This Isn't Me.

By AcaTitanium94

68K 1.9K 1.1K

Cheryl is married to an old man who has a fortune. He died in hospital after a health bid. The redhead seems... More

First Meeting
Not one cent
Searching for the truth
Suspicsions and fights
Change of Plans
Terms and Conditions
There's nothing in there
Something behind those words
Josie's confession
Looks And Thoughts
Thoughts and feelings
Jealousy and annoyance
This isnt me
Apologies and a dinner
Busniess Woman
Diabetes And A Doctor?
Sunrise and smiles
Jealousy and business deals
Toni's Confession
Doubts & Fights
Financial bonds & getting caught
Friend turn to enemies
Painful Past
Be free
She chose you
Before the last

First Day Of Work

1.8K 64 35
By AcaTitanium94

Cheryl woke up the next morning at six AM still feeling heartbroken, she had cried herself to sleep thinking of what happened the previous night with Veronica. The redhead will admit that she hated Toni and was scared of her, she still is but that doesn't mean that her heart isn't feeling something for the short brunette. She grabbed her iPod from beside her bed and placed the headphones in her ear as she started to listen to some music in an attempt to calm her down. About half an hour later, Cheryl sighed as she got up from her bed and went to take a shower so that she can go to the wine factory.

Making her way towards the dining room, she sighed internally when she saw her best friend already sitting waiting for Toni and her. "Good morning." She said with a fake smile as she sat in her usual chair.

"Morning Cher!" The tall brunette replied happily. "How are you?"

The redhead nodded, "I'm good."

Elissa then entered the dining table with coffee and tea, she placed them on the table and excused herself, but before she could turn to walk away, Vee spoke. "Elissa, where's Toni? She's late for breakfast."

"She's not here, she left about an hour ago, a cab came and took her," Elissa stated as she saw Cheryl nod.

"Where did she go?" Veronica asked worriedly. "Did you do something Cheryl?"

"W-What? Why would I do something? I just came from my room, Veronica!" The redhead snapped. "You know what,? I'm not hungry. I'm heading to the factory." She said as she got up and left the dining room leaving an angry nurse all alone.

She got in the car and told Alex to drive, the redhead kept her gaze to the window, watching the scenery pass in front of her. She knew this is going to be hard, especially if Toni is insisting on working in the factory, she also knew that her best friend won't be happy about it so she was decided to tell Toni to leave the company and leave her alone for the sake of her sanity and her best friend.

After about a twenty minute drive, Alex parked the car and informed the redhead that they have arrived. Time to be a bitch again. She thought as she sighed and made her way out of the car. She walked towards the entrance when she saw a man sitting beside the door, he stood up as soon as he saw her. "Can I help you?" He asked the redhead in annoyance.

"And who are you so you can ask me?" Cheryl said raising her eyebrow.

"I need to know ma'am, or else I can't let you in. It's the rules."

The redhead crossed her arms over her chest. I really hate to do this, but I need to show everyone that I am not weak. "I'm the owner of this place, the one who is paying for your salary. So either you let me in or I will fire you."

The man's face fell, "I-I'm sorry, please don't fire me. I didn't know who you are."

"Take me to the manager's office. Now!" She demanded firmly. The man nodded and started to walk towards the manager's office. Entering the office, he looked at the redhead with nervousness.

"That's his office." He said pointing at the office. Cheryl nodded and walked knocked on the door. When she heard a 'come in', she slowly opened the door and her eyes went wide at what she saw. Toni was there, talking with the manager. This is going to cause me problems. She thought as she sent a glare to Toni. "What are you doing here?" She asked in annoyance.

"Good morning Cheryl," Toni said with a smile. "This is John, the manager here." She then looked at John. "Could you give us a moment please?"

When John nodded and left, The redhead spoke again. "Leave Toni, now."

Toni sighed, she was sick of her attitude and it was starting to get to her. One minute she is that sweet, funny woman, and the second moment she is a woman who is very rude and annoying. "Look, Cheryl, I can take anything you throw at me from rudeness and impoliteness, but this has got to stop." She said as she stood up and walking slowly towards Cheryl. "I won't allow you to do that to me." She said through gritted teeth and balled her fists. "Do you understand me?!" She asked in anger as she brought her hand towards the redhead.

"Don't hit me!" Cheryl said in a panic voice. "Please!" She added in a heartbeat as she pulled Toni's hand away.

And in that moment, Toni's eyes went wide. W-What the? She thought as she looked into Cheryl's eyes and saw nothing but pain and panic. "How could you think that I would ever lay a hand on you, Cheryl?" She asked softly. "Cheryl."

The redhead panicked as she started to try to walk away But Toni held her closely. "Leave me, please Toni. Let me go."

"Cheryl, answer me, please. Tell me how could you think I would ever lay a hand on you." She asked again softly.

"Why did you come here Toni? All I wanted was to be away from you." The redhead asked helplessly.

"Why do you want to be away from me?" Toni asked confused.

Because I am falling for you hard and my best friend has feelings for you. "Because I can't be near you. Please."

John knocked on the door causing both women to look at him. "Excuse me but I think we need to get started with the tour for Ms. Cheryl."

The brunette looked at the redhead and sighed as she saw the redhead was still panicked. "Can we get a cup of coffee for Cheryl before we start? What do you think Cheryl?" She asked gently, she then smiled when she saw Cheryl nod. "Come on, let's go sit and wait for the coffee."

After about half an hour, Toni, Cheryl, and John were walking around the factory as the manager was showing the redhead where and how do they produce wine.

It was twelve PM back at the mansion, Elissa was feeding her son when Veronica entered the room. "Hey tough guy," She said with a smile. "Remember the test we did after you ate breakfast?" When she saw Jacob nod, she continued. "We are going to have to do it again."

"You're giving me an injection again?" He asked as he dropped his smile and looked at his mother with sad eyes,

"Didn't you tell me that it didn't hurt this morning?" Veronica asked playfully.

Jacob shrugged. "I was lying." He said with a giggle causing also the nurse and the maid to laugh.

"You are a strong dude, do you know why?" When the boy shook his head she continued. "Because you didn't let me know that you were in pain." She said with a wide smile. "Now all we have to do is teach mommy how to take your blood sugar."

Elissa's eyes went wide. "T-T-Teach who?"

"Teach mommy," Veronica said again glaring at the maid. "Elissa, I showed you today how to do it."

"B-But I can't."

"I can't always be here for you guys, you should learn how to do it," The nurse said firmly hoping that Elissa wouldn't cause trouble because of her hesitance.

Elissa sighed and nodded, suddenly the doorbell rang. The housemaid was about to stand up and go open the door but Veronica spoke. "Sit, feed your boy while I go check who is it." She said gently as she left the room. Thinking it was Toni who was at the door she grinned and sprinted to the front door.

As she opened the door, her eyes went wide when she saw Gina and Liza standing by the door. What are they doing here? She thought as she cleared her throat. "Come in." She said politely as she moved to allow the two women to enter.

"Where's my niece Toni?" Gina asked as she entered the living room.

"She's not here."

"When is she going to come back?" Liza asked the nurse.

"I don't know," Veronica asked shrugging.

"And where is Cheryl?" Gina asked again.

"She has some work to attend to, as soon as she finishes she will come home."

Liza laughed bitterly. "She couldn't believe that Larry died so that she can go out."

"That's not nice Liza. Cheryl went to work." Veronica said in anger, she never liked Gina and Liza.

"What work?" Gina asked confused.

"Her wine factory and the office." The nurse stated.

Liza frowned. "Since when does Cheryl have a wine factory and an office?"

Gina followed her sister, obviously confused, they know that Cheryl doesn't own anything. "Exactly. What the hell are you talking about?"

"The factory that she inherited from Larry." The nurse stated as a matter of faculty.

"Inherited what?! Do you hear this Liza?" She asked her sister and then turned to the raven haired girl. "Dear, your friend didn't inherit anything from Larry but her clothes."

"W-What?" Veronica asked in shock. What are they talking about? Cheryl told me that she inherited everything. Something is wrong here.

"Let's go see if Toni is at the factory. I can't believe my niece is letting that woman run our company." Gina said as she stood up followed by her sister and left.

Do I tell Cheryl about this? She was sure that the company and everything that Larry left was for her. Veronica thought still in shock.

Back at the office, the tour ended and John took Toni and Cheryl to Larry's old office. The redhead shivered slightly at the thought of Larry, she shook her head and looked around.

"Ms. Cheryl, this is the office of the CEO and it's now your office."

The redhead nodded. "This was Larry's office?"

"Yes, this was Larry's office and it was to Mr. Noah before that."

"Who's Noah?" Cheryl asked confused.

Toni's head snapped towards John as they eyes met. Noah was Toni's father, but she didn't want the redhead to know that now so she decided to change the subject. "Do you like the office?" She asked the redhead.

The redhead shook her head. I can't stay in this office. "No," She then looked at John. "Take this office and give me your's."

"B-But it's not allowed."

"What do you mean it's not allowed? I don't want this office."

"It's no problem John, you guys can exchange offices," Toni said as she sent a nod towards John making him understand what she meant.

"And what about you Ms. Toni?" John asked with a nod of his own.

Toni shrugged. "I'll take the old engineer's office."

Cheryl whipped her head towards the short brunette. "W-What are you talking about?"

The manager cleared his throat. "Mr. David, a former employee who used to work her left us and we asked for Toni's help just till we find someone else."

The redhead giggled. "And Toni is fit to take his position?"

"Of course, Ms. Topaz is an engineer herself." This caused the widow to turn her head towards the brunette. Is she an engineer? She asked herself as John spoke again. "She is fit to do David's job."

"You are an engineer?" The redhead asked in shock.

Playtime. Toni thought as she smirked and sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk, her back was facing Cheryl as she spoke. "That's what they say." She said shrugging.

"Too bad. You can't take this job because you are busy." The redhead said with annoyance. She couldn't let Toni work here, Vee will go crazy on her.

Toni hummed as she crossed her legs. "Nope, not at all. I'm not busy."

"But you are going to travel." Cheryl tried for the second time.

"I also won't travel," She said as she shook her head.

"You don't have time." She said for the third time.

"I have all the time in the world." She said with a smirk, her phone then rang causing her to excuse herself, she frowned when she saw her aunt Gina was on the phone. She excused herself and went to answer it. Unbeknownst to her, the redhead was staring at her as she was walking around the office. What will Veronica do when she finds out Toni is working here? She'll think I asked for her. God! This is such a mess. She was brought out of her thoughts when Toni stood in front of her. "Are you okay?" The short brunette asked softly.

"Y-Y-Yeah." She replied nervously.

"I'm going to step out for a few minutes, my aunts are outside. Will you wait for me here with John? We can discuss more things if you wish." Toni suggested and when she saw the redhead nod, she smiled and left the office.

"You should meet Win, he is one of our best employees here. Would you like to meet him now?" John asked with a polite smile.

"No," Cheryl stated bluntly as she took Toni's seat and sighed.

Toni walked to the reception to find her aunts waiting for her, "What a lovely surprise." She said with a smile.

"You have some explaining to do Toni," Gina said not bothering to greet her niece.

The short brunette nodded. "Follow me," She said as she entered John's office. As soon as she closed the door, she walked back to behind the desk and leaned on the chair. "What's wrong?"

"What's going on here Toni?" Gina asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"With what?" The short brunette asked back.

"Care to explain why Cheryl thinks she owns this place since we all three know it's you who does?" Liza asked with a raised eyebrow.

"And would you care to explain why you didn't inform me that my uncle was married?" Toni shot back.

Liza's eyes went wide. "W-What?"

The brunette nodded. "Yup, you tell me why you hid that my uncle was married and I'll tell you why she is here."

"So you won't tell me why she's here?" Liza asked again.

"I can't tell you."

"She didn't trick you like she tricked Larry, did she?"

"Oh, so she tricked my uncle to marry her?"

Gina scoffed. "Her plan was backfired."

"What do you mean Cheryl's plan backfired?"

Liza slapped her sister's arm. "Gina!" She hissed in attempt to shut her up. She then looked at Toni. "Nothing, now can you tell me why didn't you kick her out?"

"I told you Aunt L, you tell me and I'll tell you."

"Tiny, is John married?" Gina asked with a smirk. Since neither of the aunts married, Gina always looked at men wanting to marry her. And being a man in his fifties, John seemed right.

"Gina!" Liza hissed again. "Stop it."

Toni laughed. "Aunt L, leave her be. She's still young."

"I want to marry someone sweety," Gina said whinging playfully. "Can you ask John if he's married?"

"I will see what I can do about it," Toni promised. She now knows how to make Gina say what she knows about Cheryl and Larry.

"So do you promise me that I'll get married before you travel back to Canada?"

Toni laughed but then her face fell. Travel? I can't travel. I can't leave Cheryl, I'm falling for her.

Toni and Cheryl were in the car as Alex drove them towards the mansion. The short brunette was on her phone when she suddenly asked. "Can I invite you to lunch?"

"As if I declined you'll accept it?" The redhead asked rolling her eyes but smiled inwardly.

The brunette shook her head with a smirk. "Nope."

"Then you can invite me to dinner."

They then informed Alex to take them to one of the good restaurants of New York. It took them about half an hour to reach along with ordering their food. Toni felt pretty bad that she raised her voice in the office. She sighed as she took a sip of her wine and looked at Cheryl. "I apologize for raising my voice back at the office. But I kinda lost my nerves and it doesn't happen often." She said sincerely.

"What do you want from me Toni?" She asked with a sigh.

The brunette took a sip of her wine before responding. "This is the second time you asked me this question today."

"That means I really want to know the answer. Why did you come to the factory today?" The redhead responded.

Toni shrugged. Because I want to be near you at all times, and I am getting attached to you. "I wanted to make sure everything was alright, and no confusion was caused."

"So are you trying to convince me that you did it for my own sake?" Cheryl asked not convinced.

The short brunette nodded. "Of course."

"Why do you care for my sake?"

"Because I care about the factory, it was for my family."

Still not convinced the redhead spoke. "The next time you decide to lie to me choose something better. Make me feel that you are doing an effort to lie to me so I wouldn't feel like you don't respect my cleverness." She then asked. "Are you really an engineer? Or was that a lie too?"

Toni nodded. "I am."

"Which major?" Cheryl inquired.

"Agriculture engineering. But I don't like it. I was forced to study it."


"Because dad wanted me to take over the factory," Toni said shrugging.

The redhead nodded. "What did you want to study?"

The brunette's eyes lit up. "I like to draw, all the drawings that are in the mansion, I drew them."

"All of them?!" Cheryl asked in shock. "They are amazing." She said with a warm smile.

"Thank you," Toni said blushing slightly.

"And why were they at Larry's?" The widow asked confused.

"Because we used to live there," Toni said nervously as she came up with a lie. It was her house, of course, her drawings are going to be on the wall.

Noticing how Toni's eyes lit up at the mention of art and paint, the redhead asked again. "And you wanted to be a professional painter?"

Toni nodded. "Yes, but I couldn't deny my father's request. But I haven't painted in fourteen years."

"Since you divorced?" Cheryl asked with hesitation.

The brunette looked at Cheryl and sighed. "Since I divorced." She said in a low voice. "You have a good memory so that you remember everything I told you." She then smiled. "I wanted to be a painter, and you wanted to be a doctor. I gave up my dream for my father, but what about you?"

"What about me?" The widow asked confused.

"Why did you give up your dream? To whom?" The short brunette asked and she could see how sad Cheryl's eyes seemed.


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