Daylight (Kaylor)

By intheafterglow

6.9K 352 18

Two black sheep found each other and somehow that was everything. Struggles with mental health are easier wit... More

Diary entry (8.)
Butterflies (9.)
Christmas eve (10.)
Broken nights (11.)
Easy (12.)

White Christmas (13!)

364 23 5
By intheafterglow

I didn't know what time it was. It didn't really matter. Mere seconds passed since Karlie wrote those magical words on my back. The one that burned my skin and left a permanent mark.

My eyes lit up and glowed like the fresh white snow that was catching outside. Some kind of weird Christmas morning magic must've happened because suddenly I felt like a little kid. A little kid on Christmas morning. My mind went silent and I felt free. Warm and fuzzy feelings overtook me. All of that happened so quickly like I was racing in a speed of light.

"Good morning giraffe" I whispered in the early morning hours. I heard Karlie inhale a sharp breath. Ofcourse she didn't know I was awake. I smiled sincerely before turning around.

Blue eyes met green ones and I froze for a second. But still I felt free. She loves me...more then just a friend. I know. I think I do.
"Hi Kar" I said once my brain let me.
"Hi" she said with a shaky but excited and hopeful voice. It gave me more of those weird butterflies.

"I need to tell you something" I whispered like it was the worlds greatest secret. I could tell she was anxious about what I was going to say because of my last night actions.
Suddenly her complexion changed and she raised one questioning eyebrow.
"You gonna tell me what you wished for finally?? Willlll youuu Taybear??" She said trying to get away with her goofy sense of humor. I tried to act serious but I couldn't. I smiled and said "Well yes, for a fact I am" she looked at me with a puzzled look and I burst in soft laughter.
"Don't ask questions you'd never think would be answered" I said still giggling.

Karlie looked scared. Like a deer caught in the headlights. I won't torture her anymore. I found her hand with mine and held onto her for dear life. Thats it Taylor. Tell her. I thought to myself. Turning around and stealing one more glance of the fresh snow like I was asking some kind of magic to help me.

"I love you" I said quickly and quietly.
"I know Tay, I love you too you know that" she said just like that. No thats not what I meant.
"Karlie...I love you...I love you not just like a friend, hell I don't want you like a best friend, you're my whole world I love you as my everything." She stared blankly at me but now that I said those words I couldn't stop.
"I love everything about you, how you smile and light up the whole room. I love your beautiful eyes and it kills me not knowing what you think every time you stare at something small with so much appreciation your eyes glow. I love your goofiness and you're so smart and beautiful its unreal. You are like a freaking model. And you're so caring and I know you're always here for me. I know I'm rambling now and I don't 100% know you feel the same but here it is."
She still remained quiet just looking at me. Then I caught a slight smile creeping onto her face.

"Karlie, that was my wish. I wished for us forevermore. I wished we never grow apart...the point is...I wished you'd love me the way I love you." I finished. I have no more words. Please say something Kar ,please. I'm so nervous about her response but I know she wont leave. Maybe I'll be hurt but she'll stay my buddy forever, she promised.

Moments later a huge grin was on her face and she came closer to me. I felt goosebumps on my skin. What is she doing?
She came so close our noses were touching. Breath caught in my throat.
Looking im my eyes like she could see my soul she whispered "I don't want you like a best friend" I froze on the spot, what did she mean by that I can't read minds yet. I guess I was the one looking scared now because she smiled a smile that reached her eyes and spoke again.
"I'm in love with you Tay"
In that exact moment my eyes went wide and an involuntary smile was on my face. I can't believe my wish came true. What now?? What are we now?? What happened?? What??
My mind was racing I didn't even realize her getting even closer.
She put her hand over me and tangled her fingers in my hair. My thoughts flew away. I could only concentrate on this inhumanely perfect creature beside me.

We both leant in at the same time and our lips met. Fireworks. Butterflies. Everything. Both of our minds went blank. Only the two of us existed now. It was all that mattered. As long as were together we'll be okay.

That sweet, tender first kiss ended too soon but left us with enormous smiles on our faces.

"Christmas miracle" she said and hugged me close. I'd laugh at her statement but I was in some kind of comfortable trans.

Dawn was gone and a new day was here. Christmas morning...the best Christmas morning in my life.

"Kar?? You never told me what you wished for....for real I mean??" I suddenly asked. Looking at me lovingly she simply answered "this". Right there, at that moment I felt like everything is gonna fall into place. We'll be okay.

We stayed in bed holding each other not even realizing the time passing. Then the nurse burst into our room. Karlie hid under the covers like she was invisible that way.
"Good morning lovebirds" the nurse said.
We answered "good morning" at the same time and then my genius giraffe started laughing under the covers.

"Miss Kloss you are not invisible, I see you but I'm not gonna say anything because it's Christmas" the nurse said with a stern expression.
"Oh and Merry Christmas girls!" She added in a much happier tone.

"Merry Christmas nurse Irene" Karlie and I said in unison. When we were alone again we started laughing like hyenas.
This whole situation was so funny. And why did she call us lovebirds, was it that obvious??

"Karlieeee we need to gooo and see whats under the Christmas tree" I suddenly remembered and squealed.
Pushing her out of bed as strong as I could. "Come onnn aren't you excited"
I whined.

"Do I get a kiss first??" She shyly asked and I melted. Pressing my lips onto hers more forcefully this time yet gently, her lips were so soft and warm...I could kiss her my whole life I thought to myself.
We broke our kiss and got out of bed, me running towards the day room like I was home. Wait I am home, I'm with my Karlie.
Kar was competitive like me so she wouldn't let me win the race. What I didn't expect was her running up to me grabbing onto my fluffy cat pyjamas to slow me down then lifting me up in her arms.

She brought me to the day room giggling and put me down under the Christmas tree. "Yaay you're under the Christmas tree" Kar said and gave me that sunshiny smile of hers. Other patients must've thought we were insane. Well were at the psych ward....we have every right to be insane.

I reached under the Christmas tree for a small wrapped box. "I got this for us a while mom brought it here for me couple of days ago." I explained.

"But I didn't get you anything...I would but I never expected some things to go a certain way" Karlie said looking at her fingers slightly sad.

"We'll good thing I got something for both of us!" I said and leaned onto her.
"Don't worry you didn't have to get me anything're my greatest present love" I said and a smile was on her face once again. She kissed me like we were alone in the room, I felt myself staring to blush. No one cared tho...they didn't care about us and we didn't care about them.

"Sooo can we open that present of yours??" Karlie asked poking my side.
I gave the box to her and she opened it and gawked at the contains of the box.
There were two golden necklaces. One had a letter K and the other had a T.
"This is so beautiful" she said and looked at me with her eyes glistening.

"I'm glad you like it...I thought of having matching necklaces like best friends but now I have a different idea"
Like she read my mind she continued my sentence " you wear K and I'll wear T...that way we'll always be together"

Tears were threatening to fall down my cheeks. I can't believe how precious she is. "I want to wear your initial on a chain around my neck...forever" I said and made a mental note how that would be a good song line.

She put on my necklace for me and I did the same for her. Dreams truly can become true.

What a beautiful Christmas morning.

Couple of months later we walked out of the hospital together.
Spring was almost here and as the nature awoke I did too.
I looked at my Karlie and then at the sky.
~I finally see daylight~

A/N helloooo I'm trying to update stuff as fast as I can. Check out my other story pls!
Love yall

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