the process of this meeting. Learn what is to be in a business meeting." I nod and shake their hand without looking at them in the eye. When I shake Victors hand he grips it a little too tight. I knew he was trying to get me to look at him but I didn't, I couldn't.

"So shall we take a tour of the hotel?" I ask looking up at Nathaniel. He nods with a smug smile on his face. So much for him not remembering me. I turn around quickly and we walk out of the pool area. As we walk into the hall towards the lobby where I would begin the tour all that would be heard was there footsteps and the clicking of my heels. Reaching the lobby I turn around to face them.

"Originally this is where were should have started but unfortunately that wasn't so. Anyway, this is the enternece of the hotel..."


I continued to show them the hotel when Ava came running towards me. I thanked the gods she was here. But when I the phone in here hand and the look on her face I instantly took that back. "Ava what's wrong?" I asked worried. Stopping right in front of me she takes a few deep breaths. "I need to talk to you," looking behind she paused. "Alone. It's really important." I nod and turn around to face them. "I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me I have to go. I'll be back very shortly." Grabbing Luca I whisper in his ear. "Keep them occupied." He nods and turns to them. I walk back into the building with Ava.

Once we're inside I speak. "Alright what's wrong?" She hands me the phone. "It's the school. Something is wrong with Nat. They need you over there right now." I swear under my breath. "Alright thanks." She walks away and I take the phone.

"Hello this is Megan speaking." I say into the phone panic lacing my voice. "Hello Ms. Smith. I am sorry to call during work. I know you must be very busy today." I shake my head. "No, no it's okay. So what happened with my daughter?" The lady sighs. "That's something we must speak with you once you arrive here Ms. Smith." I sighed annoyed. "Alright, I'll be there soon." Saying okay she hangs up. "Fvck what happened with Nat." I fit the wall beside me. I turn around to head back to the tour when I'm meet with  brick wall. Looking up I see the face of this brick wall. Stepping back I take a deep breath.

'How long has he been standing there for?'

"Hello Mr. Adam. I was actually about to go and head back." He raised his eyebrow at me. He takes a step forwards and I take one back. "If you can please tell them know I had to go. I have to deal with some personal issues." Taking another step towards I take one back. Than another causing me to be meet with a real brick wall. He bends down and smirks. My heart quickens. "Mr. Adam." I say almost breathless.

His face is than just centimeters away from mines. I feel as if my heart stopped. I feel as his breathe fans my cheeks as he gets closer. His lips caress my neck making me release an extremely unexpected sigh. "I'll let them know. You best be on your way to your daughter."

I don't even realize when he's gone. Shaking my head I slap myself a bit. "Megan get your head of of those damns clouds." Taking off my heels once again I take off running to my car."


"Yes I'm Nathalia Smith mother, Megan Smith." The office lady nods and waved me over. "This way Miss" I follow her to the principal office. As I enter I see Nathalia sitting down with head head on her knees. Along side her was Aiden and his brother Lorenzo Dalton. Along with Yessika.

"Oh no, who did you guys play a prank on boys? Did you drag Nathalia into it again?" They all looked at me shyly. I knew that it was exactly that. Shaking my head at them I look at the principal. "What prank did they pull now?" She opens a file. It was the file with all the pranks they had pulled off. Since the very first one. "They unscrewed all the bolts from Ms. Morris desk, chair and classroom door. Along with four specific student desk." Yessika and I sigh. I'm the one to speak up first. "Why did you guys do it." I say looking down at them.

"They has it coming." Said Lorenzo. "And hows that?" Asked Yessika. "Because." I roll my eyes at his tough boy act. It was cute and adorable but right now wasn't the time for that. "Aiden?" I asked. "Would you like to further explain why?" He looks away. "Aiden answer her." Yessika says. He sighs and gives in. "Those four girls were bullied Nathalia the other day. Pushing her into the door. Mr. Morris saw and didn't do anything." I sigh and go down to their level. "I understand why you did it guys but it wasn't right. If one teacher doesn't listen or do anything and go to another one is bound to listen."

"Yeah right." Mumbled Lorenzo. "If none of them had listened than you should have told one of us. We're your parents. Don't say we wouldn't do anything because you know we would Lorenzo." He stays quite. I look over at Nathalia. "I'm sorry mom. It's my fault. I told them not to say anything. It was my idea to do the prank, not there's." She looks at the principal. "Punish me not them." I get up and look at the principal. She sighs and shakes her head. "There will be no punishment this time. I'll speak with Mr. Morris. I know there's always a very understandable reason for why you boys through those pranks when Nathalia is involved. Your also not that first to mention that Mr. Morris is has let things Ms. Portman does to other student in his class slide. Next time please talk to another teacher or your mother about it. Alright?" Nathalia and Aiden nod understanding. Lorenzo just rolls his eyes. "Alright, Lorenzo?" He mumbles something. "Or do you want me to give you guys punishments Lorenzo?" He sucks his teeth and nods. I look at the principal and smile. She laughs. This was the usual Lorenzo. "Alright than, off you kids go. Back to class. Make sure to take a past from Ms. Martin before leave. Nodding all three get up and leave.

"They are a hand full those three." Yessika and I laugh. "Your telling me, I have birth to two." We all laugh. "I can't say I won't miss them once they graduate from elementary school. Those three are the only ones that can make me stress and laugh at the same time."

"I feel ya, by the way thank you for not giving them a punishment." She waves it off. "No it's fine. If I'm being completely honest, those four little girls had it coming. They are like the girls from mean girls. Except they are seven and eight years old. Stacy Portland and her friends are very cruel. But because her mother pays for most of the field trips the school board won't let me do much. Because of her I now have to speak to her poor father who only follows everything dearest mommy says." She shakes her head in disappointment. Yessika and I follow. "Alright than, enough gossiping. I should get back to work." Yessika and I laugh. Nodding we thank her again and leave. Yessika and I walk out together.

"I remember the mean girls from when I was in school. Real b!tches they were. At least they turned out to be better people now that they are older." I laughs "I remember mine too. However one that I know of never changed. The other two I don't know what happened to them."

"By the way did you also get a call saying something was wrong like your boys? Because I got a call that made Nathalia sound like she got get or something. I was panicked." She nods. "It was that b!tch Zoe again from the office. She left early so I wasn't able to give her a piece of my mind." I laugh. "It's not funny, I swear she's a b!tch." She begins cursing her out under her breath. I just laugh.

Zoe is a lady from the office that likes Yessika husband. Always trying to contact his by using Lorenzo and Aiden as an excuse. The doesn't put an mind to her and because of that she blames Yessika. So whenever she gets the chance she messes with her. And with me too sometimes because I'm friends with her. It's childish really. Yessika and I have spoken to the principal about it and she told us that she really can't do much since she's a volunteer and they need the help in the office.

"Alright than Yessika, I'll speak to you tomorrow if I can." Looking back up at me she nods. A black car pulls up and the driver get out to open the door for her. I wave goodbye and walk to my car.


"Alright the foods ready honey, make sure you washed your hands before coming downstairs." I yelled from the kitchen to Nathalia. "Okay mom!" She yelled back. I hear as her feet walk across the wooden floor upstairs. Walking to the dining room  to set the table I hear the door ring. "Must be Jose checking up on Nat." I say myself out loud. I walk to the door to open it. It wasn't Jose standing out.

"Nathaniel? I mean Mr. Adam? What are you doing here? And how do you know where I live?"

"Nice apron beautiful." I looked down and saw my dirty apron. I quickly take it off. "I asked you a question." I said annoyed. "Well that's no way to speak to your future boss, more like your new boss." I roll my eyes. "When you've come to a person house uninvited, it's no longer going to be an business but personal. Now answer me, why are you here?" He chuckles. It was so deep and manly.

'Head out of the clouds Alexandra'

"I wanted to-"

"Mom who's at the door? Is it's grandpa?" I hear Nat ask running down the stairs. Looking back and up at her I panic. "Nathalia no running down the stairs!" She stops and frowns. "I'm sorry." I shake my head feeling guilty for yelling. "I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to yell. And no it's not your grandpa. Go sit at the table, I'll be there in a minute okay?" She nods and listens. Without looking at who was at the door she walks to the dining room.

I look back at Nathaniel with a glare. He wasn't looking at me but at Nat. "Nat I'm going to be outside for a bit." I sigh walking out. "Alright mommy." I close the door and cross my arms over my chest. "I won't ask again Nathaniel, what are you doing here?" He seemed lost for words. "Words Nathaniel." He sighs.

"How long have you been living here?" I roll my eyes. "I don't see how that is any of your business."

"Damn it Alexandra." He hits the wall next to me. "Do you have any idea how worried I've about you these past five years?" I lean my back against the door letting him know I didn't care. "I don't see how I'm any of your business." I watch as his face expression changes. He looked dangerously mad. Taking a few deep breaths he calms down. "How the hell did you even find me out here anyway? I'm very far from where we last saw each other." He smirks. "Believe it or not, it seems fate is on my side because I didn't purposely find you. I just happened to come to accept a deal with the now old owner of the hotel."

"I don't believe you." He shrugged his shoulders. "You don't have to. I know the truth and I told you the truth. Whether you believe or not is all you." I roll my eyes. "Well just so you know, I'm not going anywhere with you so stay away from me and Nathalia. We will only talk if it's business related, no more, no less. Got it." He chuckled and smirked. He traps me against the door. Lowing his head he whispers in my ear. "We will see about that." His presses his lips on my neck slightly before speaking again. "We will see." Pulling away we smirks at me. Our faces just inches away. I bring to breathe again realizing I was holding in my breath.

I search for the door handle, when I find it I turn it and open it. I turn around to enter the house when his voice stops me. "Is it true?" I turn my head slightly to look at his confused. "You're seeing that Oliver guy. The one who used to own the hotel?" I sigh annoyed. "That is none of your business Nathaniel." I walk into the house and lock the door. I lean my back against the closed door and slide down on to the floor.

"If Nathaniel found me by accident than what are the chances of Nate finding me. Fvck!" I hit the floor and than bring my face to my knees. Tears began to escape.

'Nathalia has a nice home here, I can't take her away from here. I've also come to love it here. Why did everything have to go from amazing to horrible? I can't let Nate get to her, I'll take my last breath before he can ever get to her. I need to find a way to keep her safe.'

"Are you okay mommy?" I wipe away my tears and look up. Nodding at her I get up. "I'm fine honey. About we eat? Yeah?" She nods and walks towards me. Grabbing my hand we walk into the kitchen. I look down at her and smile. She smiles back.

'Don't worry Nathalia, I will keep you safe. At whatever cost.'

『 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖, 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 』

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Twitter: Wildfire_247
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Xoxo ~Wildfire~♥️

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