Tenebris' Light (Part 1 in Te...

By yersushiguy

134 27 3

A man named Leo Crossford tries to live his life in a world of death and monsters. The world has rebuilt, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
ABH Extras
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

14 3 0
By yersushiguy

I reach over and grab my rifle from where I left it before my roll. I put it in my left hand and reach down, pulling out my PDM cannon with my right hand. Awkwardly putting my rifle in the right hand with my PDM cannon, still not making any noise somehow.
I plan to shoot it with my rifle once in the neck, where there aren't any armour plates. Then, assuming the first shot doesn't take it down, I'll move while it recovers, and get it with my cannon. The cannon is silent, so if I shoot it in the right side of the head when I'm behind it, it'll never find where I am. Decent kill plan.
The monster is walking with the deer back to wherever it came from, there's definitely a downside to that, because I'm near there, but that also means it'll be easier to get behind it.
I aim for where the humans jugular would be. It takes a step, still oblivious to my presence. I fire and the gun kicks back with a crack. Blood and purple fluid erupts from the beasts neck, and it throws its head back, screaming. The crack seems to echo from all directions, disorienting the creature. It drops the deer behind it.
A psychotic smile creeps along my face as it whimpers.
I drop the rifle and crawl behind a dead bush, just to the left of the creature. I fire with my PDM cannon at its left eye. Because of where I'm shooting it, its sense of direction is probably telling it that I'm still where I started.
It drops its head, clutching its face. I smile again. I take aim, then shoot it in the back of the head.
Its hand falls from its eye, and its head whips back. It howls, even louder than before. I drop the gun and cover my ears with my hands, scrunching my eyes shut. The noise is a headache, it's gonna blow my eardrums.
It stops, and for a second I think I've gone deaf. I open my eyes, and to my surprise... all I can see is it staring me down. I freeze, thinking it won't see me. Its skin under the armour is a dark, pulsing pink. Its scaly warped face is tainted with anger and bloodlust. I'm not scared. Just shaken. I'm stunned all throughout my body.
It's eye looks fine, despite where I shot it. I can't see the back of its head, but I can only assume it's fine too, but its neck is still bleeding.
That's bad. I shot it with the PDM cannon. PDM cannons exist because they do better damage than bullets, but from the looks of it, PDM doesn't do anything at all anymore. Also, how did it know I was here? It screeched, then it just found me, like it was nothing. Echolocation? No. Dark Matter doesn't do that, and it hasn't ever shown any advancements in all its time on Earth, but then again it's cooked up this monstrosity, which I've never seen before. It scares me that it could be possible. We locked Dark Matter up with the Northern Wall and gave it half of the Earth, it could have just given up and left. That was the plan with the Northern Wall. The remnant in its molecules sends energy shields up into the atmosphere. The wall wraps around the equator, and the shield protects us in a dome like fashion, but it could let the Dark Matter escape back into space. But it hasn't. I'm trailing off. I have to get the hell out of here.
I get up quickly and run to where my rifle is. It howls. I spin around and get on my knees, grabbing my rifle. I watch the beast thrash it's hand. It's shooting me with its claw, just like it did the deer.
I throw my head down, and I hear the claws fly right over me. Gotta love near death experiences, am I right?
I cock the rifle, and the click tells me a bullet is ready to fire. The gun's got a nine round magazine, and I have two more on my belt, so I'll be fine.
I fire right at its temple, a reliable weak spot. Its head whips back and a chunk of its skull flies off its head. I pull the bolt back again, and run to another spot. It looks back at me, ready to fire it's claws again.
DM beings' brains aren't what you kill. The animal left in that body has a brain, but the Dark Matter stays away from that, but it does rely on the animals internal organs. So if I knock out it's lungs or it's heart, it's dead.
I aim in the center of its chest, just between its chest plates. It's arm winds back just as I fire. Its chest blows open, a huge hole in the armour and skin where I shot it. It falls back with the mass of the bullet. There goes the lungs. Now the kill shot.
I cock the gun for the last time and walk a few steps closer. The beast shivers. I bring the scope to my face, not that I need it at this range. I aim down the creatures hollow rib cage. It looks up at me, with the same angry look in its eyes.
I smile and feel the bloodlust like feeling lift in my chest. I laugh a cruel chuckle.
"What?" I grin. I don't feel a hint of guilt for what I've done to this disgusting monster. "Slain by a human with a gun? Oh poor you."
It looks pissed, it knows what I'm saying, but because its mostly animal body can't speak, it doesn't reply.
"And not a scratch on me, what a waste." I lift the scope back to my face. "Ugly motherfucker..."
I pull the trigger and blood flies from the creatures gaping chest. I smile.
Told you I was getting that deer.

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