PuriKyun: Prism Arc PreCure

PuriKyun द्वारा

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"Hi, I'm Kanae Koujiki the 3rd and youngest daughter of the Koujiki family. I thought I had to blend in, thou... अधिक

Color it with the Power of Love!
A Friend That Brings Out Life!
Pixhite Discovery! Ryoka Opens Up
A Splash of Blue! A Change from Fear to Courage
Mini Adventure! A Search for Treasure
It Starts With a Smile
With Patience Comes a High Chance
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Once Upon a Smile
A Not So Secret Admirer
A New Friend! A Scent of Lavender
Open! The Heart of Prisms
Beyond the Dark is Light
The Touch of a Flower
When Rain Falls, so do I
Look at the Past to Look at the Future
Just a Little Forgiveness, that's all.
Help from the Unlikely
White on Black. The Triplet's Thank You.
I am a Pretty Cure.
On a Late Summers Day
Found a Friend in You
Rainbow of the Past
Where there is Color, there is Light
Our Promise for the First Snow
To you a Happy Birthday
Painted! The Color of Love
The Legend of Pact's Country
A Prism Heart to Remember
Ten Years a Secret
Why are you a Pretty Cure?
The Red String of Fate
Regal Mode! Purple is for Royalty
Regal Mode! Yellow is for Joy
Regal Mode! Blue is for Shelter
Regal Mode! Green is for Comfort
Regal Mode! Red is for Love
Darkness is the Absence of Light
Pinky Promise? For We are Nothing Without You

The World at the End of the Rainbow

88 7 0
PuriKyun द्वारा

A bright light enveloped them. Their eyes remained shut but they could feel that they were no longer where they were. Like a teleport, the light covered them like a shield as it brought them from one place to another. Amazed by it they attempted to open their eyes. Once doing so, their eyes opened to a whole new wonder. One always thought, what was located at the end of the rainbow? Right now, they didn't want to leave for in this world, their unfolded a whole new world of promises and light. It was the world of their friends new and old. However, outside of the portal was something they didn't imagine. It was bright, it was a beautiful and spectacular place and it definitely was a kingdom better than what they pictured but it no longer felt magical. The light not in the town above but the light within the people, were no longer there.

"Girls, I will warn you. Remain lowkey. This isn't a place where you can frolic freely..." Amethyst warned

Bow nodded in subtle agreement. Though the people were kind, their hearts were narrow.

"So this is Pact's Country" Amber said in amazement. Her eyes looked down below the hills they had landed on. There, below them was a beautiful town. It almost felt as though they were in ancient Japan. It was a surreal moment and something they didn't want to forget.

"Yes, this is Pact's Country... A beautiful home that I am proud of but..." Amethyst frowned as she looked at her home "The darkness surrounding us, covers ours".

Corde turned around, behind them was a dark abyss. A dark wonderland that made her skin crawl. Haven followed and glanced back. What was beyond that darkness?

"Pact's Country is basically... A ball in the middle of nothing..." Aloe said with a slight shudder "What is in the darkness exactly?"

"One can only wonder ~bo" Bow said with a sigh

"Well, let's do our best..." Corde said quietly

Amethyst glanced at Bow in her arms. They exchanged a meaningful glance, they knew perfectly well what lay in wait for them and they were not looking forward to it.

"Let's just spread some joy then shall we!" Amber exclaimed suddenly

"Huh?" Amethyst turned to her

"I don't know why you two are so tense but I do know there is something you never told us. So I'll just be open minded and welcome anything that will come at us, whether good or bad" She replied with determination

Amethyst looked shocked. She barely knew these girls but they were so open to potential danger. Danger that they didn't need to be a part of. She smiled. They were amazing to her, they willingly became something they had no clue about yet she, never welcomed it...

"Are we going?" Corde asked beckoning to the path down to the town

"Yes. Let's go" Amethyst said with a quick nod. She clutched onto Bow and the 5 girls headed down.

The town was illuminated by a light above them. The people were minding their own business but as they walked through they stopped to stare. Some not pleasant. Uncomfortable, Amber walked behind Aloe who glanced back at her. It was normal to be awkward but she wasn't going to stop because some random stranger gave them nasty looks.

"Just keep walking. Ignore them and keep walking" Amethyst whispered as she didn't take her eyes off the path

"Walk and ignore. Walk and ignore. Got it" Corde whispered to herself.

To their left they could see some children at a school. It was lunch time and the children were playing with a rope. Corde smiled at them. Yes, that's right. It's still a normal town. Nothing unusual. To their right, they walked by a sauna which had a beautiful sign to welcome guests. Some families were coming out with smiling faces.

Amethyst could feel all eyes were on her. She hadn't been home in months so of course it was natural. Bow looked on with unwavering determination. Haven looked at the air around them. It felt tight and though everyone smiled, there was a sense that they were in a prison. A prison, in their own home.

"We must walk quick" Amethyst said picking up her speed

"Where are we going anyway?" Amber asked as she quickly jogged beside her

"Sir. Nobuyuki"

"Sir... Nobu...yuki?" Amber asked


The four girls looked at one another. Who? They just had to trust her. If Bow can trust her, they must too. Though it's hard to believe someone who left their peaceful kingdom just to join villains then become a Cure again... It all seemed unbelievable at this point but what were they going to do about it, they had no idea what they would do if she were not there.

"Is he important?" Aloe asked the still faced girl


"Right..." Aloe took a deep breath and shrugged at Haven who returned the gesture.

"Oy!" Somebody yelled suddenly

Corde looked at the direction of whoever yelled out to them. There were 3 young boys giggling at each other as they stuck their tongues out at them.

"Keep walking" Amethyst said dragging them along

"Why?! Scared?!" One boy called out

Aloe was about to turn around and fight but Corde quickly grabbed her "No you don't"

"I just wanna punch the kid. Make him bleed, just a little bit" She said with gritted teeth

"Honestly, same but let's not" Corde said dragging an angrily heaving Aloe

"What brings you here anyway? Pretty Cure" Somebody yelled out

Aloe turned again. There was nothing wrong with the question but their tone angered her. Pretty Cure? Pretty Cure? Why on earth would you say it like that? It seemed as though they were mocking them. What was their problem? She was slowly getting heated again.

"Aloe, calm yourself" Nyumi whispered to her

Getting a grip, Aloe sighed and walked. How the others were walking and ignoring them was beyond her.

Haven took her arm "I know you want to punch them with everything you've got but let's be real here, we're going to cause more trouble if we retaliate back"

"Why do they hate us is all I want to know!" She burst out "I mean, Amethyst, you know right? Same with you Bow? You literally told us to be lowkey but what does lowkey have to do with anything. What exactly is the problem here?"

Corde looked at Amethyst who looked at the ground and stopped walking. Bow looked up at her. He feared this question.

"Um" Amber whispered. Their attention directed to her "What did we do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything" Seivi said quietly

"So then what is it?" Corde said with a hint of frustration "They're clearly mocking the fact that we're Pretty Cures"

"Why did we come like this anyway if we were going to get weird looks" Haven asked

"This is a dangerous place... It's easier to already be in our cure forms. I was expecting the stares. Just keep walking and ignore them. They have no power and will do you no harm" Amethyst said steadily

"But, why? Why are they acting like this?" Amber whimpered

The Pixhites glanced at one another. Pabi began to speak "I mean, it's better off that you don't know they genuinely hate you"

"Huh!?" the four replied in unison

"Pabi!" Nyumi said sharply as she nudged him

"I mean, it's clear that they do" Pabi whispered

Amethyst facepalmed. Yep, leave it to Pabi the loud mouth to tell them.

"Okay, so. They hate us. We kinda got that from the mocking. So? Why?" Aloe said getting more impatient

Before any of them could reply, Amber could feel a rough bash across her head. She flinched and turn around. A group of people were behind them laughing while holding a bunch of food.

"Now they're throwing things!" Corde said running to shelter Amber who was about to cry from the shock.

"Now they did it" Aloe said in anger but was stopped once again by Haven who glared at them.

"What?! Not gonna do anything?!" One villager cried out as they threw a rotten tomato at them. Amethyst shielded Haven, Aloe and Bow.

Corde who was still holding onto Amber looked at the others "Do we run or what?"

"They've circled us" Amethyst said looking around

"Mhm. Great ~bo" Bow muttered under his breath

One little girl who had been standing in front of Corde threw her toy at her. Corde stood in amazement "Really?! Even little kids?!"

A young boy who appeared to be her brother threw a whole loaf of bread at them. Corde jumped back almost toppling Amber over who had been hiding behind her.

"What you gonna do!? Attack us!?" A man yelled out.

Following, the people started to throw more and more things. Feeling miserable, the girls could do nothing but hold onto one another. They couldn't abuse their power and attack innocent beings, as annoying as they may be. The five looked in shock as a man held a chair above his head. Corde got ready for the attack and winced but they looked up and a young looking male had stopped the chair from hitting them.

Someone had also thrown a banana which he easily caught. He turned to them and smiled. Corde blinked, her legs gave way. Was somebody in this Pretty Cure torturing village actually kind to them.

"Please, I shall ask you kindly. They do not deserve the punishment you give them." He said with a calm tone.

Amber turned to Corde who was still on the floor gawking and gave a little giggle.

"What are you going to do? You're going to protect... that?" A man called out

"They are the Pretty Cure. They do not need the harm you give them. I am sure this is their first time in this kingdom. You are not giving them a pleasant welcome."

"A pleasant welcome?" The man scoffed "There is nothing pleasant from a Pretty Cure"

"Then I shall ask you to treat your Princess with respect."

Amethyst looked at him. He seemed familiar but she may have just seen him around, after all, the kingdom was small.

"He's so... kind" Amber whispered

"Right... It's almost... sickening" Aloe replied just as Haven nudged her

"What?" She said as she winced from what seemed like the 100th nudge from her.

They watched him reason with the people. Corde glanced upwards and could see something small head towards him. A Pixhite?

"It's a Pixhite!" Pabi said happily spinning on the spot

"It's Boshi..." Nyumi replied

"How do you know...?" Jiel asked

"Well, I believe that boy is being really kind to us" Nyumi emphasised

The people decided to leave after being bothered by this boy's sudden appearance. He looked up and stared at the Pixhite coming towards him.

"Pixhite?" he said in shock

Corde stood up and they walked towards him.

"I am Boshi, Pixhite of kindness." He said with a cute smile. He appeared to be dressed like a watermelon.

"Boshi... It's really nice to meet you but why me?" He said placing him on his palm.

"You were kind to us when nobody else wished to do so" Amethyst said gently.


"Call me Shia. What is your name?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! I am Hiroshi! Pleasure to meet you!" He bowed deeply

"We're the Pretty Cure. As you already know" Corde said

"Yes" he laughed gently "I was doing some last minute errands when I saw a group of people gathering together. How they could do that you was shocking. Are you alright?"

"Mhm. Yup" Corde said flustered

"She's starstruck" Aloe whispered to Haven and Amber who giggled.

"Anyways, I am Cure Corde. Green is Cure Aloe, blue is Cure Haven, yellow is Cure Amber and of course you know the purple one is Cure Amethyst"

"How did you know it was the Princess? ~bo" Bow wondered

"I have seen Princess Ivory every now and then. She carries herself exactly like her so I gave a guess."

"Oh right" Amethyst said with a smile

"I see you bonded with Boshi" Nyumi appeared

"Another Pixhite?" He said in awe

"We're each bonded to a Pixhite, well, except her" Aloe pointed to Corde who sighed


"Wow! You guys must really portray their traits"

"I am Nyumi, Pixhite of Gentleness. I have bonded to Cure Aloe."


"Shocking right" Aloe smirked

"Oh no! It's just, you seemed as though you wanted to fight... A lot..." He said awkwardly

"Secretly, she's really gentle though she may not like to show it" Corde grinned

"I am Pabi!" Pabi said springing out of nowhere

"Pabi? Nice to meet you! You must be Pixhite of Joy" Hiroshi laughed

"Yes! How'd ya know!" He said with excitement "I have bonded with Cure Amber!"

"I can see why" he smiled at Amber who grinned back.

"Jiel..." Jiel said quietly from Haven's shoulder

"Nice to meet you Jiel! You're Pixhite of?"


"Ah yes. So you must be bonded with Cure Haven, correct?"

"For sure..."

"You said you were all bonded with a Pixhite. Princess, who are you bonded with?" He asked out of curiosity

"Introduce yourself" she said as a Pixhite popped up from behind her

"Seivi! Pixhite of Faithfulness!" She said with an adorable smile spread across her face

"Faithfulness?" He looked at the princess "How did you bond if you don't mind me asking"

"I truly would like to know that too" She said looking at her

"You were faithful to your PreCure self. Though you hated it, you knew you had to protect Bow and the girls somehow ultimately becoming something you wish you never were" she said calmly

"Oh..." Amethyst looked at Bow and smiled

"So, who's Sir. Nobuyuki?" Corde asked suddenly

"Sir. Nobuyuki? Why are you looking for him?" Hiroshi asked

"We'd like to know that too" Corde shrugged

"He's my master, I will take you to see him"

"He's your who now?" Corde asked

"Master" He laughed

With Hiroshi leading the way, the girls felt comforted for some reason. He was definitely kind and thankfully he knew who Sir. Nobuyuki was... Whoever he was. They entered a house close to which was secluded from other houses. Bowing as they entered the compound, they sat awkwardly as they waited for Sir. Nobuyuki was.

"Would you like a drink?" Hiroshi asked Corde

Caught off guard, Corde grew flustered again "A drink?"

"Yeah, it's a liquid that quenches your thirst" Aloe smirked

"I know what it is miss smarty pants" Corde hissed at her "Uh, sure"

Hiroshi laughed and headed to the back after asking the others if they would like some too.

"We should probably turn back. There's nothing threatening here" Amethyst said as she returned back into her regular state.

Following, the girls returned back into their regular state. They looked around as they waited for the two. It was a fairly spacious house with books and scrolls everywhere. It was clear that whoever Sir. Nobuyuki was, he was an educated man.

"Here you are" Hiroshi said as he pushed the curtain with his back.

"Thanks" they all took their cups while all staring subtly towards Itose.

"What?" she asked confused at all their laughing stares


They waited for another few minutes for this man with the 5 Pixhites to provide some minor entertainment for them.

"Is my love not with you?!" Boshi said rather dramatically

"My love?" Ryoka cringed

"We haven't seen her in years..." Nyumi said apologetically

"Who's his love exactly?" Kanae asked

"No idea but he must really love her" Aone laughed "Who are you referring to?"

"Ruah, Pixhite of Love. The love of my life" He said almost in a daze

"Well, that explains it" Itose laughed

The 4 Pixhites looked at each other and exchanged silly glances.

"What are those five doing? Boshi is having his own melodrama while the others are stuck in a comedy" Ryoka said as she hunched over to get a closer look at them.

"Let's see, if Ruah comes back, that means she'll bond with someone" Pabi said with an excited giggle

"Boshi will look forward to the day he sees his love because he is stuck in a daze" Nyumi said as she waved her hand in front of his face.

Their sudden romantic comedy came to a halt. A sturdy figure appeared from the doorway which made them all automatically stand up. He appeared as though he had been sleeping.

"Did we awaken you Sir. Nobuyuki?" Shia asked as she ran to him with a bow

"No no Princess, I just look scruffy because I had been resting on my table" he said patting her and gesturing her to sit back down.

"So... we did?" Itose said to Kanae who shrugged.

"I am Sir. Nobuyuki, you 5 are the PreCure I believe"

"Yes sir" Itose quickly replied

"You must be their leader" he said with a smile

"Uhhh... The self proclaimed one" she said awkwardly

"No, she's not the self proclaimed one. She's the leader because it all began with her." Ryoka replied

"I see I see... It's a pleasure to see you again anyways Princess Ivory."

"Please just call me Shia"

"Haha, alright then. Now, what are all your names and Hiroshi you can sit down now." He said as he caught a glance at Hiroshi who had been standing near the wall.

Itose who hadn't been paying attention because she had been watching Hiroshi sit down had to be given a gentle or not so gentle nudge from Ryoka. "Oh! I am Itose Akashi, Cure Corde."

"Ryoka Morinaka, Cure Aloe."

"Aone Rukawa, Cure Haven."

"Kanae Koujiki, Cure Amber."

"My, it's a pleasure to meet you 4. I never thought I'd see a PreCure group sitting in front of me"

"It's an honor to meet you too sir, though, just for the sake of asking, what is it you do exactly?" Itose asked.

"I used to work at the castle"

"Used to?" Kanae tilted her head

"I left and wanted to focus on other things."

"What kind of things?" Ryoka asked "Was it something you weren't allowed to study seeing as you left your position at the castle?"

"You got it spot on child" he nodded "I study the legend of Pact's Country."

"Eh..." Itose looked at Bow who looked just as confused

"Why do you study a legend? Is there something else... ~bo" Bow asked from Shia's lap

"You see sir samurai. There's things that leave you wondering isn't there, so I am here to... gently ease through it. Figure the meaning behind it."

"There's a meaning?" Shia asked "You see, I knew you were studying something that be looked down upon."

"Is that why you came here?"

"Yes sir."

"What have you been up to? You disappeared a few months ago."

"I wanted to see if maybe the villains knew about this object... But, they didn't exactly help... They were just a bunch of idiots"

"My aren't you the brave one"

Itose looked serious as she thought. Things were so much weirder than what it initially looked like.

"Now she's serious" Ryoka whispered as she glanced at her,

"She was so flustered a while ago" Kanae giggled.

Sir. Nobuyuki nodded to himself "I feel as though my research have come to nothing..."

"That's not true sir!" Hiroshi exclaimed from the corner "You tire yourself everyday to learn about something that people are ignorant to."

"Thank you Hiroshi, you are kind but, I am sorry to say that there isn't really much information I can give you princess."

"Then tell us this" Itose said "Why do they hate us? I mean, if there's nothing new you've learned then the legend we know is the exact same one you do. Maybe you can tell us why they hate us"

"Yes, I can. You must have been very flustered Bow"

Bow looked up and nodded quietly.

"Why don't you tell them Bow"

"You know!?" the four said in shock as they glanced at Bow and Shia

"Well, yes..." Shia said looking down

"You see, this kingdom... Didn't always hate Pretty Cures ~bo"

"They... didn't?" Kanae muttered

"Well, it happened a long time ago but... Pact's Country... We once... had a Pretty Cure ~bo"

"WHAT!?" the four leaned forward in shock. They once had a Pretty Cure yet, hate them?

"She was something the people were once proud of but one day, she gave in to the darkness and gave up her power to him. She had promised the kingdom she would protect them but she broke it. Promises are serious in this kingdom... When one breaks a promise, it breaks us too ~bo"

"So you hate Pretty Cure's because the PreCure you all once had... broke their promise..." Itose whispered quietly

"Wow, you guys take your promises seriously..." Ryoka said settling into her seat once again

Everything began to settle into place. Why Bow was so distant from them at first. Why he was shocked to see PreCure and why he became even more shocked as to why more kept appearing. Shia, who apparently was already a Pretty Cure, that must have come to them as a shock and she was shunned for it. It was all coming together, why those two, were uncomfortable with the concept of them being Pretty Cures. He searched for help, he wasn't expecting the help to be Pretty Cures. Something his kingdom despised because of their first cure's broken promise.

"Promises should be taken seriously" Sir. Nobuyuki added "I understood that but it was cruel that they threw away somebody who placed her life before this villain to help people who would ultimately hate her in the end... She went through a lot and hence, I pity her."

"She promised to never abandon her people... To always fight the darkness to let the people of her home to live ~bo"

"Do you... still hate the Pretty Cure?" Aone asked with hesitation.

"I did... ~bo"

Shia nodded gently behind him.

"But watching you battle MonoChro and risking your life for me... I learned, maybe all PreCure are not the same... ~bo"

"If I lived back then, I would like to ask her one question" Shia added "Why? Why would you give up your power to the darkness? Why? What is the reason to do something so risky."

"We could always ask the Lady in the Prism Heart" Itose mumbled

"Lady in the Prism Heart?" Sir. Nobuyuki asked

"Oh, she's some strange lady who randomly dwells in the necklace my mother gave me"

"Would she be able to answer it?" Hiroshi asked

"Honestly, she probably won't" Itose sighed

"She never answers our questions, she always makes us figure it out ourselves..."

Itose took out her necklace and handed it to Sir. Nobuyuki.

"It's a beautiful necklace Itose" he said turning it around "You must treasure it."

Hiroshi hovered over his shoulder to look too "It's beautiful" he replied.

"T-thanks..." Itose said taking it back

"There she goes again" Kanae covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing

"She helps us when we're in trouble. She's a great aid and comfort" Itose mumbled as she tried to put the necklace back. Hiroshi noticing her struggle helped her out.

Kanae hid behind Ryoka as she tried to stifle her laughter. Aone remained collected and Shia who finally understand smiled subtly. Itose who grew to be as red as her hair bowed and thanked him, awkwardly beginning to shuffle in her seat.

Sir. Nobuyuki began to speak "I know I don't have much to share but I am now motivated. I can't travel to where you folk live because time has gotten to me so it's handy to have Hiroshi. If I ever need to tell you something, I'll send him and likewise, if you need him, feel free to get him" he winked at Itose

"Hah?" she went red again

"Yes sir" Hiroshi bowed, now going red too.

Boshi looked and laughed "Ruah would have loved this"

"Stop it" Pabi said with a mocking giggle.

The 5 stood up and thanked him. "Your lady in the Prism Heart has clearly been doing a good job at aiding you in your battles. If I ever learn something that may be of interest to you, I will send Hiroshi to you immediately!" Sir. Nobuyuki said patting Hiroshi on the back.

"Thank you for your time!" Shia bowed

"Any time your highness. I wasn't much help but it was a pleasure to meet you all"

"As to you" Itose bowed too

"Was it for him or Hiroshi?" Ryoka rolled her eyes as she whispered to Kanae who laughed again.

"Now Hiroshi, go see them off"

"Uh, yes sir"

Hiroshi lead them back to the village. The people eyed them again but were no longer doing anything. They went back to the hill which overlooked the town.

"We'll leave here" Shia said as she thanked him.

"Thank you for helping us earlier! If it weren't for you we'd have been hit by a chair!" Kanae exclaimed

"No worries, it's my pleasure. I'll come to your aid when you need it!" he said reassuringly

"Thanks" Ryoka said to him simply

Aone bowed "I'm going to take that we'll be seeing you often"

"Might be so, I'm interested to see a world not circled by darkness"

"You're going to enjoy night then ~bo" Bow joked

"That will be an adventure but I'm all up for it"

The four looked at Itose who awkwardly shuffled there "Thank you again. You don't need to hear it for the 5th time"

"It's okay, I can hear it again" he laughed and shook their hands.

Itose took out the fan which Bow had carried a while ago "let's go guys"

"You sure you want to leave?" Kanae joked

"Quit it, I'm watching you" Itose held the fan ultimately ending their journey at Pact's Country.

Hiroshi smiled and looked at the darkness which covered his home. Pretty Cure, you can do it. He smiled at the ground before walking away. Back to the world with no night.

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