The Whitlock Girl (A One Dire...

נכתב על ידי Sheeblelise

30.5K 676 132

Elegance. Wonderful. Lovely. Rich. These are all words to describe Lillian Whitlock, daughter to one of the m... עוד

The Whitlock Girl (A One Direction Fanfic)
Who are you?
Not Lady Like
Can you say awkkkkwaaarddddd?
Let Us Pretend
Under Control
Getting into a cab
To be, or not to be? That is the question.
Paris. The City of Love.
Explanations and hearts breaking.
The Big Day(Part One)
The Big Day (Part Two)
Words Spoken Too Well
Mrs. Lillian Carter And Mr. Horan; Their seperate ways.
Author's Note

Lillian Genvieve Whitlock and Blake William Carter

1.3K 33 11
נכתב על ידי Sheeblelise


SoOoOoOoOOooooOoOOoOoOOo! As a surprise, and for celebration of a THOUSAND reads of TWG, I decided to give everyone a small chapter of what is to come! I hope you enjoy it!(:


Niall's POV

Dear Niall Horan, Harold Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne,

You are cordially invited to the Wedding ceremony of Lillian Genvieve Whitlock and Blake William Carter on April 9th, 2012 at The New York Plaza.

Hidden in the folds of the envelope I pulled out the extra piece of paper, carefully folded in a small square. My name was written in neat cursive along the front. Unfolding the paper, my hands shaking with anger as I read.

Dearest Niall,

I have thought a lot lately about our kiss in the elevator, but I cannot make the decision to leave Blake. So, I have decided to stay with him. Please don't feel hatred towards me, but if you do, I understand. Please also understand my reasoning's for not accepting the title of being your 'Princess'. Ive only known you a mere two weeks, and although it feels like Ive known you forever, I can't help but note that I love Blake too much to leave him. Blake and I have history, you and I only have a few good memories. I hope you can attend my wedding, it would mean the world to me. I hope we can still be friends, I really do.

Lillian Whitlock

I crumpled the paper her perfect handwriting belonged on. She was correct, I did only know her for two weeks, but I can't help that I was starting to fall for her. Running my hands through my hair, I sighed deeply, closing my eyes. I knew it was dumb, and I felt like one of those guys in the movies trying to swoon her away from the bad guy called her boyfriend. The one thing about movies though is that they always have happy endings, I wasn't. Lillian wasn't going to be with me, she was going to stay with Blake.

"Are we going to go?" Liam asked as he walked up behind me. The guys thought it would be best if I found out last about the invitation.

I thought for a moment, letting the crumpled letter fall to the floor, "Yeah, we're going to go. I took my chance and I didn't win. What kind of guy would I be if I didn't join in on her happiness?"

Faking a smile I stepped on the paper and walked back to my room, leaving all the guys looking at me as I left.

Lillian's POV

Looking across my room, I couldn't even smile at the perfect dress that hung on a hook on my wall. Standing up from my bed, I walked across the cool wood, ignoring the shivers that coaxed through my body.

It really was perfect, tailored by Vera herself. The beads and stones were perfect, the corset the perfect fit for my torso. The skirt the perfect length. It was going to be the most talked about dress of the year. Copycatted just like Kate middleton's dress. A one of a kind perfect dress. It was the dress of any girls dreams.

Yet, as I looked at it, I couldn't help but feel this enormous sadness. I hoped I was making the right decision.

I recalled the conversation I had with my mother earlier, when the dress arrived in top secret packaging.

"Mom, did you think you were making the right decision when marrying Dad?"

"Oh Honey, is everything alright between you and Blake?", She asked.

I nodded, looking down to the ground, "Yes, everything is alright, I'm just..not sure if I'm ready for this"

My mother's hands touched my shoulders, forcing me to look her in the eyes, "I got cold feet too Lillian. I was only nineteen when your Father and I married, and all I could keep thinking was if I was making the right decision. My mother, your grandmother, told me something that helped me a lot."

I nodded, urging her on, She just smiled and spoke, "Don't do it if you're not sure. A marriage will only work if both are in one hundred percent."

Carefully, I took the dress of it's hanger. Walking over, I laid it down on the bed, and began to undress.

I looked in the mirror at myself, going over every detail. Nothing was wrong with it. My mother's words bounced around in my head. Afterward, she went on to tell me that when Grandmother said that to her, she knew it was meant to be, and now she wasn't any less happy than the day of their wedding.

Twirling, the fabric picked up, and when I stopped, it fell perfectly into place. As I started to undress, I became confident I made the right decision. I loved Blake.

Niall's POV

That aweful annoying sound a phone makes when it's dialing rang in my ears, I hoped she answered.

"Hello?" The voice rang into my ear, sounding very pretty.

"Aye Jenny, it's Niall. I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight?"

המשך קריאה

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