~Little Mikaelson~ [Book 1]

By HayleyMikaelson

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She's the daughter of the oldest hybrid in the world, Niklaus Mikaelson. Her father is the King of New Orlea... More

~Little Mikaelson~
Chapter 1 ~ Changing Tides
Chapter 2 ~ We Live To Die
Chapter 3 ~ Fearful Hearts
Chapter 4 ~ Old Friends, New Problems
Chapter 5 ~ The World Has Turned And Left Me Here
Chapter 6 ~ Time after Time
Chapter 7 ~ Welcome to the World
Chapter 8 ~ Visting time!
Chapter 9 ~ Taken: Part 1
Chapter 10 ~ Taken: Part 2
Chapter 11 ~ Taken: Part 3
Chapter 12 ~ Taken: Part 4
The Devil's Wife (review)
Chapter 13 ~ One Big Happy Family!
Chapter 14 ~ What's done is Done.
Chapter 15 ~ Adriana
Chapter 16 ~ Night Time
Chapter 17 ~ Long Time No Kill
Chapter 18 ~ Kidnapped
Chapter 19 ~ Fighting for Family
Chapter 20 ~ Home Sweet Home?
To The Haters & my non-haters!!
Chapter 21 ~ Where she belongs
Chapter 22 ~ Problem to your solution
Chapter 23 ~ Let go
Chapter 24 ~ Ghost of the Past
Chapter 25 ~ Qui habitas in parte Part 1.
Chapter 26 ~ Recoiled (Part 2/2)
Chapter 27 ~ From the House to a Grave
Little Mikaelson Q&A!! - CLOSED
Audition a Character!
Chapter 28 ~ Live, Laugh, and Kill
Chapter 29 Part .1 ~ When You Love A Friend
Chapter 30 ~ Family Ties (2/2)
Chapter 31 ~ Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 32 ~ Black Hole
Chapter 33 -- Northern Rose
Chapter 34 PROMO
Chapter 34 ~ Murder House Ball (part 1/2)
Chapter 35~ Death is a Virtue (Part 2/2)
Chapter 37 ~ Everything Changes
Chapter 38 ~ Never, Ever, In This Endeavor
Chapter 39 ~ Oh Baby I
30K READS!!!
Updating Info
Chapter 40 ~ This Black Heart of Mine is Breaking
New Cover // Update Info!
Chapter 41 ~ Butterfly Kisses and Snake Bites
Chapter 42 ~ Feathers of an Angel
Chapter 43 ~ Darkness on the Horizon
Chapter 44 ~ Always Isn't Forever
Ending Note
Questions & Answers With The Author!
~Dark Mikaelson~

Chapter 36 ~ The World Has Turned Upside Down

777 27 0
By HayleyMikaelson

Rebekah's POV

Standing outside of an old abandoned building, with Hayley and Briar on each side of me is rather odd in my opinion. Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare up at the building in confusion. "Well, if this is where they are I'm not surprised. Evil people have a tendency of living in old abandoned buildings... I wonder why Nik doesn't live in one." I ask quizzically.

Hayley chuckles at my comment, while Briar rolls her eyes and texts Nik where we are. Poor girl, she's smitten for my evil brother and that is not going to turn out well at all. What's worse is that Nik actually likes her to. 

Which is a shame, considering everyone who ever liked Nik ended up dead or in a gutter. Except for that blonde, Caroline, who refuses to talk to my brother. Turning back to the matter at hand, I watch as Hayley walks up to the door.

She pushes against the door, but the door doesn't have a handle or anyway to get inside! "I guess they prefer to have the guests come in the back way. Shame, I thought that this could be easy for once; saving the day and all."

Walking around to the back, there is no windows or holes anywhere. Standing in the back my eyes rest on a door, and then to a long metal pointed object that could be used to stick the door with. "Okay girls, silent or loud?" 

Briar smirks, and glances over at Hayley who is grinning. "Silent." They both say at the say time, and picking up the metal object I hold it up. 

"Briar, would you like to do the honors or should I?"

Smirking she gestures to the door, and grins at me. "You should, since you found it after all." She says and smirks again.

"Good point." Facing the door again, I strike the door knob hard using my vampire sense of heightened strength and speed. The door knob falls off, and pushing open the door I send a sassy smirk there way. Strutting inside, it is very bright inside and has a homey feeling to it, but I can sense that something is really off.

Hayley and Briar join me inside, and Briar pulls out her phone when/once it vibrates. "That's strange, Klaus says that they can't come. There about to be caught in the midst of a battle, do you think we should help them?" As soon as the words left her mouth we all go flying backwards hitting the grass hard. 

"Yes, what a merry idea. Go, and help them they'll need it more then you will or do." Grinning a menacing smile Astra holds us down with one hand.

Struggling against her, Briar and I manage to sit up with much difficulty but Hayley was knocked unconscious's during the fall. "Hayley!" My voice is a mixture of groaning and urgency, as I grab her arm shaking it.

But it takes too much energy to do so, and Astra applies more force forcing us back to the ground again. "Let... Me... Go you bastard!" I hiss, and struggle against her.

Looking over at Briar who is struggling to, I realize something and quickly devise a plan. "Okay, okay! We'll leave, but you'll need to let us up first okay?" I struggle out through my teeth, the weight on me and my head hurts like hell.

Suddenly it is lifted - all of it - and everything feels so much better. Taking a moment to get my bearings, I nod slightly and stand up helping Briar to her feet. Nodding once more to her, she darts forwards and then off to the side distracting Astra.

Meanwhile, I take this opportunity to dash around her and grab onto her head with one hand and tilting it to one side, and feasting on her blood. Before snapping her neck with my other hand.

"Good job, not bad for an original sister!" She says with a smirk, and grins at me. Turning towards Hayley, I kneel down beside her and touch her cold skin. 

"She's cold, and I don't think she's breathing." I say, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her slightly. Briar crouches beside me, and touches her wrist and sighs slightly.

"She's breathing, lets put her over near the bushes and when she wakes up she come and find us. When Astra wakes up, she can take take us to Esther." 

Raising one eyebrow, I slowly look over at her. "Esther? What are you talking about? When she wakes up? She's dead!" I say slowly, and stand up and Briar smirks standing up.

In one step she had pinned against the wall by my throat, and her true form comes forth. "Exactly, Esther. You don't think that this witch could actually do all this on her own do you? She needs or needed a little bit of help. Which is good for me, because I get paid to trick you. See you soon." She grabs the sides of my neck, but I knee her and slam her into the building before snapping her neck.

"Rebekah! What did you do to her?" Nik bellows, and dashes forwards, and turns Briar over only to see that her face is changing. "What's going on?" He almost whispers, and her body changes into a small, blonde haired young woman.

"She's the shifter, Nik! Someone made us think that was Briar, the real Briar is somewhere else. But we don't have time for this, we have to save Adriana! My niece." Hissing slightly at the dead body of Astra, who Elijah is poking around with.

Both of there collars are drenched in blood, cuffs and sleeves ripped and this is the worst I've ever seen my brother Elijah. "Rebekah is right, Niklaus, we must hurry now." He says, and Nik stands up before nodding and heading into the building.

Taking a few deep breaths, I follow them expecting people to be jumping out and trying to kill us. There is nothing but silence. Dead, eerie silence... Nothing is moving, and the air is still as frozen water.

Nervously glancing around, I'm scared to touch or move anything for the fear of damaging the beautiful objects and simplicity in the room. Nothing is out of place, and nothing is even an inch off; everything is exactly 32.66 centimeters apart from each other.

Slowly, we all stop walking and stare into nothingness. Bam! A dark wolf lunges out knocking me aside and into the wall, taking me completely off guard. It's long fangs and vicious claws snarling out at me.

I madly attempt to avoid the salivated fangs and mouth, that is filled with poisonous werewolf venom. Growls and snarls filling the air as it's glowing red eyes glare at me, they are filled with anger and desire for the kill. 

Struggling against it, I grab onto the muzzle and try to hold it back while my brothers are fighting there own battles; Klaus is mercilessly fighting a highly trained vampire, while Eljiah is mustering up all the strength he can to battle against a witch.

Turning back to my attacker, I kick it right in the grand-kids causing it to yelp in shock. But pain doesn't seem to be registering in it's head. Sliding my hand off it's muzzle, I roll into an elbow whacking it right across the face.

Using this window of opportunity, to throw it into a wall. I miss, and it lands a few feet away, and we both jump up staring each other down. 

Lunging forwards, I feel a sharp pain in my side causing me to scream as I fall to the ground twisting and wringing in pain. Clutching onto my side which is bleeding, and looking up two grown, huge wolves are circling me.

Struggling to my feet, I manage a hiss at them ignoring the pain. As I glance up I catch the sight of Elijah killing the witch, which brings hope to me that he'll come and save my ass. 

"Elijah! Elijah, please I need help!" I scream out at him, and dodge another attack from the wolves causing me to stumble into the other one. Jumping forwards, I whirl around kick it right in the side of the head; causing it to fall to the ground.

Using this moment of weakness, I grab around it's neck and squeeze as hard as I can before I feel and hear it's windpipe snap. Turning to the other wolf, it lunges forwards and I do a back flip whacking it right in the stomach.

When I land, I whirl around and jam my hand into it's heart ripping it out rather mercifully. Dropping it down, my eyes rest on Nik who is fighting off four vampires with long stakes and daggers. Dashing towards him, I snap one of the vampires neck before pinning the other one against the wall; ripping it's heart out in one move. 

Whirling around, I stand back-to-back with Nik as we move in a skilled box shape before moving towards our attackers. Block, punch, block, kick, dodge, kick, fall, throw, kick, block, punch. Is the sequence as we fight, before I dash forwards jamming the stake deep into it's own heart; causing it to fall down dead.

Turning to face Nik who is staring at me, and then down at the wolf bite I sigh heavily. "Well that was fun." I say with a smirk, and Elijah is beside me in an instant. 

"You've been bitten, here." Nik say, and bites his wrist holding it out for me to drink. Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I take his wrist and drink as little as I can before stepping back and sighing in relief as my wound heals. 

"Thanks. It's not even a full moon, how could there be blood wolves? And what's with the skilled vampires who are obviously hunters, and from what I saw those witches were powerful." I find myself rambling as we walk, but it doesn't matter.

Elijah sighs, and pulls out three handkerchiefs and hands one to me and Nik, and we both wipe off our hands. "Well, the witches must have figured out some sort of... Of spell to make the werewolves transform, and turned them into some sort of dog guards. As for the witches, they were probably drawing on the energy of a few deceased witches." He says fluently, and smiling over at him as we hurriedly follow Adriana's scent trail.

Turning down a corridor, Nik opens the door for Elijah and I and as soon as we enter we are confronted with; twenty vampires, 20 werewolves, and 16 witches. There also appears to be a few hunters there are well. "Oh crap, this is not good..." I say softly, and start to retreat when Elijah grabs my arm, shaking his head.

Something in me allows me to stay, while my head is begging me to go. "I'll take the left, Elijah take the right, and Nik... Take the center. Sound good?" No one bothers to argue, and glancing over at my brothers who look terribly nervous, I shakily take there hands causing them both to look at me. "Always and Forever, right? Never giving up on family, or each other. Let's beat these bastards." Smiling up at them they return it.

"Always and Forever." The repeat, before we drop hands and show our true forms. Tapping into that animal instinct that is inside of us. 

Dashing forwards, I veer to the left and I'm instantly swallowed up in a mixture of vampires, wolves, and hunters. Battling hard, I can hear the snarls and growls ripping through the air as well as the sounds of hissing and gruesome yells coming from all around me.

I dash out, trying to separate my group from the others and it works well. Soon, they start dropping like flies making my job a lot easier.

A loud squeal cripples me to the floor, as the witches start channeling each other for more power. But also linking themselves, and screaming I clutch the sides of my head in pure agony. This continues on for what seems like hours even days.

Struggling over to the wall, I grab onto a plan of wood gripping it tightly before launching it through the air striking one of the witches through the stomach. She goes flying backwards before falling down, dead. Slowly, every witches stomach mirrors the first as they all fall down; dead. 

Struggling over to Elijah and Nik, I give them a hand up - not that they really needed it. "Alright, that was easy enough. We need to find Adriana, and since it might not be a good idea to split up..." My voice trails off, and my brothers just nod in agreement. 

Eventually we decide (after a slight argument) to follow the scent trail, it leads down to a large metal door with latches, bolts, and chains. "Well that's unfortunate." Nik says, and grabs the chains yanking them off, before throwing up the latch and tearing off the bolts. 

Pushing open the door, we hurry inside our eyes quickly adjusting to the dark light. Our eyes land easily on the chair in the center of the room, and sure enough, Adriana is tied to it with chain cuffs. "Adriana..." Moving forwards, Elijah grabs my arm pulling me roughly back. His face showing seriousness and concern. "What Elijah? She's right there, let's get her and get out of this bloody place!"

"Look at the chair, under it to be more exact." Following his instruction, my body tenses up when I spot the bomb. If we were to move her, it would explode possibly killing her. Hayley is going to be so pissed if we blew up her daughter... 

Nik crouches down, and fiddles with the wires. "Well love, it seems we've run into a bit of a problem..." He mutters to no one in particular, and a slight groan can be heard from the chair. 

Adriana lifts her head, and blinks a few times her eyes darting from one of us to the other. "Damn, that witch is strong huh? I'm guessing your here to... To bust me out?" She says breathy, and her eyes dart down to the wires Nik is fumbling with. 

She struggles against the chains, and leans back in the chair. "Get these chains off me, I can't do any magic with them on. Once there off, I'll be able to re-wire the bomb." 

"That's the problem, we don't know what will trigger the explosion and what won't..." Elijah's voice trails off, and Adriana nods slightly.

"Well, then, it's a good thing were all invincible. Or just about anyway Look, Astra is smart when it comes to magic, but when it comes to mechanics... I have a feeling it's not very reliable. I haven't seen Samuel either, which means that everything is going to be fine. Now, get this chains off me!" She exclaims, and Nik glances over at us before ripping off the chains in a blur.

Squeezing shut my eyes, I cower against Elijah's side. The soft beeping of the bomb getting louder, and louder. Faster, and faster, and faster, and faster before; KABOOM!! The earsplitting explosion is unmistakable, and heat washes over me...

End Rebekah's POV, start Adriana's POV

My body goes flying up into the air, and I feel like I'm being ripped apart. Slamming down into the ground face first, pieces of metal and wood falling down hard on me. Gasping for air, and coughing wildly I find myself wheezing. A loud squeel rings through me ears, and a peices of metal and debree are on and around me.

I groggily stir, and a hand is on my shoulder, and turns me around. My skin is literally sizzling, and trying to heal itself. My clothes are ripped, charred, and burned - but nothing beyond horrible.

Groaning, I lay on the ground staring up at the sky; My blonde hair sticking up in all sides around me, and I don't even bother to think about what I look like right now. A charred figure is standing above me, and blinking slightly I am pulled to my feet. A strong arm wrapping around my waist, keeping me upwards. 

"God, remind me to never - ever do that again." My voice is crackly, and my skin is bright red and flecks of black are all over me. 

The helper chuckles, and looking up I give a charred smile up at my dad. "Well sweetheart, we always knew you were a fighter and brave. Add bomber to that list, and your a full package." He says, and I can't help but chuckle at him.

Not just because of his words, but because his normal dismantled yet orderly look is now... Well, not exactly perfect. "Where is everyone now?" I ask, putting an arm around his waist as he helps me limp to find the others.

Sure enough, we stumble across Uncle Elijah and Aunt Rebekah close together; completely burnt and charred. But somehow, still alive. 

Helping them up, we look over at the burning building. "Well, that didn't exactly go as planned." I remark with a smirk. 

Auntie Bex glares at me, and leans against Uncle Elijah for support. "You think?! You just blew us up!!" She snaps angrily, and winces as she stretches her limbs.

The sound of applause from behind us makes us whirl around (well maybe hobble around awkwardly), and stare right at the awaiting face of Astra.

"Well, well, I always knew you Mikaelson's were all for show but that... That brought showmanship to a whole new level. It's such a pity though, so many great people were lost inside. Oh well." She says with a satisfied smirk, and father growls and another growl joins him.

Glancing over my shoulder, I smile softly at the protective face of my mother. She seems to be unharmed by the explosion, for she most likely outside during it. "You have no idea what we can do!" Mom snarls, and stands beside father and I. 

"Your outnumbered Astra, your 'whole army and plan' just... Went up in flames - pun intended. So let us go, or else I will be forced to kill you." My voice is unwavering and yet, somehow, she still doesn't seem fazed by it. 

"Oh, I think it's the other way around sweetie. You see, I'm about to make history as the first EVER witch to take down the Mikaelson's. And your all going go fleeing for the hills, because I'm holding at the cards. They were just the worthless little pawns, that I move around when I get to bored with the game. I'm the queen, and I'm about to skip the whole game and go straight to check-mate. 

"Now, some would say it's impossible to know everything... But I can assure you, I know every move before you do. I make the rules, and create the board. Now, who wants to see what I have in store for you?" Her convincing tone, and unwavering courage feels like someone is driving a nail through my brain.

That silly little way she purses her lips, and stands confidently in front of the most powerful beings in the world, just gets under my skin! "I'd love to see you try to take us down! The most feared creatures in the world, will not be defeated by a coward and cry baby like you!" Father yells at her, and pushes me behind him. 

Stumbling slightly, mom grabs ahold of me keeping me upright. "Run, run far and long. Get away from here." She whispers so only us two can hear, and I look up at her in shock.

"What? No, no way! I'm here because I want to be. I'm not leaving." I whisper back, and she smiles slightly pulling me close to her body. 

Astra's sickening laugh makes us look up at her again, and she raises both her hands into the air. "Come forth, show yourself!" She cries out, and our eyes wildly search the undergrowth and bushes for the newcomer. 

A dark and tall shadowed person moves forwards, it's head bent and body covered in a black cloak. It's appearance is chilling, and as it moves into the sunlight it walks with strength that rattles the ground. Even Uncle Elijah moves backwards slightly, pulling Aunt Bex with him. But the glint of silver and wood makes all of us gasp in shock. 

As it raises it's head, the sight of blood red eyes and a viciously twisted face strikes fear in our hearts almost instantaneously. "Hello... Murderers." The deep thick voice reaches my ears, goosebumps erupting on my skin. 

Father takes a step forwards, and assumes a strong and angered position. But when he speaks, it's with more annoyance and anger with not a trace of fear. "I see you've returned from the depth of hell to pay us a visit. Dear, dear, Mikael. Bringing along the White Oak Stake in hopes of making us cower in fear, and flee for the hills? Am I wrong? I killed you before, and I will easily do it again!" Father snaps. 

At the mention of Grandfather's name, I feel a shooting pain in my heart. "You will not, for the way you stand in front of your... Descendent shows me that you have a weak spot." Before the last word even comes out of his mouth, I'm suddenly caught in his deathly grip. The stake touching my chest, and his strong arm around my neck locking me into place. 

"I can reach out and break you any day, boy! And I will not hesitate to kill anyone - and everyone - that you love." He bellows, his hot breath tickling my ear. 

Struggling against him, I let my true for come forth; and with a sudden burst of power, I bring my foot up as hard as I can. Hitting him right in the grand kids (well, maybe great grand-kids now), I grab a hold of his arm flipping him over my shoulder. 

Pinning him against the ground with my knee on his throat, trying to push the stake deep into his heart. His strength is incredible, and I clench my teeth together as I attempt to push harder then him. But suddenly, he thrusts upwards sending me flying backwards and landing hard on the ground. Getting the wind knocked out of me, as I gasp for air he is quickly looming over me. 

"I will kill you, even if I have to get more power to do so." I hiss out at him, and throw him backwards with a thrust of my hand. Channeling all the power of the dead witches from inside, energy flowing through me. "You. Will. Not. Win!!" At the word 'Win' I push out harder, making him scream in agony. 

But to my surprise, he stumbles up and suddenly I'm being thrown backwards with magic. But it's not Astra using the magic, it's Mikael. Looking up in pure shock, he laughs wickedly. "You can not beat me, fool! I am Mikael, the vampire who hunts vampires and I will hunt you." His words are laced with venomous threats and sureness behind them, and looking up for my families help I find them battling others instead. 

"Hardly! I'm stronger then you, your magic is unnatural. Just like what you want to do to your own family. I've had the privilege, of meeting all your sons and trust me; they are all bastards. Just like you." I say swallowing hard between some words and my voice a little out of breath but strong none-the-less. 

Suddenly Mikael is darting towards me, only to freeze a few centimeters from me.  His whole body locked in place. "Not yet Mikael! We still have things to do first. Now come along, all of you." She demands, and turns strutting off into the woods.

Followed by a few members of her army: Mikael, a group of vampires, and roughly six witches. Two large wolves roll out of the bushes following her as well. But the last person is what shocks everyone (not as much as Mikael returning, but enough to startle us), is Zariana. 

"Miss me? I'm about to wreck everything for you, this is your last chance to run. In my spot, at the special spa is none other then your lovely girlfriend Klaus. Enjoy, she'll be dead in no time." She grins evilly, and disappears after Astra.

Quickly everyone is by my side. Giving them a re-assuring nod, we all exchange a worried glancing for we vamp speed home...


"Okay, so, this is what we know so far: Astra is super bitchy yet powerful, Mikael is back from the dead, Zariana has been released and swapped with Briar, and Astra somehow gave Mikael magic. Anything else?" My rate of speech is like a 200 on a scale from 1-10. Looking up at everyone who is gathered around the kitchen and dining room area, I take in the odd scene with a raised eyebrow. 

Dad and Uncle Elijah are both shirtless and attempting to get off all the debris and peeled scabs with a bucket of water and a scrubbing brush, Aunt Bex is soaking her feet in a pot that is now filled with flecks of once dried blood while she is brushing her wild hair, and mom is handing out blood bags. 

Taking my gratefully, I look over the list I'm making. "I think that's all baby girl, I can't think of anything else... Other then the fact that Astra has every species working for her other then humans, and an army." Mom says and sits down with a glass of what I'm assuming is fruit juice or something like that.

"Right, and so basically all our enemies are out to kill us? Great." Sighing I rip open the blood bag and latch onto it, taking a few long sips. "Ahhh, much better. Okay, does anyone else have anything to add? Because, basically we have no idea who this Astra is or what she's capable of." Glancing at the rest of my family, dad smirks over at me.

"Trust me love, no one ever defeat us. Marcellus, just the man I wanted to see!" He exclaims, and wrinkling my brows I look at him curiously. 

"Uh, dad? Marcel isn't her-" But before I can finish, Marcellus a.k.a. Marcel Gerard saunters into the room. "Of course, hybrid hearing and all. I hope you can give us some insight on our newest enemy. Because, apparently no one else knows a thing about them." My eyes follow him as he walks over to the counter and pours a glass of whiskey, his eyes thoughtful and distant. 

"Yeah, I used to know them. It's actually a very long story..." 


A/N: That's a wrap!! :D Sorry for it being late and please excuse the grammar/spelling mistakes! Okay, so hit that little star button if you haven't already. It's over there ---> and put a comment down there *points to the comment box* Okie dokie my lovies, next chapter will be sooner then this one. <3 XOXO HM

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