You're Not Alone

By whateveryouwant100

166K 4.2K 2.7K

CLEXA HIGHSCHOOL AU Lexa: 18 Lexa was student at Polis High but since terrible break up with her ex-girlfrien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Series finale
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Au struggles
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 32

2.3K 62 46
By whateveryouwant100

Lexa's POV

I woke up with Aden still beside me asleep. Smile appeared on my face as I looked at him.
„Aden. It's time to wake up." I whispered and softly shaked him.
„Too early." He groaned with sleepy voice and covered himself with blanket.
„Come on we don't wanna be late. We gotta pick up Clarke and Madi." He sighed and rubbed his eyes while I was already looking through clothes in my closet.
„See you downstairs." He yawned when he stood up amd left the room.
After I took a shower I picked out my black hoodie I got yesterday, black jeans and denim jacket.

Aden was already eating downstairs by the time I got there.
„I thought you had work today." I grabbed apple from the kitchen counter where Anya was standing and making some breakfast.
„Im leaving soon. I can take Aden to school if you want me to." She smiled at me then at Aden.
„Yeah that would be great." Aden was still half asleep when I looked at him.

I packed everything in my backpack and left the house a bit earlier so I could buy us some coffee. Starbucks was near Clarke's house so I drove there.

„Good morning." My smile grew wider when Clarke opened the door for me. She had her hair in a messy bun and was wearing oversized white shirt.
„Good morning." I loved her sleepy voice. It was the cutest thing I've ever heard.
„Got you some coffee." I handed it to her.
She gladly took it and smiled when she took a sip.
„Thank you. Come inside." Clarke stepped aside so I could enter as I did.
„What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her because I knew that cooking wasn't her strongest side and she'd probably be hungry.
„Doesn't matter." She shrugged and kissed my cheek when she walked past me and sat down on the counter.
„Toast with jam?"
„That'll work." That was the prettiest smile I've ever seen.

„By the way, my mom already took Madi with her so we don't have to worry about that." Clarke informed me after a moment of silence.
„Yeah same here."
„Also do you wanna hang out with the others later after school? They talked about going at the beach in the evening." She added.
„I have a practice but I think I can make it." The toast was done. I took a bite and gave the rest to Clarke.
„Cool. We'll discuss it later anyway."

Clarke finished the breakfast and went upstairs to dress up while I was on my phone waiting for her to come downstairs.
„Ready." I heard her voice behind me so I stood up and walked over to her.
„Beautiful as always." My hands found their way to her waist as I kissed her.
„That sounded too cheesy." She chuckled as she gently pushed me away with her hands on my chest.
I faked a hurt look and followed her outside.


We arrived to school just on time. I parked my car next to Bellamy's. He was leaning against the door with his arms crossed, Raven was sitting on the roof and Lincoln had his arms around Octavia leaning against the car as well.

„Look who showed up!" Raven raised her voice when I got out of the car and opened the door for Clarke.
„Hi guys." Clarke greeted them when she got out and intertwined our fingers.
„You coming tonight?" Bellamy asked her.
„Yeah." She smiled.
„Lexa?" He looked at me now.
„Probably. I have practice." I scratched my neck with my hand that was in my pocket a second ago.
„It's okay. No worries. Just give us a call." Bellamy smiled as I nodded.
„Sorry for interrupting but we should get to our classes." Raven jumped off the roof and grabbed her bag.
„What do you have now?" I turned my head to Clarke and asked her while others were already walking towards the main entrance.
„Oh god." She chuckled when I said that.
„What about you?" She asked.
„PE I think." I looked up at the sky as I was thinking about it.
„See you later?" She took my other hand in hers.
„Yep." Smile appeared on my face when I looked down at her and gave her soft kiss.
„Love you." She gave me one last look after she pulled away and caught up with the others.
„Love you too." I shouted at her and smiled as I watched her jumping on Lincoln's back to carry her.


The field was already crowded with people that had PE class too. Finn was one of them and it really pissed me off but I decided not to pay much attention to him.
„Lexa!" Guess I failed at that.
„What?" I turned around with annoyed look and crossed my arms.
„Where can I find Clarke after this class?" He asked with heavy breaths since he had to run to catch up with me.
„And why would I tell you that exactly?" I raised my eyebrow.
„I just wanna talk." He put his arms up in surrender.
„Yeah you always say that but never do actually."
„Come on Woods."
„Fuck off Finn. That's all you gonna get from me." I turned around and continued walking towards the dressing rooms.

I closed the door behind me with a loud bang and threw my bag on the ground from anger.
Why does he always asks me about Clarke? As if I would tell him. Idiot.

„Are you okay?" Harper peaked from behind the lockers.
„Yeah. All good." I sighed and looked down.
„Yes." I put my fingers on my nose and closed my eyes.
„Sorry for that. I didn't know someone's actually gonna be here." I pointed at the door behind me with my thumb.
„It's fine. Don't worry about it." She gave me reassuring smile and changed her shirt.
„You should change. The class starts in 2 minutes." Harper informed me as she walked past me and left the dressing room.
„Shit." I took off my shirt and searched for the one I use for PE.

I ran outside on the field to start with the others.
„Just on time Woods!" Kane shouted when he saw me approaching.
I quickly stretched and listened to what we was saying.
„We're gonna run this track today. I wanna see how fast you are and how strong your condition is." That shouldn't be a problem.
„Come on!  Get ready." He clapped his hands and pointed at the start line.

We were all standing there waiting for Kane to blow a whistle.
„Go." He did and we all started running as fast as we could.
It was easy to be honest. I was running fast and almost at the front.
Some girls were faster but I tried to race them and I did but I was slowly running out of breath.
„Excellent work Woods!" Kane exclaimed when I finished as first one.
„Thank you." I managed to say between heavy breaths as I placed my hands on my knees. But I felt dizzy.
„Hey, hey. Sit down and breathe." Kane caught me when I almost fell on the ground.
„I'll get you water." I sat down and tried to catch some air.
„Here." Kane handed me a water bottle and I took a big sip.
All I could do was give him a small nod as thanks. This never happened before. I always tried to keep my body fit and in condition. Maybe I was getting sick.

„Take it slow for the rest of the day okay? You can go change now. It's was more than enough." Kane placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me encouraging smile.

„Okay everybody! Let's continue!" He shouted at the others while I left to take a cold shower to dressing room.
I took off my shirt and rest of the sport clothes. Cold water was all I needed.


„Hey babe." Clarke wrapped her hands around my neck when I approached her by her locker.
„Hi. What's up?" I asked and placed my hands on her waist.
„Nothing much. Just wanna go home already." She rolled her eyes but smiled.
„Yeah. Excited for the beach tonight." I softly kissed her after I said that.
„Do we have any classes together today?"
„I don't think so." She sighed.
„Well I guess I'll see you tonight then."
„Speaking of that. You don't have to pick me up I'll go with Octavia, Lincoln and the others." She quickly kissed my lips when she heard the bell ring.
„Gotta go. Love you." She let go of me and turned around as she walked away and disappeared behind the corner of the hall.


When I arrived home I had some time between school and training. My head hurt but it was just a normal headache. I took a painkiller and laid down for a bit to take a nap.

I woke up about an hour later when I heard front door opening. It was probably Anya so I didn't bother to get up from the bed.
„Lexa?" I heard her from downstairs.
„You're gonna be late! Hurry up."
I looked at the time on my phone on my nightstand and immediately got up as my eyes widened.
I packed my bag and rushed downstairs out of the house and drove away with my car.


„Why so late Woods?" Indra raised her voice while she was already in her sports clothes and ball in her hand on the playground.
„I took a longer nap than I expected." I rolled my eyes and heard her chuckle before I entered the dressing room and changed my clothes in the blink of an eye.


(Imma skip to the beach part bc idk what to write about the basketball practice)

Octavia🔥: we're leaving the house lexa

Lexa🦝: see you there

Octavia🔥: yep

My bag was laying in the corner of my room with all the packed stuff I thought I needed. I grabbed it and threw it over my shoulder as I walked downstairs.

„Have fun." Anya smiled turning her head away from TV screen.
„Thanks. Oh- uhm and by the way, do you think you could give me some money?
„Yeah sure. Why do you need it?" She asked while she was looking through her purse that she picked up from the table a while ago.
„I wanna buy flowers for Clarke." My cheeks were red for sure but I didn't care.
Anya chuckled and smiled softly as she handed me 10 dollars.
„Thanks." I took them and put them in my pocket.

I left and walked towards my car.
„Flowers first." I said to myself when I started the engine and drove away to town to nearest flower shop.

„Can I get these ones please?" I asked the assistant and pointed at the blue flowers. Blue like Clarke's eyes.
„Sure. It's gonna be 5,50." She held the flowers and handed them to me as I gave her money.
„Here you go." She returned me the rest of the money and smiled.
I thanked her and left to my car again.

I arrived to the beach and parked my car at the parking lot near the beach. My bag was hanging on my shoulder and I held the flowers in my hand. I was slowly approaching them when Octavia noticed me.

„Lexa!" She waved at me and everybody turned around.
I smiled and walked over to them.
„Hey guys." I said and felt Clarke's arms around me immidiately as she jumped at me and wrapped her legs around my waist.
„Woah." I had to hold her by her waist so she wouldn't fall down. I almost forgot the flowers.
„Hi." She burried her head in my neck.
„Hey." I softly whispered in her ear.
„Oh here. I got you something." I added as I put her back on the ground.
I handed her the flowers and her eyes widened in shock but she smiled right after.
„They're beautiful Lexa. Thank you." Clarke placed kisses all over my face.
„Aaaw." Was the first thing we recieved from Octavia, Raven and surprisingly Lincoln too.
„What are those for?" She raised her eyebrow when she looked up at me in confusion.
„To show you how much I love you." I smiled back.
„Okay, okay we know how much she loves you and you love her but let's have some fun already!" Raven joked.
Clarke and I looked at each other and smiled as we sat down to the rest of us.


I started getting dark and stars appeared in the sky.
I stood up and recieved confused looks. Mostly from Clarke who had legs on my lap.
„Come on. I wanna show you something." I extended my hand for her and she gladly took it.

„Where are you taking me?" Clarke asked when we were far enough from the others.
„There's actually nothing I wanted to show you. I just wanted to be alone with you for a moment." I smiled while my eyes were fixed on the ground still holding Clarke's hand.
„Dork." I felt gentle push on my arm.
„There is one place tho." My eyes finally met hers.
„And that is?" She smirked.
„Right there." I pointed at big rock in the sand.
„That's the best view on stars." I pulled her towards the place.

She sat down on a slightly warm rock from the sun. It was almost autumn and it was getting cold in the evening.
„Here you go." I took off my jacket and covered Clarke's shoulders with it.
„Thank you." Clarke smiled and cuddled closer to me as I put my arm around her waist.
„It's beautiful." Her eyes were fixed on sky full of stars.
„It is." I said while I was still looking at Clarke.
„I missed you. I haven't seen you since lunch." She let out quietly.
„I missed you too." I played with strand of her hair.
Silence took over for a while. But it wasn't awkward silence. Just enjoying each other presence.

„How was training?" She asked after a while.
„It was okay." I shrugged.
„You're not enjoying it as much as you used to."
„I love basketball. It used to be my favorite thing in the world. The only distraction from everything that was happening at the time. But things has changed." I explained.
„Used to? What is your favorite now?" She asked with raised eyebrow.
„Are you seriously gonna ask a dumb question like that? You of course." I smiled at her.

„Look. A shooting star." Clarke pointed at the sky.
„Do you wish for anything?" She asked.
„I used to." I said looking at the sky.
„What happened?" She raised her eyebrow.
„What's the point of wishing for something when all I need is in front of me."
She smiled at me and placed her lips on mine slowly.
„I love you so much Lexa. Do not ever forget that. Promise me." She let out when she pulled away and rested her forehead against mine.
„I promise Clarke. I love you too." I couldn't wait any longer and kissed her again.

„Love birds! Come back already!" We heard Bellamy yelling at us from distance.
Clarke pulled away and we both chuckled.
„Let's go." I stood up and held Clarke's hand in mine and helped her stand up.

„Do you want something to eat?" Octavia asked when we came back.
„Yeah Im pretty hungry. What you got?" I placed hand on my stomach.
„We have like...chips." She handed me almost empty pack.
„That's all?"
„Yeah." She scratched her neck.
„Well if you two didn't go and cuddle all the time." She added.
„It's more than enough O." Clarke said and giggled.
I sat down and searched in the pack for left chips while Clarke leaned against my shoulder and wrapped her arms around mine.


„I'll see you tomorrow." I pulled Clarke's hand and pressed her against my chest before she sat in Bellamy's car.
„Yep. I'll text you when I get home." She smiled and with her hands on my shoulders she kissed me passionately.
„You better." I said and let go of her.
„Bye." She waved at me and drove off with Bellamy and others.

I sat in my car and smiled to myself. How did I get so lucky. I started the engine and was on my way home when I heard loud truck honk.

That's the last thing I remember.

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