Merlin- Series 1 Writeup

By multifanxdom

38 1 2

I love Merlin. I love Merthur. It is one of my favourite series ever and this little project is for myself mo... More

The Dragon's Call

31 1 2
By multifanxdom


No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn. And so it will be for the young Warlock arriving at the gates of Camelot, a boy that will in time, father a legend. His name... MERLIN.

The Lower Town Of Camelot

Merlin smiled quietly to himself as he made his way through the first set of stone gates for Camelot. He enjoyed the freedom, to walk and for no one to judge him. The lower town's smoke hit the castle but his sense of excitement could not be dulled. The small muddy street he walked down was busy with people going about their business, young children running about and holding onto the hands of their mother. A donkey with two bags slung over its back stood in the path and Merlin absent-mindedly passed it. This small lower town was so already so different from his village and he loved it, although it did make him feel slightly homesick. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the second set of stone gates and he smiled, looking at the castle properly. 

Castle Courtyard

The sound of burgles playing grabbed his attention as he walked into the castle square and he slowly twisted his head to the side to see a weak-looking man being dragged out by two guards. Merlin joined the small crowd as he was pulled into the centre of the square and watched with varying interest. A voice from above made him turn.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all, this man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just King, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass...", the King halted and the crowd turned back to the middle of the square where a wooden stage had been set. Thomas James Collins was forced onto his knees and his head put on a wooden block. The axeman lifted his axe and waited for the King's signal. It didn't take long. The King flicked his arm up and the axe swung down with a mighty thud. The crowd gasped and some looked away. Merlin didn't know how to react. King Uther's voice filled the square once more.

"When I came to this land, this Kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people's help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival, to celebrate 20 years since the Great Dragon was captured, and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin", Uther stretched his arms out and smiled. A loud wailing filled the square, and an older woman pushed her way through the crowd. Uther turned back to stare at her in disbelief and horror. She pointed a knarled finger at him, "There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you. With your hatred and your ignorance... You took my son. I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth... A son for a son!"

"Seize her!"

The woman gasped and chanted a spell before disappearing in a whirlwind of smoke. Uther glared at the scene before sweeping away. The crowd began to disperse and Merlin nervously tightened his grip on his bag before walking away to find his new home. He stopped a guard and asked for directions, "Where would I find Gaius, the court physician?"

The guard pointed him towards a doorway, and Merlin thanked him. On his way into a small tower, he saw a helpful sign and knew he was going in the right direction.

The Physician's Quarters 

The battered door to the physician's quarters was open and Merlin knocked before peeking inside, "Hello?" He was only answered by the bubbling of a solution and decided to let himself in. The round room appeared empty and Merlin couldn't help but look at some of the strange objects with wonder and interest. A rustling from the far end of the room made him look up, "Hello?" 

A rickety second floor curved round the room's wall and a man with long white hair and a long brown gown had his back to him. Merlin cleared his throat, "Gaius?"

Gaius turned around briefly before losing his balance and falling backwards, breaking the small second-floor railing and heading straight towards the floor. Merlin gasped and his eyes flashed gold, slowing Gaius's falling before spotting a bed and moving it to catch him. Gaius gasped, "Whoa! I... What did you just do?!"

Merlin didn't have an answer as he realized his secret might be out straight away. Gaius sat up and stared at him, "Tell me!"

"Well, I- I have no idea what happened," Merlin stuttered, trying and failing to keep his secret hidden. Gaius's mouth had dropped open and his head was moving back and forth between where he had just fallen and Merlin, "If anyone had seen that..."

"Oh, no, that... That was nothing to do with me! That- That..."

"I know what it was. I just want to know where you learned how to do it!"

"No, I ..."

"How is it you know magic?"

"I don't!" cried Merlin, his eyes big and fearful but it was too late. The secret was out. Gaius didn't seem like he was about to tell though, "Where did you study? Answer me!"

"I- I've never studied magic or been taught."

"Are you lying to me, boy?" Gaius took and step forward and instinctively Merlin took one back. He paled slightly, "What do you want me to say?"

"The truth."

Merlin uttered a little sigh, "I was born like this."

"That's impossible. Who are you?"

"Oh, uhh..." Merlin shrugged off his backpack and reached inside, "I have this letter... There," he handed the scrappy piece of parchment to Gaius who stared at it for a minute, "I-- I don't have my glasses."

"I'm Merlin," smiled Merlin. He heard distant ringing of bells in his ears as Gaius's eyebrows went up, "Hunith's son?"


"But you're not meant here till Wednesday!" cried Gaius in shock. Merlin's happy face turned into a slight frown, "It is Wednesday."

Gaius's mouth dropped open in surprise and horror, "Ahh. Right then, you'd better put your bag in there," he pointed to a little door behind him and Merlin stumbled his way towards it before turning back, "Oh, you won't say anything about--" he pointed to the broken railing of the second floor. Gaius looked up too, "No. Although, Merlin... I should say thank you."

Merlin's Bedroom

Later that night, Merlin sat on his bed and looked up thoughtfully. He had unpacked his bag, made his bed and lit several candles. He turned his head about, inspecting his new room and noticed a bordered up window. He went over and opened it, to the sound of chickens and people. The night was just beginning and he felt wide awake. He had the perfect view of the lower town and at that moment, felt happy.

Gaius's Chambers

In the main room, Gaius was rereading Hunith's letter and only now understanding what she meant about Merlin. Her sweet voice filled his ears, 'My dear Gaius, I turn to you for I feel lost and alone, and don't know who to trust. It is every Mother's fate to think her child is special, and yet I would give my life that Merlin was not so. Ours is a small village and he is so clearly at odds with people here that if he were to remain, I fear what would become of him. He needs a hand to hold; a voice to guide; someone that might help him find a purpose for his gifts. I beg you, if you understand a Mother's love for her son, keep him safe. And may God save you both.'

Camelot Castle, The Griffin Landing

Morgana Pendragon stared out of the window, looking at the dreaded axe that had earlier ended a man's life. She felt pain. She felt the sentence was... unjust. A door opened behind her and Uther Pendragon strode out confidently, "Morgana?"


"What is this? Why are you not joining us at the feast?"

Morgana smiled coyly, "I just don't think that chopping someone's head off is cause for a celebration. That poor mother."

Uther's smile had turned into a frown, "It was simple justice for what he'd done."

"To whom?" demanded Morgana, "He practised some magic. He didn't hurt anyone!"

Uther's face tightened, "You were not around 20 years ago. You have no idea what it was like."

"How long are you going to keep punishing people for what happened then?" snapped Morgana, her eyes dark. She wasn't afraid of the King and didn't break eye contact with him as he spoke, "Until they realise there is no room for magic in my kingdom. You will be with me when I greet Lady Helen."

Uther turned and walked away swiftly, finishing the conversation. Morgana shouted after him, "I told you I want no part of these celebrations-!"

Uther turned on his heel and snapped at Morgana, "I am your guardian! I expect you to do as I ask. If you show me no respect, at least respect our finest singer."

This time, Uther left and didn't return. Morgana blew through her teeth, "You know, the more brutal you are, the more enemies you'll create!"

The Woods

Lady Helen's party had taken rest for the night. Her stallions were lined up while her guards kept a watchful eye and a fire had been lit with tents made. Lady Helen sat in her tent, plaiting her hair and humming to herself absentmindedly. A rustling from outside made her jump. She stayed still as a shadow past her tent, "Hello? Gregory?"

"Lady Helen?"

Lady Helen sighed and took a deep breath, "Is all well?"

"Yes, Ma'am. With luck, we should reach Camelot late tomorrow."

"That's good," smiled Lady Helen. Gregory bowed his head, "I'll be outside if you need me."

By the fire, noises from all over the wood kept the guards alert. One such noise caused Gregory to venture behind Lady Helen's tent. He drew his sword, looking for side to side, "Who's there?"

The night gave no replies.

Back in the tent, Lady Helen was cleaning her face. A snap of a twig and the humming of a female voice made her jump again. She watched the entrance for a minute before an older woman peered through, whispering.

"Akwele seo magdp. Akwele seo magdp. Akwele seo magdp..." she hissed producing and stabbing an effigy in the chest. Lady Helen gasped and fell onto her bed. Her eyes drifted upwards as her life was stolen from her. The older lady moved towards Lady Helen's seat and sat down, holding onto her necklace and whispering another enchantment, "Ghefrolinz grimpoxin kouata..." Her necklace glowered brightly as the older lady turned into Lady Helen. She rubbed her face before looking into a hand mirror. The mirror showed her true reflection. The mirror showed Mary Collins.

Gaius's Chambers 

"Merlin... Merlin?"

Merlin woke slowly, the light of a new day shining on his face. He'd heard a voice in his head. A voice saying his name... He sat up and stared out of the window, shaking the dream off. 

Gaius poured a watery solution into a bowl and put it on the table, "I got you water. You didn't wash last night."

"Sorry," Merlin sat down and pulled a face at the food on the table. Gaius didn't seem to notice, "Help yourself to breakfast."

As Gaius walked back to his pot, he deliberately knocked over the bucket of water he had left out. The bucket headed straight for the floor and Merlin's eyes widened before glowing gold. With his magic, he stopped the bucket from falling and it hung in the air. Gaius gasped. For a minute there was a shocked silence before Merlin let the bucket drop.

"How did you do that? Did you incant a spell in your mind?"

Merlin shook his head, panicked, "I don't know any spells."

"So what did you do? There must be something."

"It just happens," Merlin said defensively. He grabbed a mop from behind him and began to clear the water away. Gaius watched in disbelief, "Well, we'd better keep you out of trouble. You can help me until I find some paid work for you. Here-- Hollyhock and feverfew for Lady Percival and this is for Sir Olwen. He's blind as a weevil so warn him not to take it all at once."

"Ok," Merlin picked up the three vials and pocketed them. Gaius picked up a sandwich he had been hiding, "And here. Off you go."

The pair smiled at each other before Merlin took the sandwich and left. Just as he opened the door, Gaius called out to him, "And Merlin? I need hardly tell you that the practice of any form of enchantments will get you killed."

Merlin nodded his head and left.

Castle Courtyard

Merlin began to eat the sandwich as he went down the physician's corridor and out into the courtyard. He crossed the yard, looking about himself, and eventually made it to the door of Sir Olwen. He knocked cautiously and a doddery man answered. Merlin presented the vials, "Um, I brought you your medicine."

The man struggled to find the vial but when he had it, popped the cork and began to drink the contents. Merlin turned to leave but remembered Gaius's warning, "Oh, and Gaius said don't drink it all at--"

He watched in surprise as the man finished the vial.

"I'm sure it's fine," he stuttered and left before he could get into trouble. 

Castle Walls 

Merlin crossed under a stone bridge into the training grounds, oblivious of the important meeting he was about to have.

"Where's the target?"

A young male voice drifted from the training ground and Merlin looked over to see a blonde man in partial armour with a servant holding a target. The servant cringed under the blonde man's gaze, "There, sir?"

"It's into the sun."

"Well, it's not that bright," responded the poor servant. The blonde man laughed, "A bit like you then?"

"I'll put the target down the other end, shall I, sir?"

The blonde man bowed his head and turned to his cronies, who began encouraging him to teach the servant a lesson. The servant struggled with the target, and the man turned back, smirking, "This'll teach him."

He threw a dagger at the moving target, hitting the centre and making the servant stagger. The servant poked his head over the top, "Hey! Hang on!"

"Don't stop!"


"I told you to keep moving!"

The man threw another dagger at the target, forcing the servant to throw it in front of his face. The target was lowered and the servant stared in horror at the man, realising what was happening. 


He did so as the man threw dagger after dagger at the target, "Do you want some moving-target practice?"

The poor servant shuffled his feet, struggling to run with the heavy target while trying to avoid the daggers that were flying at him. The man didn't miss the target once, but the last one made the servant drop the target which rolled over to Merlin. He put his foot on it to stop the servant from picking it up.

"Hey. Come on, that's enough," he smiled, staring at the blonde man. The man's eyes narrowed, "What?"

"You've had your fun, my friend."

The man sauntered over, "Do I know you?"

"Uh, I'm Merlin," said Merlin, sticking out his hand. The man ignored it, "So I don't know you."


"Yet you called me 'friend'."

"That was my mistake," Merlin nodded his head. The man imitated him, "Yes, I think so."

"Yeah, I'd never had a friend who could be such an ass."

The man chuckled, "Or I one who could be so stupid. Tell me, Merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?"

Merlin's eyes flickered upwards, "No."

"Would you like me to help you?" 

"I wouldn't if I were you."

"Why? What are YOU gonna do to ME?"

Merlin dug his hole deeper, "You have no idea."

"Be my guest! Come on. Come on!" the man stretched out his arms and lowered his voice, "Come on."

Merlin pulled back his right arm to punch but the man grabbed him and twisted it behind his back. Merlin grunted in pain as the man hissed in his ear, "I'll have you thrown in jail for that."

"Who do you think you are, the King?"

"No, I'm his son, Arthur," smirked Arthur Pendragon, shaking his head in amusement. He pulled Merlin down on to his knees.

The Dungeons

Merlin struggled as two guards dragged him down a wrought iron staircase and pushed him into a cell. Merlin rubbed his head in irritation, unable to believe he had been as stupid as to try and punch the prince.

Castle Courtyard

Later that night, Mary Collins disguised as Lady Helen, entered Camelot with her escort. Her horse slowed to a trot in the courtyard and she walked into the castle. As she did, she passed a puddle which reflected her true form.

The Throne Room

Mary walked swiftly into the large throne room, dressed in regal purple and smiled at Uther. 

"Lady Helen. Thank you so much for coming to sing at our celebrations," welcomed Uther, his arms open, inviting her in for a hug. She didn't go for it, instead curtseyed for him, "Pleasure's all mine."

"How was your journey?"

Mary sighed, "Oh, the time it took, sire."

Uther kissed her hand, "Well, it's worth the wait."

"It will be," replied Mary, holding onto her necklace protectively.

The Dungeons

The next morning, the voices in Merlin's head woke him again.

"Merlin... Merlin. Merlin?"

The voice seemed to be coming from the floor and Merlin jumped away before inspecting it, laying his head against the stone. A rattle of the cell door made him jump again.

"Merlin?" called Gaius, stumbling into the cell, "You never cease to amaze me-- The one thing that someone like you should do is keep your head down, and what do you do? You behave like an idiot."

"I'm sorry."

"You're lucky. I've managed to pull a few strings to get you released."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" exclaimed Merlin in excitement, "I won't forget this." 

Gaius threw a disapproving look his way, "Well, there is a small price to pay."

The Lower Town

"Oh, God," Merlin lowered his head as rotten fruit and vegetables started to fly at him. Gaius had neglected to tell him that the small price that he had to pay was a day in the stocks. Children laughed as they made contact with his face and Gaius walked past smiling at one point.

"Thanks, Gaius!"

The crowd dispersed and a dark-skinned woman approached Merlin, a faint smile playing on her lips, "I'm Guinevere, but most people call me Gwen. I'm Lady Morgana's maid."

"Right. Well, I'm Merlin," Merlin reached his hand out to give an awkward handshake to Gwen, "Though most people just call me 'idiot'."

"No no no, I saw what you did. You're so brave."

"It was stupid."

"Well, I'm glad you walked away-- You weren't going to beat him."

"Oh, I-- I could beat him," scoffed Merlin, smiling. Gwen raised her eyebrows, "You think? Because you don't look like one of these big muscly kinds of fellows."


Gwen jumped and her eyes widened, "No! No. I'm sure you're stronger than you look. Its Arthur's one of those really rough, tough save-the-world kind of men. And, well..."


"You don't look like that."

Merlin motioned for Gwen to come closer to the stocks and whispered, "I'm in disguise."

Gwen laughed loudly when she realised Merlin was joking, "Well, it's great you stood up to him."

"You think so?"

"Arthur's a bully, and everyone thought you were a real hero."

"Oh yeah?" asked Merlin, smiling to himself. Gwen nodded her head. At that moment, the children returned, holding more rotten fruit and vegetables. Merlin looked up, "Oh, excuse me, Guinevere, my fans are waiting!"

The two of them laughed as Gwen walked away to the sounds of Merlin being pelted again.

Gaius's Chambers 

Merlin sat down tiredly as Gaius handed him a bowl, "Do you want some vegetables with that?"

He snorted, "I know you're still angry with me."

"Your mother asked me to look after you. What did your mother say to you about your gifts?" inquired Gaius, peering at Merlin with curiosity. Merlin rolled his eyes, "Well, that I was special."

"You are special. The likes of which I've never seen before."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, magic requires incantations, spells; it takes years to study. What I saw you do was elemental, instinctive."

"What's the point if it can't be used?"

"THAT, I do not know. You are a question that has never been posed before, Merlin."

Did you ever study magic?"

Gaius didn't answer, "Uther banned all such work 20 years ago..."


"People used magic for the wrong end at that time. It threw the natural order into chaos. Uther made it his mission to destroy everything from back then, even the dragons."

"What, all of them?"

"There was one dragon he chose not to kill," mused Gaius, "He kept is as an example. He imprisoned it in a cave deep beneath the castle where no one can free it," he smiled and looked up at Merlin who had gone distant, "Ah, eat up. When you've finished, I need you to take a preparation to Lady Helen. She needs it for her voice."

Lady Helen's Guest Chambers 

Merlin ascended a spiral staircase and walked across a balcony to Lady Helen's chambers. He opened the little wooden door and immediately noted that the room was empty. Worrying he would be intruding on something, he dropped the vial on the table and turned to leave. That's when he noticed an effigy, abandoned. Merlin picked it up and stared at it, wondering what it was. A book lay next to it, bound in string and Merlin opened it, interested. He initially didn't hear Lady Helen return but then a door slammed behind him, alerting him. He tried to cover everything up, to make it look as though he hadn't been snooping.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I'm-- Um, I was asked to deliver this," Merlin picked up the vial, almost seeing Lady Helen's reflection in the mirror to the side of them. As he left he looked back. He'd seen a flash of something in the mirror and couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Absentmindedly he wondered into the lower town.

The Lower Town

Merlin couldn't focus. He had to tell Gaius that something was wrong with Lady Helen. Something important. A voice he already knew so well snapped him out of his daydream,"How's your knee-walking coming along?" called Arthur Pendragon as he passed. His cronies sniggered by his side. Merlin ignored him, not wanting to get into a fight after last time. But Arthur wouldn't leave it, "Aw, don't run away!"

Merlin immediately stopped in his tracks. He was so done with Arthur and his face said it all. But he couldn't stop himself, "From you?"

"Ah, thank God. I thought you were deaf as well as dumb."

Merlin smirked and shook his head, "Look, I've already told you you're an ass," he turned around slowly to face Arthur, "I just didn't realise you were a royal one. Oh, what are you going to do? You got your Daddy's men to protect you?"

Arthur laughed with cockle, "I could take you apart with one blow."

"I could take you apart with less than that."

"Are you sure?" 

Merlin quickly took his jacket off, earning a high laugh from Arthur. He turned and grabbed a flail mace before throwing it to Merlin, "Here you go, big man."

Merlin tried and failed to catch it, letting it drop to the ground before picking it up cautiously. The flail mace was a spiked ball attached to a chain that hooked onto a wooden stick. Arthur soon had his own flail mace and began to swing it around in circles, "Come on then. I warn you, I've been trained to kill since birth," he swang it over his head, showing off. 

"Wow, and how long have you been training to be a prat?" asked Merlin sarcastically, his eyes narrowed. Arthur let out a small sigh, "You can't address me like that."

Merlin lifted one of his eyebrows and lowered his head slightly in a  mock bow, "Sorry. How long have you been training to be a prat, my lord?"

Arthur laughed along with his cronies for a minute, before swinging the mace violently at Merlin's head. Merlin ducked instinctively. Arthur began to back Merlin into the market square, shouting at him, "Come on then, Merlin. Come on!"

Merlin backed into a hanging basket and got his mace trapped. He groaned, trying to untangle it. While he was distracted, Arthur threw the mace, missing Merlin by mere inches and hitting a stall. From his window, Gaius looked out to see the fight and frowned, closing his book. Merlin fell over some fruit and landed awkwardly, missing blow after blow. Arthur jumped after him, backing him into a barn where Merlin fell again. 

"Ha-ha. You're in trouble now."

"Oh God!" muttered Merlin and looked around for anything or anyone to help him. He noticed some fish hooks behind Arthur and his eyes flashed gold as he magically got them tangled with Arthur's mace. Arthur's face reddened as he untangled it and continued his pursuit. Merlin moved a box with magic and Arthur stepped into it, banging his shin painfully, "Ahh! Ow!"

Arthur began to get angry. He pursed Merlin again but Merlin was clever. He noticed a rope, and with his magic, made it taunt so Arthur fell over it, face-first into some sacks. Merlin saw his chance. He grabbed his mace and began swinging it around, "Do you want to give up?"

"To you?" yelled Arthur incredulously.

"Do you? Do you want to give up??"

Arthur stepped into a bucket and fell back. Merlin smiled widely, happy with his small victory. He looked into the crowd and noticed Gaius frowning at him. He paused, guilt flooding through him, giving Arthur enough chance to hit him in the back with the spiked end of a broom. As Merlin toppled back, Arthur flipped the broom and hit him in the stomach. Merlin doubled over and fell to the ground. Arthur smirked as guards began to pick him up.

Arthur's face crinkled, "Wait. Let him go. He may be an idiot, but he's a brave one. There something about you, Merlin. I can't quite put my finger on it."

Gaius's Chambers

Merlin staggered into the physician's chambers, Gaius shouting at him, "How could you be so foolish?"

"He needed to be taught a lesson."

"Magic must be studied, mastered and used for good, not for idiotic pranks!"

"What is there to master? I could move objects like that before I could talk!"

"Then by now, you should know how to control yourself!"

"I don't want to! If I can't use magic, what have I got?" yelled Merlin angrily, "I'm just a nobody and I always will be... If I can't use magic, I might as well die."

Merlin stormed off to his room and Gaius closed his eyes, cursing himself for being too harsh on the boy. He was good, really. Gauis grabbed a medical pack and opened Merlin's door, smiling slightly, "Merlin? Sit up. Take your shirt off."

Merlin lay on his bed and didn't move for a minute. He looked up and sighed, taking his shirt off slowly. Underneath, he sported cuts and bruises. The simple act of taking his shirt off made him wince, "You don't know why I was born like this, do you?"

"No," Gaius tended to Merlin's wounds, dabbing carefully. Merlin's face paled, "I'm not a monster, am I?"

"Don't ever think that!" scolded Gaius.

"But then why am I like this? Please, I need to know why."

"Maybe there's someone with more knowledge than me."

"If you can't tell me, no one can."

Gauis handed a small vial to Merlin, "Take this. It will help with the pain."

The Council Chambers

Later that night, Mary Collins, disguised as Lady Helen, sat opposite Uther. Mary was getting irritated with all these formalities, she wanted to transform back and conduct her plan. Uther raised his glass, "Will you sing for me tonight?"

"You will have to wait, sire."

"You will not deny me."

"I am saving myself for my performance tomorrow."

Uther grumbled, making Mary laugh slightly, "Will everyone be there?"

"Who would dare to miss it?"

"How about your son?"

Uther's eyes drifted slightly before refocusing on Helen. She seemed to make him forget his words. Mary swallowed her food, "It seems a shame not to have met him."

"That's Arthur," Uther picked up some food and took a small bite, watching Helen carefully. Mary simpered, "Poor child."


Mary shook her head, "Poor child-- It can't have been easy to grow up without a mother."


"That bond between mother and son-- It's hard to replace."

"Hasn't been easy."

"I'm sure."

The pair smiled at each other gently before Mary laughed, "Perhaps if you found someone-- If you remarried. I'm sure you would have the pick of any lady in the kingdom."

"Well, perhaps I'll find love again. But I'm afraid it's too late to replace Arthur's mother," Uther raised his goblet, almost in a toast. Mary raised her eyebrows, "Yes. It's certainly too late for Arthur."

Merlin's Bedroom

Merlin lay tucked up in his bed. A calling owl stirred him but didn't wake him. It was the voice that woke him again, "Merlin..." 

The voice hissed, echoing around the room. Merlin opened his eyes as the voice called him again. He sat up and looked around before dressing quickly and leaving Gaius's chambers. On his way out he knocked a pot of the table, almost waking the snoring Gaius. Before he left, he pulled Gaius's bedcovers up with magic, making sure he was comfortable.

The Courtyard

The courtyard was empty aside from one or two guards. Merlin's head was spinning. The voice continued to call to him. Instinctively, he knew where to go, where the voice was calling from.

The Dungeons 

Merlin made his way down the wrought iron staircase, a place only several days ago he had been dragged down by guards. How things had changed since then. 

Two guards kept watching at the bottom of the staircase, playing a game with dice. As one of the guards threw the dice, Merlin enchanted them to go flying off the table and go skittering across the floor. As the guard went to pick them up, he made the move away. He kept doing this until he had led the guards into a cell. He grabbed a torch and ran towards some stone steps he hadn't noticed the last time he had been down. The voice continued to entice him, louder and louder.

Kilgharrah's Cave

Merlin entered the cave hesitantly. His heart was pounding. It was so dark and the little light he had was spluttering. The voice began to laugh, mocking him. Merlin shone the torch over the small crevice he stood on, "Where are you?"

For a minute, silence and darkness.

Suddenly, a huge dragon with golden scales roared, landing on a rock in front of Merlin, "I'm here."

Merlin gasped and jumped back, not quite believing his eyes. There was a dragon. A real dragon. The one Uther had spared...

"How small you are for such a great destiny," the Dragon spoke. Its voice was intelligent, old and wise. Merlin felt attracted to it. The Dragon could give him answers. Merlin took a step closer, "Why? What do you mean? What destiny?"

The Dragon sat down on the rock, settling itself, "Your gift, Merlin, was given to you for a reason."

"So there is a reason?"

"Arthur is the Once and Future King who will unite the land of Albion. But he faces many threats from friend and foe alike."

Merlin began to shake his head, he had a feeling he knew where this was going and he didn't like it, "I don't see what this has to do with me."

"Everything. Without you, Arthur will never succeed. Without you, there will be no Albion."

Merlin shook his head again, stunting a laugh, "No. No, you've got this wrong."

"There is no right or wrong, only what is and what isn't."

"I'm serious. If anyone wants to go and kill him, they can go ahead. In fact, I'll give them a hand."

The Dragon laughed and peered at Merlin, "None of us can choose our destiny, Merlin, and none of us can escape."

Merlin continued to shake his head, his heart in his mouth. He knew that this was important. It was destiny for God's sake. It was planned out. There was nothing he could do. He looked back up at the Dragon and spoke again, this time with a hint of crazy laughter in his voice, "No. No way. No. No, there must be another Arthur because this one's an idiot."

"Perhaps it's your destiny to change that."

Merlin blinked at the Dragon in disbelief. This... this whole thing was completely and utterly impossible. The Dragon began to unfurl its wings and stand up. Merlin gasped as it leapt into the air, flying upwards with a chain attached to its leg.

"Wait, wait! Stop! I need to know more!"

The Dragon ignored him, flying off with the rattling chain, leaving Merlin in the darkness once more.

Merlin's Bedroom

Gaius opened Merlin's bedroom door and walked in. He tutted and started to pick things off the floor. He looked up at the sleeping Merlin and shouted, "Oi! Have you seen the state of this room?"

Merlin groaned as church bells rang in the distance. He sat up awkwardly, "It just happens."

"By magic?"


"Yes. Well, you can clear it up without magic," Gaius chuckled and threw a pair of trousers onto Merlin's face, "Then I want you to get me some herbs-- Henbane, wormwood and sorrel and deliver this to Morgana. The poor girl's suffering from nightmares."

As Gaius left, he threw a shirt at Merlin who caught it with a sigh, "I know the feeling."

Morgana's Chambers

Merlin ran onto the Griffin Landing and up some spiral stairs. Deliveries were the perfect workout, he had grown to realise. Morgana was looking in the mirror when Merlin arrived. She spoke without realising it was him, "You know, I've been thinking about Arthur. I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole. Pass me that dress, will you, Gwen?"

Morgana moved behind her screen and began to undress. Merlin stared in amazement before grabbing Morgana's dress. Morgana continued, "I mean, the man's a total jouster. Just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it?"

Merlin draped her second dress over the screen and crouched, unsure of what to do. Morgana turned back, "Well, does it?"

"Mmmh...." Merlin squeaked in a high pitched voice, trying to imitate Gwen. 

"If he wants me to go then he should invite me. And he hasn't. So do you know what that means?"

Merlin squeaked again, going higher. Morgana looked over her screen, "Where are you?"

In a panic, Merlin grabbed another dress and threw it over his face. In his very high pitched imitation of Gwen, he squeaked again, "Here."

Morgana continued, "It means I'm going by myself."

Merlin looked through the neck-hole of Morgana's dress before turning to run and leave. Then, for Merlin, disaster struck.

"I need some help with this fastening."

Merlin froze, unsure of what to do. Morgana called out to Gwen. Merlin jumped as she responded from behind him. 

"I'm here," Gwen stared at Merlin. She tiptoed over to him and mouthed, "What are you doing here?"

Merlin indicated that Morgana needed help dressing and left, thanking God. At that moment, Morgana stepped out from behind the screen in a purple gown, "So, it's whether I wear this little tease..." she held a maroon gown up to herself in the mirror, "... Or give them a night they'll really remember."

Lady Helen's Guest Chambers 

A blonde serving girl knocked on Mary's door with a bowl of fruit in her arms. She smiled as the door was opened to her, "Lady Helen, compliments of the King."

"Come in," Mary picked up a red apple and turned it in her hand, "So sweet. How will I ever repay him?"

"When he hears you sing, that'll be more than enough, won't it?" responded the serving girl, removing the cloth from the mirror, "I'm really looking forward to the performance."

"So am I."

"I love singing, you know. I sing all the time. My betrothed says I have the voice of a fallen angel," the girl looked into the mirror and saw Lady Helen in her true form, Mary. The girl gasped and tried to leave, but Mary grabbed her arm and began to hum, draining the life out of her.

The Banquet Hall

Burgles played a royal tune as Gaius and Merlin arrived in the banquet hall. Merlin passed Arthur and cronies overhearing his name being said, "Merlin... so I stood up and...", Arthur feinted a punch into one of his cronies stomachs. They all laughed. Arthur turned around and noticed Morgana in a stunning maroon dress, "God have mercy."

Merlin stared too, until Gaius pulled him out of it, "Merlin. Remember, you're here to work."

"Oh yeah..."

Merlin watched as Arthur approached Morgana. Gwen came up behind him, "She looks great, doesn't she?"

"Yeah..." Merlin murmured, unable to take his eyes of Morgana. It seemed like the whole court couldn't take their eyes off her. Merlin passed a jug to Gwen who filled a goblet and smiled, "Some people are just born to be Queen."

"No!" gasped Merlin, remembering the Great Dragon's words.

"I hope so... One day. Not that I'd want to be her. Who'd want to marry Arthur?"

"Oh, come on, Gwen. I thought you liked those really rough, tough, save-the-world kinds of men," Merlin chuckled. Gwen shook her head laughing, "No, I like much more ordinary men like you."

"Gwen, believe me, I'm not ordinary."

"No, I didn't mean you... Obviously. Not you. But just, you know, I like much more ordinary men... Like you," Gwen stuttered. Merlin suddenly felt awkward, "Thanks..."

Merlin and Gwen turned away from each other, embarrassed.

Lady Helen's Guest Chambers

Mary hummed to herself quietly, holding the necklace which kept her image. She stood and walked briskly past the corpse of the serving girl she had killed only the night before.

The Banquet Hall

Horns rang out for King Uther's arrival and the people settled themselves behind tables, bowing as he passed. He smiled and stood at the head of the room, "We have enjoyed 20 years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures. But few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora."

The crowd clapped and Mary took to the small stage. She began to sing a ballad and Uther smiled widely. Her singing was beautiful and enchanting. It was also dangerous. In a few seconds, the court began to fall asleep. Uther and Arthur fought it but couldn't stop the sleep. Merlin looked around and realised what was happening. He put his hands over his ears, blocking out her angelic voice. He watched in horror as cobwebs began to appear over the enchanted sleepers. Mary began to focus her energy on Arthur. She sang directly to him, walking closer and closer. Merlin noticed a small dagger in her hand. She lifted her hand to throw it, and Merlin used his magic to release the chandelier on her head. Mary looked up and screamed. The chandelier fell with a crash, landing on Helen, transforming her back into Mary Collins.

The sleepers began to wake. Uther stared in horror at Mary. Mary looked up from the floor, and, in one last desperate attempt, threw the dagger directly at Arthur. Arthur stood sock still. He couldn't move. Merlin's eyes flashed gold. The dagger slowed down in midair, giving him enough time to dive and pull Arthur out of the way, letting the dagger slam into the wood of his chair. The pair fell to the ground as Mary closed her eyes for the last time.  Uther stared at Merlin in amazement, "You saved my boy's life. A debt must be repaid."

Merlin began to shake his head, but Uther was insistent, "Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded."

"No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Highness," stuttered Merlin, his face reddening. 

"No, absolutely. This merits something quite special."

"Well..." Merlin shrugged his shoulders, welcoming a little of the praise.

"You shall be awarded a position in the Royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant," Uther clapped his son on the back and the court began to clap loudly. Both Merlin and Arthur's mouths dropped open in shock. Arthur snapped, "Father!"

Merlin and Arthur looked away from each other unhappily, no idea that this was the start of it all. The start of their destiny.

Gaius's Chambers 

One small candle was lit and Merlin rested on his bed, still recovering from the shock of the news. There was a small knock on his door and Gaius entered, "Seems you're a hero."

"Hard to believe, isn't it?"

"No. I knew it from the moment I met you. Well, you saved my life, remember?"

"But, that was magic."

"And now it seems we've finally found a use for it," agreed Gaius, nodding his head. Merlin stared at him, "What do you mean?"

"I saw how you saved Arthur's life. Perhaps that's its purpose."

Merlin shook his head, trying to deny it. The Great Dragon, Kilgharah's words came back to him, 'None of us can choose our destiny and none of us can escape it'. He sighed, "My destiny."

"Indeed," Gaius unwrapped a book from a bundle he was holding, "This book was given to me when I was your age. But I have a feeling it will be of more use to you than it was to me."

The book was leather-bound with two gold clips, binding it shut. Merlin flipped it open and looked through, a wide smile appearing on his face, "But this is a book of magic."

"Which is why you must keep it hidden."

"I will study every word!"

The two smiled at each other, a deep understanding passing them both. A knock on the door jolted them and a guard's voice rang clear, "Merlin? Prince Arthur wants you right away."

Gaius turned back to Merlin, "Your destiny is calling. You'd better find out what he wants."

Merlin nodded his head and left. As he did, he looked around. He was finally feeling like he belonged in the great city of Camelot. Even if it was with the royal prat, Arthur Pendragon.

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