The Pen-Pal Project (Larry St...

De beautifulnightmare2

4M 102K 86.4K

'Hello class, my name is Miss Flack. I am the substitute teacher... So this term i have a project for you. It... Mai multe

The Pen-Pal Project (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Holmes Chapel-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Harry and Louis-Texts-
-Instant Messager-
-This is a Song For my Haters-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Instant messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Christmas Cards-
-Court Dialog-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Last Letters-
-The Reviews-


38.8K 948 1.5K
De beautifulnightmare2

First authors note at the top! i just wanted to say...



Dirty mind XD anyways Enjoy-


We Left Liam and Niall snogging on Louis floor and walked into Lotties room

'They'd better not leave a mess' Louis shuddered

'Maybe you should go get them the pineapp- ow' Perrie said, i grabbed and hit her with a pillow

'Do not even finish that sentence' I laughed, Harry picked up a book on Lotties floor and turned to Perrie and shoving it in her face

'Facebook' He taunted

'Get that out of my face' She said

'Thats what she said' Louis grinned

'Lets get ready' I said pulling out a suit and shirt and taking my t-shirt off walking towards one of Louis shower rooms, Perrie ran to another as Louis and Harry looked at each other before running off, racing for the other shower, 

I washed  quickly and got dresses, putting on a waistcoat but not a tie, i then dried and put some gel into my hair

I walked out of the room and back into Lotties room, and looked around Liam was sat on the chair ready to go, i smiled at him, he hadn't done his tie up and his top button was done all the way up

'Hey, have a nice time on Louis floor?' I joked

'Yeah, i did actualy' He smirked at my shocked face, i was expecting him to go red and stutter.

'Ready' Perrie said walking in, my mouth widened, Perrie looked stunning and had her hair curly,

'You look... amazing' I said breathlessly

'Nice dress, the colour matches your eyes perfectly' Liam smiled

'Your tie matches your gay' Perrie replied, Liam just gave her the middle finger, when did Liam get cool?

'Harry and I are ready' Louis said as him and Harry came in holding hands, Harry had a black bow-tie and a waistcoat, Louis had a purple tie and suspenders on,

'Wheres Niall?' I asked frowning, i couldn't hear a shower going

'Kitchen' Liam shrugged

'Oh no' Louis said as we all sprinted down the stairs, we walked into the kitchen to see Niall with a bowl of cereal sat on the counter

'Hiya' He smiled

'anyone Hungry?' Louis asked getting a plate from the fridge and putting it on the table, Niall walked over to Liam, but frowned when Liam backed away

'What wrong?' Niall asked, Liam answered by pointing at his hand, Niall was holding a spoon.

'You need to get over that' I sighed

'Oh, i'm sorry' Niall said putting the spoon down in the sink with the empty bowl, we all grabbed a wrap and walked to the front door, this would be fun!

We got onto the pavement and Louis and Harry started to skip ahead of us giggling and pointing to random trees, it was starting to get dark, Perrie was walking next to me kicking stones at her feet, Liam and Niall were just beind me talking about hair dye?

'for the last time, Please?' Perrie asked

'Please what? this is the first time you'e said anything' I said, she just grinned and shrugged

'Can i have a piggy back ride?' She asked

'Sure' I smiled as i finished my wrap, and bent down, She jumped on my back and i ran towards Harry and Louis who heard me coming and spun around, Harry bent down and Louis jumped on her back

'Onwards my trusty Weed' Louis yelled, i was getting closer to them when Liam and Niall ran past me, niall on Liams back

'go find my lucky charms, they've gone and stolen them' Niall laughed

We got to the school, Perrie and i were last, Niall and Liam first we were all out of breath from running and screaming

'Niall, you're next door neighbour is taking his dog for a walk, but he's staring at us' Louis whispered, i spun around to see a man with white hair and bush eye-brows staring at us, a poodle that looked a lot like him sniffing a lamp post.

'Lets go in' I said, as Perrie got off me

'No lets go tell him to stop his creeping' Perrie said trying to walk oer there i grabbed her, We walked into the school and Niall jumped up and down at the vending machine

'I want some chocolate' He said

'Me too' Harry grinned

'I'm alright' Perrie and i answered at the same time, we left the others at the venting machine and walked slowly together towards the hall for the dance,  She sent me a smile and i sighed. Then Chris came around the corner and smirked

'Hey' He said

'Err, hi?' I asked

'So Perrie' He said turning to her

'What do you want?' She asked raising an eyebrow at him

'You know, i'd like to know why you changed your name to Edwards, oh that's right i already know'

'You've been spying on us?' She asked him, i frowned this was weird, 'You're such a creeping perve'

'well, Perrie... My dad and yours were rather acquainted, they spent a lot of time together in the court room'

'What's your surname?' She asked

'Farrington' He shrugged

' You're dad burnt my house, that's how you knew earlier' She said, i felt my eyes widen, that was Chris? and his dad?

'you catch on fast' He smirked

'You're going down' I growled

'Like your dad did?' He laughed, i gulped

'what?' i asked my voice shaking

'when my dad ran him over, just left him there to die'

'shut up!' Perrie growled as Chris laughed

 'My dad will be so pleased with me, he spent a long time looking for you' He laughed, Perrie swung back her arm and punched him in the face, i grabbed Perrie hand and we ran we ran past the others who were stood by the vending machine i grabbed Harry and Liam who had already got Niall and Louis and we ran down the corridor turning the corner, we stopped it was a dead end.

'oh look who it is, the fag parade' Chris snorted,

'You just wish you were gay' Louis said putting his hands on his hips

'Tust me, i really don't' He said as he opened his bag and smirked as he pulled something out of it,

'Get in that cupboard now' He motioned towards a room on our left. He was holding a gun.

I pushed the others in and closed the door, i heard it click and Chris laugh before his phone rang

'Hey dad' he said sounding smug 'oh yes i'm very good'

'What is your problem' Perrie yelled loudly

 'Dad, i've found the Perrie girl, i first heard her talking to that Malik boy, she told him everything. About her dad convicting someone into jail, the relative burning down her house' He said, So he's been spying on us?

'What a creep' Harry growled banging on the cupboard door

'Like that's going to help' Liam growled

'I think the walls are closing in? are the walls closing in?' Niall asked hitting his head against the wall

'Only problem is dad, her friends came to help her, so i had to lock them in too, one of them is Malik, you know you ran his dad over?' He said, i felt faint. It was Chris' dad? He had ruined both mine and Perries life? I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to face whoever it was

'I'm so sorry' She said looking down at the ground

'Hey, it wasn't your fault' I said lifting her head up and looking into her eyes,  she tried to turn away but i kept her face steady

'Everyone in this room knows none of this is your fault, Chris and his family are sick, and they need help' I said running my thumb along her cheek, a tear fell from her eye and i wiped it away

'just remember you'll always have us and we'll get out of this' I said smiling at her, Liam grabbed our heads and pushed us together i felt my lips meet hers as Liam let go of my head, stepped back quickly in surprise looking shocked at Liam

'What the hell?' I asked

'revenge' He said looking at Perrie with a smirk, Perrie shrugged

'I could have done that without a hesitation thanks' she raised an eyebrow, i just stared at her, She gave me a smile

'Thanks zaynie' She sighed sitting on the floor next to harry and Louis

'They're in there' Chris' voice sounded, i heard two other means voices, i grabbed Perrie and pulled her too me, they weren't taking her away from me. Not again.

The door opened and we were blinded with light, we were roughly grabbed by three men all wearing masks and Chris. We were shoved up against a wall, they patted us up and down, taking my phone and wallet from my pocket,

'Give my chocolate bac-Ouch' Nial groaned as one of the men kicked him

'Shut up' He said, Niall whimpered, Liam looked ready to kill

'Get your hands off my bum or i swear to go mmmm mm mmm mmm'' Louis was rambling on until the man placed his hand over his mouth. Harry was struggling and was elbowed, i was just trying to keep Perrie safe. Shes who they were really after.

We were then pushed across the parking lot and i saw Kevin and Jimmy by a tree, they looked over at us and moved behind the tree, i kept perrie pressed close to me and pointed to the numberplate, Kevin looked confused but Jimmy pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote it down, Maybe that will help us.

 We were shoved into the back of the van, Louis was thrown in last landing on top of Niall The door closed with a bang

'Hey, i thought you were meant to be on top of me?' Harry whined, Louis got off Niall and walked toward harry,

'Tonight, babe' Louis winked

'Looking forward to it' Harry replied with a cheeky grin

'Guys, we've just been kidnapped and you're talking about innuendos?' Liam said as the van began to move

'Well this is awkward' Perrie said

'we're making light of the situation' Louis shrugged

'Hey, guys' Niall said

'Yeah?' everyone answered

'You know when we were being searched for phones?' He asked

'That guy was rather hands on, cupped a good feel, he did' Perrie laughed 'Found my phone in  my bra and tried to get it himself' I growled slightly, without realising


'And i said i don't have any pockets' He said again

'What are you saying, Niall?' Liam asked

'I have my phone in my sock'

'That's an odd place to keep it'

'well i don't have pockets, you moronic fool' Niall shouted at her

'Quiet back there' Someone hit on the back wall, Perrie scowled at Niall and hit him, I groaned and sat down, we went over a bump and we all flew into the air landing in a pile,

'This is so uncomfortable' Perrie sighed from my lap

'Won't people wonder where six teenagers all staying together just disappeared too?' Harry asked

'No, it's probably better they have all you because now it looks like we're all run away together!' Perrie sighed

'Shes right' I sighed

'I think we should play truth or dare again, what else is there to do while we get stolen?' Harry asked

'Fine, it'll calm everyone down' I agreed

'I'm up for that' Perrie nodded

'We're going to die, we're going to die and you want to play a tu-' Liam was cut off by Niall pushing him backwards and kissing him, i looked away and at Perrie who was 'Awhhing'

'Okay, i'll play' Liam said giddily, niall looked slightly pink

'Well done Niall, we now won't have a stroppy Liam' Louis grinned

'well, yeah, play?' Niall asked

'yay!' Perrie squealed,

'Louis, truth or dare' Zayn asked

'Dare' Louis said smirking

'I-err, i dare you to put your hand down Harry's boxers, if he's wearing any until your next go' I smirked, Perrie laughed at Louis eyes going wide and harry going bright red

'What?' Louis asked

'Its a dare come on' Perrie said smirking and giving me a high five, she ended up hitting me in the head because she wasn't looking.

Louis gulped and looked at Harry who was looking at him, Louis seemed to be asking if harry was okay with it, Harry groaned and grabbed Louis hand and put it above his trousers, Oh god this was awkward.

Harry looked away as louis slipped his hand down Harrys boxers and went bright red

'This is just weird, Zayn why did you ask for that?' Liam asked as Louis and Harry looked at each other and looked away blushing, i laughed as did Perrie

'Come on, he was going to put his hand there sooner or later' Perrie giggled

'Shut up back there' Came banging on the van

'Sorry i got you dragged into this' Perrie sniffed

'It's not your fault!'  I said pulling her closer to me and kissing the top of her head

'Truth or dare?' Louis asked in a higher pitched voice than usual

'who to?' I laughed

'Perrie' He said sitting still as he could so as not to move his hand at all, Harrys eyes were wide and his fists clenched.

'Dare' she said smirking

'i dare you to stand upside down for as long as possible' He said quickly, Perrie put her hands on the floor of the van and practically walked up the side of the van,

'Harry Truth or dare?'

'Truth' He whimpered

 'how big is your penis?' She asked, Liam snorted

'Perrie, one does not just ask the length of a boys penis' Niall said laughing as Harry went bright red

'Oh well i'd say it's-' Louis began but harry shoved a hand over Louis mouth causing us all to laugh

'Only we could be laughing, upside down, hand in someones boxers while being kidnapped' I shook my head

'Liam, Truth or dare?' Harry said quickly

'Harry why didn't you ask me you arse' Louis said

'Oh yeah' Harry blushed giving Louis a small smile 'Forgot'

'Forgot?' Louis asked, harry yelped, making me guess that Louis had squeezed.. his lemon...

'Dare' Liam grinned

'Go Liam!' Niall grinned

'I dare you to bang on the door and tell them you've got a boner and is it okay to get the van messy' Harry said breathlessly, Liam stood up almost tripping over me, i moved my legs so he could get past and he gave me a grateful smile, he knocked on the van,

'What was that?' one of them said loudly, Liam knocked again

'Excuse me, but i have a problem' Liam said 'I appear to be over excited, and it won't go away... i hope you don't mind your van getting messy' Liam yelled, we all snorted as one of them called back

'Is he serious, Don't you Dare!'

'Oh, it's gone now' He called out

He went and sat down just as we went over the bump causing everyone to fall to the left,

'Err Harry' Louis said suddenly sitting up and biting his lip

'Don't even comment on it' Harry sent him daggers, Louis smirked

'What?' The rest of us asked

'It's nothing' Louis giggled

'It will be something if we don't get on with the game' Harry groaned

'Okay, Niall-' Liam said as Harry groaned and shifted in his seat, but tensing up immediately, oh i see whats happening...

'Truth or dare?' Liam asked smirking at Harry

 'Truth' Niall answered

'What is the furthest you've been with a girl?'

'Just kissing' he shrugged

'Zayn tr-' Niall asked as the van stopped 'truth or dare?'

'Truth' i shrugged

'do you have a crush on Perrie the platypus?' He asked

'well-' I said but i got cut off by the van door opening

'What the- do you have your hand... oh my god, why are you upside.. what the hell is happening?' Louis went bright red and sent me a glare, i shrugged at him he pulled his hand out of Harrys boxers and harry shifted in his seat,

i didn't want to be sad if we were about to die, so i pulled Perrie the right way around and to me as the men got in and grabbed us pulling me away from Perrie, they threw us out of the van, i grabbed Perrie again and looked around as she buried her face into my neck,

We were in a forest and there was a trailer in front of us. We were picked up and dragged into the cabin, we were pushed onto the floor and they walked away.

The door slammed causing the whole trailer to rock back and forth, it was quite small... and dirty.

'Niall turn off your phone and we'll save the battery for when we desperately need it' I said to him, he nodded and turned it off

'So we've been shoved into a trailer in the middle of nowhere... well that's comforting' Perrie said looking around

'Hey this place has two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room kitchen thing, its run down but we're not going to be in discomfort'

'I'm in discomfort' Harry groaned in a whisper, i think Louis and i were the only ones who heard, shifting on the spot

'Me and Harry are having this room!' Louis said shoving Harry into a room off the side, but coming out immediately 'That was the bathroom' he giggled pushing harry into another room and closing the door. I don't want to think what they're doing right now.

'Horny buggers' Perrie laughed, i slapped her around the head

'Ow' she groaned

'I did not want that image!' I said looking up to see Niall and Liam grinning at us from the other room

'Damn it!' I groaned

'We'll take the sofa' Perrie shrugged

'You're taking this quite well you know' I frowned

'Its happened once before' She shrugged 'and Niall has his phone too'

'Kevin and Jimmy, they took the vans number plate number' i said as we sat on the sofa, which creaked and we looked at each other with wide eyes

'There had better be no spiders in here' She shuddered

'I have no hair products' I suddenly remembered

'Oh come off it Zaynie, you look great however your hair looks, when we were playing volley ball, you looked so hot when you messed up your hair' she winked, was she flirting with me?

'Err, thanks?' I asked

'no problem' she smiled giving me an evil grin before running her hand in my hair and messing it up, my mouth dropped open

'Perrie!' I groaned

'See, sexy' She grinned

'You know how you look sexiest?' I asked raising an eyebrow


'You don't' I laughed

'hey!' she frowned

'Because you look sexy all the time' I winked, she sighed and buried her head into my neck

'i'm still scared Zayn, what if they kill us when we're sleeping?' her voice muffled from my shirt

'Well how about we have someone on guard, to make sure they don't?' I asked stroking her hair

'These people, they have no morals, they have a reason to be keeping us alive, i don't know what it is, but if they didn't we'd be dead already' She sniffed

'So you said this has happened before' I asked confused,

'yeah, they kidnapped me about a month after you moved, trying to find a way to get to dad i suppose' She sighed

'How'd you get away?' i asked

'Pretended to be dead, and they went to find someone who could see if i really was, and i ran for it' she sighed

'Thats my pear' i said, she looked at me and pressed her lips on mine, i gasped before closing my eyes pulling her onto my lap, she ran her hand through my hair, wow, she was a great kisser. she pulled away and put her forehead on mine,

'Thanks for sticking by me, i was so horrid to you at the beginning of the whole project' She sighed

'it's alright, i wsn't to happy about the project, i found it funny that you're letters were sort of death threats in disguise' She laughed and leaned on me sighing deeply.

So that was chapter 69... This number is stalking me so much at the moment.

Okay, so the other day i had THE most random conversation with my mum...

Mum: Where's Louis?

Me: My Boobear

Mum: *sigh* your Boobear

Me: He's on my bed

Mum: He loves it there

Me: Yeah, he likes to protect me

Mum: from what?

Me: Monsters

Mum: What kind of monsters?

Me: I don't know Cyclopes'?

Mum: why would there be a cyclopse in your room?

Me: I don't know, a one eyed tramp may be sitting on my bed if Boo wasn't there

Mum: A one eyed tramp?

Me: Yeah you can never trust a one eyed tramp

Mum: I wouldn't trust Boo, He couldn't hurt a fly

Me: Well i've yet to see a one eyed tramp in my bed.

... yup i'm odd.

If you're reading this, todays word to comment is 'Magical Pants and Hobbit Pudding'

Hope you're liking this story, i'm not going to put my twitter and skype because it's in a lot of the chapters before... and i can't be arsed... so i'm typing this instead... Because it makes sense in my head... That rhymed...

Video on the side is of me doing the 'Live while we're young' Video cover...



Comment on your favourite moment of the WHOLE STORY XD

Dip a hamster in lumpy custard...

Curly :)

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