Inevitable Love & Revenge

By EverlastingThoughts

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A fashion designer, Celeste, longs for the truth about her tragic childhood and losing her parents. She turns... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 (Present)- Rise Again
Chapter 2 (The Beginning)- Peekaboo
Chapter 3/ Sweet Tooth
Chapter 4- Time to Get Loose
Chapter 5- Off With His Head
Chapter 6- Dirty Secrets
Chapter 7- On My Own
Chapter 8- What Are Friends For
Chapter 9- Sexy Butterfly
Chapter 10- No One is Innocent
Chapter 11- No More Pain
Chapter 12- Numb
Chapter 13- Run Away to the Runway
Chapter 14- Fuck Locked Doors
Chapter 15- Coming Home
Author's Note!
Chapter 17- The Whole Story
Chapter 18- Sweet Dreams or Nightmares?
Chapter 19- Magical Surprises
Chapter 20- Do you?
Author's Note!
Chapter 21- Apeshit
Chapter 22- She Doesn't Want You
Chapter 23- Small World
Chapter 24- Snatch and Run
Chapter 25- Fuck Our Brains Out
Chapter 26- Beast Unleashed
Chapter 27- Welcome Back
Chapter 28- Good Girl Dead
Chapter 29- Play Date with the Maniac
Chapter 30- No Pain, No Gain
Chapter 31- Crazy Bitch
Chapter 32- I See You
Chapter 33- Watch Your Backs
Chapter 34- You Give Me Butterflies
Chapter 35- Ready or Not
Chapter 36- I'm Sorry

Chapter 16- Play Time

37 2 1
By EverlastingThoughts

Luke P.O.V.

I made it to my hotel room and took a long shower. I let her go. I told her to not leave me and here I was giving up on her. Was it really bad of me though? The look on her face said it all. She was crying tears of happiness and looking him deep in the eyes. If I got in the way it would be selfish. Damn, I wanted to be a savage and take her away from her father.

I punched the wall out of frustration.

Getting out the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and looked into the mirror. I started to comb my beard when I punched my reflection. Who the fuck am I? Who started from the streets and worked his way to CEO of his own company? I didn't let small jobs blow up in my own fucking face! That's all it ever was with Celeste, a job. I let her get under my skin but I can't be soft like this. She's gone now.

She's... Gone. Move on with your life and bury this dumb ass feeling.

I bent to grab the comb when I got a phone call.

"What?" The annoyance present in my voice.

"There's a Sapphire here to see you. Shall I send her up?" Kevin sounded nervous.

"Yeah but give me 10 minutes." I hung up and threw on a pair of dark jeans and a blue v neck shirt and my black leather jacket.

I heard Kevin open the door and she walks in looking like she's ready to stab me.

"Sapphire, what brings-

"Cut the bullshit Luke where is she?" First mistake she's made.

"Watch your fucking mouth before I sew it shut. Her father surprisingly took her to his home. Where? I don't know but you're testing my patience." I looked her up and down with distaste written all over my face.

"You think I care about how you feel?" She chuckled and then gave a serious face. "You're the sidewalk I walk upon. I'm Godzilla, King Kong, I can hit a gong and make you gone. Don't get murked because your little feelings are hurt, bitch." She was pointing at me with a face full of fury and for a moment I really thought of her threat being serious.

She must really love and care for Celeste to risk her life by threatening me.

I took a few steps toward her and she lifted her head high as if challenging me.

"I'm sick of people thinking that they're above me." My voice was low and sounded menacing. Once I got so close she took a step back with each step I took. "Fuck your fairy tale mind, your weak ass threats, and that mouth of yours." I grabbed her neck with my hand and squeezed as I slammed her against the wall. The panic on her face evident as she dug her nails into my jacket trying to get free.

I leaned in closer to her face. "If you aren't careful I'd think you were tempting me to fuck it." I lifted her higher until her feet were off the floor hearing her choking. "Get the fuck out of my room and never set foot in front of me again." I released her watching her fall to the ground gasping for air.

I turned around to pack my bag and I heard her footsteps as she left and slammed the door. Good girl.

I got my shit and we left for the airport to go home. I'm done with this shit show. I need to get back to work and put all of this behind me.

My phone rings as I got in the car and it was my sister.

"I know you missed me. How's my twisted big brother doing in the states?" She sounded playful and it's never good when she does.

"I'm leaving Paris right now. Why? Are you coming home to see me? Can't stay away can you?" I joked and heard her giggle.

"Of course I can't when you got my Daniel hostage and working like a slave. I'm on my way to see you now. I'm getting on the jet. I'll meet you home and have some fun." No good as usual.

"Alright, now get off my line or I'll throw a scorpion in your room."

"You know I love those! Bye!" I shook my head. Nothing scares her. She grew up with my father and he trained her to run the family business in Spain. Once she turned eighteen he handed over the business. Now, she's 21 and running things like it was always hers. I can only imagine what he put her through after all he's done to me. She's the only one I loved besides my mother. That changed recently but I see now I'll have to let that die. I looked out the window and just enjoyed the car ride. I got on the plane and had a few glasses of bourbon to relax.

When we touched land I got a text from my sister saying, "Race you there." I told Big John to hit the gas or it'll be his ass... he took that to heart. We almost hit a semi truck on the way to the house. She still managed to beat me home. Lucky for her driver to win, otherwise he'd be meeting his maker.

"Look at my big brother looking like the rebel he's always been!" She gave me a hug and smelled like cinnamon and green apples. She had on a red suit from head to toe with her hair pushed back. The sun in Spain did her skin good with a glow.

"I see Spain rubbed off on you. Got the whole suit in one color and hair slicked back." I laughed as she punched me in the gut.

"Yeah, it's silk too. Light and feels like I'm naked." She winked at me. She knows comments like that disgust me. "Where's Daniel?" She added.

"Off doing a job I gave him. Stop harassing my men and let's grab something to eat." I went to walk inside but she stopped me.

"What's this I hear about you having a girl in your house, high speed chases, and turning down my girl Blue?" That's who she was? One of her girls.

"None of your business and the past."

"Talk or I'll get involved with your past." She went straight into business mode.

"I'll explain if you just come inside at least. I'm trying to be a nice big brother." Frustration was kicking in and you can hear it in my voice.

"Okay, after me then." She walked inside and sat in the middle of the big couch in the living room crossing her legs. I sat across on the other couch and sighed. I should get it over with.

I explained how I first saw Celeste, the jobs with Donovan and Celeste, how we got closer as I did the job for her, how I felt about her, and what happened in Paris.

"Whoa! Okay, that's enough sharing. So Matthew has her at his home and your sulking because she's made you feeling something other than anger and orgasms that you've experienced on the regular? Sounds like you're a pussy."

"Watch it or you'll have your tail between your legs." I growled.

"Hey, it's obvious she'd want to go with her father but you can't be mad at her for doing so. She's been looking for him for years just like he was for her. She'll come back to you if what she said that night was true. You just need to let her go and give her time." She made sense but I just didn't see it that way the moment he took her. I saw it as her walking away from me and choosing him.

I nodded.

"Now, I'm feeling too sensitive and mushy." She pulled out her gun and shot the statue on the table. "I want to see something wild." She smirked at me.

"Well, I got a few people that are late on paying me. Wanna help?" I raised a brow and the excitement in her eyes spoke for her. I grabbed my keys and she followed me to the car with her personal body guard Stan.

I drove to see an associate of mine named Tyson. Tyson owes me a lot of money and it racked up on some serious interest. If I'm correct he owes a good five hundred million dollars and add another two million for interest. He's been hiding since last week thinking I would forget. I sent Daniel ahead of me to pull his ass from his little hideout.

I pulled up to his house and got out. I opened my sister door and she followed behind me. The door was already open thanks to Daniel and when he saw my sister he smiled ear to ear and winked. I gave him a warning look and his smile vanished as he left. I thought so.

Tyson was sitting in a chair tied up with bruises already. Tsk tsk.

"Tyson! The man of the hour. Why did you run from me?" I smiled at him and he immediately started shaking his leg. It's something he's always done when anxious.

"I wasn't running Luke! I was just trying to buy myself more time to get the money. I swear." His voice betrayed him. He wasn't calm enough to be telling the truth. I can hear it and if I can so can she. An the number one thing she hates in this world is liers.

Sophia walked up and grabbed his hair pulling his head back.

"Stan, hold his mouth open." Stan did as she said and used a tool from his bag to hold his mouth open.

"Now, let's see if that mouth of yours can tell another lie once I'm done with you." I watched as she reached for a knife and started carving at his gums. All you heard was his groans and yells while he gurgled on his own blood. It was flowing out of his mouth and down his neck as he suffered. Watching her work made me not want to go to the dentist.

After the fourth tooth, she got up and looked at her work in satisfaction.

"Go on and ask him again." She said while staring.

"Why did you run Tyson?" I asked as I watched his head bob up and down in pain.

"I midnt hah... da Mummy..." Thats all he was able to get out.

I tried to hold a laugh but failed and was cracking up along with my sister.

"Well, that's unacceptable now isn't it?" I walked around until I was behind him. He started whimpering and shaking his head. "No? You don't think fucking with my money is unacceptable?" I grabbed the towel that was sitting on the counter and filled a pot with water.

"I think it is and a insult to our family. Insults are not tolerated." My sister added.

"You're absolutely right! An what do we do to those who insult our family?" I asked excitedly.

"We teach them a lesson that everyone will learn from big brother." She spoke so sweetly it made me happy.

I put the towel over his face and watched him try to wiggle free.

"Let the lesson begin."

I poured the pot of water over the towel slowly watching him choke and suffocate until I let up. Stan removed the towel and he was spitting up water and gasping.

"Since you don't have my money, I want yours. What's the PIN number and password to your bank account?" I watched as he mumbled some please stop that sounded dumb as fuck.

"Wrong answer!" I yelled pissed off. "Tell me the fucking pin and password Tyson!" I don't know what washed over me but the anger I was experiencing was deathly vicious. I looked at Stan and he put the towel back on and I poured again. This time Tyson's feet were kicking. I pulled the towel and punched him.

"WHERE? I swear I've got enough anger to burn your whole family to ashes. I could let you live-

He spat blood on my face interrupting me mid sentence.

That was my breaking point.

I picked up the knife Sophia used and cut off his fingers one by one. Hearing him scream didn't satisfy me enough so I took it and stabbed into his left eye until I had his eye ball in my palm. He was squirming and cursing incoherent words. I heard a deep gasp and his eye was fluttering. I put the towel back in his face and after Stan filled two pots I poured until he drowned and died.

Now I feel better.

Sophia nodded in approval and told Stan to empty his accounts and send it to mine. I didn't have anything to say at the moment. I just wanted to go home, eat, take a shower, and sleep. Sophia saw it in my face and body language.

"Let's go back and rest for the day. I think we both need it." She wrapped her arm around my waist and walked back to the car with me. Her hand went into my pocket and took the car keys. She gave it to Stan and he drove us back to the house.

She sat down and ate the food Eve made. There was chicken thighs, Mac and cheese, and corn. She opened a bottle of red wine and we sat in silence eating. I kissed Sofia forehead and said goodnight as I walked out and to my room. I took off my clothes and walked nakedly to my shower. Once I was clean I threw on black briefs and got in bed. As I closed my eyes Celeste came to mind from smelling her scent still in my pillows.

Damn, I miss her.

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