ESCAPISM | Freddie Mercury (V...

By freddiesmixtapes

90.9K 4.9K 19.3K

"I wonder, Freddie... Is to have had and lost better than not having at all? What do you think?" More

Prologue: RUN
1. Three Reasons
2. Wait,
3. I Want More
4. Come...
5. I'll Come...
7. I Want To Feel You
8. Why Don't You Come Out and Play?
9. Who Is It?
10. Tell Me
11. Save Me a Seat
12. He Makes Me...
13. I See
14. There's Something I Need to Tell You...
15. I Want You To See Me
16. I Need You To Know
17. You Really Want Me To, Don't You?
18. Would You Like To Find Out?
20. Right Here, Right Now
21. Don't Take It Away From Me
23. Bruce Wayne, Black Queen, & A Little Bird
24. BLOOD?
25. Variety
26. HEY!
27. Show Me
28. Speechless
29. Good Morning, Freddie
30. How Do You Know That?
31. I'm Freddie Mercury
32. I'm Here
33. Royal Treatment
34. My Fairy King
35. For Now...
36. HQ
37. Daisuke
38. Roman
39. Give Me Something To Remember
40. Play God
41. Too Much (pt. 1)
42. Too Much (pt. 2)
43. Follow Me
44. Your Words, Not Mine
45. Are You Happy, Freddie?
46. Never Forget This
47. I Give You Heat
48. Drowse
50. Self Defense
51. Escapism

6. Yes, Freddie...

3.3K 139 509
By freddiesmixtapes

You've been SMUT WARNED 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Oh, Freddie! This is where we came for your party!"

"It is..." Freddie smiled, opening the door for her. "There's a special table for us."

Lucy's eyes marveled at the nightlife's surroundings. This city came alive in a distinct way at this hour.

Freddie led her to a secluded booth, sitting next to her instead of across from her.

"You are gorgeous, my dear... absolutely stunning. I love this dress. There's just one thing to add..." He pulled the necklace from his pocket, laying it around her neck. "As promised," he added warmly.

"Thank you, Freddie..." Lucy's eyes gleamed. "You mean so much to me. I've come to feel very close to you. I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you. Your heart and your soul are very precious to me."

Freddie flashed her a full smile, yet conscious of his teeth, he brought his hand to cover his mouth. Lucy caught his hand in hers and held his hand in her lap. "Your teeth are beautiful, Freddie. They are beautiful. You are perfect as you are," she admired. "No one has ever made my heart race like you do."

Freddie touched her cheek, revering each of her features. He basked in this delicate side of her that very few others had the opportunity to experience.

"Would you take your hair down for me?"

"I would, it's just..." Lucy hedged. "It gets very frizzy," Lucy diverted, trying to hide her discomfort with the texture of her hair.

Freddie reached behind her, sliding the tie off the end of her braid. He carefully unraveled the braid, letting her hair come down completely and tangling his fingers in it.

"I love getting to see you like this, Lucy... You're so beautiful to me..."

"Drinks for you, Mr. Mercury?" Their waiter interrupted.

"Yes, my usual, please. And bring chef's special for dinner this evening," Freddie requested.

He nodded, returning promptly first with Moet Chandron just as Freddie called for.

"I'm so happy that you're with me tonight," Freddie commented with a smile. "And you don't have to go... Are you off of work tonight, dear?"

"Well..." Lucy exhaled. "To tell you the truth, I'm suspended for three months."

Freddie's eyes widened. "But... why?"

"Decisions have consequences." Their waiter poured Lucy a glass of champagne to which she accepted with kind regards. "I decided to do what I believed was right," she continued. "Even though it meant disobeying a direct order." Lucy raised the glass to her lips, taking a large sip.

It's been a long time.

"Do you always follow their orders?" Freddie questioned.

"Yes. I have to."

"Isn't it difficult to?"

"There are many things that are much more difficult."

Freddie studied the deep complexity in her eyes from her answer.

"Lucy..." Freddie moved his body closer to hers. "Where are you from? How is it that you can do everything that you do?"

"Mmm.... I'm not exactly sure where I'm from ..." Lucy began to flashback. "In my earliest memories, I lived in a small Togakushi Village in Japan. I became a shinobi there."

Spotting Freddie's confusion, she paused the recollection to elaborate. "A shinobi is... an undercover mercenary. When I was young, I trained to specialize in espionage, surprise attacks, and maneuvering the attention of opponents in irregular warfare."

"Like... a spy ninja?!?!" Freddie exclaimed.

Lucy giggled, stroking his thigh in confirmation. "Yeah... like that. I looked nothing like them so I do not believe I am Japanese. That village has since burned down when I was seven."

Freddie's eyes bore into hers, eager to hear more. "Well, then what happened to you?"

"Well... I trained at a neighboring dojo for 11 years. There, I learned every form of advanced martial arts in the book... and mental fortitude... and the value of stirring soup." Lucy simpered to herself.

Freddie's curiosity radiated as he leaned forward with his drink in hand, hoping to encourage Lucy to continue.

"I became a free agent after that. Used in various jobs for my skills in espionage. Then I applied for the Special Forces Agency when I was 15, made their elite Alpha Team, disobeyed one order and got suspended, and here I am. That about sums it up to current." Lucy took a few bites, letting Freddie process this capacity of new information. "Does it scare you?"

"No," Freddie moved her hair away from her face as she ate, marveling at such a simple action. "You see, you fascinate me, Lucy. And... I want to know so much about you... I'm so pleased you've told me."

"I trust you," Lucy declared. She took another sip of champagne, rapidly approaching her long-time-no-drink lightweight limit for the evening. "I've never told anyone that much. I can't, really."

Freddie began to play with her hair, his full attention on her as he drank.

"What's next for you, dear... what will you do in the meantime?"

"Oi..." Lucy sat her fork down. "I haven't given it much thought yet. I always figure something out, though. It will be fun to try something new," Lucy chimed with optimism. "This is a big city. There's lots for me to choose from!"

Averting her eyes, she traveled into her own world. "I have many valuable and translatable skills," she thought aloud. "I'm a great problem solver. I'm good at business, selling things, influencing people, deal-making, foreign relations... which... maybe I could translate to public relations..."

Lucy pulled a pen from her purse, jotting down her ideas on a napkin.

Freddie attempted to interrupt her, but—

"Oh! And money. I'm really good at making money. You know, Freddie... first thing tomorrow, I'll apply to work at that diamond shop we passed on the way here. I'll make a hell of a commission on a price point like that,"

Freddie beheld her in endearment.

She's so smart.

She's also very self-sufficient. 

How will I get her to agree to—

"Come to work for Queen," Freddie blurted.

Lucy froze. "But Freddie, I—"

"Please?" He insisted. "I know you can find work anywhere, I know that... You are savvy, strong, independent, and incredibly talented. You don't need a handout."

Lucy blushed at Freddie's assessment and attention to detail of her.

"I need you," Freddie continued. "I don't know a single person who can do the things you do." Freddie brought Lucy's hand to his lips and kissed it. Her heart fluttered at his tenderness and sentiment.

"And... There's plenty for you to do, you know... I think we need help renegotiating our contracts, we're getting the short end of the stick I'm sure of it, I just know it... And be my bodyguard!" Freddie chimed with a smile. "And if you can help me stay organized and manage my schedules, I for the life of me am tired of worrying about it... And help mediate when things get out of hand. There's a lot of egos, you know..."

Stunned, Lucy blinked at him as she fathomed his request.

"Please, Lucy? I need you... When I talk to you, you listen to me. You really hear me."

Lucy's eyes softened at his words.

"When you stood front row at our show, I felt supported. When I hugged you, on the roof... I felt really safe with you." Freddie confessed. "I want you around me, Lucy. Many people try to take advantage of me, I don't have many people I can trust..."

"Oh, Freddie..." Lucy scooted towards him, inches away from ending up in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled into his body.

He has a beautiful, open-hearted, generous, loving, trusting, and special spirit I've never seen before. I never want anyone to hurt him. He is someone I want to protect. 

With her head by his chest, she felt his heart racing, too.

Freddie held her close, placing a chaste kiss on her temple. Lucy's body shuddered, having never received this kind of affection before.

Noting her reaction, he placed another kiss onto her temple that lingered longer, feeling her body melt into his.

"Please come home with me, Lucy. I want to spend more time with you." He brushed his fingers through her hair and tucked some behind her ear, adorning her features. "I want to be close to you."

Lucy's heart rate accelerated and her nerves skyrocketed.

"Let me give you more affection. Let me treat you with delicacy..." Freddie brought his hand to her back, rubbing gently. He moved his hand up to the back of her neck, massaging tenderly. "I want to make sure you're safe."

He brought his lips to her ear, forming a sly smile. "It's an order."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Stepping out the shower, Lucy dried her hair and followed up with some of Freddie's lotion on her body in his bathroom.

Everything smells so exhilarant... 

She opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom, almost running into him.

"I appreciate you letting me use your shower, Freddie... and for dinner and letting me stay with you tonight..." Lucy thanked, trying to cover her body with as much of the towel as possible.

"You look beautiful," he stated bluntly.

Lucy blushed, feeling her knees weaken at his acknowledgment.

"You make me feel very special, Freddie..."

He stepped closer to her, holding her head in his hands and placing a kiss on her forehead. "You smell like me..." he breathed.

"I'll go get something to put on," Lucy bubbled.

"I want you to wear my clothes." Freddie directed. "And before you object, I want you to sleep in my bed. You'll be most comfortable there."

Lucy's hands clasped at the towel around her body as her breathing increased. Before she could rebuttal, Freddie pressed his forehead against hers.

"I want to be close to you, Lucy."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Freddie crawled into bed, holding his arms out to Lucy in invitation. Despite her nervousness of never being this close to a man before, Lucy obliged. She too crawled into bed with him and let out a long sigh to acquit the day.

Freddie scooted closer to her, unclothed, becoming the big spoon. She shivered at the new contact as his arms wrapped around her body.

He noticed a wound on her back, still healing. 

"Lucy... What happened here?"

"Mmm..." she attempted to recall. "Ahhh, grazed by a bullet. They tried it. But I am fast." Freddie felt her body shake as she giggled.

"It's not done healing I don't think..." She reached for her bag by the bedside, withdrawing two bandaids and a tube of ointment. Opening the tube and peeling the paper from the bandaid, she prepared to treat herself.

Yet Freddie took them from her hands and applied it himself. She tried to remain still as her heart pounded at the action. Placing the two bandaids securely over the wound, he brushed his fingers over the marred skin. He placed a gentle kiss to her back, making Lucy hum softly.

"Thank you, Freddie... that feels nice... you've given me the first kisses I've ever had before. Thank you..."

"Can I do it again?"

Before she answered, he placed another kiss on her back, feeling her body relax in his arms.

Lucy looked over her shoulder to see him, but before she could speak, Freddie caught her cheek with his hand and placed a soft, exploratory kiss on her supple lips with his. Breathless, Lucy's head began to spin as her heart jittered inside her chest.

Freddie's hands roamed her body, pausing to gently rub each scar, feeling Lucy shudder under his caress.

I've never been touched like this...

He hugged her waist tightly, completely enveloping her and feeling her soften into him. He moved his hands to rub her stomach, feeling it quiver as he placed more kisses on the back of her neck.

"Lucy..." Freddie's breath warmed her skin. "I like that you're here with me. I like being close to you." His hand rested on her hip and motioned her to turn toward him.

She turned her body to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her close.

"I'm going to kiss you again," he whispered against her lips.

He pressed his lips to hers, delivering her a deep, warm kiss. Lucy's senses drowned as she immersed into the kiss.

He hooked her leg around his waist, and she felt his length begin to harden.

"Freddie. I've never—" she felt strong need to be honest with him and come forth directly.

"Lucy..." Freddie's voice interjected, just above a whisper. "I want to be with you. I want to have all of you. I want to give you all of me," he kissed her again, sucking a bit on her bottom lip as he broke the kiss.

"I know it would be your first time... I want this." He lifted her chin towards him. "But only if you do, too... will you let me take care of you?"

Delirious, Lucy lost herself in his intoxicating gaze. Though entranced by his silky voice, she tried her best to consciously process what he asked.

"I want to give you affection, protection, and make love to you... will you let me do that?"

"Yes, Freddie... I... I trust you..."

He pressed his lips to hers, moaning into the kiss in anticipation as he peeled the shorts from her hips.

Unsure of what to expect, Lucy's body began to tremble as moisture pooled in her center.

Freddie's fingers began to gently rub her soft wet folds, acclimating her to his touch in her most precious and sensitive area. Moans spilled from her lips at this new contact.

"You're so wet, Lucy... you're going to take my cock so beautifully."

She shivered again, aroused by his language. Freddie placed comforting kisses to her neck as he pushed his finger inside of her wet entrance.

Lucy's body jerked involuntarily at this introduction to penetration.

"It's alright, dear... I've got you..." his other arm wrapped around her waist holding her even closer to him. "I'm going to make you feel so good, Lucy. I promise."

He pushed his finger deeper inside of her, feeling her tight walls unconsciously trying to resist the new intrusion.

"Mmmm... you're so tight, darling..."

Lucy took deep breaths, trying to persuade her body to relax, while Freddie devoted time to lubrication.

Freddie gently prodded with his fingers, coaxing her walls until they loosened and accepted him. As she opened up, he slid another finger inside.

"Oh god... Freddie..."

He kissed her again, feeling her unwind as he slid his fingers in deeper. Getting to know her body, he felt her walls give in as they got wetter, and he waited for her body's signal that she was ready for more.

"Are you okay, Lucy?" Freddie asked, finding her eyes.

"Y-yes Freddie... I'm okay..." she replied, breathing deeply.

He placed another calming kiss on her cheek. "Can you take more of me?"

She nodded in consent.

Freddie withdrew his fingers and Lucy sighed, already missing the contact. Feeling the tip of his warm length tease her well-lubricated entrance, Lucy squirmed in anticipation.

Freddie adjusted to let Lucy lie on her back, hovering above and devouring the sight of her below him.

"My beautiful girl...." He admired, stroking her cheek, feeling the heat in her face. He began to rub his cock against her wet folds, making her wetter for him as he repeatedly slid his length across her entrance.

"Lucy, darling... this may hurt a little bit... but please just trust me... I'll make you feel good... Okay?"

In a state of complete surrender to him, Lucy nodded her head.

Freddie began to push his hard thick cock inside of her tight wet entrance.

Lucy winced in pain, taking more deep breaths as she attempted to relax. Relax Lucy... you've been shot. Poisonous arrows... loaded guns... Relax, You'll be fine. she willed to herself. 

"I know, baby... I know," he cooed in her ear as he continued pressing into her.

Her body shook as he held her thighs, continuing to push his cock deeper and making her whine.

He kissed her cheek, breathing sinfully into her ear as he slid all the way in, to the hilt.

Freddie withdrew ever so slightly and pushed his cock back into her, deeper this time in a slow single thrust making Lucy's legs tremble.

Freddie leaned down, hugging her body and giving her a soothing embrace. She ran her hands along his back, trying to ground herself, body opening up after such devotion to her lubrication.

He placed soothing kisses on her cheeks as he increased his pace, listening to the beautiful noises she made as his cock continued to slide in and out of her.

Lucy's mind blanked while her body eased and her walls opened up to him.

"That's right, Lucy..." Freddie cooed in her ear with a kiss to her cheek, and another to her jaw. "Take my cock like a good girl..."

Breathing deep, she relaxed her body and exhaled intrusions of pain. Succumbing to his praises, bliss broke into her senses as she listened to his words.

"Yes, Freddie... give me more..."

Freddie smiled. Delivering kisses to her neck and quickening the pace of his hips, he deepened his thrusts. He brought his hands to her waist, holding her body and controlling the motion as he began to pound his cock deeper into her.

Abandoning her inhibitions, Her guard came down as she gave in to receiving every inch of him.

Freddie's hands explored her body, discovering her most responsive places. His hands found her warm soft breasts that bounced with his every thrust.

"Freddie... I love it when you touch me," Lucy whimpered.

He softly sucked her breasts, making her body crave more of him.

"Mmm.. do you like that, dear?"

"Yes, Freddie... it's so good..."

Freddie peppered kisses on her face and body as he angled his hips and fucked her deeper. With his repeated thrusts striking her g-spot, Lucy lost all control, coming undone and into a whimpering mess below him.

He wet his fingers in his mouth, bringing them down to gently rub her clit.

Dizzy for more, pleasure seized her. Lucy's walls tightened around his cock as her peak approached.

"Oh god, Freddie... yes... so good, Freddie... so good... shit...."

"Lucy..." he growled. "I'm going to make you cum, darling... Give in to me."

Freddie held her hands, lacing their fingers together and pinning them by her head as he pulverized her g-spot.

"Look into my eyes, Lucy."

She met his gaze, feeling safety wash over her as she surrendered to him further.

"That's it, darling... let yourself go..." his smile warmed her entire body.

Freddie pounded his cock inside of her with no reservation, high on every single sound she made.

He loved that her body lay open below him.

The beautiful flush across her cheeks.

Her uninhibited faces during their lovemaking.

Her elegant voice moaning his name.

The way her breasts bounced.

Her hands holding onto his for support.

Lucy felt an unfamiliar tightening in her center accompanied by lightheadedness that she attempted to forgo.

"You're close... Give it to me... Just let go... Cum for me, Lucy."

The tension building within her exploded, cascading through her body and drowning her in ecstasy as she moaned his name uncontrollably. Freddie held her as her body vibrated, feeling her clench and release around his cock.

"Such a good girl..." he praised, kissing her forehead.

Giving her body a chance to relax, Freddie withdrew his cock from her. With a few pumps, he released his hot cum across her body, marking her as his. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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