
By Herocatgirl

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In the modern time in Tamriel, the daedras are not happy, the few followers they have left are starting to tu... More

Chapter I: The Forbidden scroll
Chapter II: Time To Get Dirty
Chapter III: The Last chance
Chapter IV: Welcome Back
Chapter V: How to Train your Daedric god
Chapter VI: The Calling Of Madness
Chapter VIII: A New Beginning
Chapter IX: Battle For The mind
Chapter X: Long Lost Legacy

Chapter VII:Send In The Clowns

36 1 0
By Herocatgirl

Fredas morning, Lucie woke up next to a sleeping Sheogorath, she smiled and passed her hand gently in his hair. She got up, dressed up and got to the Kitchen, Haskill was there drinking coffee. Lucie said hello to him before taking a bowl, some milk and cereals. She ate her cereals slowly, looking outside, it was raining, she likes the rain, the sound it makes, the smell of the nature after it and especially the puddles, she loved jumping in it when she was a kid, she still does but less. All the things that happened to her in her childhood and teenagehood makes her cringe and feel guilty, the fighting, insults, bullying, the moquery about her choice in daedric princes. She was a weird kid, but not that much, all the shit that happened to her made her really go off with her sanity, she was used to it now. The brainwash she got last night made her change her mind about all of that. She put down her cereal bowl, got up, opens the glass door to her backyard and runs outside in the rain, just with a t-shirt, pyjama pants and barefoot. She smiles, laugh, twirl then fell down face first in the mud, paused for a second then rolled in it. She stopped after like ten minutes of rain and mud craziness, she looked at the sky, closed her eyes and started to cry, it wasn't sadness, it was tears of joy, she was free, free of all her past mistakes, free of all the pain she ever felt. Her mind finally free of all the negative thoughts. She snapped out of her trance to see Haskill leaning against the doorframe.
"Having fun ?" he asked.
"You saw all of it ?" asked Lucie.
"Yes but don't worry, i'll keep it as a secret. I'm happy that you finally accepted the craziness"
Lucie stayed silent for a bit.
"Come inside" he said "or you are going to catch a cold"
She got to her room, started to change herself to take a bath, then her phone rang, text message from Mathilde:
"Are you still coming tomorrow ? Big meeting remember ?"
Lucie responded: "You bet your arse i'm coming! Wouldn't miss it! I have a little surprise for you all"
Mathilde responded: "Oh ? What is it ? Can you tell me ?"
Lucie responded: "It wouldn't be a secret anymore if i tell you. Anyway, see ya tomorrow"
She puts down her phone and think for a bit. While in her bath, she thought of a plan. What she will do to take back her place in the club. Attacking one of the members would result in a big fight, she came up with the idea of attacking the most powerful one first (her brother). Then she thought, what she would wear. She can't come in her usual club outfit. She finished taking her bath and rushed to her closet. She ruffled a bit before finding black pants, a colorful scarf, a white shirt, a red and a purple classy vests. She continued thinking. She grabbed a sheet of paper on her desk, a pencil and started doodling what her outfit would look like. After five minutes of drawing she came to the end. She was proud of it. She would keep the black pants and white shirt, use the scarf as a belt just hanging a bit on one side, separate one side of each vest and sew them together. She asked Haskill for help.
"Haskill ? Do you have any talent in sewing by any chance ?" she asked yelling down the hall.
"Who do you think made my outfit ?" he yelled back.
Lucie prepared her sewing machine, she found some gold thread in her handy box, this would bring a nice touch to the vest. After two hours of sewing, measuring, planning and arguing, they finally finished the outfit and the plan to take over the club.
Lucie fell asleep that night happy and excited for tomorrow.
Loredas morning came around, Lucie jumped out of her bed. She got to her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She noticed that more white hair had appeared, she also noticed the white of her eyes were starting to fade to a light grey. She didn't bothered asking the what with the why and finished preparing herself. She outfit was perfect, everything was like she imagined, she got a black pair of shoes and simple black mittens. Her long hair bothering her so she tied it into a bun. She looked in the mirror, perfect. She took the staff, the Wabbajack and got out to get her car.
They arrived at the club not so long after, Lucie felt a little nervous, what if her plan doesn't work ?
She shook her head, it had to work.
"Something feels wrong about this place" said Sheogorath in Lucie's head.
"What are you talking about ?" she responded.
"I don't know, it feels like something familiar. There's a strong aura in here and it makes me feel sick"
"Don't worry, there's only simple humans in here. They won't do much"
"If you say so. But if something goes wrong, i'm taking control. Ok" he asked.
"Ok. Get ready"
Lucie puts on her Daedric club cloak, just to cover her changes and not bring any intention on her. She pulls the hood on, we could only see the orange glowing eyes. She hides the staff under the cloak and equip the Wabbajack on her back.
She opens the door, she was determined to win this.
She entered the room, it felt strange indeed, the room was only lit by some candles on the table. All the members around the table with their cloak and hood on. Lucie took place at the table.
"I see that you didn't brought your roommate" said Mathilde.
"Yeah. He had to know sooner or later anyway" said Lucie putting the Wabbajack on the table.
"I also see that you finally gained one of the artifacts of your daedric prince"
Lucie stayed silent.
"Well….can we start ?" asked Benjamin.
The members agreed. Lucie stayed staring at her brother. Something was wrong.
"Order of the day. Re-integration in the club. What do you think of it guys ?" asked Benjamin looking at the others.
"I think it's a waste of time" said Corentin with his arms crossed.
"I think we should give her a chance" said Mathilde.
"You know you're opinion is not available since it's you who asked her to come!" said Corentin angrily.
"Corentin is right. It's a waste of time" said Brice.
"Oh shut up you deer fucker !" said Mathilde.
Lucie watched in silence all the members yell at eachother.
"Guys, GUYS !!" yelled Benjamin.
The members calmed down, all looking at him.
"I think we should ask her for her opinion"
They all turned around to Lucie waiting for a response.
"I think it would be wise to let me back in" said Lucie calmly.
Benjamin stayed silent and looked at the others to agree on the decision.
"I will stay at one condition" said Lucie.
"And what is it ?" asked Benjamin.
"I want my post as the leader back"
"I can't let that happen" said Benjamin
"I didn't came all the way here to let my plan go to waste" said Lucie calmly.
"Huh ?"
Lucie removed her cloak, revealing her new appearance. She grabbed the Wabbajack and pointed it at her brother.
"YOU WILL LEARN TO BOW BEFORE ME !!!" yelled Lucie before shooting a spell with the Wabbajack on him.
Benjamin acted quickly, removed his cloak to reveal an all black combat suit, unsheathed his sword. It was the ebonite sword of Mephala, he deflected the attack with it. His eyes were not the same, instead of brown eyes were crimson colored eyes, his hair were darker and his skin paler than before.
Benjamin quickly charged at Lucie. Sheogorath took the chance to take control of her. Benjamin grabbed Lucie by the throat and slammed her against a nearby wall.
"I see that you didn't changed a bit Mephala. Still so violent, you're vessel reflects you perfectly" said Sheogorath now possessing Lucie's body.
"Shut up you worthless fool ! How dare you set a foot here ?!" said Mephala, possessing Benjamin's body.
"You see, my vessel asked for help, i gave her what she wanted. Now we're one. I can see it's the same for ya" said Sheogorath smugly.
"Put him down Mephala, we need to talk" said Corentin before removing his cloak.
He wasn't the same either. His hair normally brown were now black with white locks and his eyes were piercing blue.
"Azura ? It's good to see ya"
"Shut up Sheo, you're not out of this yet"
"Ya still mad after me eh ?"
"She's not the only one" Said Brice, removing his cloak.
His skin was like deer fur in some places and his eyes were now orange.
"Hircine ! My boy, how's the daedroth ?"
"Still pretty dead, after the crap you pulled on me all those years ago"
Mathilde stayed silent, she calmly removed her cloak. She wasn't the same too. Two horns on her head, ginger hair and blue eyes.
"Well that's unexpected. Clavicus, how your doggo, Barbas was it ?"
"Waiting at home, it's good to see you back"
The others looked at him shocked.
"What ? He never did something to me, why would i be mad ?"
"He's the mad god" said Azura.
"And ? He's our brother before all"
"Actually it's sister, since i changed body. It's weird to see you all like that. Only Hircine keep the same gender"
Hircine gave him a middle finger.
"Soooo…..i guess this meeting wasn't for putting me back as the leader" asked Sheogorath.
"Indeed, we have a big problem. Jyggalag is back" said Mephala.
"Oh…..i see. How did he do it, i thought he didn't have any follower left"
"Well… Somehow, he found the ancient scroll before your vessel. Thanks for giving it by the way, feels good to walk on Nirn again"
"You're welcome….."
"The news won't make your vessel happy. The last of Jyggalag's follower is her childhood enemy. She hates her like the plague" said Clavicus.
"What her name if i may ask ?"
"Zora. Apparently my vessel doesn't like her either"
"Jyggalag is coming for you, he wants to finish the job he started since the last greymarch" said Azura.
"We brought you here to find out how to defeat him and maybe help you" said Hircine.
"Guys, i don't even have all my power. How am i supposed to defeat him ?"
"You get your power from your staff right ?" Asked Clavicus.
"Well there's that and…..the Shivering Isles but they're gone to ashes since i don't have enough followers"
"Can't you just rebuilt it ?" asked Mephala.
"Well yes…..but that means i have to use my vessel as a power outlet"
"What's wrong about that ?" asked Hircine.
"The more she use my power, the more she becomes me. Using too much in one try will made me lose her completely" said Sheogorath with a sad tone.
"I guess it's worse than i thought" said Azura.
"What's the problem ?" asked Clavicus.
"Sheogorath is too afraid to lose his vessel because he fell in love with her"
"What's wrong with that ?"
"Humans and Daedras don't go well together"
"And ? Malacath did have a relationship with a mortal, he even had a kid with it"
"He marks a point there" said Hircine.
"He did have a kid, only to kill him because he went insane by my fault" cried Sheogorath.
"It's gonna be ok Sheo, i'm sure she will survive. Come on, i will help ya if you want" said Clavicus.
"I will too" said Hircine.
"I hate you but now i feel guilty. I will help you" said Azura.
They all looked at Mephala, waiting for her response.
"Alright, alright. I will help" said Mephala, annoyed.
"Come on, show us the way" said Clavicus, helping Sheogorath to get up.

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