Bughead Oneshots❤

By nolongeractive12309

76.9K 1.2K 412

A collection of fluffy and angsty bughead oneshots. Requests are open. I will put trigger warnings if I think... More

Falling hard
Cancer Ă— listen before i go
Best day ever!
Bully-Part 2
The perfect life
Sick Day
Seizure Part 2
Leaving- (prequel to sick day)
Thankyou!Xx- (A/N)
Bruises-Part 2
Foster home
Secret Confession
Impotant Notice (A/N)
Hi♡- (A/N)
My Hero
Let me go
30K!! (A/N)
Bad past
Got lucky
Forbidden romance
Merry Christmas!!


3.7K 42 8
By nolongeractive12309

(A/N: You have to have seen 3×02 to understand this chapter. It is where they go to meet Ethel but get met with the Gargoyle King. But what happens if Jughead doesn't see it)

Jughead's PoV

"So, what happened, excactly?" I asked. When Alice told us about Betty's seizure. I felt my entire world stop. My Betts was hurt and she didn't even tell me about it.

"One minute I was fine, the next I was hallucinating, some truely insane stuff, like out of a horror movie. And I woke up in the emergency room, embarrassed, to be honest. That's why I didn't say anything because it's nothing. Dr. Patel just said it was just stress." She explained.

Well done Jughead, you took her out into the middle of the woods to investigate a double suicide.

"Great. And I ask you to investigate a double suicide-slash-murder." I mentally face palmed myself.

"Weirdly being in the woods with you, investigating something crazy, is the least stressful, most normal thing I can think of. This kinda reminds me of when we first started dating. Remember?"

I smirked at the memory of climbing through her window and kissing her. It was the best day of my life.

We heard something rustle.

"That's probably Ethel. Right?"

I nodded my head in response and kept walking.

Suddenly I felt her tense against me. As she grabbed my arm. Her whole face paled.

"Jug, do you see that?" She said eyes locking into the air.

"See what Betts?" I turned to look at her but her eyes remained trained on something that wasn't there.

I tilted my head and cupped her cheeks in my hands.

"Jug-" She breathed out barely above a whisper.

She collapsed into me as her body started shaking viciously.

"Betty!" I shouted hoping this was a dream.

"Help!!!!" I screamed as I gently laid her on the floor. My hand cradling the back of her head as she continued to convulse.

With my free hand I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and called 911.

"I need an ambulance at Fox Forest. My girlfriend is having a seizure"

"Okay sir stay calm. An ambulance is on the way. Stay on the phone with me"


"Has she ever had a seizure before?"

"Y-yes one a couple of days ago"

"Where you with her at that time?"


"What is her name?"

"Elizabeth C-Cooper" I said choking back tears as she continued to shake helplessly in my arms."

"Ok thankyou. An ambulance should be there in a minute. You don't have to talk to me but can you stay on the phone please?" She said kindly.

"Y-yeah sure" Her shaking was still continuing and I was praying every god for it to stop.

I suddenly heard sirings in the distance. I gasped and picked up Betty and ran to the entrance of the forest, where the paramedics would arrive.

They flashing vehicle came to a screeching halt as two paramedics jumped out the ambulance, grabbing a stretcher and scooping Betts out of my arms.

For they first time tonight I felt so cold without her by my side.

I was in a trance in my mind wondering whether she was okay. When I got broken out of it by a paramedic speaking.

"You coming with?"


During the speedy ride to the hospital. Betty's convulsing had stopped and I just strocked her hair as she laid unconscious.

When we got to the hospital she was wheeled away to have tests done. I just sat with my head in my hands for what felt like hours waiting for results or just to hear she is ok.

"Elizabeth Cooper?"

I stood up.

"Is she ok?"

"Elizabeth is stable but she will be unconsious untill the morning at minimum . We are still unsure the cause of the seizure but you are allowed to see her. Room 247. We also have her belongings if you would like to keep them untill she wakes up."

"Th-thankyou." I said quietly while he handed me a bag of her items.

"No problem my names Dr. Patel if you need me"

I smiled and walked away to Room 247.

I slowly pushed the door open to reveal my Betty pale and hooked up to an IV. In that moment she looked so vunerable. I just wanted her to be ok. But I know her mom would also like that so I searched the bag of items for Betty's phone.

Once I found it I ran my hand against the side of the blue phone case before I held it to my ear.

"Elizabeth. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I heard Alice's voice echo through the speaker.

"Mrs. Cooper, it is Jughead. Betty is in the hospital she had another seizure"

"But how is that possible she was upstairs-"

"We were in Fox Forest together looking for someone. I guess she snuck out." I croaked.

"You'll be the death of her!" She hissed.

Tears welled up in my eyes once again. The thought of loosing Betts was just not possible for my brain to articulate. She was my everything.

"I'm s-sorry, Mrs Cooper"

She hung up with a quick scoff

I rung my dad explaining he should come to the hospital.

Narrator's PoV

Alice and Fp burst through the door. To reveal the tear stained face boy and the ghastly looking girl. He was slowly rubbing circles on her hand and softly singing to her. However his voice was barely audible as a lump formed in his throat making him barely able to breathe.

He quickly shot his head round when he heard the door close.

Alice then pointed her manicured finger at him.

"You! Out now!" She demanded loudly.

Jughead looked at FP pleadingly to get his dad to back him up.

"Jughead I aren't going to ask again and if you don't leave now I will drag you out. Not bothering to listen to your father!"

"Come on Jug, let's go"

Jughead looked taken back at his dad's lack of  defence however he solemnly got up and made his way towards the door and Alice slammed it behing them as the two left.

(A/N: Oooo Cliffhanger. Yes hey hello. I know I haven't been active for like 2 weeks but I had a writers block and I also procrastinated a lot. There will be a part 2! Suggestions always welcome in comments! Love you all Xx💕💫)

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