
By mahitis

1.7K 66 16

They say, "Ignorance is bliss," and those words ring so true to the ears of people like her. But wouldn't it... More



181 6 1
By mahitis

Mr. Raumone, I am sorry to inform you that you are nearly ten minutes late." A small, stocky man reported just seconds after Mark entered the dimly lit room.

One long, narrow table was positioned in the exact center of the otherwise bare chamber. The stout Elder wasn't the only person seated at the glass table. There were 10-15 other men seated around the sides, nearly every one staring down at black folders or notebooks neatly placed in front of them on the smooth, reflective surface. At the foot of the table, was a single, empty chair.

"Please, Mr. Raumone. Sit down and we can begin." One of the formerly silent Elders stated, gesturing to the empty seat.

Charlie remained standing next to the door, arms crossed over his chest. As Mark's right hand man, he was always on guard to make sure nothing would happen to harm or jeopardize the safety of either Mark or Amelia. One wouldn't recognize it simply by looking at him, but he always had at least one gun on his person, plus the knives, tazers, etc.

"Mr. Vespucci, you needn't be so expecting of treachery, we are not gathered here today to bring harm to anyone." The stocky man stated, looking over his wire-rimmed glasses at Charlie, who wasn't phased in the slightest. He held his stance, without speaking a single word in reply.

"Fine then. I suggest we begin, no?"

Mark let out an indignant sigh and ran a hand across his brow, letting his gaze drift from Elder to Elder. Each one looked just like the last, stern and without emotion. Occasionally, one of the men would take a short sip from the glass of ice water set in front of him.

The stout Elder seated at the head of the table cleared his throat before beginning, "We are here to discuss the violation of the Law by Mark A. Raumone. We are in possession of evidence that states that Mr. Raumone is guilty of harboring a child for five years without having said child registered, assessed or examined. Mr. Raumone, do you deny any of these said allegations?"

"No, I do not."

"Let the record state that Mr. Raumone has denied none of the preceding accusations."

Mark's dark, gray eyes narrowed into two slits, eyes flashing with a harsh, angry fire.

"Mr. Raumone, you have played a significant role in this business for quite some time, so of course you must have been well aware of what the Law states about the harboring and hiding of a child who has not been registered as an official slave. Do you have a legitimate excuse for your actions?"

He lightly scoffed, "With all due respect, Sir, I have not done anything wrong."

The fat Elder, suddenly pounded his chubby fist on the table, making the crystalline glasses of frosty liquid jump and rattle.

"BULLSHIT. You have been harboring a child, without having said child registered." He thundered suddenly.

"There is no need to yell, Sir. I was merely stating the truth. When Amelia was three years old, I simply won her in a poker match. As a personal possession, there is no reason for her to be registered as a slave or servant."

"Mr. Raumone, the Law clearly states that every slave or servant shall be registered, despite what their purpose is!"

"Sir, she's not a slave or a servant. I have been through the Law books many a time and not once does it mention anything regarding children who serve personal purposes."

"That's because not once has this happened, therefore it has not been put in the book! Which makes it completely and utterly illegal!" He hollered even louder, his fist clenching into a tight ball.

Charlie stiffened and his hand slowly traveled to the black and leather holster that was hidden under his suit coat.

"Mr. Vespucci, calm yourself. You're so quick to assume the worst of people." One of the tall, thin men sneered in his direction upon noticing the action he had made.

"I must inform you, Mr. Raumone, that if you do not remand the previously stated violations, the child will be confiscated and be placed with a different owner presiding in a completely separate sector than yours." The leading Elder stated, rolling his eyes in Vespucci's direction.

"Is it possible that we may come to some agreement? I don't want to lose my child and I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose a loyal client."

"Are you blackmailing me, Mr. Raumone?"

"Nothing of the sort, I am merely requesting that we try to find the most peaceful way around this disagreement as possible."

"We can not change the fact that you have blatantly gone against the written Law and spat in the faces of this Council."

The Council of Elders were notorious for taking every little rule in the written Law to the extreme and make sure nobody under their rule put a single toe out of the boundaries it set, lest they be punished and excommunicated from everyone and everything they knew. Very few had ever dared to cross their path before, making Mark one of the first to do so with no regret or shame whatsoever. Yes, he was afraid but only of the possibility that he may lose Amelia to the controlling hand of the Council,making her into whatever they felt would give them the most money. They have the power and ability to take away a man's family, belongings, servants and slaves at the drop of a hat, selling and gifting them to other powerful leaders who will in turn grant them even more power and riches than they were in possession before the fact. They have used this technique many a time to tear apart families and lives, in a matter of hours.

After quiet contemplation for a few minutes, Mark spoke again, "What is the Council asking me to do with the child?"

"The proper place or the child is as a servant or slave, not as a daughter. She is not your blood, she is not of your family's line.Therefore, she has no place in being treated as such."

"The child has not been treated as my daughter, or family, nor has she been treated as a slave or servant. I do not wish to treat her as any of the above. She doesn't belong in the market or in the auctions, I don't want her there."

"By God, Mark," The Elder stated angrily, addressing him as his first name for the first time either Charlie or Mark could possibly remember, "What are you suggesting you want to do with her? Do you expect us to just dismiss this violation and forget it ever happened?"

"No, I'm just trying to see if we could come to some sort of agreement." He replied calmly, his face returning to its natural, emotionless state it had been before.

"If Mr. Raumone is unwilling to have the child marked as a slave or servant, we propose that the child be registered in the Sector's personal files and be branded when she comes to be of age. The Council will elect someone to make routine checks regarding the child and her owner, Mr. Raumone, to ensure the well-being of the child, and law-abiding state of Mr. Raumone. Does the defendant agree?" The gaunt Elder who had sneered at Charlie, stated.

"I agree." Mark replied, a spark of light igniting in his eyes. For the first time in quite some time, he felt at peace. A dark, heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

"So be it. The Council records the final decision. The child, Amelia Raumone is to be registered as soon as possible in the personal, private files of Sector 15. When the child comes to the age of 16 years of age, she is to be branded with her owner's mark. Until that time, a suitable official will be elected by the Council to preform routine assessments and examinations to ensure the well-being of the child and to assure the law-abiding state of Mr. Raumone and his decisions regarding said child." The leading Elder stated, scrawling down a few, messy lines onto the notepad in front of him.

"I call this meeting to be adjourned."

And with that, it was over.

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