The Moment I Knew, a Richpez...

By supermegastarkid

11.1K 173 40


Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

1.6K 25 1
By supermegastarkid


“Guys, shhh,” I whispered to my talking friends, “Look.” Lauren had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

“Aww! She looks so cute! Like a doggy!” Meredith squealed.

I laughed. She didn’t even know. She looked absolutely stunning. Her long brown hair flowed down her shoulders and she had a slight smile on her face. She must be dreaming, I thought, she looks so beautiful.

“Should I wake her up?” Brian whispered.

“Nononononono!” I said, then I realized I might’ve reacted too fast from the weird looks I was getting, “I mean... let her sleep. She’s had a long week.”

“Nice save, Joey,” Dylan whispered from behind me. He’s the only one who knows how much I like Lauren.

“Shut up, Dyl,” I said, hitting him on the shoulder.

I had to let her sleep for the rest of the movie-she looked the most gorgeous when she was sleeping- but when the movie ended, I thought she should probably go to bed. “Lo? Lo... Wake up!”

“Wha... Oh! Joey! I’m so sorry!” Lauren said, suddenly jerking her head up and blushing a bright red. Her makeup was smudged a little, and her hair was a mess, but I thought she couldn’t be more perfect.

“Lauren, the movie’s over! Go to sleep,” Julia said, yawning.

“Oh... okay. Night,” Lauren yawned, stood up and started the long trek up the stairs.

The other Starkids followed suit, one by one until it was just Dylan and me in the room.

“You coming?”

“Nah, I got a lot to think about,” I said, not making eye contact.

“Hey, Joey. If you really like her, you should ask her out. Come on, I’m sure she likes you! How could she not?” I was sure Dylan was making this up to make me feel better, but he had a point.

“I mean... what if she doesn’t? That could ruin our whole friendship.”

“Well at least let me talk to her. Or her friends, you won’t even give me that?” Dylan whined.

“No. I just have to wait, okay? Now’s not the right time,” I yawned, “You know what, I will come upstairs.”

I fell into a restless sleep that night, filled with dreams about Lauren, either rejecting me or... er... not. But nothing would be the same if I asked her out, I told myself. Half of me thought it would be okay, that she’d say yes, but the other half was sure she wouldn’t. These are the mental battles I’ve been fighting for years, I thought, just make up your mind.

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