A New Promise Blooms | Selobe...

By SillyPetals

8K 126 323

Introducing a sequel to OP, yes it is like a au and it is definitely inspired by many things but especially b... More

Notice and Q&A
1. The Bloom Of A New Story
2. The Plan For A Special Night
3. The Memories Remain
4. There's Always Room For Another Memory
5. A Slice Of Apple Cake
6. Free To Be You And Me
7. Friends. Friends!
8. Unknown Future
9. Love And Trust
10. Together Forever
11. I Really Am Sorry
12. Devil May Care
13. The Message From The Devil
14. Smile Till You're Dead
15. Angel Heart
16. Point Of No Return
17. Another Hotel Night
18. The Heart To Believe
19. Imagine My Thoughts
20. My Precious Caretaker
21. There's Something About Jake
22. Promise
23. The Devil You Loved And Trusted
24. The Plan To Bring Our Peace
25. The Nightmares That Never Disappeared
26. Trapped In The Abandoned Memories
27. Take My Hand
28. Out From The Dark
29. Carry On With One Secret For Me
30. Remember To Smile
31. The Suprise You've Awaited For
32. The Days You'll Appreciate
33. A World Full Of Despair
34. Talk To Me
36. Beginning Of Another Day
37. Interrogation From The Treacherous Distance
38. Reticent Despairing Heart
39. A Slice Of Life
40. The Agony Never Stopped
41. Our Collapsed Friendship
The end?
Storyline Plot

35. His Sacrifice Won't Go Into Vain

80 2 0
By SillyPetals

[3rd Pov]
Albert's Residence

Adam waited out the door a bit, checking his phone for any new notifications about anything to distract his mind but not much. In those seconds of holding his phone closely, he thought about Jake for a brief moment before hearing the door open. Albert stood in front, a little grin on his face but had a welcoming stare. "Sorry if you were busy, I know you were." He started off calm, uneasy from the last time they were together in a room. All Adam did is listen to him out, a small stare given, not forgetting everything said in their arrival. "Just to let you know.. I-I didn't invite you over to tell you anything about anybody or what to not do." Albert explained as he let his friend in the house and closed the door behind continuing to talk as they went to the living room. "I needed to tell you that I am sorry.. for yesterday. I shouldn't act out like that, I can't control what you do and say."

Adam stood there hearing him out with some nods given in response to reassure he's listening to Albert. The male stared down for a moment, shameful of his actions. "I.. felt angry the moment we arrived here. It made me feel so mad to hear out what he did. I don't want to play the victim, I got stupidly upset." He sat himself down on the couch, hoping his friend would understand him. When he continued on to talk, the guest sat himself down on the couch. He felt a little tired but felt okay to see someone's face familiar to him. "I didn't want for the argument we had to be left alone in silence, like the last time this happened. I'm sorry for all of it, what I said and using his name like that." Albert adds in, in the distance of his place water was running. Likely to be Selozar taking a shower.

For a few seconds Adam thought about the apology, he remembered the words he said and how he used Rust's name to argue against someone else. He didn't want to argue during a time like this, he can't allow for another problem to get in the way of what they need to do for a step forward. He let out a small sigh and eye contact finally connected, "It's alright, I understand it was a large moment of pressure and realizing we have been betrayed." He says, "I don't fully forgive everything you said. I'm just telling you to not ever use his name like that again for an excuse full of bullshit. Sometime I will forgive, but I need some time now to comprehend everything everyone is going through including plans for our next move out of here and face our enemies. I do always want to have you as my friend, just not when you act out like that."

"I understand. I won't do that again, and speaking of forgiveness. I know you're trying to get Jake back to us as well, but you know I'll need time too to forgive what he did to everyone." Albert said calmly, trying to be cautious with each of his sentences to avoid the start of another argument. "I just.. I don't understand why it'd happen. It's a lot to take in, I didn't think he would do something to affect everyone." His tone was full of broken and shattered faith, even if he heard of the possibility of it having a reason, he couldn't believe it to happen. "That's alright, I really don't expect anybody to forgive him quickly. I-I don't either, but I know I'll need to get him back. He isn't at the right place right now, you know he needs to be saved." Adam replied with Albert following with a nod. "I'd understand it, hopefully he gets convinced. Having an end to a place like this, all the myths, nobody deserves that type of ending. I'm not saying he does but where else would he want to go anymore? He won't even be allowed to go back home. He's being watched, maybe they'll try to get more out of him more by suspension." A little fear choked him up a bit, a flash of remembrance of a memory appeared until he shook it off. It even worried Adam for a moment, about him and Jake, they would do anything to try and get anything else out. "Y..yeah, I hope too he does get convinced. I do not want that to happen to him or anybody, he didn't even ask to be in this mess. He didn't even know about these myths, right?"

"Jake didn't, I only ever said strange friends needed me but I never told him anything or a story but those ferocious fucks only got to him because of me being around with him." Albert replies shifting his hand on the armrest, his hazel eyes looking down at the floor. "I know some are good myths but most are merciless. They don't care what is happening to us, all we want is peace. Unfortunately they do not understand." Adam too looked down at the floor, his hands kept the side of his legs, fidgeting with the end of the given clothes. "It's not even your fault for Jake to be targeted, it's them for being bloodthirsty to see us in despair and destroy each other. Even if.. Rust changed and was by our sides, some choices he did aren't the best." He added, his mind feeling to be turned red at the sentences said. "What do you mean by that? Rust only helped Alone out, he didn't have a thing to do when Jake attacked me or Alone, both did it on their own." He questioned over to look at him, seeing him avoid eye contact and waited for a reply in return for explanation.

"I know I am highly not supposed to tell you a thing about this conversation I had with Jake, but I want you to know a thing. This isn't to make Rust look bad nor wanting you to forgive Jake faster but... Do you remember the Halloween we went to his forest?" The male with the blue concealment eyes questioned in a more serious tone. "Yeah.. the strange day we went to the horror theme park and awful party." Albert in his mind remembered the memories, it was the first time he spent Halloween with Selozar. "I spoke to Jake outside when we got back, he told me a thing you wouldn't know which I will tell you. You might not want to let Jake know I told you this, it was private. We both thought it didn't need to be said since it was over, bringing it back up will cause trouble." Albert reassured Adam he won't say anything to anybody about it.

"A-Anyways... Jake received messages from you but it wasn't you. Telling him a few things only he would know of, which he blindly listened to him to go to his forest." Adam says quietly, "Rust knew how he felt of you and Selozar together in a relationship. Jealousy got detected by a friend being taken away, of course he tempted him to do actions he never would do to hurt you." Further on he kept on speaking. "A-And the day he went over there was the day he attacked you, R-Rust did tell him something to give him the temptation to hurt you like that. Again I-I don't say this to make Rust look bad but he really wouldn't want to hurt you, that's why there must be a reason why he betrayed us. He wouldn't want to hurt all of us like that." Throughout the last part, his voice tone was full of nervousness. Sometimes hiding his entire face away by turning to a wall, it seemed like Adam got badly hurt for the betrayal and needed to find the truth than just to cry over it.

"I-.. d-don't know what I want to say anymore. I only ever thought of him doing it for his own self, never a myth being the cause of the temptation completed. I d-didn't mean to put him in a place like that and tell him all of those things." Albert said, slightly shifting but controlled himself down but the shaky feeling in him remained. "It'll be alright, I am sure I'll get him back before anything is done. Hopefully. I really want to reach out to him. Which I tried today except he didn't want to talk to me." Adam said to reassure his friend he'll save Jake from the darkness, of course he still felt very upset over everything to happen but he didn't want a bad ending to come across to him.

Albert sighs after seeing out the window, the sun was setting down into the next day. "You should keep on trying to save him, Adam. I know I still feel upset for everything, all that happened but... You should never give up to save someone, no matter how low are the possibilities to do it. You can do this." He told wisely, a lighter gaze appearing into his more serene eyes. "I will give it all I got. I will try to bring him back. I will do this for Rust. I'll bring everyone forwards." Adam says with honor, the recall of memories about their deceased friend hooked into his head. "Just the way he wanted, he did his choice for all of us. I am not gonna let it go to vain." He added in. "He will be remembered as a savior."

"I am gonna try next day, it is getting late and I don't wanna walk back with something attacking me. That would put us into a worse situation." Adam said after a glimpse made on the window, his body getting up from the couch nearly going to the door until Albert stopped him. "H-Hey... You're gonna be by yourself in your residence again. Don't you want to stay with the two of us? We don't have another bed but if you want, you could take the couch which we will give you blankets and pillows." Albert offers warmly and quickly, somehow detecting some of the loneliness Adam is feeling to not have Jake. "Oh um..." For a moment he thought about it, he couldn't decline it after being so polite to even offer it. At the same time he didn't want to be by himself, just like Albert knew about it. "Alright.. but I will need to get a few things from my own residence. Not much, I will return." In response the male nodded letting him go and soon awaited for his return back.

Eventually after a couple of minutes that'd passed on by, Albert heard Selozar come out of the bathroom in borrowed clothes to sleep in. "Hey my angel, are you gonna sleep in now?" His tone of course was gentle, he proceeded to quietly wait for a response in return with patience. Everything is horrible now, but yet he held up a reassuring small smile he's protected in his arms. "Y..Yeah," He nodded his head. His black eyes slightly shutting then opening back up tiredly. "But I am gonna wait a bit, u-until Adam returns back from what I heard in the bathroom. I don't want to sleep without you..." Selozar got too tired to even make a sad expression, all he wanted was to feel the warm and lovable feeling he felt every night with him. It's really understandable, this place is surrounded with big threats.

"Don't worry, he'll come back soon and we will sleep. Okay? I'm here." Albert approached Selozar, a hand gently cupping his wet cheek by the water dripping from his hair, the most trustable gaze made to ease him down. "I-I know.. I just.. am glad to have you by me." His face presses down onto his hand, wanting to feel more of his warm affection. "Me too. I'll be on your side." His lips kissing him on the forehead, afterwards lightly bonking his head with the shorter male. In Albert's mind, all he could've thought about is about everything happening in their life. Most has gone into shit, he wasn't sure if they'll even be a way out of here. A friend just died, he doesn't know if he wants to move forwards even if Adam said he'll take everyone. The same tainted black color remained in his hazel eyes, only feeling a little better to have his precious angel by his side to face forwards. His arms hug him a little tighter, enjoying the warm embrace. He felt so much pain out of everything, he didn't say a thing about it.

Albert pulls away from the hug, "I'll go get ready the couch for him, we'll sleep soon together." He gazed down at him, his hand one more last time for the day stroking his black fluffy hair. "Okay Albert, I'll wait for you." Selozar said, one last small smile made before turning away to the doorway of their shared room. He then proceeded to walk in leaving Albert in the small living room, immediately he prepared the couch for Adam. In his mind he had a few thoughts about everything, he wished he didn't think about it all but it was glued onto his mind. He felt terrible for using Rust's name like that, absolute garage he called himself. In the hotel, that was the last time he had a normal conversation, the last time he ever saw him was in the old Christmas house. Nothing will be the same without him, that ominous but somewhat safe feeling won't ever stay on his shoulder. It was gone, nothing more but the feeling of a withered flower.

Albert put up a sorrowful expression, his eyes began to sting with threatening tears to release. He knows to not think about it but, how many more will die, or who else will get hurt like Morgenne and Sorrow did with the return of the zalcuses. Saving Selozar would bring terrible fates, he knew that indeed but why to the others? Even strangers suffered. Nobody wanted to suffer and die, anybody in this world deserves a better fate than to deal with myths. He wasn't sure about himself no longer now, he didn't care about suffering as much as it hurt him. His needs are telling him to protect Selozar.

Albert stared endlessly onto the floor, standing there with no motion done. At first he wasn't sure why his thoughts made him feel still, until he noticed he felt scared to move forwards. Even if he is, he couldn't do it without looking back. Eventually he snapped away from it, continuing to work on the couch for Adam to sleep in. The male made sure it was all comfortable enough for their friend returning in a few moments. Which eventually he heard a small knock made on their front door. "Adam is back..." He thought in his mind, walking over to the front door to open. Once he opened the door, he saw his friend returned back with some items on him. His quiet gentle stared into Albert, his face having a thank you for letting him sleep together. He didn't want to be alone in a place like this, he has been but not anymore.

"I-I'm gonna go change in the bathroom, you should go to bed already. Thank you Albert, for inviting me in." Adam said as he walked in the room, closing the door behind him and making sure it was locked. "If you insist, Selozar does want me in bed already. This is a borrowed place, b-but just.. make yourself at home. I am positive tomorrow will be better for you to save Jake." Albert responds with a small plastered smile, then a thought came across his head. "If you want to shower here in the morning, we have extra towels in the closet over there." He added in, getting a single nod in response, after a short while he gave a last wave before heading to his room Selozar is waiting in. Eventually the lights went off in the room with the door wide open.

After some few minutes of settling in the residence of Albert's, he changed into comfortable clothes to sleep on the couch. The couch wasn't uncomfortable, when he prepared it. Even if it was terrible to sleep in, he wouldn't mind. All he wanted is to at least be close with someone, he felt glad for Albert to offer it. He knew he could sleep alone but it'd take a while to drift into sleep. At least he can watch over two, he hoped the others were fine and sleeping now for energy gained.

Eventually Adam switched off all of the lights then covered his body with a blanket up to his shoulders. His head rested on multiple pillows, sighing in relief for another day to pass. It had been pretty early to sleep right now, usually they normally sleep until the sky is covered with luminous stars, but they needed enough rest for the day they'll make the next move on the enemy. They just needed to rest down, only that is needed right now. Hopefully surviving this dangerous place with monsters roaming inside the dark. Adam had his own bigger hopes that shined in the dark, one of them was for Jake to be safe on his own. With that thought trapped in his mind, quietly he drifted into slumber for their next day in the days union city.

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