Sky Full of Scars

By FanFicFantasiess

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"We're all scarred. We're all troubled souls." That's what my best friend Ava would say to comfort me every s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 38

185 5 3
By FanFicFantasiess

Hours later I haven’t disappeared in a hole in the ground. Unfortunately. At 10 p.m. when Griffith Observatory closed, security found me sitting on the floor of that toilet stall. They kindly asked me to leave and so I did. Still not one tear has left my eyes. I’m amazed by myself. But I’m unable to shake off that feeling of being hurt. That feeling of being so dumb and naive to open up to someone. We’ve all seen what happened to Ava, when she opened up to Justin. The loser played her. Like every guy does in movies and TV-shows. Like every man does when my girlfriends start dating. That’s why I never even bothered after Dan. Sex, cool. Dating, heck no! Until I met Ethan. Until I met the guy who made me swoon like Dan could make me swoon. I thought it was a sign. A sign from above. That it was okay to trust him. Mental note. Do not ever trust a guy again! Ever!

I walked out of the beautiful building that’s Griffith Observatory and stared at the empty parking lot. Not one person in sight. Great. Not that I thought he’d be looking for me or be waiting for me. But I hoped he was. Deep down inside I hoped he would be looking for me. For the girl he is apparently “falling in love” with. A dark chuckle left my lips, thinking about his empty words. “You are so easy, Hunter.” I laughed at myself. “Easy to bed, easy to play. What a fucking joke.” I whispered to myself. I definitely need to do something about that. It’s sad.

I had to turn on my phone, so I could order a cab and immediately my phone got flooded with texts and notifications of missed phone calls and received messages. Not only Ethan called and texted me. Also Ava and Grayson did. Multiple times. I quickly scanned through the texts before I continued ordering a cab.

Hunter, I’m looking for you. Where you at? Stop making me worry. x E

Babe, have been walking around for 30 minutes now. Did you leave? Call me asap. x E

Hun, call me back! Ethan says he can’t find you. What’s going on? Ily, Ava

Hunter. You can’t do this to me. Call me now! Ava

I’m silently sitting in the back of the cab and stare out of the window. The night sky is clear and I’m looking at thousands of stars when the cab driver starts talking to me. “You work at Griffith?” He asks me kindly as he makes eye contact via the rear view mirror. I’m a bit startled by him, starting to talk and I need a couple of seconds to collect my thoughts and acclimatize to my surroundings. Oh. Yes. I was sitting in the back of a cab. “No. No, I don’t.” I mumble. “Ah, you’re a tourist.” He says as a smile covers his face. “Nice accent.” He adds, to let me know it’s obvious to him I’m not American. Great. Is this where I will get robbed and raped? Because there is no way anyone is gonna hear and find me here in these Los Angeles hills in the back of a cab. But apparently the world isn’t as dark as I make it out to be, because the joyful cab driver keeps trying to have this innocent conversation with me. “I used to be a tourist here as well.” He chuckles. “I’m from the Mid-West, but moved here a year ago to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Not really making a living as an actor quite yet. So, driving cab as well.” He explains. Cody –his name is- tells me all about his life before he moved to L.A. and what it is like to now live in a metropolitan that seems to move faster than the speed of light. He is funny, adorable and kind. He actually makes me laugh with his impressions of the celebrities he met since living here and I forget all about Ethan for a moment. Until Cody asks me why I was at Griffith Observatory. All by myself. So late at night.

“I think I just went on the worst date of my life.” I admit honestly. “I think it was also my very first date. Ever” I mumble while I tilt my head and look back at the sky. Dan and I started hanging out with friends but never really went on a proper dinner date or movie date before he asked me to be his girlfriend. We of course did all those things later. But not in the beginning. In the beginning we just spend time together at the school cafeteria. At the school grounds after his football practice, or my swim practice. Or at his house or mine. “Your first date?” Cody asks me surprised as he searches for my eyes in the rear view mirror. “Why was it so bad? Did he smell bad?” Cody again chuckles to lighten the mood. “Ugh, I wish he smelled bad.” I sigh as I roll my eyes. “That would make my life a lot easier. But no, this coincidentally happens to be the best smelling human being to walk the earth, actually.” I laugh at how twisted this fucked up life is. Making me fall in love with a fuckboy like Ethan. “He kissed another girl.” I tell Cody. Who immediately stops laughing and stares at me confused. “During the date.” I add for the dramatic effect. Those words make my cab driver gasp and I laugh at his reaction. He for sure is an actor. Vibing with my drama. “Who in the world would kiss another girl while being on a date with you? Look at you! You are gorgeous!” He yells. I laugh even harder at his words. What a sweetheart. Lifting my spirit like this. And he is fucking right. I am gorgeous. How dare Ethan? How fucking dare he?

“Boys, Cody. Boys.” I answer him. “Nah uh!” He instantly reacts. “I would fucking never!” He reassures me. We continue talking about dating and when we’re about 10 minutes away from the twins house Cody suddenly stops the car. “Have you seen L.A., tourist?” He asks me, looking serious. Is he calling me “tourist” now? “Besides the airport, a restaurant and Griffith Observatory, not really cab driver.” I confess. “You got time, tourist?” Cody asks me and a faint smile appears on his face. Well. Ava probably wants to see and hear from me as soon as possible. But besides that I’ve got all the time in the world. The longer I’ll be away from Ethan, the better. “I’ve got a minute, cab driver.” I smile back at him and his face lights up. “Well, then let me take you on your first proper date.” Cody smiles. Before I even have the chance to answer him, my cab driver gets out of the car. Walks around to my door and opens it. He reaches his hand out and helps me out of the car. He then continues to open the door on the passenger side and invites me to sit down. “You shouldn’t be in the back, when you’re on a date.” Cody chuckles as he closes the door and walks back over to the driver side and gets in again. “Have you eaten yet?” He asks as he drives off. I’m still smiling. What is this? What am I doing? Why is this so fun and why does it feel like I’m playing with my life? I shake my head no at his question. Not eaten yet. “Say no more!” My cab driver says with a smirk on his face and within 20 minutes I’m trying my first ever In-n-Out animal style fries. “This is so good.” I breathe with my mouth full in Cody’s direction. He laughs at me stuffing my face as he sips on a Coke. “I know.” He says confidently.

After dinner he takes me to the Hollywood walk of fame and we look out on the Hollywood sign while enjoying ice cream. I have to give it to him. This date is a proper date and I’m enjoying Cody’s company. “Thanks. Thanks for making this evening -the evening of my first date- unforgettable.” I smile at him as we turn towards the driveway of the twins. I texted Ava that I was on my way and she opens the gate right when we pull up. Before Cody gets a chance to stop the car I see Ava run out of the house. Her jaw is clenched and her face distraught. Yeah. She was worried as fuck. I probably should’ve texted her. My hands get clammy instantly when I see her pace back and forth. But my heart drops when Ethan runs out behind her. On his socks. His white socks. Why would anyone run outside wearing crisp white socks? He runs his hands through his hair and holds his head. Interesting. He looks worried as well. He wasn’t too worried about me when he kissed Cassandra. Grayson walks out as well and I gasp as I see Cassandra appear behind Grayson. Confidence radiating from her toes all the way up to her crown. “What?” Cody asks as he hears me gasp. “That’s the girl he kissed.” I whisper as I discretely tilt my head towards the girl with the hourglass body and ginger mane. “He took her home. He took her to the home I’m staying in.” I breathe in disbelief.

Cody looks my way and places his hand on my thigh. “Hunter, you have got nothing to worry about. You are gorgeous and you’re such a sweet soul. A bit crazy, sure. But you are amazing. Don’t let her dent the confidence you should have.” He says before he opens his door. “Let’s end this date right.” He smiles as he gets out of the car. I’m barely registering what he is saying because I’m immediately back to being hurt. As I see the guy I’m in love with. Cosy in his sweatpants and a hoodie. Standing with his hands in his hair under the outdoor lighting. Biting his lip. While the girl he kissed on our date is standing behind him. Uninterested.

Before I can open my car door Cody opens it and reaches his hand out once again. Helping me out the car. I see Ava wants to run up to me, but she stops in her tracks as she sees how Cody puts my hair behind my ear and caresses my cheek. I hear Ethan’s loud voice speak a “What the fuck!” and I smile as I see how that reaction brings a smile to Cody’s face. “He’s upset.” Cody whispers in my direction without taking his eyes off me. “He should be upset. He made a dumb mistake.” He continues whispering. Leaving a bigger smile on my face with every word he speaks. “Okay. I’m might be overdoing this goodbye a bit to make him jealous. But I’m speaking from the heart when I’m telling you I had an amazing evening.” He says and he kisses me on my cheek. “I had an amazing evening as well. Thanks for showing me around. Thanks for everything.” I say as I leave a peck on his cheek. Cody pulls me in for a hug and I feel the impatient and angry energy from Ethan radiate in my direction. “Call me if you need me, okay?” Cody smiles as he gets back in his cab and I stare at him as he drives off.

“Hunter! What the fuck!” I hear Ethan breathe as he stamps in my direction. I turn around to face him. Face them and see Ava looking at me. She knows me. She knows I didn’t run off for shits and giggles. She knows something went down and even though she doesn’t seems to happy about me getting close with a stranger, she wisely doesn’t judge me like Ethan does.

“Hunter, what the fuck?!” I yell back at Ethan in the same tone of voice as he approached me. “What. About. Ethan. What. The. Fuck?!” I ask him as I poke the sharp nail of my index finger in his chest. His face changes immediately. The anger in his face is gone. He knows I saw him. He knows I saw him with Cassandra and he steps back. Away from me. But I’m not done yet. “What about I needed this. I never realised how much I needed this. How much I needed you. What about those words you spoke to me Ethan?” I yell at him while still digging my finger in his chest. Alternated by a shove here and there. He steps back even more. But I can tell me yelling at him like this, using these words against him pains him. “You haven’t felt this alive in a long time? You were falling in love with me? I was the answer, right?” I continue with a raised voice. I see Cassandra’s pale face turn even paler. She doesn’t look shocked about this revelation, but she is not happy. Ava’s face on the other hand looks shocked. Her jaw drops. “You are the answer.” Ethan whispers. His yelling voice is gone. As if it never existed. I can tell he feels small. And my weak heart is ready to align with him once again. But then I stare at Cassandra and recall how she kissed him. How he kissed her. I don’t wanna yell anymore. But I need to know. “Then why did you kiss her?” I breathe exasperated, while pointing my arm in Cassandra’s direction. I see Ethan’s face turn bright red as I hear his brother yell. “Ethan, no!! You’re kidding me, right?” Saying that Grayson looks surprised is an understatement.

Cassandra effortlessly shuffles around Grayson and Ava. She walks up to Ethan and me. As If I’m not standing there she gets in between the two of us and hugs Ethan. I see how he doesn’t wanna reciprocate this obvious nasty dig she is directing towards me. But as if he’s not able to resist he puts his arms around her waist and hugs her back.

“Guess I see you home in a bit.” She says as she pulls away from the hug and looks him in the eyes. A faint but kind smile appears on Ethan’s face. A smile that maybe says ‘thanks’ or ‘see you soon’. A smile that I don’t wanna see on his fucking face. He is so fucking confusing. Like what the fuck?!

Cassandra walks past me without acknowledging me once. She says her goodbyes to Grayson and Ava, who both don’t even know how to react anymore and gets in her SUV to disappear through the gate.

“Hunter.” Ethan pleads. But before he can continue I flip him off. “Fuck off, Ethan!” I say as I make my way into the house and leave him standing near his car. I can’t stay here for any longer and have decided to pack my bags. I rather sleep under a bridge than in this house. In his house. I hear him walk closely behind me. “I meant everything I said. I fucking need you. I’m falling so hard for you. Please let me explain!” He begs me. I set foot in the guestroom and turn around. Ethan’s eyes are watery and I see his bottom lip tremble. I can’t give in. I won’t give in and slam the door of the guestroom shut. Right in front of his face.

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