"honesty and grace" (Mezo Sho...

By leviehnrd

220K 9.7K 6.3K

Living a normal life had always been hard for you, but moving to Japan gave you and your single mother the br... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
[After Story - 1]
[After Story - 2]
[After Story - 3]
[After Story - 4]
[After Story - 5]
[After Story - 6]
[After Story - 7]
[After Story - 8]
[After Story - 9]
[After Story - 10]

Chapter 2

8.3K 367 108
By leviehnrd

Closing time finally came about, and your body was exhausted from standing for nearly ten hours. No matter how much you work at this place, you would absolutely never get used to the amount of standing one has to do to make the amount that you do. Though, you're quite thankful for the opportunity to work at such a lovely place. It may be boring, sitting around sweeping the same spot for an hour, or manning the register for long hours, and then having to scrub the ovens at the end of the day. It is a well paying job for someone of your age. Your hourly wage isn't as much as what your mother makes, but whatever you earn is always a big help to support the two of you. Living in a run-down apartment in the back of the city is super sketchy, so the two of you do whatever you can to make more and more money to move to the nicer part. However long that takes you, you have no clue.

Suddenly, you're pulled from your thoughts with a small jump, your phone ringing loudly from the back of your jean pocket. It's Kiko, your manager. Immediately, you answer without hesitating, speaking before he even got the chance to. "Hey, (F/f/n) and I just closed and locked up shop."

There is a slight pause on the other end of the line before the man speaks slowly. "Oh, good, good. Listen, can you tell (F/f/n) that I will be canceling work for tomorrow? Something has come up with my son and there isn't much I can really do but hope for him." He says, sorrow in his tone. As well as being the lead manager of the small shop, Kiko was also the owner. He had done this a few other times, though for happier reasons.

You take a second, thinking about what to say while standing outside of the small bakery, looking up at the gray sky. The clouds had been out all day, and you can tell it was going to rain soon. "I'm sorry to hear that, Sir. And yes, I would be able to tell her that. Thank you for letting me know. I'll pray for your son." You smile, hearing his light laughter on the other end. Even through the phone, you were able to tell how forced it must have been.

"Thank you, (F/n), you are very kind. See you on Monday, okay? Goodbye." Without another moment, the line clicks, and he hangs up before you could get a chance to say it back.

You shrug it off, however, eyes looking around to see if your mom was in the parking lot. Most likely not, though you tried to stay hopeful that you wouldn't have to walk. Walking was generally okay, until it started to rain. That's when your mom would know to come get you, or there would probably be a petty argument at home. While you walk for right now, however, you decide that you should call your friend, knowing that she got off two hours before you did. You hold the phone up to your ear, waiting for her voice on the other end.

"Yo, what's up?" She greets casually.

"Nothing, really, just walking home. But I do have some news. Kiko called me and said that because of problems with his son, work is canceled tomorrow." You sigh softly, crossing the street and waving to the car that stopped for you.

On the other end, you hear her sigh with relief. "Thank God. I already planned on calling in sick because my (boyfriend/girlfriend) planned on taking me to that new horror movie around noon."

A light laugh erupts from your throat. "Yeah, well I get to sit at home all day and be sad and bored." You joke, looking up at the sky as tiny droplets begin to fall, hitting the pavement below you. Your eyes lower to the ground as you let out a silent sigh.

"Uh, liar, you have to meet with your boyfriend and his friend." (F/f/n) says, laughing through the whole sentence.

Your face goes hot as you jog across another road, smiling at an elderly woman with her dog as they pass, going in the opposite direction. "How many times do I have to tell you, there is nothing between Ojiro and I. He's just a damn customer, you swine." The rainfall starts to become a bit heavy, and you dodge under a tree planted on the sidewalk to try and shield yourself from the rain. "Anyway, I don't think it'll happen anyways. I don't have his number, I won't be at work, yaddah yaddah yah." A sigh passes through your lips as you suddenly see your mother's car in the distance.

"You can think that it's just a friendship, but I know my shit. Just go there around noon because they won't have school. Noon is normally the time where all the boys hang out at the park behind the bakery, so maybe you'll get lucky?" You can tell there is a huge smile plastered on her face by the way she talks.

"Ha ha, you're so funny. I gotta go, my mom is here to pick me up. Talk to you later, jerk."

Before I press end call, you hear one last word from her. "Bitch."

Your mother's car pulls up to the curb, and you hop in the passenger side quickly. "Thanks mom." You smile, looking at her. She smiles at you, her eyes a bit distant as she begins to drive away from the curb.

"You know, I'm sorry that I have to, but I was called into work tonight. I'm only going for the extra pay, so I won't be able to sit around and eat dinner with you before I leave. I'll only be gone until eight, but (female friend's mom) is going to pick me up straight from work." Her voice is low and filled with emotions, but all you can do is nod your head and smile.

"No, Mom, it's okay. I have to do some stuff for my biology class, anyway." You smile, referring to your online schooling. Because the two of you are living the way that you are, you cannot afford a lot of schools around here, so the website you're enrolled with provides you with all the resources you need to pass the standard high school classes. You remove your work hat and hold it close to you, looking down at your outfit; a pair of jeans, a worn out pair of (f/c) tennis shoes, and a black long sleeve shirt underneath your yellow and orange apron.

The two of you pull into the parking lot, and your mother smiles as she parks the car. "Well, in that case, I'll see you next Monday. I love you, Dear! And good luck on your anatomy test this week." She shouts, a dopey smile on her face. You can only give one back before slamming the car door shut. You try not to get wet as you hurry towards the building. The keys in your back pocket jingling as you swing the door open.

Upon entering, you wave hello to the desk girl, Lydia. The two of you never really spoke, but she was a pretty young woman you saw almost every day. Your apartment was on the third floor, so you always found yourself walking immediately to the elevator. Though, once inside, you see yourself in the reflective wall, standing there with no expression at all. The day begins to replay in your mind as a familiar lump forms in the back of your throat.

This time, I'll be strong, you think to yourself. There is absolutely no reason for you to feel like crying, so why do you? The thought causes you to take another look at yourself in the mirror. Tears slowly well in your eyes, the stinging sensation making you want to blink. The door dings, causing you to quickly sniffle and walk down your hallway. You try the knob, not terribly surprised to find that the door is already unlocked. Oftentimes, when your mother was in a hurry, she would forget to lock it. Once you entered the two bedroom apartment, your back rested against the door.

You and your mother's living situation hasn't been exactly great since moving to Japan. Your past hasn't been peachy either, but you still somehow manage to hold yourself together. Even now, as you kick off your shoes and look down at your mismatched socks, you know that it's just how things have to be. As hard as it gets, you have to continue to roll with the punches. Life is the suckiest thing sometimes, but all you can really do is learn to grow up and move on with it.

Ensuring now that the door was locked, you tugged on the handle just in case. Afterwards, you sat down on the couch and began to mindlessly scroll through your phone. Through different apps, through texts from your friends, you chose to lay down. It wasn't rare to find yourself napping on the couch. You've done it many times before, and today seemed not to be any different. You slowly leaned to the side, body slumping against the arm of the couch. Phone in hand, your body finally had the chance to relax; and it took the opportunity.

You wake with a start, eyes wide and looking around quickly. You hear nothing for a few moments before the sound of your alarm fills the room. A sigh passes through you as you shut it off. It had been your 5;30 work alarm from yesterday that was never turned off. "Shit," you grumble while beginning to sit up. Your eyes look around the room. Almost immediately, you take note of the fact you had fallen asleep with your work clothes still on. A chuckle shakes your shoulders. Wow, I was exhausted, you think with a smile as you stand.

Slinking off to your room, your body feels as though it doesn't want to be moved. Though, as you begin to undress, you feel yourself slowly starting to wake up. A part of you wanted to stay in this morning. Normally, there wouldn't be any reason to leave. However, waking up at 5:30 was unlikely to happen on any other Saturday. So, taking initiative of the early hours of the day, you slid on comfortable walking clothes and made your way towards the door. You knew of a coffee shop where you could get a drink to start off the morning.

"Alright," you said to yourself, while sliding on your shoes with a small smile. As you opened the door, you turned to face the apartment one last time before making an exit.

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