Our Girl I TaeJin

By smoljagiya

38.5K 1.5K 648

"Just because we love each other, doesn't mean we don't care about you just as much."- Kim Seokjin & Kim Taeh... More

1 [Hello]
2 [Min]
4 [Sushi]
5 [Hobi]
6 [Longing]
7 [Pride]

3 [Besties]

3.3K 168 61
By smoljagiya

We didn't make 1000 last chapter 😔, but I love you because you all work so hard for me and support my fics. That's all my little Bangtan loving heart desires 💜

Let's get this bread 🍞 ➡️



Jin and Taehyung sat in the living room watching a movie. Being very domestic in general.

Its nearly midnight when Jin's phone 'dinged' with a text. He sighed, opening the phone to read the message. As he scanned the screen, his brow furrowed.

"What is it?" Taehyung asks, shoving a handful of the late-night popcorn in his mouth that he insistedon having.

"(y/n) texted and said she's going to stay over at Jimin's after her date," the older replied before looking up at his boyfriend uneasily, "Do you really think that where she's actually going?"

Tae stiffened a bit, but tried to continue eating his popcorn casually, "Don't ask question you—nor I—want to know the real answer to."

"Do you think she's—"

"Jin," Taehung warns.



"But, Tae!" Jin whines, "I can't just ignore these things like you can. I have to talk it out!"

"Fine!" The younger growls and pushes the snack bowl onto the coffee table angrily, "I think she's a grown woman who's definitely not a virgin and also not celibate. So since she's been single for the past two years, she's got to be getting sex from somewhere. And with how fucking gorgeous and amazing she is, there isn't a man in their world who could turn her down. So no, I don't think she's staying at Jimin's tonight."

Jin is taken by surprise by his lover's heated burst. He gently eased himself behind the younger and wrapped his long arms around his waist, pulling Taehyung's back against his chest.

"Shh, babe," Jin pressed soft, sweet kisses on his neck, "I didn't mean make you upset."

"I'm sorry," the younger replies weakly, "I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's not your fault."

"It's just—just so hard to think about her with someone who's not us..."

"I know," Jin sighs, making his way up to nibble on Tae's earlobe, "You want hyungie to make if feel better? Distract you for little while."

Taehyung shuttered, breathing, "Yes, please, hyungie."

Jin pulled away, dominantly stretching out his shoulders to their full width and leaning against the couch back.

"Show me that gorgeous ass, baby boy."


"Shut up and get in my house, bitch."

You follow Jimin into his apartment, shutting the door behind you and tossing your purse on the floor. Glancing around, you notice the knocked over furniture and clothing scattered all over the kitchen and living room.

"Looks like you had an eventful night," you snort while peeling off you heels.

"You say that like you aren'tstrolling into my home in your 'walk of shame' outfit."


"So who was it? Some delectable snack you picked up at the club?" he asks, sashaying over to the coffee marker and pouring you both a steaming mug.

"Nah," you toss off your obnoxiously painful—but gorgeous—heels off and skip over to the dining table, "He was a date, actually, a CEO."

"A CEO?"

"Umhm," you hum casually and take a seat, "...Why are you wearing just a towel?"

"I was going to shower when you knocked," he shrugs like it's no big deal, shoving the coffee in front of you and sitting down across the table, "Now stop changing the subject. Tell me about this CEO—Name? What's he do? His company?"

You roll your eyes. Your best friend was just being noisy. He knew everything about everyone, it was literally his job to know everything about everyone who was rich in eastern Asia, so there was no doubt he would know who Min Yoongi was.

"Fine. He was the CEO of Gloss Records—"

You didn't even get to finish before Jimin interrupted you.

"Holy fuck! You fucking fucked Min Yoongi?" he practically screamed.

"Your vocabulary is truly astounding—"

"Don't be sarcastic!" he snaps, "Are you actually telling me that you had sex with Min-fucking-Yoongi?!"

"Several rounds of delicious, satisfying sex," you corrected.

"What was he like?" he squeals, bouncing excitedly in his seat.

"Well he was handsome... surprisingly gentlemanly... intelligent and witty, a great conversationalist really—"

"Bitch, I mean what was he like in bed," Jimin scoffs, "Did he have a big dick."

"You only care about one thing, don't you?" your best friend glares at you and you throw your hands up in the air, "Yes, fine! His dick was huge, are you happy you thirsty?!"

"Quite happy," he squeals, bouncing excitedly in his seat, "So how was the sex? How many times? How many orgasms?"

You sigh, "Sex four times, over six orgasms—"

"That's decent," Jimin says reflectively.

"And it was great, to be honest," taking a sip of your coffee, "I definitely wouldn't tell him no if he dialed me up for a booty call at 2am."

"Ohmygosh, is he replacing Hobi?" Jimin gasps.

"No one's replacing Hobi," you scoff, "That man's got a stamina like a bull."

"Hung like a bull," your friend mumbles.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Jimin sings, "So this is just amazing. You not only got the most eligible bachelor in South Korea to fuck your brains out all night all night long, but got him to take you on a date first? That man never shows interest in anyone. Many media outlets have speculated him as a possible asexual."

You snort. That's damn sure not true.

"I mean... could you imagine it? You dating the most exclusive, young CEO of a platinum level recording company in the entire continent of Asia. That would break the damn internet."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah," you hold up your arms in defense, "Since when have you known me to be a second date type of girl?"

"I mean, you just said he was handsome, kind, and nice to talk to, so why not date him?"

You shrug, "Because I don't want to date."

Jimin chuckled before shaking his head knowingly, "Ah, I see. You just don't want to date him."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He leans forward on the table, wiggling his brows at you, "It means the only person—persons, you really want to consider a relationship with are those two incredibly gorgeous roommates of yours."

You flush bright red.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Sure..." the grey-haired boy clicks his tongue, standing to his feet with his empty coffee mug in hand, strolling over to the sink, placing it in, and turns back to look at you while leaning against the counter.

"Sweetheart, I love you, but we need to be real for a second here. All this promiscuity and random fucks in clubs isn't just for fun, and it isn't to get over the unresolved feelings you have for that douchebag ex of yours... it's to repress the way you feel for Tae and Jin hyung."

"I don't—"

"Yes, you do," he interrupts.

You huff, "Well, what if I do care about them, huh? What am I supposed to do? Step in the middle of a perfect, loving relationship and break it up? That's ridiculous, especially when I'm attracted to both of them—"

"Hey, easy," Jimin speaks when you begin to hyperventilate, "First of all, calm down. Second, why would you break them up?"

"Well because..." you attempt to rationalize your thoughts, but come up empty.

"Is there one you like over the other?" he asks, walking over from the counter and taking the seat next to you.

You shake your head. There was absolutely no way you could choose between Taehyung and Jin.

"Then why not have them both?"


Did you hear him correctly?

"Why not? Polygamy's all the rage these days," Jimin shrugs as if it's nothing.

"W—Wait," you almost laugh, "you want me to try dating both of my best friends/roommates at the same time. As in, like, a relationship three-way?"

"Absolutely," he says proudly, "I'd literally pay to be in the middle of that sexy man sandwich."

Your nose scrunches, "That's insane."

"I very much disagree. This way, you won't have to worry about breaking up their relationship, you get both of them as your boyfriends—you don't have to choose, but best of all," Jimin grins slyly, "You get to have sex with both of them at the same time."

Part of you really wanted to keep calling Jimin crazy, but what he was saying caused your gut to clench. It sounded amazing. To be with the Jin and Tae romantically... they were such good friends, surely they would be wonderful boyfriends. And just the thought of being with the two intimately, squeezed between their strong bodies while being brought to the peak of pleasure, sent a wave of heat over your skin.

"Would they even consider it?" the whisper just popped out of your lips without meaning to say it out loud.

Jimin nearly bursts with laughter, "Are you kidding?! Their eyes are practically the shape of hearts every time I've seen them look at you. I think they'd jump at the chance."

Your heart flutters just from the thought. Allowing yourself live without burying your real emotions to the deepest pit of your limbic system. It sounds like a dream, almost impossible. You don't even have true confirmation your best friends would even be interested.

"I don't know..."

Jimin groans, "You're too cynical."

"I'm a realist."

"Well I'm getting real tired of your piss poor attitude. Go bang your hot roommates."

"Shut up."

"You shut up."


"I'll make you," he warns.

"Yeah? Well do it," you challenge.

"Alright, you asked for it."

Jimin jumps from his chair and grabs your chin before landing his lips on yours. Your grimace as he sticks his tongue down your throat.

"Ugh! Jimin!" you push the man back into his seat.

"I told you I'd make you shut up," he laughs, "Don't pretend you don't love my kisses."

"You were just talking about me kissing my roommates a second ago," you wipe your sloppy bottom lip.

"Not like we can have fun in the meantime," he wiggles his brows mischievously.

Just to clarify, when Jimin says to 'have fun' he just means some general making out and humping. Despite the grey-haired boy being on the flaming side of gay, you tended to be his only non-male exception when it comes to heavy petting.

It was hard to describe, but the acts between you were almost... innocent? You know, if you don't count all the orgasms.

"I hate you," you grumble.

"You love me~" Jimin sings, leaning in to steal a few pecks.

You sigh and let him continue, pressing back into his comforting lips. The two of you were casually kissing when the sound of loud footsteps come down the hall. You pulled away just in time to see a very hot, disheveled man with black hair and deep undercut stumble into the kitchen. His lip ring causes you to take a second glance.

"Hey, babe," he spoke breathlessly while buttoning his shirt, head down, "I gotta get going—"

He looks up, seeing Jimin's arm wrapped around your shoulders and his gaze immediately goes lusty. Oh, great. A bi-sexual player.

"Well, hello, beautiful," the stranger purrs, leaning against the kitchen counter, "I've got places to be this morning, but I'm down for a quick three-way if that's what you two want—"


Jimin immediately jumps to his feet and grabs the man by the front of his shirt. He yanks the taller behind him to the front door. You snort when he pulls the dark haired man into a deep, sloppy kiss. He pulls away and his one-night-stand looks a bit dazed.

"Well, Bobby, last night was great," your friend says while shoving the man out the door, "Call me."

"But I don't have your number—"

And Jimin shuts the door in his face.

"Well, he was pleasant," you joke, "Where'd you pick him up from?"

"That new club... The Moonchild, I think it's called?" he thinks, "Obviously, he caught my eye because he was fucking sexy, but he was fucking needy as hell in bed. I mean, come on, I'm supposed to be the damn bottom."

You laugh, "Alright, I'm gonna use your shower. Tae has a shoot later and I want to stop by, but I can't show up with nasty hair."

"Oh, yes. Have to stop by and support your future husband... well, one of them."

You roll your eyes and start down the hall and suddenly Jimin's flashing past you. His towel is thrown off and you're given the perfect view of his plump ass.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Let's shower together!"


A less than enjoyable shower later—due to the fact that you had to continue smacking Jimin's grabby hands away from your ass every five seconds—you dressed in come extra clothes you'd left at your best friend's house in the past. Afterward, you had a second cup of coffee before Jimin offered to drive you to Taehyung's shoot.

He pulled his car up to the Vogue headquarters in Gangnam. Your friend kissed you on the cheek and wish you luck on 'getting your mans' before he sped off down the street. You look up at the sleek building and know Taehyung must be hating this pretentious shit right now.

Walking into the lobby, several eyes turn to you. You assume it's because of the simple pink oversized sweater and ripped jeans with sneakers when every other woman in sight was wearing pencil skirts and six-inch Louboutins.

Still, you prance right up to the reception desk. Ignoring the secretary's judgmental gaze. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at her red lips and smoky eye shadow at eleven in the morning.

"Can I help you, miss?" she asks shrilly, a mean grin on her lips.

"Yes, I'm here to see Kim Taehyung."

Her smirk immediately falls.

Regardless of Taehyung's poor feelings toward the editorial fashion industry, he's highly sought after. Not only for his talent, but also for his good looks. The model behind the camera. Every man and woman wanted him, but couldn't have him.

"I-I'm sorry, but you can't be here for Mr. Kim—"

"But I am," you reply sweetly. Laughing internally when you see the woman's nostrils flare with anger.

"Mr. Kim is currently preparing for a very important shoot," she snips.

"Of which I'm well aware," okay, now you're purposefully being an asshole, "But he's also expecting me. So please let him know (y/n) is here."

You can feel the heat from her glare, but she picks up the phone nonetheless and calls down to the studio. Her expression becomes more sour before she hangs up the phone.

"We'll show you down to the studio now," she practically growls.

"Thank you," you chirp.

Bouncing over to an associate who escorts you through the building. They guided you through a maze of hallways before taking you into the wide photoshoot studio with tall ceilings. Everything was very mundane; only whites and greys as far as the eye could see. All the employees rushing around wore black Gucci and Prada as they placed umbrella lights at the perfect angles.

And regardless of how dull it all was, you appreciate how it made Taehyung's royal red silk shirt pop. He was the only ray of color in the entire room.

Thanking your guide for their assistance before they took their leave, you decide to stay were you are to observe your best friend from afar.

He was setting up his camera, which seems like a simple task, but Tae made it look so elegant. Every fluid flick of his wrist and click of his long, lithe fingers was beautiful to watch. His dark eyes were narrowed as he focused with pinpoint precision. The way he showed the love and care he took in his craft was awe inspiring.

His passion was one of the main things that drew you to him when you met in college. You remember it like it was yesterday.

It during the first week of your freshman year. You had a quad to walk through to switch between two of your classes and as you passed through the grassy null, a beautiful boy with a Leica camera plastered to his hand and taking pictures of the bright blue sky. He was so entranced with his work, it was as if the entire world did exist behind his lens. You stared at him for longer than you should have, but quickly hurried to your next class.

This became a pattern. Spying the gorgeous man on the grass with a camera, watching him take pictures of butterflies, trees, or flowers or much too long, and scurrying off to class before you were late. And the pattern went on for about two months. Until one day when you walked across the quad and couldn't spot him anywhere. You looked and looked until you looked around and he was suddenly standing right behind you.

He explained that he noticed your attention on him these past months, which embarrassed the hell out of you because you were such he had no idea you were looking, but he didn't seem creeped out at all. He just asked you to eat lunch with him.

During that first lunch you immediately found out Taehyung was quite the catch. You ignored the flutter in your stomach when he looked at you with his deep, dark eyes. It made you feel like the only person in the world.

"Hey, you."

The sound of Taehyung's deep voice shakes you from your memories. You blink a few times to see him grinning at you with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey," you smile back and walk over, "Sorry, I was just watching you work."

He huffs, picking up the camera and looking through the scope, "Yeah. Boring set, right? I can't believe they booked me for this vapid idol crap again."

"I know you don't like it, TaeTae, but it's an honor to shoot the Vogue cover. Just think about things you like to photograph and—"

A 'click' snaps your eyes up. Taehyung is holding his camera in your direction with a glimmer in his eye.

"Oh, no, no, no. Put that camera down!"

"Ah, c'mon, baby," he begs, "Just a couple snaps."

You groan.


"Why would you want to take pictures of me with all the models around?" you complain, covering your face bashfully with the neck of your sweater.

Taehyung scoffs, clicking another picture of you shying away, "We both know you're the most beautiful woman here."

You blush, lowing the sweater slightly and biting your lip.

Tae gasps and comes closer, "Just like that. Look up a little."

You do as you're told, glancing up to Taehyung's lens. As he snaps another picture, you can clearly see him take a thick gulp.

"Is it good?" you ask when he examines the screen.


You flush brighter.

"Oh right, how was your date last night?" he clears his throat a bit awkwardly, "Gonna see him again?"

"O-Oh," you stutter, "It was alright... I don't think—"

"Ah, Mr. Kim! I see you are already all set up so we can get started. Excellent."

A tall woman bursts through the front doors of the studio, her stilettos clicking deafeningly on the marble floor. Behind her, a slender young woman floats inside the photoshoot room; hair and makeup done to perfection and wearing an elegant purple gown. You're assuming she's the idol Tae is shooting today; you're sure Jimin would know her name, but you have no clue who she is.

"Yes, let's get this over with," your friend says plainly, not at all trying to hide the sourness in his tone.

The woman in stilettos stops in front of you, looking you up and down with her nose high in the air; as does the idol.

"And who are you?"

"She's my friend," Tae answers for you.

"Hmm... pretty," she says passively, "Shall we?"

Tae nods absently, instructing the idol to get in position. The dumb girl willing bounces up to him and you see her trying to flirt with you friend, but Tae is having none of it. He ignores her and she eventually goes in front of the camera with a pout and begins posing.

Tae finishes the session as quick as he can. For a shoot that probably should last upwards of two hours, he has done in thirty minutes. No one was surprised, it was a pretty normal occurrence for the grumpy photographer. But, like always, the pictures were immaculate from what you could see from the corner you were sequestered in.

Just after the last photo, Taehyung immediately puts his camera in its carrying case. He disregards the idol and other employees who attempt to catch his eye as he packaged up his things and made a beeline for you.

"Wanna go to the park?" you ask, knowing taking come pictures of natural would sweeten his mood.

"Okay," he hums, grabbing you up and softly kissing your forehead, "Let's pick Jinnie up from Epiphany first."


Opinions needed:

What do you think about (y/n) and Jimin's friendship? (NO- They are not/will not be romantic in this story, just a promiscuous little duo)

{Vote & Comment}

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