Tenebris' Light (Part 1 in Te...

By yersushiguy

134 27 3

A man named Leo Crossford tries to live his life in a world of death and monsters. The world has rebuilt, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
ABH Extras
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

21 2 0
By yersushiguy

Sunday morning, December sixteenth, 9:34 AM, 3009. I had a dream, a weird dream. I met a girl in this dream. A girl with the name of Jil. This girl and I had adventures, killed Dark Matter beings, made friends. The reason it was weird was that I met a girl and made friends. I laugh to myself quietly and awkwardly.
I sit up and throw the grey cotton blanket off my legs. My legs dangle off the edge as I reach for my nightstand. I grab my wallet and wind my arm back. Wallet in hand, I toss the wallet at my dresser in the corner. The top of the dresser blinks blue. The drawers fly open as three black blurs fly across the bedroom from my drawers. They stop in the middle of the room. They're my clothes. I created an algorithm that I call "dress up" that brings my clothes to me with tiny computer rockets.
I stand up and stare at the hovering clothes. I wave my hand.
"C'mere," I whisper. The clothes come forward a bit. I wait for them to come closer. "Get over here!" I wave again. They shake from left to right as if shaking their head no.
They shake again.
I walk forward and rip the shirt from the rockets. I slip it on and reach for the pants. Once dressed I walk back to the nightstand. I rip the drawer open and sweep around the contents. I grab it. Personal PDM cannon. It looks like a little black glass rock. But with a working computer, a screen, and personal ammunition printer, and fully loaded PDM barrel, it kicks ass. For an old model, it works pretty well. The world nowadays is awful, so we all need a PDM cannon for our safety; USA's input of course.
I was planning for a hunt today, but I'm not sure if the weather is too great, security's getting sloppy, that's why I saw that Rootnac the other night. But if I'm gonna make a living I might just have to.
I work in the market mostly, I sell meat, hunt rare species, sometimes I find artifacts out there. I hunt in the Arbical district, theres a lot of forest and rocky areas, easy to find decent wildlife.
I don't think the PDM pistol will cut it this time. I'm gonna have to use the rifle.
I shuffle to the closet, setting the PDM cannon down on my nightstand. I pull the closet open slowly, preserving its essence. It sits against a wall, taking up most of the closet space. It's a G46 DMR. I killed my first bird with this thing, well more like blew up. It's got 34 caliber, but it hits like an old Gatling gun. It's definitely due for an upgrade, but that's what I love about it. It's classic, 29th century tech. People give upgrades to everything now. People say DM is just the thing we needed to streamline technology. People upgrade watches, cars, one time I heard about someone who tried to upgrade a blender. People mostly upgrade phones and guns, but I'll never let this rifle go.
Alright, let's go hunting.

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