The Untitled Job

By Agathi_bw

1.1K 137 14

When 18 year-old Lexi's past starts to repeat itself she throws herself into her new job in order to save eno... More

Author's Note
-1- The Offer
-2- Return to Hell
-3- The Meeting
-4- First Job
-5- Surprise!
-6- A Run Into Disaster
-7- Just In Time
-8- Mr. Stalker
-9- Bad News? Probably.
-10- More than Meets the Eye
-11- New Sides
-12- Karaoke Nights and Small Frights
-13- Making an Appearance
-14- Unwanted Attention
-15- Behind Blue Eyes
-16- Sweet Lullabies
-17- Looking In from the Outside
-18- Chameleon Level: 100
-19- Stay Away From Me
-20- Preparations
-21- Moving In
-22- Watch Your Back
-23- Easy
-24- We've Got This
-25- Plans
-26- Trouble
-27-...and Party
-28- Home
-29- Questions
-30- Safe
-31- Sick
-32- Grace
-33- Interruptions
-35- Comfort

-34- Pain

19 3 0
By Agathi_bw

"Get off him." I screamed at the top of my lungs. All I could see were limbs flying around and Daniel's limp body on the concrete as I stood there crying, unable to move. A few hours after Lyla and Josh had left the Social so did Daniel and I. We just weren't expecting a certain two people to be lurking in a pathway towards Daniel's house.

"Someone! Help!" I shouted, hoping one of the residents could hear me.

"Get over there and shut her up will you, already." I hear Cody instruct Kyle. My focus solely on Daniel I didn't notice my right arm being held behind me and a hand covering my mouth.

"What Lex? Didn't think he could get away with keeping you to himself did you?" I quickly move my head back enough so that I can open my mouth and bite Kyle's hand. He shakes his hand off and winces back in pain.

"Fuck!" He was seething. He lunges at me as I attempt to scream one last time. Someone walks up the pathway with a flashlight on to see what was going on and Kyle and Cody quickly run off in the opposite direction.

"Is everything ok?" A kind-eyed middle-aged man walks up to me warily. My sobs becoming louder as I turn my attention to Daniel on the ground.

"Please can you call 999 and ask for an ambulance?" I plead with the man while trying to calm down my crying. I crouch down over Daniel, taking a hold of his hand. He moves his head slightly.

"No, don't move. It'll be ok, stay still." I reach my other hand to cup his cheek. I feel him squeeze my hand tightly. I hear the man in the background speaking on the phone.

"There's a teenage boy unconscious, I think he was attacked." There was a pause. "Yes, I'll stay with them." Another pause. "Yes, he has a friend with him. Thank you." He hangs up the phone and walks over to me.

"Hey, they're on their way ok? I'm staying here with you until they get here. It's going to be ok." He offers a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I whisper.

*20 minutes later*

I hear sirens pulling up at the end of the pathway before the medics run towards us. I step away from Daniel as they get to work. One of them turns towards me.

"Do you know him?" I nod in response. "What are your names?"

"My name's Lexi Ferratt and this is Daniel McCord."

"Ok. Thank you. Lexi, it's going to be ok. We're going to get him to the hospital to get checked out. He's concussed and has a couple of broken ribs but he should be ok. Do you want to come with us and is there anyone we can call?" My eyes widened. Madison needs to know.

"Yes, please. Can I come with you? I'll ring his mum now." The lady nods at me and I follow in their footsteps towards the ambulance. My shaking hands pull my phone out of my pocket and I dial Madison's number. She picks up after 5 rings.

"Lexi? Is everything ok?"

"It's Daniel. We're on the way to the Princess of Wales. Please can you meet me there and I'll explain everything?"

"Of course. Lexi, is he ok? Please tell me he's ok."

"He will be. I promise."

"And you? You're ok too right? I mean you wouldn't be the one calling me if you weren't."

"Yes, I'm as ok as I can be. I'll see you soon. I need to go with the paramedics now."

"Of course, go. I'll meet you there. And thank you, Lexi."

I hang up the phone and the paramedics close the back of the ambulance as we make our way to the hospital.

I reach my hand out to Daniel's and I feel him squeeze it tightly again. The journey feels like forever but we're soon at the hospital. The paramedics rush him into the hospital while the lady from before leads me to the waiting room near reception. She offers me a cup of water before getting back on her way. Within a few minutes I hear a familiar voice speaking to the staff on the reception desk.

"Madison?" I look up as she turns around and notices me for the first time. She rushes over to me arms wide before she kisses my forehead and pulls me into a hug.

"Lexi, are you ok? You're shaking." I nod against her shoulder as I start to sob again. I notice Aidan and Taylor stood sleepily behind her. Oh no, she must've had to wake them up to bring them with her. Taylor realises it's me and moves in between me and her mum, tugging on my jumper. I pull away from Madison's embrace and look down at Taylor putting on the most of a smile I can master.

"Why are you crying?" Taylor looks up at me with a confused expression.

"No reason Tay, I'm ok lovely." I offer a smile as I take my seat again. Taylor climbs onto my lap and sits there contently. Madison takes the seat next to me and Aidan sits beside her.

"What happened?"

"We went to the social and he got into a scrap with Kyle. It was short-lived and Daniel was fine and we went back inside when Kyle left. Then when we were walking back to your house Kyle and Cody were waiting in the pathway and jumped him. They knocked him out and all I could do was scream for help before Kyle grabbed me to shut me up. One of the residents heard me and came to help, called 999 as well." Madison reaches her hand over the arm between us and grabs my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. She lets out a heavy sigh before Aidan cuddles up to her side.

"Is Daniel going to be ok?" He asks quietly.

"Yes. He's going to be ok baby." Madison kisses the top of his head as he stays against her side. Taylor starts to drift off on my lap, leaning against my chest. A door next to the reception desk slams open. A doctor turns to speak to the receptionist before they point towards us.

"Ms. McCord?" He questions while looking at Madison.

"Yes. Is Daniel ok?" She didn't bother to correct him on her name.

"Yes, he's going to be ok. He's got a couple of cracked ribs and is concussed so we will need to keep him awake for the time being so his brain doesn't swell. You can go in to see him now, I'll take you." Madison looks back to me and I nod.

"I've got them. Go see him." She follows the doctor through the double doors as Aidan takes the seat that Madison was in.

"Hey Aid, you ok?" He nods slightly before leaning into me. I wrap my arm over his shoulder. "It'll be ok. You heard the doctor, he's fine." I say trying to convince myself more than Aidan. After 10 minutes or so Madison walks back through the double doors.

"He's asking for you." She offers her arms out to take Taylor.

"Are you sure?" She smiles sweetly and nods.

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