Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy...

By LostInTheWiind

163K 2.7K 126

COMPLETED | SEQUEL TO "NO TIME" | Ellie Forrest has been at Seattle Grace/Mercy West for a few years now, and... More

1 | Starring Role
2 | The Flip
3 | Transplant
4 | Still Thinking
5 | My Funny Valentine
6 | Sing For Me
7 | Happy Valentine's Day
8 | Cheer Him Up
9 | Grind
10 | We Work
11 | Men Will Be Men
12 | Women Always Know
13 | Don't Pet the Lion
14 | You're Free
15 | The Grey/Forrest Method
16 | Holly Wheeler
17 | Patient
18 | Braving the Cafeteria
19 | Interviews
20 | The American Medical Board of Surgery
21 | Say No More
22 | Meanwhile in Seattle
23 | The Moment of Truth
24 | Passed
25 | Certified
26 | Leaving
27 | The Wreckage of What's Left
28 | Safety Pin
29 | Change
30 | Recovering
31 | Remember the Time
32 | Settling
33 | We Can't Take It
34 | Welcome Back, Cristina
35 | Lawsuit
36 | Bigfoot
37 | A Wedding or Not?
38 | All Good Things Come to an End
39 | A Good Day
40 | Cuts
41 | Efficiency
42 | Sneaky Operation
43 | Responsibility
44 | Money Talks
45 | Blind Leading the Blind
46 | Boring Crap
47 | Bidding On Our Future
48 | Under New Management
49 | Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital
50 | Lodox
51 | Take Me to the Carnival
52 | We Don't Say "Sucks"
53 | Gas Fumes
54 | Fun
55 | Annoying
56 | Infection
57 | Six Against One
58 | Two Lines
59 | Illusion
60 | Won't or Can't?
61 | A Storm is Coming
62 | When Bad Things Come
63 | An End to Every Storm
64 | Mudslide
65 | Rely On the Labs
66 | Decide
67 | When You Know, You Know
68 | Mercy
69 | Gala
70 | On With the Show
71 | Donor
72 | I Want it All
73 | Support
74 | This is Halloween
75 | Trick or Treat
76 | One Against a Billion
77 | We'll Be Fine
78 | 11:05
79 | Bridesmaids
80 | Fitting
82 | Cat Man
83 | Complaint
84 | Bully

81 | Total Eclipse of the Heart

1.6K 24 4
By LostInTheWiind

"You look so beautiful," Arizona told April as she began to cry.

The three of us were standing in a private room at the wedding venue, a big, gorgeous barn on a lovely looking farm. April smiled, a little weirded out by Arizona's crying, "Aw! That's really sweet. But,'re gonna be all puffy if you keep that up. Are you gonna get it together?"

"Yeah." Arizona nodded as she grabbed the tissue that April handed her. April, did in fact, look stunning. Her hair was done up, her makeup subtle but pretty, and her dress was breathtaking. "No, I'm fine." Arizona assured her, "Callie's trying so hard to forgive me and to take care of me, and it's driving me crazy."

"I thought you want-" I said.

"I do!" Arizona nodded, "I do. I love her and I want her back. And I-I broke us. And I...and I wanna fix it. But she wants to fix me. The reason that I cheated that night...someone was attracted to me. And she never knew me "before." She only knew me "after." And I was enough for her. And know, she knew me before and she loved me before. And now sometimes I-I feel like...I'm not...I'm not..."

"You're not?" April asked.

Arizona desperately tried to stop crying, "It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not her fault. It's not her fault that I hate feeling this way. And Callie's just...she's trying to-to fix everything. And I'm finally feeling okay the way that I am now! And I'm-I'm not sure that Callie will ever make me feel that way."

"I'm so sorry that you're going through all this." April pulled her in for a hug, "Today."

"I'm here." Meredith walked into the room.

April turned to her, "Oh, thank God!"

Meredith looked to me, "I thought I was giving you a ride."

"You were." I nodded, "But then Cristina and...I just wanted to give you some space. Callie and Arizona were nice enough to take me."


"Yang forgot." April scoffed as we helped her get her veil on, "I knew one of you would forget."

Just then the door opened and Cristina walked in. "Ahh!" April smiled wide, "Thank you. I knew you'd make it. Okay, so when we get out there, Arizona's gonna take my bouquet. So if the three of you can be on the sides and middle of my train, I-"

Cristina crossed her arms and scowled at Meredith, "How dare you say I haven't changed."

"I don't have to justify my choices to you." Meredith sighed, "Not one."

"How dare you say I am the same person I was when I got here, before I knew Burke and Owen and You." Cristina was managing to keep somewhat calm, "Your life looks different because it's filled with houses and husbands and kids. And mine looks the same, but I'm not. I've changed. I'm doing this alone. And that's...that's just as hard as what you're doing. But I thought I would at least have you."

"I'm so jealous of you, I wanna set things on fire." Meredith admitted, "You did what I tried to do, and I couldn't. And you don't even know how you did it. You have nothing but time a focus. You're not who we were when we got here. You are who we both set out to be."

Cristina shook her head, "And you've become something...we never saw coming. You are as good a mother as you are a surgeon. And I'm happy for you. But we are growing apart."

"I know." Meredith told her, "And I don't wanna compete with you, but I do because we're supposed to push each other and make each other better forever. Since the day we met, right?"

"Right." Cristina nodded.

Meredith took a breath, "Okay. So then-"

"God, I know." Cristina exhaled, "I'm so glad because-"

"Oh! Shut up!" April screamed, "Today is not the day. You two, super neat that you're working your crap out, but not today. And you!" she turned to Arizona, "You know what? Stop talking about adultery on my wedding day, because it is my wedding day! I should be feeling very special right now. I should be flounced and fluffed up and checked over and handed tissues and told not to cry with joy. So know what? Stop thinking about you, and you make me feel special."

"Would you like a tissue?" Cristina asked.

Arizona smiled, "You know what? The veil turned out to be so pretty."

"Okay, we ready?" I asked as I reached for the doorknob.

"Yeah." everyone else replied.

Opening the door, I was greeted by Derek and Owen. "You made it!" Meredith smiled.

Derek nodded, "I made it."

"Chief!" April looked to Owen, "You came!"

Owen chuckled, "Of course. The whole hospital's practically here."

"Really?" April asked.

Owen nodded, "Yeah. You're very well-liked."

April tried to hold back tears, "Okay, well, now you have to go, 'cause I'm gonna start crying. Because if it weren't for you, none of this would be happening to me."

"You deserve it." Owen told her, "All of it. And you look beautiful."

"Thank you." April grinned as Owen placed a small kiss on her cheek before leaving.

"Congratulations," he said as he walked out.

Before I knew it, the ceremony had started and the bridesmaids were walking one by one down the aisle. It felt good that I could walk down the aisle without assistance. My hip would hurt every once in a while, but I held it together and made it to the alter where I stood beside Meredith and Cristina.

Everyone stood up as April arrived, her father by her side and looking breathtaking. Slowly, the two of them walked down the aisle. Once at the front, April handed her bouquet to Arizona and stood beside Matthew.

"There is no greater example of God's power than the love we share between us." the reverend spoke, "April and Matthew are here today to commit that love to each other before God and before all of you. So let's pray."

Just as everyone's heads dropped, Derek's cell phone went off. Everyone turned to him as he quickly shut the device off.

"Heavenly father..." the reverend continued, "watch over April and Matthew as they take the first steps on a journey that will last them the rest of their lives on earth. And give them the strength to commit their love to one another. Unshakable through any storm, unbreakable in the face of any stress. A promise we simply refuse to break. And you, April and Matthew's closest friends and family, are here today to bear witness to their union. Will you promise to love and support their marriage in all these days to come? If so, please respond "we will."

"We will." everyone recited back.

"Now, I've known the two of you for quite some time and I'm happy to be here today to be able to do this for you. I..."

Out of nowhere, Jackson stood up. We all turned to him, expecting him to say something, but instead, he just sat right back down. Meredith, Cristina, and I shared a look of confusion.

The reverend chuckled and went on with his speech, "April and Matthew, I have known the two of you for quite some time, and I'm happy to be here today-"

"I love you, April." Jackson stood up again and confessed, "I always have. I-I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me."

Meredith and I stood there, mouths hung open. I caught a quick look at Bailey who had a small smile on her face, obviously enjoying the show. Then there was Stephanie and Matthew, who both looked confused, angry, and sad.

"I love you, and I think...that you love me, too." Jackson continued, "Do you?"

Failure is inevitable. Unavoidable. But failure should never get the last word. You have to hold on to what you want. You have to not take "no" for an answer, and take what's coming to you. Never give in. Never give up. Stand up. Stand up and take it. 

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