Prince Of My Heart

By rayson2017

866 334 27

Sophia buries her family in one week, she loses the only hope she had in her life, not only that but she has... More

|Chapter 1|•√
|Chapter 2|•√
|chapter 3|•√
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|chapter 6|
|chapter 7|
|chapter 8|
|chapter 9|
|chapter 10|
chapter 11
|chapter 12|
|chapter 13|
|chapter 14|
|chapter 15|
|chapter 16|
|chapter 17|
|chapter 18|
|chapter 19|
|chapter 20|
|chapter 21|
|chapter 22|
|chapter 23|
|chapter 24|
|chapter 25|
|chapter 26|
|chapter 27|
|chapter 28|
|chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|chapter 31|
|chapter 32|
|chapter 33|
|chapter 34|
|chapter 35|
|chapter 36|
|chapter 37|
|chapter 38|
|chapter 39|
|chapter 40|
|chapter 41|
|chapter 42|
|chapter 43|
|chapter 44|
|chapter 45|
|chapter 46|
|chapter 47|
|chapter 48|
|Chapter 49|
|Chapter 51|
|Chapter 52|
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60

|chapter 50|

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By rayson2017

Chapter 50

Sophia POV

Fiddling with the cafe's keys I lock the door, the stores lined up are all dark and the lights have all been snuffed out; seems like everyone retired early today, it's been a week since the magazine, people stared at me for the first half then stopped and moved on to the next thing.

Alex has been busy and I've not seen him but I've been seeing the magazine, the tabloids suspect a misunderstanding between the duchess and Alex since they have been frosty with each other and as been detached from themselves in all the pictures

Honestly I miss him badly, just us going somewhere or staying at home, I yawn walking down the street, the air is cold and I pull my sweater clad body into my coat rubbing on my neck for a bit of heat

My feet move faster trying to get home when I notice a black car following me, I still myself turning around but the car is dark and it stops

I narrow my eyes from staying in New York for so long it's either the mafia wants to recruit me or am about to be kidnapped, I knew my happiness never lasted quickly my legs carry me, first in a slow jog but my steps quicken and so does the car, I stop narrowing my eyes turning around I march to the car knocking on the window rapidly

The window pulls down and the driver sends me a smile

Why are you following me Lester? I stare at Eric's bodyguard of course it would be him

He laughs softly; jump in

I do as he says settling into the warm car

Prince Eric said to watch after you he shrugs pulling up in front of my block

I don't need anyone watching over me

Seeing as the duchess still wants you gone I think it's best I guard you he blinks

I huff, she still hates me? But she's going along with the plan so well I frown

She's a really good actress he shrugs, and I came to give you this too he pulls out a gold card

What's that? I frown grabbing it

Tea party with the princess he snorts, it's the princess début in four months you are invited

She gave you this? Like Elena the little girl that hates my guts

He nods, maybe she's warming up to you he shrugs

Nope I don't think so, I shake my head, it's been a week, she hates me I wave him off climbing out of the car, thank you for the ride

He sends me a salute and I leave, I walk up the stairs fingering the keys to my door, I wonder what I'll do the whole weekend, Rosie decided we all needed the weekend off, they both went with river to their ancestral home in Sussex and Lara and Andre are going to California to see his parents, I turn Instead to Simon's door, am sure we can do something this weekend, before I can knock the door is pulled open and Lauren steps out with him

I raise a brow at that, damn he's fast

Oh Soph Simon sends me a smirk, what-"

I thought we could go to the bar with your other mechanic buddies I tell him but you're busy I wink

He laughs, we are going to the bar, you could come if you want right Lauren? He turns to her

Yes that would be splendid, I heard Elena is going to invite you to her debut I can teach you a few things she nods eagerly

I shake my head, I'll seat this one out, it's months away

She nods

I wave goodbye to them watching them walk out together, okay that's it!! Alex can't be playing with me like this, I guess he's busy but I've seen James on the cover of most magazines in clubs, am sure he can do the same

Oh who am I kidding? He has more responsibilities I pull my door open grumbling to myself I turn the lights on and my steps falter, I eye the roses on the floor leading to my living room, roses are scattered everywhere on the floor,couch and on the table are candles in a heart shape and a bowl in the middle

My cheeks tint pink, here I am grumbling to myself when Alex is already a step ahead of me, I narrow my eyes at a brand new TV set, I can't believe he got me a new one even after I broke the last one

Surprise I hear his voice whisper in my ear from behind

My heart leaps out from my chest, I turn around staring at him for a while, he cut his hair again and it's shorter and the same way it was when I first saw him, the faux cut fits him perfectly and his lips pulls into a smile

Time stands still for a moment and all that worry and over thinking fades away as I pull him into a tight hug

It feels like I've not seen you in months I mumble still attached to him

He laughs softly, I know I've been piled with work but this weekend it's going to be just you and I

I nod into his neck still holding on to him tightly, I love this man and am never letting go

Come on Sophia I have another surprise for you

Other than trying to burn my apartment down? I raise a brow at him leaning back slightly

Yes he nods laughing; I missed you so much

I missed you too I lean forward placing my lips on his, he's hands grip my waist tightly pulling me closer to him as our lips move against each other, this is not the kind of kiss that leads to the bedroom, no this kiss clearly represents all the time we've missed from each other, I smile into the kiss giving out a little quiet moan and he immediately stops

No, we have to get to your surprise first then you can moan all you want he pecks my cheek panting slightly

I groan slightly staring at the bowl in the middle, what's that?

Your surprise he points out

I raise a brow, I told you to stop with the gifts

Am not stopping anytime soon and let me tell you this; you looked gorgeous in that dress a week ago

Thank you but Alex-"

Shhh he grabs my hand in his, I don't buy you the dresses cause I feel like you have to wear expensive things, in fact, I know you can handle yourself, I buy you these things because I feel good buying them for the woman I love, I know you love them, I know your style Sophia, you're going to complain for ages if you think I will ever stop, I want to spoil you

All my doubts clear up immediately, the man knows me like the back of his palm, probably can tell what am thinking from across the country

And I know you feel like am going to dump you anytime soon and you will indebted like your asshole ex but am not him, am  your boyfriend, your lover,the man you can confide in, cry to, laugh with and love so it's either you open the gift or i force it in you.

I laugh softly my eyes stinging with tears maybe I don't have such bad luck after all.

I move to the bowl looking inside I laugh softly, chocolate, we were arguing because of chocolates

I grab the bowl but he stops me turning the candles, off, come on I got your bags your next surprise is waiting he enters my bedroom coming out with my duffle bag.

Where are we going to? I send him a questioning glance

He only waves me off storing the candles away he turns off the lights pushing me back into the darkness he's hoodie drawn up we both climb down the stairs quickly and back into a car with Timothy

Good evening Timothy I tell him with a smile

Good evening Sophia;where to Sir?

The hanger please Alex replies he's hand in mine

I turn to him eyes narrowed, where are you taking me?

Relax Sophia, I promised you I would show you the world and I'll do exactly that he pecks my cheek

My wallet I left it I point out, my card everything is at my house

He grabs my chin placing his soft lips on mine for a moment, you don't need it

I still for a while, you can't distract me with kisses, at least tell me where were going to, and I have to inform my friends

Lester will take care of that he grabs my phone before I can stop him turning it off; I'll give it to you when we get there

Is it Paris? I jump in my seat, there's still so much I've not seen

No love he says with a smirk, his accent deepening

I immediately melt in his arms, how about a hint? I turn to him

It's warm no cold weather he points out that's all I can tell you.

Alex I whine

I'm not telling you anything but you'll love it there I promise; he pulls me into his body wrapping his hand around me, God I missed you he mumbles into my hair

I close my eyes breathing in his scent but the car comes to a stop, looking out the window I see a private jet waiting, it's the same with the one we went with to Paris.

I settle on my seat pouting at him from across the room as he speaks to the pilot in hushed tones

I peel my coat and sweater from my body remaining in just a tank top and jeans, I pull my boots away too, there's no need for all that if the trip is going to be long

Alex comes back taking a rest beside me, do you want anything? He turns to me buckling up

Where are we heading?

He snorts, not gonna happen, are you hungry? cause I am he asks clearly this time

I shook my head had dinner with Rosie and Johnny before leaving I answer; even the little things matter to him and am glad I found a man like him; anyway how was your trip?

The plane takes off as I ask this particular question

It was good, I'll take you there someday, everyone is quite lovely he tells me distracted by his food

You're super hungry I laugh grabbing his napkin and wiping on the side of his lips

Yea, I've been busy all day I missed lunch he shrugs turning to me so I can get the other side

Baby I snort; you're meant to be a prince with etiquette I point out with a laugh

I can be whoever I want with you, I don't feel the need to act like a prince when am with you he straightens his leg

Yea right, half the time you are all gentlemanly it's imbedded in you, there's just some qualities that you don't act out with other people because they are part of you

You don't want me to be a gentleman? He raises a brow

Is that all you got out of that sentence? And of course I want you to be a gentleman, I've dealt with enough rascals in this life time

Women are so complicated he snorts muttering the words underneath his breath

Hey I use the napkin to hit his shoulder

It's the truth and I love figuring you out he leans forward placing a peck on my lips; you should get some sleep we have a lot of exploring to do.

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