Yuri!!! On Ice Book 2

By Sophie_skates_reads

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This is officially the sequel to Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1, but you don't have to had read that one to understand... More

Author's Note!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 -- Epilogue

Chapter 2

131 3 28
By Sophie_skates_reads

May 1st, 2018- Ten Days Later-

Yuuri's POV

I stand on the balcony of our hotel room, the dying sun low on the horizon. Its rays filter down upon me through the air, making my hand twinkle and gleam. I hold it up, the ring on my finger sparkling as it reflects the fading light. I stare at it, I've been wearing it for two weeks and still can't believe I am. I can't believe I'm finally here. This moment's all I've wanted for so long and I can't seem to understand that it's real, that my life really is this perfect.

As if to reaffirm my thoughts, a pair of arms slip around me, embracing me gently from behind. I turn my head and find myself gazing into the dazzling blue eyes of my husband, the eyes I love so much. 

"It's beautiful," He whispers to me and looks along the scene before us. It is beautiful, but the look of happiness on his face as he watches it is immeasurably better.

I wrap my arms around him as he holds me, and let my head lean against his. We stand entwined together in the setting sun, completely at peace with our lives and content for this moment never to end.

May 2nd, 2018- The Next Day-

Yuuri's POV

I walk through the airport with Victor, hand in hand as we search futilely for our gate. I scan the signs overhead, none of them any use to me. Checking my watch, I find that we have an hour until our flight boards which reassures me slightly. Still, in this massive airport, it's a wonder we could even find customs.

We pass the food court in our quest for gate number 34, and Victor pauses, glancing into one of the tiny storefronts. I follow his gaze and understand what he's doing at once. From the stall wafts one of the best things I've smelled in my life. We take one look at each other and abandon our mission. Neither of us have eaten since morning, and as it's currently 3 pm, had planned on grabbing something before we got on the plane. This happens to work out perfectly, and we make our way to the small line in front of the shop.

My eyes rove over the menu on the screen above the checkout, trying to find the source of the smell that's drawn us here. Victor follows me and smiles triumphantly, pointing to something on the board. 

"I knew that's what it was," He says excitedly, "God, I haven't had it in years!" I consult the list of dishes again, confused.

"What is it?" I ask him quizzically, "I've never tried anything on there,"

"Really?" He seems surprised, "I thought everyone's tried this," I shake my head and he laughs. "Well, trust me. It's amazing," I put up my hands in mock defeat and watch as he purchases two orders of something unpronounceable. "Ta da," He says a few minutes later, holding out a container of the mystery food for me to take.

I grab it and we find a table near the back of the food court, sitting down and dragging our luggage behind us. I pop open the lid of my dish and immediately see what my husband was talking about. It smells incredible. 

I take a bite and can't help but gasp. "What is this?" I ask him quietly, forcing myself to swallow. He repeats the unpronounceable name again and frowns at the look on my face.

"Is it bad?" He asks me, looking at my dish from across the table. I just nod, knowing we're still within earshot of the little store the atrocity came from. "It can't be that bad," He says stubbornly and takes a bite. His face slowly turns green. "This," He says quietly after taking several drinks of water to clean out his mouth, "Is not what it's supposed to taste like," 

"Really?" I smile slightly, "Can't imagine why," We both laugh and toss our food down the nearest trash can, glad of the relief. "Shame, it smelled so good too,"

"We can find something else," He says and we rise to our feet, thinking there must be a better food source somewhere around here. We've barely gone five paces however when we stop again, our path blocked. 

A little girl stands in front of Victor, holding a pink blanket and looking scared. She comes up to him and tugs on his pant leg, eyes filled with tears. He crouches down, looking around the crowd in the packed food court. "Are you lost?" He asks her kindly and she nods, starting to cry. "Hey," He says gently and takes her hand, "It's okay, we can find your parents," She nods and follows as he leads her through the crowd, asking if she recognizes anyone. She shakes her head repeatedly and looks confused. This must be so terrifying for her, she can't be more than three and she's lost in a crowded airport all alone. 

Eventually, we come to a small clearing by the entrance, and stop again, asking her if she can see her parents. She starts to shake her head again when a voice cries out: "Lucy!" A woman with the same warm brown hair and hazel eyes as the little girl runs up, gathering her into a tight hug. "Where were you?!" She asks desperately as she checks her over, making sure she's alright. Once she's satisfied her daughter is safe she picks her up, holding her close. She turns to us, "Thank you so much," She begs, "I turned around for a second and she was gone, thank god you found her!" 

"Don't worry," My husband says kindly and takes the hand she offers, shaking it. "We were happy to help," She thanks us again before scurrying away into the crowd, not letting her daughter out of her arms. 

"I'm so glad she found her," I say to my husband as we continue on to our gate.

"I know, I would've had a heart attack if that happened to our kid," He must see the look on my face as he quickly adds, "You know, if," I nod and he turns away, looking awkward. "It's up here," He says and starts for the waiting area. I follow more slowly behind him, unable to get his words out of my head.

"Our kid," So does that mean....... he wants kids? I think back to how he acted with little Lucy; he was so kind, so good with her. I smile slightly; yes, there will most definitely be kids in our future.

**Author's Note!**

Hey guys! Sorry I took forever to update, but I have a week-long break coming up so I should be able to write a lot! Yay! In other news, I've decided to make this book more Otayuri based. The first one was a mix but centered around Victuuri with Otayuri side plots thrown in. This'll be the same, just centering around Otayuri with Victuuri side plots. I hope you don't hate that! It'll be the same story continued, just with a slightly different emphasis. Don't worry though, Victor and Yuuri will remain major characters so we haven't lost them! 

Also- I just had a brainwave for this story (when I started it I had no plot) and am really excited about it now! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you next time! 

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