BB and Rae Forever, a Teen T...

By waffleuser

7.3K 52 6

The title says it all More

Author's Note
Here's the story. Technically, Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Sudden Note
Another note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Authors note in school
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Author's Note
I am terribly sorry
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14


218 1 0
By waffleuser

"Eh?" Raven asked. Beastie was practically jumping out of his skin. He seemed pale. "What is it?"

"That's what it is! That's what missing!" he exclaimed.

Raven rolled her eyes in frustration. As if she knew what he was talking about.

BB gasped. "See?! There it is! You're feeling so much emotion!"

"Yes, Beast Boy, we've established this," Raven sighed wearily. "What about it?"

"Maybe that's what's preventing your magic!" he said.

Raven blinked. Could he really be this stupid? Could she really love someone this stupid?

Robin and Cyborg burst into laughter. "Oh, my God," Cy laughed. "I can't believe he's really this dumb!"

Beast Boy blushed, making Raven's heart beat harder. Yep, she could love him...

Starfire flew to Beast Boy's side, placing an affectionate hand on his shoulder. "Beast Boy," she said, "that isn't what is missing. It is just simply what had happened. Raven already knows what you have observed."

Beastie crossed his arms and pursed his lips, turning his head the other way. "Shut up, you guys."

Raven giggled. At her, they shifted their shocked eyes. She blushed when she realized their shock was at her laugh. She never laughed.

Suddenly, fright closed in her throat. What if her magic never came back? What would happen then? Would she just be...normal?

As she though about it, the idea didn't seem as bad as what it sounded. Being normal sounded...okay. Maybe she wouldn't be called "creepy" or "dark" anymore. Maybe she could be accepted.

"Raven, are you listening?" Robin asked, irritation edging his words.

She blinked. "What? Sorry."

"Why don't you just meditate now and then try to get it back, after you're calmer?"

Rae hesitated. Did she really want it back? Was it all that important to her? For a while, she thought she couldn't even live without it. But now... Maybe it could be different. And even though it was a slim chance, she was willing to take it.

But what about the Titans? What would they think? Would they shun her for being "normal"? No, they wouldn't... They protected the normal people. But, still, without her magic, she was useless as a fighter.

What if they kick me off the team?

Just as soon as the thought appeared, she pushed it away. It was insane to think they would leave her. She was their family; they had said so. But even as she assured herself of this, the fear lingered in the back of her mind.

The only real way to be normal was if she lost her magic. The only real way to be herself was to get it back. What should she do?!

Be normal, something told her. The back of her neck prickled with paranoia. Where did she recognize that voice? Why was it so frightening?

Be normal.

And that convinced her. "Um, yeah, I'll meditate and try that." Lying always made guilt rise in her chest, but this time she ignored it. "I'll be in my room."

Beast Boy sighed. Raven hadn't come out of her room for two hours. How long did it take to meditate?!

BB shrugged. He assumed she had to be done now--it had been a really long time. He jumped out of bed, childishly eager to see her face again. Just as he was about to knock on her door, it opened, revealing his Raven.

He dropped his hand in surprise. "Hey, what're you doin'?" he asked. He eyed the things in her arms, recognizing shampoo and toothpaste.

"Taking a shower," Raven relied easily, offering a dazzling smile.

Beast Boy blinked. "Oh, okay," he said, stepping aside to let her pass. Unable to help himself, he watched her walk slowly to the bathroom. He blushed when she turned and gave him a knowing smirk as she sauntered into bathroom.

Something was bothering him. She never smiled. Was she really okay? She seemed it; extra okay, actually. So why was he so worried?

He shook his head, brushing it off. She was fine.

He looked into her room, feeling mischief in his fingertips. He wondered what she would do if she found him snooping...

Oh, well.


Hey! It's me :)
Umm...this is embarrassing, but I just realized that the eyeball with the number 41 beside it may not mean READS. It may mean how many people have seen it, as in, they know it's there. So anywho, that's over and done with. Forget my last part I published during school. [except for the part about loving you ;P]

Okay, here it is. I did the author note down here this time because I didn't see any point in wasting my time and yours in making another useless part that has nothing to do with the story. YOU'RE WELCOME :)

I promised I would upload a new part, right? Thanks for reading.

Waffleuser-out! (Lol was that hip? Jk. I'm intelligent. I know what "hip" is, unlike BRANDT. Lol)

I'm terribly sorry about the non-paragraph form. Wattpad isn't doing what I asked it to. I hope you enjoyed it.

okay! just fixed it on the computer :) another three cheers for the school's wifi

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