A New Promise Blooms | Selobe...

By SillyPetals

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Introducing a sequel to OP, yes it is like a au and it is definitely inspired by many things but especially b... More

Notice and Q&A
1. The Bloom Of A New Story
2. The Plan For A Special Night
3. The Memories Remain
4. There's Always Room For Another Memory
5. A Slice Of Apple Cake
6. Free To Be You And Me
7. Friends. Friends!
8. Unknown Future
9. Love And Trust
10. Together Forever
11. I Really Am Sorry
12. Devil May Care
13. The Message From The Devil
14. Smile Till You're Dead
15. Angel Heart
16. Point Of No Return
17. Another Hotel Night
18. The Heart To Believe
19. Imagine My Thoughts
20. My Precious Caretaker
21. There's Something About Jake
22. Promise
23. The Devil You Loved And Trusted
24. The Plan To Bring Our Peace
25. The Nightmares That Never Disappeared
26. Trapped In The Abandoned Memories
27. Take My Hand
28. Out From The Dark
29. Carry On With One Secret For Me
30. Remember To Smile
31. The Suprise You've Awaited For
32. The Days You'll Appreciate
34. Talk To Me
35. His Sacrifice Won't Go Into Vain
36. Beginning Of Another Day
37. Interrogation From The Treacherous Distance
38. Reticent Despairing Heart
39. A Slice Of Life
40. The Agony Never Stopped
41. Our Collapsed Friendship
The end?
Storyline Plot

33. A World Full Of Despair

151 4 5
By SillyPetals

Silly here! I wanted to take these people for helping me out with the story. I have trouble and the help is really making me happy. Once again thank you for all that has helped out. More chapters soon!




[3rd Pov]
Days Union City

Everyone followed after the man leading them to a place. Meanwhile some of the gang had very small conversations with each other. Glimpses have been taken to their surroundings, the place didn't seem to look very ominous like they thought it would, since they feel superstitious of most myths. There were some things a bit odd about the place. The gang knew they should watch for their backs for anything that can be a threat to them or something they need to take care of.

"When we find the time, I'll make sure to patch you guys up..." Morgenne said, always having her book bag full of medical equipment. "Everyone's injuries aren't that permanent, I'll still make sure it is patched up nicely." In her mind she was debating if she should even help out one of their friends. "Thank you. But I think that's gonna take a while to do now..." Adam whispers out. From his own prediction, all of them are definitely going to question Jake to know how much the enemy knows and what exactly. There was no way to stop it from coming, it needed to be done immediately. Something like that is important to be taken care of..

"[IDENTITY] Morgenne, is it?" The man spoke as he walked at the same pace. "Yeah, that's my name..." She answers, wondering if her name too has been going around myths just like Albert's. She also had gotten startled for Adam whispering out to her  "I'm [OPERATIVE] Radiant_Day. I've heard a lot about your friends including you." Radiant_Day said, his bright pupils looking at her. The nurse felt slightly uncomfortable with the whole reason about him being a myth she knows nothing about, but she somehow felt connected in a way. "I hope those things aren't bad. We really don't like fighting others." She dozed off to reassure the safety of Sorrow and Uleanra, the two still are there gladly. "Is that so?" He questioned in a happy voice tone, continuing to keep on leading the way through, just the same as their conversation. "Yeah. I never wanted to fight them. This one time we didn't even know each other. I needed to stay by the side of these two in order to protect them for anything, but other than that. I'm pretty glad I held back so much." Her voice tone had turned more gentler in the thought of defending them both. "There is no need to worry about doing that here, we will reassure you will be [SAFE] here and all of the [REST]." He smiled at her, she felt welcomed to this unknown place and would like to know more about it. "Thank you. I really appreciate that from you all." Morgenne smiled back, small fragments of hope are being stitched back together to move forwards. Though she couldn't quickly. Not what she had witnessed, her smile had disappeared eventually into despair.

Once the two finished their conversation, Albert begged in his mind for the positive man to not say a thing about him around Selozar. Also not being in the mood for anything foolish. "Don't think I forgot about you two." He says, "[IDENTITY] Albert and Adam." In that moment he began to sweat a lot more than ever in his life, also a bit of annoyance came to his mind. "Oh- okay-... I didn't." Adam felt lost in words for earlier to what was announced from Omen with the zalcuses. Those words had struck him everywhere, he thought much about it. "We should discuss later, we are near the [PLACE]." He led silently for the rest of the walk, the gang too was quiet. The words they tried to speak were held back, they felt like now was not the right time to ask for questions about anything but figure out first what to discuss for the next thing to do and for their traitor.

Meanwhile their walk, they have spotted these other people in uniform patrolling, what it seemed to most of the gang and what is known to Albert and Adam. "What the hell is this place..." Uleanra thought in his mind, making quick observations. He had this bit of a strange ache in his stomach. They shouldn't take steps in this place. Especially knowing the fact they are allied with Alone. The person he especially has a huge grudge again at. He could never keep his guard down, he made a big swore to not drop it for his own safety. As well as for Morgenne and Sorrow. He had to try his best to protect them, he just knew there was gonna be a big chance it wasn't a good idea to follow in this place with him.

Uleanra kept this very deep glare full of hatred and a lot of ill feelings. He is the furthest away from Alone, having a slower pace than everyone else. This anger burns in his soul too, if  didn't call them off then they would never have a fallen friend. It would have been much easier to defeat the other enemies. That's what he thought. He viciously blames Alone for this mess to happen to everyone, he sees no other person to blame for but partly he did see Jake in it. For the fact Jake had something in his mind he didn't tell anybody, knowing the greatest enemies of Morgenne and Sorrow were returning back to harm them..

Jake didn't talk to anybody, his face couldn't turn to look at the people surrounding him. Of course he felt a lot of shame for it, every single thing done to cause this awful despair. The disappointment is something he cannot handle, the huge amount has slowly been destroying him. The death of Rust especially, finally getting to look at his eyes, only for him to look back and see betrayal. Then watching him die was destroying him. The time that feeling on his shoulder he felt a presence just disappeared. All of him will become the past, into memories. Nothing ever more, not even a thank you can be said for his doing. His life ended, all he could do is live forwards in that shame and grieve.

The despair was larger than ever, terribly dangerous to make them give up. No mercy is given, all of their enemies won't understand peace is intended as always. They needed to fight back, really fight back to cause fatal injuries just like they did to their friend. Injuries that will leave them in peace, but knowing the fact they only won by killing is the cost. Except the fragments of hope is the only thing to keep everyone from causing them, or just most.

Eventually they stumbled upon this strange building, first Radiant_Day opened the door with a keycard he carried with him. Then one by one they each went inside that same building with no questions dropped. Some did want to speak but the silence remained. Once all entered inside, all of their eyes met with a very familiar face. It was no surprise they would be here too, but it still has been surprising to see that person once again since the last time.

"Einin." Alone walked forwards, slightly happy to see and return to his family but it was all mostly anger of earlier about Jake and more. Most importantly there was this different happiness he felt in him, he loved to know he will always return to his family. Once he got near to Einin, he leaned in to whisper a couple of things to them. About all that had happened and the traitor. Einin had some reactions, none of them looked to be happy. Though they remain calm, responding back with whispered words. "Where is she?" Alone question in a calmer tone, a large desperation to see someone the gang hasn't seen before. At first Einin went away for a while to another room, taking a little time, then came right back with someone small in their arms.

This child in their arms has dull light blue skin, her hair is pretty short in the color of a dark blue, and also had a eye the same place as Alones. For a moment the gang stood there in shock after realizing who this child is, and who are her parents. No other than the parents of Alone and Einin. Albert mentally cursed inside his head for this out of huge surprise. He had never expected to see their child. After all of his time with Alone, he finally sees his own child. His family he made after everything. Truly he doesn't live his life with full anger, maybe after the incident inside the hall. He perhaps realized the true grand value in his partner. "Some of your.. friends helped me take care of Lorelei. Other than that, I'm glad for you to return back." Einin said, a slight smile showing on their face, knowing their husband always will come back from how strong he is. "Me too." He says in a quiet down voice tone, happily but so sadly gazing down at his daughter in the arms of Einin.

This feeling struck him in the heart, remembering his words about having a family.

Alone started to inform Einin about everything that happened for those days he was gone and about the loss of his old ally. Foxciate joined in the talk a few seconds to mention a traitor is among them in this room. That made them feel concerned for their child in their arms. Meanwhile some of the gang started their own talks with one another, gladly since they are all safer except they couldn't brush off the wrecking emotions that had built up the moment they saw Alone standing on their front door.

Morgenne stood very near Sorrow and Uleanra, her purple eyes tiredly gaze at her silenced girlfriend. At first she wasn't sure what to tell her, she knows she is going through something difficult. Her included but she knew it was more difficult for her. "I am so sorry for them to return, Sorrow. I should of fucking killed them all and that woman for gathering them back." She glared furiously onto the floor then letting out a long sigh of lost energy. The nurse felt full of exhaustion, most of the time during the fight back in the house, she would have used herself as a meat shield for the two of them. Her body was carrying too many injuries, not only that but she needed to take care of the others injuries. "Fucking damn hell." Her hand formed a tight fist, what hurt her the most of all of the injuries is Rust. Others too were hurt from his sacrifice, nobody had any energy. "Please you should calm down for a little.. we are safe and it'll be alright for now... We'll think of something." Sorrow is not so sure if she was lying or had small hope. It didn't feel like the truth. It was definitely a big lie she needed to tell. "We can still do this.. right?" The build up hope couldn't be enough to make them feel full of energy to move on to another battle, despair kept on taking over each of their minds. All felt too hopeless to do anything after seeing one of their friends go down and left behind. "We will..." Uleanra tried to give courage to the two of them, but he knew it wouldn't be enough right now. Miracles needed to be done, it was impossible for one to happen.

"We are safer now too..." Uleanra muttered unsure, but as well he felt this uncomfortable feeling around Alone and his family. It was like his Christmas lights got a lot tighter around him whenever he looked at the two. A terrifying feeling burned up but hid it away constantly. "I'm really hoping." Morgenne says as her hand holds Sorrows own hand, always staying by her side no matter where they go. As for the others, they spoke with each other as well. Albert and Selozar of course. Though they were lost with words for Rust dying. Especially Albert, he had no idea what to do now after that. He had questioned if running was even necessary. They can't stay in this place forever to hide, they'd need to eventually face what has been coming their way of the taken path. He has been realizing things a lot more than ever, escaping all the time can't be the best thing to do.

"I don't know what to do at this moment. We should stay for a while here... But I don't know when and how." Albert's hazel eyes had been staring into the floor thinking deeply, not only that but his eyes had been tainted with sadness and grief. He knows his ways around the days union city but felt lost with his mind. It was full of many sorts of choices, dangers, and colors. Enough to drive them all insane. "We'll think of a plan. We shouldn't give up for him, after what he did for us all..." Selozar quietly spoke back, sounding unsure for his next words to use in a new sentence. Eventually the male with the blue eyes and blonde hair communicated with the two. "That is right. F-For both. Though we shouldn't stay in this place too long too." Adam crossed his arms, his mind lost with plans already he thought about. "We first do need to recover from our injuries..." He added in, dozing off with more thoughts, that is until someone else spoke that made him lose his focus entirely.

"I'm sorry." Jake quietly said to all of his friends who stood full of injuries.

Most had stood quiet for his apology but some spoke for their minds. "I didn't want to betray any of you!... I want to explain what I did. B-But first I never meant for Rust to get hurt or even die!" He adds in distress, taking a glimpse over at Adam but he looked away disappointed. Not a word came out from him, but from Albert who had the guts to yell at him, he had an entire book to tell him. "You're sorry?" He had this flaming anger, burning up just at the sight of him. "What the hell were you thinking about!" His hands turn into a tight fist, glaring him down for the answers everyone wants to know. Rage stirred within him, it was consuming everything fully. "Why did you betray us? Why did you tell such awful lies to all of us?" Morgenne says in a lower voice tone, but her tone sounded just as disappointed too. Just the thought of their friend giving information and betraying them for her three main enemies and girlfriend, it made her angry but she remained calm on the outside. It took the entire world to hold her back from giving Jake the worst injury she has treated in her life of helping others. Selozar didn't even want to say anything about it, otherwise he'd lose himself. He couldn't bear those feelings all over again. "I thought you were supposed to be our friend! You've ruined everything, what kind of friend does that to us all!" His anger didn't stop from there, it got worse and worse like an erupting volcano. All of it surrounded Jake. "Every damn fucking time it has to be something with you! Why for once can't you do something right! For once, god dammit!" It ran all through his veins, all eyes started to get between the two of them. Though, Einin with Foxicate had left away to another room knowing the loud yelling would scare their child into wailing. "You don't know the reason for why I betrayed you and everyone, do you think I saw that as a right choice? I didn't want to do it, but I had to!" Jake told Albert, a bit angered for the reminder and insults thrown also not listening out to him for his reasons. "I've been wanting to tell everyone the moment that happened but I was being threatened by them! You don't have any idea how difficult it is for me, because you only ever want to understand yourself and Selozar. Have you ever considered someone else's thoughts and feelings? During shit like this that happens?"

"You really think you have all of the problems? We have many happening at this moment! The ones you caused by spilling everything to our enemies or your allies.." Albert wasn't sure what to call them, he couldn't know what they were to him but he didn't have a care for it. He mainly focused on Rust's death being all of his fault alone. "If you just listen to me, I did it for all of them and you too! Also they are nothing to me, I don't consider any of those a friend or an ally." Jake replies with a bit of a growl, "So I did it for my friends! Because I actually consider others instead of only one person and myself."

All eyes continue to look at the two, they know there is no way one of the two will stop arguing if they're not stopped. Though nobody said a word between the two, truly nobody could think right after seeing their friend die in a horrible way just to let them all escape. "I don't care about you or what you want to say after what happened back at that house. You just got Rust killed, that is all of your fault!" Albert says, the room turning darker and darker by the sentences thrown at each other. "You make all of our problems worse than they already are. Eventually you will stab everyone in here too. Or will you kill everyone this time?" Jake wasn't calm how Albert always uses his past against him during times like this. It very much triggered him to remember another bad action he has done. "You think I don't have thoughts against my own actions? I hate myself more than ever. After that mistake you love to remind me about so much, I knew I would never become a good person like I was. Neither a decent one." His body tenses up from how honest he spoke up in front of others hearing, he felt his eyes start to sting but continued to talk. Though his voice was in a change between anger and guilt for his next sentences. "I'm a terrible person, but stop reminding me of my tragedies I know of already. This time I really wanted to protect everyone, that much that I told our enemies everything, so they wouldn't harm any one of them." His hands trembled, too for his pupils that showed rage. "I know Rust is gone, I didn't want him to die but just do me a favor and shut your mouth. I've heard enough about my mistakes."

"Fine then. Had enough of your past? Then let's talk about the true reason why you would betray us. I do know why, it's that obvious." Albert says, "You say you did it to protect all of us each but I know you mainly did it for Adam! I know for a fact you did it to not be alone like you started to be. You don't want to feel abandoned, for that you traded a life. One of our friends!" Adam quietly let out a small sigh, he knew his name will be brought in this argument they're having against each other. Jake too felt annoyed his stubborn friend called out that name. "I said it was for everyone! Why can't you ever listen to me even when I told you in the past there is some guy out there who wants you dead and Selozar, yet you still went out only to come back crying something bad had happened."

Albert burns up more, he wouldn't back down until Jake would. "Why would I need to listen to someone awful like you. Why would anyone else listen after everything you did. It is a shame everyone will abandoned you for this, your murder. Even your own best friend can't say anything to defend you this time, how stupid are you. You tried to avoid it but now everyone around you will be gone for your actions." He laughed at him, "Adam wouldn't even follow you after this one, you really screwed this one up, you killed Rust. You're the real imbecile, you don't ever think at all." He gave this glare, knowing he is seeing right through him, making him angry and he was ready to raise that level to a hotter temperature. "I hope you know that.. you ruined absolutely everything, even for your own self. Why don't you enjoy what you did, murder?.. I know Rust isn't, he's disappointed in you too... All of us are. But him especially, it's so sad that he got to see the face of his real killer."

"Shut up..." Jake demanded, eyes glaring to the floor now with both of his hands into this tight fist grip. A hot shaky breath coming out from him, along with a very dangerous strength. "What? Do you not want to hear the truth? You know it is, you know you are his murder." Albert says so carelessly, the others getting this concern should stop it, especially Selozar. He knew what happened the last time. "I didn't fucking killed him! I didn't do it!" He yelled aggressively, his voice tone turning deeper, an urge growing in him to do another thing he'd hate himself for. Until Albert had gone on a little bit longer, something had snapped in Jake. A noticeable emotion had been born out of all he has felt, a feeling of letting everything go now. A point where everything is lost like in a gambling game, needing to accept the loss of it all.

There was now a huge empty space in him, he chose for nothing to belong in anymore. Despair tainted in his chocolate eyes, a dark ambitionless large but very purposeless world surrounded him. Though he did not care, just like the world, he didn't care. "Go fuck off before I target you next." Jake ominously glared at the spot he stood on earth, knowing he will have fewer thoughts and euphoric emotions. Adam felt a bit of more lost hope, he never knew those words would come out. Finally he saw Jake when he raised his head up. He couldn't believe what everything turned out to be, he felt like all of it in the past is nothing meaningful like he thought. What he saw in him was accepting he could never become someone good or attempted to. He gave in, he is giving up on what he didn't ask to be in. He couldn't fight by the side of theirs or anyone's, just someone that's gonna be by themselves full of anger and hatred. "If that's what you badly want from me to prove me that I'm guilty, I'll be glad to do it. After all, that's what you have been wanting me to do, right?" He questioned ominously, feeling at a calmer but more depressing place he slowly fell in. "Are you trying to get yourself killed now?! You're pathetic for trying to avoid your consequences." Albert responded, making him laugh a little from it. A small smile forms, just the smallest since it barely reads any happiness. "I don't care what will happen from now, you know getting me into this would end in a horrible way. Why don't you accept that too? And I'm not even gonna tell you who you should tell that to."

"Oh, and by the way I don't care what else you need to tell me. You know getting close will only get you hurt." Jake mentioned the others not believing he is threatening now. They were believing in the littlest of hope he would at least try to do good. "I only told the enemy about Rust and Selozars powers, what all happened in the past, including the location for his forest." He says in a more serious tone, "I didn't say anything else." Part of him mostly gave the words to Alone, he knew he wanted answers and he gave them to those foes they shared.

"It doesn't matter to me if you don't wanna believe what I'm saying. You could go ahead and drain me of all of my blood left." Jake stared empty, he turned his head to look onto the floor with a hopeless emotion growing stronger. "You heard him, I am not needed by anybody anymore for killing Rust. I need to leave now, out of this room at least if you want to keep me around." His head turned away over to spot the door where all had entered. "It's not like I'll leave anywhere, I don't even know where I'm at." He added in, an unsure feeling in Alone. Although Jake can't be a threat here, not in a place like this. At least not to him or his family and other myths in here.

Alone signaled for Radiant_Day to let Jake out of the building but to follow him, he'll be watched at all times after he takes a step out from the building, before he took one, there was one last thing said before stepping out. Though, he can't bring himself to say anything to anybody of his friends or whatever he saw them as now. Perhaps a few strangers that had gotten in the same mess. But besides that, only a speck of hope was left in the dark. Fully surrounded by decay. It was the only one thing keeping him awake from his own monsters in his head whispering to stop at this path.

Eventually Jake left the building knowing he will get lost in this large place he didn't recognize. What he knew about it, is it can get really dangerous from the times Adam told him about other myths he has seen or heard of. There were quite a bunch in here from what he started to notice. He didn't care so much about that, there was gonna be no escape anymore from the moment he helped out Albert and Selozar with the drive from the forest. His face was clear for a second, that's all what the myth world needed to see to make him end up in a place like this.

The moment he left the door, the room had gone quiet but yet the darkness still remained. Meanwhile that tiny moment of silence, Adam has been staring into the floor as if he saw a ghost or a ghoul. He cannot even believe what's happening around him, he never wanted to lose someone and a friend. A new bunch of overwhelming emotions filled up in him he never felt before. There was more to come, but he was not sure how much he could stand before he could drop to the ground. He's seen awful tragedies but never a moment like this, never noticing how much pain and loss is in their way.

Alone stood there tall, having no emotion or a care to their argument made against each other. Actually, he felt amused about it. His eyes slowly stare over to the male, seeing a scorn. "I hope you finally understand why you should never interfere in this. None of this would have happened, you had the chance to play it safe that day." Alone spoke, his words getting to Albert easily from the heated argument. "You keep on telling your friend, he is awful for his actions. Though, I recall you saved Selozar but in exchange for the safety of everyone here. Including your own self." A bit of a sharp grin appeared on his face, he felt enjoyable to be able to say this all. "This isn't the fault for Jake, I know for a fact it is you, Albert. Did you not think clearly of the consequences? About all the pain you would feel? The loss? You could've thought more clearly with what you were about to do."

"You did all of this with Selozar. You're getting what you deserve for saving him. Rust would have never died if you just let Selozar stay." Alone added in, noticing even more of Albert's anger boiled. "After all the life that has been taken is much more important than this one there." Albert remained calm, he decided to not show any violence with actions. He felt full of many injuries, but his voice still spoke out. "You don't get to talk about Rust like that. You only worked with him in the past to chase after us and nothing more. You don't see him as a friend, you see him just like all of us. I know now why Rust actually preferred us than someone like you." Albert responded with very low sighs let out knowing another terrible argument will happen again. Especially Adam knew it.

Continually Adam didn't stop looking onto the shiny floor while it carried on with the arguring. He slowly felt he was next to be consumed with despair. His vision turned darker and darker in the longest time. Alone started to raise his tone, eyes beginning to glare. "Rust was closer to being my friend than you did. I can't still believe he sided with you, you only ever needed him around to help you out whenever you got injured." He says, "I know you only accepted him for it. Aren't you the one who is terrible?" A question was made but Albert didn't answer it, he rather ignored his words to talk for himself. But before he could Alone went further on. "Unfortunately he isn't here anymore, it's that easy to get hurt terribly when you're this deep in the situation. He can't save you anymore, you can't even save yourself."

Once again right before Albert can speak back more, there was an interruption. "Shut up and don't blame this on Albert! This isn't his fault to happen." Selozar yelled out, his anger building up faster than Alberts. "It is your fault to happen too, you knew what it could bring to others but you badly needed to pretend you can get away with anything that easily." Alone didn't care if a fight started or not, he just wanted them to know a thing. "You have these powers you discovered a long while ago. You could've saved everyone this time but you didn't do it. You failed to save Rust, who died. It is your fault to happen." There were these thoughts from some of his own friends knowing he could have at least helped out with his incredible powers to save everyone in the old house. "And who are you two to tell me shit. You should be grateful for getting the permission for you all to stay here protected from everything."

Albert scoffed at Alone loud. "Protecting? Do you think they can do that for us when all of them need to deal with something bigger! They're at a fucking war, we don't need to be part of another damn thing. It's not even safe for the crap that goes around here, it's dangerous here too.!" Albert said, knowing all of his friends around him can be in more trouble for being around myths. Especially when it's a large one that could be beyond what they can endure. While all of the argument kept happening, Uleanra couldn't help but to quietly scoff at Selozar, it angered him to see the male act up now but never back at the old house, he indeed hated to see this face again. Sorrow as well felt the same slightly but it was sorrow instead, of course. Uleanra didn't want to be part of it even if he had the chance to tell Alone some words. He kept his distance from the talking.

"You're the one who is always the one who makes me lose something or someone from me. Even with your friends too." Alone continued on for the loss of Rust, and more than that. "You don't get to have anything for that. You don't deserve anything." He added in, holding back all of his urges to say specific words to back them down to their place. "I won't care for what you have to say to me, this is the one good thing in my life and I won't let you ruin it." Selozar began to have more violent thoughts, he felt uncontrollable with what he can be capable of already. "If you think so much about what you have, then why didn't you at least try to protect them? They could have all been killed. You should know it would be best if you left on your own. Have you ever realized what all of your friends needed to go through because of you?" He questioned Selozar but Albert spoke up more to defend him. "I don't care about that for myself, I will always protect him even if it will mean to go through you again." Albert said then when the next question said from the man standing in front of him, it slightly made him lose his focus of argument. "Has Selozar even ever protected you back for everything? I don't recall him doing anything for you, but put you in danger, doing nothing and hide, or attempted to murder you."

"T-That was all in the damn past! Why do you need to bring up something that is over already? You need to be the same with Selozar. Get over with what you lost. And I don't need something in return." Albert yelled trying to avoid that event, except most of him mostly tried forgetting about it all. "Did you not just bring up the past of someone? I forgot how much of a hypocrite you could be." Alone teased, he knew too how much of a fool Albert can be. "I don't care what you call me, you deserved to fall like that. I am very glad it happened to you, it was meant to happen. I am actually happy you lost it." Uleanra in a quick realization heard what Albert just told Alone. He started to badly want the argument to end with all of the screaming happening in his head. A trigger in him alarmed very loud, sirens ringed for disaster.

Alone made this deeper glare towards Albert, his eyes began to stare him down even much more than before. It seemed like this sin showed in his eyes, the side he kept hidden but the amount of pressure built up has broken the door. "You keep on telling me to get over it." Alone reminded, a dull voice tone mad, yet still sounding so loud. "Though, for the past days I always found you trying to be around me back in the hotel. Do you really think I wanted you to be around me with all of the time inside of that place? I never wanted to talk to you, all the words you told me were so useless and very meaningless to me." Somehow the room turned darker with everything he was telling to him but for the next he told everyone. A small little chuckle came out, seeming taller than everyone in the room, he is but somehow everyone felt much smaller. "I'm not even trying to help you out in this situation, I didn't come to your front door to warn you to stay safe. I only wanted to keep you all away from interacting with Omen." He continues on having a bit of a smile, amused to see them slowly know they are much more in danger anywhere. "I didn't want her to convince you to side with her, but now that you're here you won't."

"You know, none of you can do anything. You're all trapped here with us, there won't be an escape to my wrath. Selozar knows that very much, plus where you're at. This doesn't look like your happiness, I knew there won't ever be for you, but you badly need a distraction from everything. You think you're safer around Albert, but since he never had a part for this thing. He'll die by your consequences you don't want to accept. Everyone will, Rust died beacuse of it. He died because of you. That could even happen right now, I can get you all killed right in this place." He laughed menacingly, "You could finally see where the choice led to the end. Nothing for you, the same as always but you never want to learn." Selozar felt terrified, where he stood he can get killed along with everyone else when he's not being easy with his words. Though it also made him feel like he could have done so more than just hide, not even trying to defend Albert when he would give his life for him. Albert too felt terrified, he didn't want for anyone else to die and or everyone. He felt very nervous about what would happen in the next moment. "W-We don't want to be part of the enemy's side even before you brought t-that up! You really don't care for what Rust did, what he sacrificed himself for. I don't think you even deserve to even mention his name. What do you think he would think about you? You and Jake are already that disrespectful to him!"

"Shut up already!" Adam shouted all of a sudden, his voice breaking through the argument. His vision had awakened, he broke away from the darkness to not get dragged down to despair. "Do you think Rust would have wanted all of THIS? He helped us all to run away with his meaningful sacrifice. He wanted all of us to keep on living forwards including Alone to stay with his family. And you use his name like that repeatedly to argue with him, you both are fucking monsters." His blue eyes stared down at the two, full of distraught but full with such determination to stop the two from using a name like that to die in vain, he couldn't let it happen right in front of his face. "Rust wouldn't want us killing each other or you Albert falling apart with everyone! His name deserves much better than such stupid excuses to insult one another." He stood his ground, in his mind thinking of his terrible two are for doing that, not even a day after the disaster. Sweat and blood dripping from him even for a vicious talk.

"Both, Rust and Selozar let you live your life with your partner and child. The two easily decided to give you mercy when they could've made a much worse choice." Adam says, his face scrunching a little. "I'm going to admit we at least deserve some mercy back for Selozar giving you it. I don't need to bring up Rust for it, don't you see that Albert." He demonstrated there was no need to use Rust's name over and over again. "If we do get trapped here with you. Then that is another problem for you to deal with, especially a serious one when you pissed it off to be a threat against your family in this place here." A glare had been made to the two of them, trying to be reasonable at least with a bit of a threat to make Alone remember the mercy they can always give. His determination to keep on wanting to move forwards for Rust got stronger with each word but also needing to bring everyone with him.

Adam knew trying would be so difficult but he truly believed in himself. It can take every strength of him to keep everyone together from breaking. He'll grasp onto firmly to see the bright day with a clear blue sky, awaiting for them in the future to keep himself from shattering apart. He wouldn't allow for any of his emotions to overcome him, even if there was a bit of tears he wouldn't stop at that spot of the path he would look back at. Nearly every one of his friends are praying for a miracle to come true, although it won't happen unless everyone truly believes. Even if the fall is the fault for a friend, it wouldn't mean for his own prayers to get forgotten. All of their hearts would need to be beating as one. He knows every one of each voice needs to get out of this mess, all are sharing the same hope in one dream.

Adam's anger did burn up, that didn't mean he would want to fall apart with the others but his voice had a desire to speak out loud. "You don't get to decide my choices, I am the one who will decide what I need to do or want. Nobody else is gonna get left behind, and I won't ever abandoned someone." His eyes in power with strength gathered, a tight bond made with the bit of leftover hope in him. "I'm gonna be the friend now who will forgive even for the worst mistake done. I believe Jake never wanted to tell the enemy, he did not intend to be in this. Just like Rust, he wanted to protect everyone." He says committed to all of his words, "Even when he got caught up in this, he would always fight for everyone and you." His hands made a few gesturers.

"I'm saying this now to you Selozar, you too need to stop and learn about the conflict and the consequences for your actions done. I won't ever blame you for Rust to die but don't make things worse by trying to start a fight with Alone. All of us are lucky to be here. If not we would be lost, or defenseless." Adam had turned his vision over to Selozar, not saying anything back. He knew now he needed to stop and act more serious to face the real threat, not the false one trying to fool with him. Though, a feeling of shame overcame him, he didn't protect anybody. Never once he told Albert to step back to protect him. He never was loyal to his promise to protect back, it was only when it was a life risking situation. Not everyday.

Adam went back into Albert and Alone. "We need to stay focused on what he gave us, the future. Rust is all of our friends, nobody less. None of us used him to earn more power or for his healing, we knew him as who he is. The true reason why he is our friend." For a moment he thought about him more deeply, a bit of sadness stayed in him. Nobody has ever died for him, something very special done has made him see the action to make others see the bright spark. The grasp to stay together, for more days to happen in all their futures. That's why he needed to keep everyone on the path to move forwards. He wouldn't allow for another friend to get lost behind, or become delinquent. "I won't allow for another friend to suffer out there. If you can understand me, somewhere inside you both of you. You would know how meaningful a friend can be with all done in the past." For a small little moment even more sadness appeared in his blue eyes. "I know what happened, I am not asking for you two to forgive each other. It's truly horrible for what you do to each other, I'd never do it even to an enemy. I'm gonna keep this friendship, I can not let it turn out like this. I am gonna try to reach out to Jake." Slowly his tone got softer and softer, a lot of emotions wrecked in him. "He is suffering from this. He never wanted to be into this entire mess. He is haunted by everything. I am not letting him alone when he is feeling like that."

Slightly Adam's heart was rising high before the next step. Just the thought of how much in grieve and the unbearable loneliness Jake can be in worried him. It is a rough place where he's standing, the world is on his shoulders to make him go down. That's one of the many reasons why this emotion needed to pull him out from the ground. Stay on his side no matter what. He will call his name out until the hope of light can finally touch him and bring him to the day with a clear blue sky. "I won't abandon a friend like that. I won't forget for a moment everything I had with a friend, it won't ever break. I won't lose anyone else." Adam knew this can be difficult to accomplish with the face Jake made when he was giving in. But with his determination finally gained, he will get him out of the darkness he never deserved to be in.

After all Adam walked and left out of the building to look for Jake, a trail of power made to keep all of his friends moving onwards. Still remembering Rust in their hearts and minds. Alone glared away.  "You all are allowed to go off. You are all lucky for another day, if not you would be dead by now. Though, I won't be like that for Rust." He admitted, turning away with the quietest sigh over to the door of the room his partner and child is inside of. "I'll be with my family. I suggest for those who need a tour in this place stay in this building. As well for where you'll stay for the night. One of the operatives will come around to help out."

"Understood." Morgenne spoke for everyone with the silence made, slightly the darkness lifted, except some remained for them themselves to clear for their own self. Right after Alone left away in the room, everyone began to talk to each other. The nurse communicates with Sorrow and Uleanra, she starts to get out her medical materials to treat the injuries out of the two while waiting for the operative to arrive.

"Are you feeling okay, Selozar?" Albert questioned in a gentle but broken voice tone. His hand carefully removed the black hair that'd cover his black orb eyes. "...Y-Yeah, I feel okay." His tone sounded full of emptiness, but with the warm touch of Albert's hand cupping his cheek, he felt a warming emotion in all of the darkness. He pushed down his head slightly, a sigh of relief made to have him still by his side after everything horrible. "I love you." He said, his eyes closing shut. "I love you too." Albert leaned down his head to touch with Selozars after removing his hand down to hold his hand. Standing still for a brief moment to embrace the next steps they'll need to take to move forwards for Rust. It felt like such a gentle embrace of decay, but with their fragments of hope left. The strength is made to never stop moving.

With all of that done, it slowly started to begin with their stay in this place. The days union city. At first it had been quite quiet settling in, although they're all looking out for each other's back like said. As for Adam he did not find Jake yet, but he did hear word from one of the operatives he knows where they'll be resting for the nights of their stay. Until then, for the next day everyone slept for the future.

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