the city girl. {SLOW UPDATES}

By laneless_bae

303 10 0

"You keep robbing my heart like a bank, and I only got myself to blame.." Dehlia Naomi Anders AKA DNA, was a... More

Chapter 1: 5 Long Years Later.
social media - ONE
Chapter 2: Let's get to work.
social media - TWO
Chapter 3: Let's Work.
social media - THREE
Chapter 4: Just Dance.
social media - FOUR
Chapter 5: Just Dance (PART II)
Chapter 6: Solivagant

Chapter 7: Eesome

4 0 0
By laneless_bae

(Continuing straight after last chapter)

I had combined everything, and had fluffed the eggs up with a hand mixer and a dash of milk. Once mixed I begin cooking everything.

*Fast forward brought to you by my boredom and laziness*

Everything is done finally, I just need to plate up "hey Shawn? Can you help with something real quick." He waltzed in with phone in hand and curious look on his face, "yeah? What do you need?" I glance at him a little bit owlishly, "Oh! Right yeah, could you please grab some cutlery for us, from the top right draw and the plate from the glass cupboards above the island." He nods and puts his phone away in his back pocket, and walks over to the island to grab everything. "Where did you want me to put everything?" I hum and ask him to place the plates next to me and to take the cutlery to the dining area in the next room.

I dish up the omelette and carry them over the dining area, "hey do you want anything to drink? I have anything from alcoholic beverages to soda to water?" He nods and asks for an iced tea, I nod and dash down to my fridge grabbing myself a peach iced tea and Shawn a lime green iced tea. I love the stuff and the packaging, it's homemade and comes in these specially made glass bottles with customised bottle screws. Boujee? I know. After sitting down I let a rather dramatic sigh out and smile up at Shawn.

"Right. Dig in. I hope you like it..." I look up at him nervously as I grab the cutlery, and start cutting into my omelette. I hear a gasp and moan of delight, "OMG DEHLIA! What the hell?! Are you Gordon Ramsay's adopted daughter or something? Like this is so good! What the hell!!" Shawn rambles on with a child like glint of wonder in his eyes. He sips the iced tea and looks equally as pleased at his beverage. He gapes at me in wonder (hehehe wonder...). Like he can't believe I exist or something I don't know. I just giggle to myself at his reaction to everything, and shake my head at his childishness.

"So Shawn, how exactly did my sister and your manager get in contact and arrange this?" Curious to know how this came about. Because I don't seek out my clients unless I have a song that would absolutely suit them or absolutely love them. "Well you know Niall? Niall Horan? He's one of my best friends. Well him and Ed, you'd just helped Niall with writing Slow Hands which by the way is amazing. And you just helped Ed with the production of Perfect. I just started writing and recording for my next project, but there's a few empty slots and I'm having a bit of writer's block. They both suggested you, I had known about you well before I got signed to Island. So Andrew contacted your offices and got in touch with your sister and rest was history." I just look at him as I eat whilst he was explaining, nodding my head along to what I already knew. Niall and Ed were amazing to work with both great guys, so funny and extremely passionate as well as dedicated to music. You'd think they were married to it. Anyways I finish my bite and look up to him, "well that's quite a story, and I've also heard about you. Heard some of your covers back when vine was still around, I knew you had talent and authenticity towards the craft that is music," shawn chuckles at my dorky comment, "but yeah Niall and Ed are great guys." I smile towards him, watching him smile just as wide towards me.

I shake my head and get up grabbing mine and Shawn's plate, "dessert?" I glance at him curiously, when I say he looked like Christmas came early I'd be selling you short of the truth. We both walk to the kitchen, I place the dishes in the washer and turn to him "what I'm about to show you would be considered candy land for every sweet tooth and pastry chef." I walk to the walk in fridge/freezer, and open the doors, I look over my shoulder for Shawn's reaction and he's just staring in awe at the stock. "I have everything from cake to cheesecake, to muffins, to cupcakes, to brownies, to cookie, to jelly, to mousse and to ice cream. Anything you can think of is most likely in this room. If it's not then I can make from scratch, cause my nana would be ashamed of me if I didn't." Shawn shakes his head in disbelief, "I don't know what to- I- did I fall over something? Like have I fainted or anything? Am I concussed?" Shawn rambles from shocking, not knowing really what to say to this. "Are you telling me Dehlia that everything in this room is baked by you?" I shrug at him, "I mean 80% of it is, I stress bake. Especially when I can't come up with a concept for something. It helps spark creativity, I love learning new recipes too." Shawn steps forward still completely speechless at my crackhead level dessert pantry, well it used to be a cupboard but at this point it's a pantry and i'm talking walk in sized pantry. He immediately graviates towards the ice cream freezers, and has a look at the flavours available. Grabbing a banger of a flavour from the freezer space; Peanut Butter Reeses as well as the Berry Swirl tub, and also grabbed a few cannolis each a different flavour. He turns to me with a goofy smile, "so, I guess we should do a round of 20 questions, shall we begin?"

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