The Heroine Died!? Did The Pl...

By ResonantRestoration

109K 4.8K 556

A teenage boy gets reincarnated into an otome game. He became a minor character but something unexpected happ... More

1) Plot Armor Doesn't Exist In Real Life!!
2) Mage to Knight
4) The 3rd Prince
5) First (Ruined) Night Out
6) Acceptance
7) A Long Dream
8) A Long Dream II
9) A Commoner's Life
10) Shortcomings and Awareness
11) Outnumbered
12) Victory!
[Lore EX] For Whom It Rings
[Lore EX] Alfase Races
Net Concerns + Updates

3) No More Please!

11.4K 503 81
By ResonantRestoration

Leo felt miserable. It's been 3 days and his body ached worse than the exam. Captain Bauda forced him to do 3,000 swings a day with a wooden sword. It's heavier than a steel sword. Forget knights, forget adventurers, this city had a magic academy! But getting into one required more privileges.

Well, he couldn't complain even if he wanted to. All this training provided him shelter, food, and hopefully a little status. If the world is guaranteed to die, Leo swore he'd live life to the fullest. For sure, he couldn't become rich in a short amount of time, but hey, at least there were cute girls around the castle! Oh who was he kidding, his chances of finding another love was zero. On top of that, he was still a kid so...

As he brooded over his choice, he finished his swings. Leo headed back to the dorm, a little further ahead than the fields. What sucked was that it was located on top of a hill. When he got back to his room, he collapsed on his bed. Luckily, he had this entire room to himself.

Usually, each room was shared by 2 people. 2 separate rooms were connected to a main room, which wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, there was no bathroom included. But hey, on the bright side, there is a community bathroom. It's all good until fellow peers start pranking each other.

Leo was about to sleep when he heard a knock. He grumbled and open the door. He glared at the visiting white-haired boy...all except he wasn't here. Instead, a familiar dark-haired boy with hazel eyes stared in confusion. A future ikemen, but right now he was a shota. He was a few centimeters shorter than Leo, dressed in formal wear. His cape had an eagle insignia on the back, House Crusan's symbol.

"Yule!? What are you doing here!?" Leo's glare drop to a shocked expression.

His childhood friend tilted his head to the side. Yule was one of the capture targets. Thanks to the game, Leo only knew because his girlfriend completed the game, which awards players with CGI gallery. One of them contained a child version of Yule. The others didn't go that far in their past, except for politics, it wasn't even mentioned.

"I'm just as surprised as you are." Yule continued on. "I also heard what happened."

"Sorry..." Leo became quiet.

"It's not your fault Leo." Yule gave a weak smile.

Oh no, sorry making your life harder without the heroine. You're gonna have a sadder life in the future. That, and the fact that I doomed the world. Leo kept a straight face.

Yule let out a soft sigh and pulled Leo into a hug. "It's okay to cry, you know?"

...Why am I being hugged? To be honest, Leo didn't feel sad at all when he got kicked out. But these were rare moments that Yule acts like an older brother, even if they were the same age. He had that angel-like face that was hard to say no to. To meet his expectations, Leo chuckled and patted Yule's head.

"Hey, who do you take me for! Since when have you heard of a Leonard that gets outdone?" Leo grinned.

Yule's eyes glimmered, then he laughed. "I see, you still won't change huh?" He let go.

"Of course not! Well anyway, what brings you here?"

"I thought someone already told you?"

"And that is...?" Leo gestured him to go on.

"I'll be your roommate from now on." Yule's tone was nonchalant.

"Huh, that's—"

Wait, wait, wait... Isn't the plot moving too fast!? According to the game, Yule started knighthood at age 13. He shouldn't be here until the next 3 years! Of course, Leo didn't tell him that.

"—great! Looking forward to it!"

"Same here."

Don't agree with that tone! Was it too late to redeem another hug? Leo cried in his mind. Sometimes there are things better unknown. This couldn't be more true in his case. Even if there is no future, the least he could do is help out a friend. Unless you were a bastard, what sort of friend ditches you in misery? Actually, I take that back. Leo shook that thought off.

"You met with Captain Bauda, and settled everything?" Leo inquired.

"All taken care of." Yule nodded.

"Ha ha, now that I think of it, this might be a first for you to get fired up!"

Yule simply stared in silence. An uncomfortable gaze that makes people nervous. Dear gods, he was sweating bullets here! Although the boy's expression was flat, Leo knew him too well.

"Hey, don't give me that! Some competition will be fun y'know!"

Yule sighed, shaking his head. Ouch, a little harsh right there! This wasn't the first time for Leo, but surely not the last. After all, back at home he had a reputation for being a tad hot blooded. The contrast between now and his past life was ironic. Maybe since this was a fantasy world that he became like this? Hell if he know.

Yule smiled, but it was void of any happiness. "That reminds me, I need help with some training. I'd figured you'd be the right person to ask!"

"I, uh, I'm a bit busy..." Leo let out a dry laughter.

"You don't seem to be busy right now, so let's go!" Yule dragged Leo.

"...L-let's not be hasty now!"

Hold on, I haven't slept yet!! No matter how hard he tried, Yule kept an iron grip on him. On their way out, Leo spotted Raine and called out his name. Bad news was that there were some girls surrounding him. It didn't look like he'll pay attention soon. At the same time, Leo felt two simultaneous defeat. Ikemens sure had it good.

Today was the first time he wanted to die. His heart was scarred big time.

No more, have mercy on me! This is abuse!! You're gonna kill me like this Yule!!!

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