Nothing Without You | tk

By NimraSajjad

1.5M 74.8K 67.7K

All the time, Kim Taehyung hated his life, hated being an omega and being treated like a puppet---controlled... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1: Knight
Chapter 2: Blue
Chapter 3: Hislerim
Chapter 4: Eavesdrop
Chapter 5: Halo
Chapter 7: Prestige
Chapter 8: Starry
Chapter 9: Enthral
Chapter 10: Symphony
Chapter 11: Bubbly
Chapter 12: Pup
Chapter 13: Ravishing
Chapter 14: Twilight
Chapter 15: Moonlight
Chapter 16: Lucifer
Chapter 17: Ponder
Chapter 18: Lifeline
Chapter 19: Octave
Chapter 20: Alter
Chapter 21: Engage
Chapter 22: Nerve
Chapter 23: Anomaly
Chapter 24: Periwinkle
Chapter 25: Brother
Chapter 26: Kryptonite
Chapter 27: Lavish
Chapter 28: Serenity
Chapter 29: Joy
Chapter 30: Epilogue
Thank You 《End》
New Book

Chapter 6: Shimmer

47.6K 2.5K 2.2K
By NimraSajjad

Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk woke up early today but he was in no mood of going outside. And the main reason of him staying here was because he wanted to talk to Taehyung. He has no idea about that he has to talk to him about but he just wanted to---hear him talk.

He woke up to the memories of last night playing in his mind. He smiles because Taehyung didn't even flinch once when he touched him and he was maybe wrong when he thought Taehyung wouldn't want him near.

Seokjin was right, Taehyung doesn't bite. Jeongguk smiles wider and recalls Taehyung's face, that soft whining face when he wouldn't open his eyes. He was so close to him and all Jeongguk wanted was to never let go of him, even if he was touching him briefly.

Jeongguk freshens up and walks out to the kitchen, starts making breakfast. He's also preparing himself mentally for whatever conversation he is going to have with him.

First, he has to apologize for what happened at the dinner table. Jeongguk can't get that image out of his mind, the startled face of the pup and his wobbling lips and the way he hid himself in Taehyung's chest as if everyone else present there would hurt him.

Jeongguk can't believe he scared a little baby. Jeongguk didn't mean it though but still, he'll apologize.

He wonders what Taehyung would think about him.

And then he'll apologize for the conversation Taehyung heard of his and Seokjin's. He meant it in a totally different way but maybe Taehyung won't understand that yet. Maybe he has no concept of---


Jeon Jeongguk, please stop thinking so much. Jeongguk scolds himself.

I shouldn't be getting my hopes too high. The alpha sighs.

He's also embarrassed because last night, he was sitting on the stool and Taehyung was on the floor.

He's setting the plates when Taehyung comes out of the room but this time, Hansol isn't in his arms rather crawling behind him. Jeongguk wants to pick him up because his arms will hurt.

But maybe Taehyung is still hesitant about him touching Hansol. The omega visibly looks protective of his son and Jeongguk's sure he won't even hesitate to take someone's life who hurts Hansol.

"Good morning." Jeongguk says and Taehyung halts, smiles at him softly, a little reluctant and he bows---greets him properly.

"Come on, breakfast is ready." Jeongguk says and Jeongguk wonders if Taehyung has a natural morning blush or if he's actually blushing. 

Focus on the breakfast Jeongguk. Stop looking at him. But the problem is, it's too hard to look away from Taehyung.

Taehyung's too captivating.

Hansol is trying to stand up with the help of the stool but it's too high so he gives up and sits next to Taehyung who is grabbing the plate. He tugs the fabric of his baggy pants, perhaps wanting Taehyung to sit down.

Taehyung is about to sit on the floor when Jeongguk speaks;

"Please---don't sit on the floor." Jeongguk says and Taehyung looks at him a little shocked as if he said something he shouldn't have.

Though in reality, no one---especially an alpha has ever offered him to not sit in the floor. They would mostly throw him on the floor after using him.

Taehyung feels a foriegn and weird fluttering feeling in his stomach. He can't deny that it's all because of an alpha.

An alpha--- Taehyung doesn't want to think if it.

"Hansol---he will make a mess up here. It's fine if I sit down." Taehyung says though he smiles gratefully at Jeongguk and then plops on the floor, never caring where he sits---it just has to be lower.

Jeongguk hates it---he fucking hates it that Taehyung has to sit on the floor. Wonders how much he would've faced in Lotus to have it etched in his mind that he can't sit with the higher ranks where for Jeongguk, all ranks are equal.

Jeongguk doesn't say anything, picks his plate and walks in front of Taehyung, sits down. The omega looks at him with wide eyes, the spoon close to Hansol's mouth and the pup waiting for him to feed but he's halting his movements.

Jeongguk doesn't look at him for a moment but then he does, chuckles as he finds Taehyung dumbfounded. Never he thought that this will more comfortable.

Hansol tries to reach for the spoon and fails, a pout adorns his lips as he continuously taps Taehyung's knee.

"I hope you'll like the pancakes." Jeongguk says and starts eating. Taehyung is snapped out of his trance by Hansol and he shakes his head, feeds Hansol and the pup claps his hand excitedly.

Never, never anyone has done this for Taehyung. Seokjin has ofcourse but he's an omega, Jeongguk is an alpha---and for Taehyung, alphas are only cruel, heartless and arrogant. When he saw Jeongguk in Lotus, he thought of it even though he saved him and now---it has drastically changed.

Now he's nervous around him and a weird yet good something makes his stomach flutter.

Taehyung breaks into a soft smile when Jeongguk looks at him smiling, his heart beat accelerates, pink dusts his cheeks and he feels like he has achieved something too valuable.


Jeongguk can't call him unlucky, never has but now he does because right when he decided to talk to Taehyung, Seokjin and Jimin comes to his house and get Taehyung and Hansol all for themselves.

That's not fair.

They leave at sunset and Jeongguk wonders don't they have any work to do. Well, he doesn't care---he can finally talk to Taehyung now. The omega is sitting in the TV hall, not on the couch and Hansol playing around him, still unable to get to the marbles.

Jeongguk looking through some papers briefly that his father sent him and now, he's really--- definitely ready to talk to Taehyung.

Taehyung has seen TV before, was not allowed to roam around yet he could manage and now, there's something really interesting about it and Taehyung seems really lost in it.

They say that it takes only fraction of a second for something bad to happen---

Taehyung feels the pain, his chest tighten and when he look around, Hansol is laying on the floor, struggling to breath, unable to cough and writhes a little and then his little body halts.

"Hansol!" Taehyung leaps towards his, his hands shaking badly as he picks Hansol in his arms and gets no movement.

"HANSOL!!" Taehyung yells and he hears his heartbeat, feels it but he's not breathing, Hansol is not breathing. His pup is not breathing.

Jeongguk hears the cry of the pups name and the papers fall, his body moves on it's own as he runs towards the hall.

"Hannie---baby please open your eyes." Taehyung cries. Jeongguk feels like someone has stabbed him when he reaches them.

The alpha immediately falls on his knees and takes the baby from Taehyung's hands, his eyes falling on the marbles scattered on the table and he gets it.

Jeongguk holds Hansol upside down, firmly by both his ankles and his index finger in his mouth. Taehyung has no more will to see it yet his wide and teary eyes look at Jeongguk and Hansol and what the alpha is doing.

'Come on pup. You can do it." Jeongguk rubs Hansol's back, shakes his body and keeps his base of tongue pressed.

Taehyung has his hands on his mouth, feels his own breath shorten because the only reason of his life was limp in Jeongguk's arms.

Jeongguk himself was shaking, he knew he was being harsh but it had to be done.

"Come on little one. Open your eyes." Jeongguk utters and then he feels the stone at the tip of his finger and it did hurt the pup a bit but soon, he's coughing and crying---just like he did in the dinner. Hansol's throat hurts and Jeongguk holds him closer, the marble he took out in his hand.

Jeongguk sighs shakily, hugging the little pup in his arms, his head on his chest but he hasn't stopped crying.

"You're okay. You're okay." Jeongguk whispers and then he looks at Taehyung who's looking at him with eyes shining with tears and rolling down his cheeks.

Jeongguk shifts towards Taehyung, the other hesitantly holds out his hands and takes Hansol from the alpha and the pup stops crying yet his still sobbing, Taehyung cries once he feels Hansol's chest rising and falling.

He's unable to speak, he wants to hurt himself so bad because he wasn't paying attention to his baby when he was right next to him.

"I--I'm so sorry baby---so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Taehyung keeps on repeating as he hugs Hansol tightly and sobs. Jeongguk's heart aches for him.

Seeing Taehyung cry, hurts Jeongguk.

How much more will you suffer because of me. Taehyung is never going to forgive himself. He almost lost his son and if Jeongguk---

Jeongguk. Taehyung realizes and looks at the alpha who looks away the moment their eyes lock. Taehyung does so too and preps kisses all over Hansol's face who starts crying because his throat hurts.

"Uhh, let me---". Taehyung doesn't know what Jeongguk was going to do but he trusts him now and be owes him everything---even his life because he saved his life again. Hansol is Taehyung's life. He lives for his son.

Jeongguk holds Hansol's hand and closes his eyes, Hansol cries loudly for a moment and then he quiets completely. Jeongguk absorbed his pain.

Hansol falls asleep.

"You should take him to the room." Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods, keeps looking at Jeongguk as if he's the only person to exist in the world.

Jeongguk slowly extends his hand and wipes the tear that falls from Taehyung's eyes and the omega sighs in relief at the touch.

"He's okay now. Don't worry. Go and rest." Jeongguk says and Taehyung wants his touch again. He feels so safe when Jeongguk touches him or simply, when he's around him.

Taehyung gets up and walks away. Jeongguk picks up the scattered marbles and takes every possible small things that Hansol can get his hands on and puts them away in storage room.

Jeongguk can't believe it happened. Anything wrong and something much worse could've happened. He can't even think about it.

Jeongguk wonders how much more will Taehyung have to suffer. Why can't his eyes be deprived of tears and happiness surround him? He can't see him suffer and he wants to end his sufferings, to try his best to be there for him and keep him forever and never let him cry again.

Only if Taehyung allows.

He waits a little and then goes to Taehyung's room. He knocks and hears a faint come in. The alpha sees the red head on the edge of the bed, leaning towards Hansol and petting him softly. Taehyung stops when he looks at Jeongguk.

Jeongguk's eyes widen when Taehyung doesn't stand up, rather kneels on the floor, hands curled to his chest and head hung low.


"Jeongguk-ssi." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk feels like he's hit with a bold of feelings and emotions because it's the first time Taehyung spoke his name.

"I owe you my life. I'll do anything for you from now on. You---". But Jeongguk's walking towards him and holds him by his arms, picks him up easily and the omega faces him, eyes expressive and vulnerable to all emotions.

Jeongguk's touch makes Taehyung weak---in a weirdly good way that Taehyung has no idea how its possible.

And for Jeongguk, Taehyung is both---his weakness and strength and it all happened on a matter of few days or maybe few moments.

"Don't ever kneel infront of me. Ever." Jeongguk says, firm yet so soft that Taehyung melts.

"But you saved my baby, you gave back my reason to live and I'm so thankful of you for that." Taehyung utters.

"If you didn't---if you weren't there---". Taehyung's voice breaks just as he breaks down in tears.

Jeongguk doesn't know if it's the right thing to do but he does it---brings Taehyung closer and the omega rests his head on Jeongguk's shoulder as he cries silently.

Their bodies are not touching completely, Taehyung only rests his head in alpha's shoulder and Jeongguk has a soft hold on his nape. The omega has a barely there touch on Jeongguk's arm yet all the little touches---does wonders.

They both feel secure in eachother's arms, surrounded by eachother's scent and something missing seems to be getting completed as a whole---as one.

"Thank you." Taehyung whispers, his tears soak Jeongguk's shirt and ge apologizes.

"It's no problem." Jeongguk says because he gives no shit about his shirt.

No, Thank you Taehyung.



^jsusbsuksxhksjsdhdjsd yasssss ❤💜

^whipped Jeongguk for Taehyung ❤💜

^the details uwu

^he's so precious. Must protect at all costs

^mic drop tae is dangerous

^Taekook trends just for holding hands. Their power 💜❤🔥


^lie: not found

^he's so beautiful ❤


^ethereal ❤💕

Taehyung in baggy vs fitted clothes⬇️


^he's so slim and look at that waist. Damn ❤💕🔥


^he knows how to kill army💕❤🔥this singularity reigns

^you're in public Yeonjun 😂


Hello beautiful people. How are you guys

Hope you liked this chap and I hope it was worth reading. Short cuz I was tired and sleepy.

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Have a good day and peaceful night.

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