Book 1: New Revelations

By CherryNoddles

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"Mom? Dad? Y-You're..." Hearing their daughter's voice, Marinette and Adrien's heads snapped up in shock, una... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Happy Birthday!!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Merry Christmas!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 3

698 10 4
By CherryNoddles

Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 3 of Book 1: New Revelations! I need to say something guys. TYSM FOR THAT VOTE! (Given to me by Elsaa. Go check her out.) You don't know how much this means to me. Btw, I decided that there won't be a designing competition. (Why? Because I don't want it anymore and I can change the story whenever I like because I'm the author.) Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

Alan Lahiffe?

Alan Lahiffe?! 


Alyssa, I'm so going to kill you for doing this to me.

I turned to face the girl in question, only to find her smirking at me. I blushed a deep red and looked down on the ground. I didn't have time for this right now. I calmed my flaming face and looked back up to see Alan smiling at me. I gave him a weak smile back. Maybe this was going to be alright.


I'm still going to kill Alyssa for this.

Ms Bustier clapped her hands as the rest of the class had started discussing excitedly about the arrival of the mini celebrity. Once the class had quieted down, Ms Bustier continued, "Now, don't get too excited. I expect you all to know what to do and what not to do. Now, I'm going to need someone to bring Alan around after school today."

I was going to raise my hand, but I remembered that I had to fetch Hugo and Louis after school today. Oh well. The rest of my class was going crazy, except Alyssa, since Alan is her brother and everything. They were all screaming, "Ms Bustier, pick me!" "No, me! I love you Alan Lahiffe!" "You better pick me, Ms Bustier, or I'm going to call my mother!" Ms Bustier looked around the room with a lost expression on her face, which was understandable seeing as we always seem dead whenever she's teaching us. Alan looks pretty calm. As famous as he is, he's probably used to fans screaming in his face.

Ms Bustier finally pointed at me and said, "Emma, I'm putting you in charge of bringing Alan around. Show him where the cafeteria is and stuff. I'm counting on you Emma." I stared at Ms Bustier with wide eyes and an open mouth. Alan looked equally as shocked. Alyssa had to bite her fist to keep from laughing. Out of all the students in the class, why oh why did Ms Bustier have to choose me?!

I glared at Alyssa before turning to Ms Bustier. I said, "Sorry Ms Bustier. I can't bring Alan around after school today. I have... something that I need to do. Could you choose someone else?" Ms Bustier waved her hand and said, "Don't worry Emma. It would only take half an hour or so. You can take Alan around then go do whatever you have to do."

"But-" I protested.

"No buts. I trust that you will take good care of our new friend, right Emma?" Ms Bustier interrupted. I nodded glumly. Alyssa was doubling over in silent giggles. She thought this entire situation was hilarious, I know. I glared at her harshly. If looks could kill, Alyssa would already be five feet deep. 

Ms Bustier said, "Ok Alan, go sit next to Kace in the front row." Alan nodded and quickly sat down. Ms Bustier said, "Alright. Now that everything's out of the way. Let's begin the lesson. Today we..." I didn't hear the rest of what Ms Bustier said. I was too busy thinking about Alan. I can't believe he had come back. Alyssa had a lot of explaining to do. 

I looked up at the clock impatiently. There was still 3 hours of lesson left until I could kill Alyssa, if the wait didn't kill me first. I let out an anxious sigh and tried to focus on what Ms Bustier was teaching, but each time I tried, my mind wandered further and further away. But it always went back to the topic of Alan. It was frustrating and confusing.

This was not good. Not good at all.

Alan's POV

I walked over to the first row and sat down. The boy beside me, Kace, had metallic blue eyes and blonde-brown hair. He was quite skinny. I smiled at him and said, "Hi, I'm Alan. You must be Kace." He replied, "Yup. Nice to meet you." I leaned my head back against the seat and sighed. I really wished Alyssa hadn't persuaded me to join College Francoise Dupont, even though I was grateful that she gave me this chance to escape the suffocating boredom. In the middle of the year too! She could've at least waited until the school year was over. 

Kace glanced at me and said, "Hey. Believe me. I know what it's like to be the new kid. I have to change schools a lot because of my parents' career. You look like you need a friend. How about I be it?"

I nodded my head and smiled. I started homeschooling around last year, the same time my career took off. I knew most of the people here, except Kace. He must've transferred to College Francoise Dupont sometime between last year and this year. Anyway, it was nice of him to talk to a complete stranger like that and offer to be his friend.

I thought back to a few minutes ago, when Ms Bustier was introducing me to the class. Emma has one of the first few people I noticed. For one, she was the only person who wasn't screaming, along with Alyssa of course, but she doesn't count. Another thing is she's the only person that isn't family that I'm kinda close to. I wonder if she still remembers me.

At any rate, after school was going to be very interesting.

Emma's POV


Finally! Now time to kill Alyssa.

I glared at Alyssa. She knew I was really really really... actually I didn't know what I was feeling, but I know that it was because Alan showed up. And the reason Alan showed up was Alyssa. She backed up with her hands up. But she couldn't keep the smile off her face. She said, "Now Emma. I know you're mad or something right now. But let me explain." "You better." I muttered. I stalked over to Alyssa and grabbed her shirt, then dragged her out of the classroom.

I dragged her over to the cafeteria and forced her into a chair at one of the tables. I sat down opposite her and folded my arms across my chest. I said, "Well?" Alyssa took a deep breath and said, "Alan was bored all day long. You know how it is sometimes. Mom and Dad thought that he should go to public school, give him something to do in between photoshoots. Plus..." Alyssa smirked at me and continued, "The person who used to have a crush on him is here too. It's a win-win."

I gasped and whispered harshly, "Alyssa! How could you say that? We're in public! You promised me!" Alyssa laughed and replied, "It doesn't matter anyway. I mean, you don't have feelings for him anymore... or do you...?" Alyssa raised her eyebrows suggestively when she said the last bit. I glared at her and said, "Will you just shut up? That was years ago. I don't have a crush on him anymore. Not since he left." Alyssa rolled her eyes at me and replied, "Girl, it was a year ago. He only signed up with the agency last April."

I sighed and said, "Fine, whatever. It doesn't matter when I had a crush on him. It's all in the past now. Don't get any ideas in that head of yours." Alyssa just smiled and I could practically hear her response even though she didn't say anything. It was written all over her face.

Just you wait, Emma. Just you wait.

After school

Alyssa stood up and said, "Bye, girl. I gotta go home now. Mom's waiting. See you at school tomorrow." She leaned towards me and whispered with a smirk, "Try not to fall for my brother, ok?" I gasped and glared at Alyssa, but she ignored me and dashed out of the classroom. I groaned and continued to pack my bag. Alyssa was just too much sometimes. There was no way I could fall back in love with Alan... right?

Apparently, I was super lost in thought, because I didn't even realise that someone was standing behind me until he said, "So, Emma, ready to take me around?" I jumped up and spun around. Alan was standing behind me, a small smile on his face. I exclaimed, "Alan! Don't sneak up on me like that! I nearly had a heart attack!" Alan shrugged and replied, "Sorry Emma, but are you ready to go?"

I stared into Alan's dark brown eyes, eyes so deep that I could get lost in them forever. Eyes that were filled with so many emotions. Eyes that was covered with a veil of mystery, just waiting for someone to uncover them. Eyes that I had once-


No no no no no.

I nodded my head slowly, still in a slight daze. Alan frowned slightly, noticing my sudden strange behavior, but he didn't say anything. I shouldered my backpack and led him out of the classroom. As we were walking down the hallway, I couldn't help but check my watch every few feet. I was worried about Hugo and Louis. They didn't have phones on them so I couldn't contact them. I best I could hope for is that showing Alan around doesn't take too long and Hugo and Louis stayed at their schools like I told them to.                                  

Alan was looking at me. I could feel his eyes bore into my skull, like he was trying to figure out what was going on in my head. I sighed in frustration. This was not going to be quick at all. Alan said, "What's wrong Emma? You seem... what's the word... distressed." I didn't have it in me to tell him so I just kept walking. Alan jogged to catch up with me and said, "Come on. You can tell me. We used to be best friends when we were younger, remember Emmy?"

I froze. I hadn't been called Emmy in a long time. When we were younger, I always called him Aly, and he always called me Emmy. When I grew up I obviously called him Alan, since that was his real name, but he still called me Emmy and has called me Emmy ever since, no matter how many times I tried to get him to call me Emma. Not even my parents called me Emmy.

Hearing him call me Emmy again brought back a lot of memories.

Memories that I had hoped would stay buried in my subconscious for a long time.

I turned on my heel and got right in his face, seething with anger. Alan stepped back in surprise but I didn't care. I said, "Don't call me Emmy again. And I don't have to tell you anything I don't want to. I have something really really important to do, so if you don't mind. let's hurry it up and we can all go home."

Alan seemed shocked but I didn't care. Hugo and Louis were waiting for me to come get them. I had to get this tour over and done with so I can get to them as soon as possible. My brothers would always be my top priority. Not some teen dream boy.

And that would never change.

No matter what.

(Mhm... Keep telling yourself that.)

Alan's POV

I stared after Emma with a shocked expression on my face. She had really changed since the last time I last hung out with her one-to-one. The last time we did that we were around 7 years old. That was before Emma became Alyssa's best friend. We still talked to each other and stuff after that, but it wasn't like old times.

I'm going to have to ask Kace about Emma tomorrow.

I jogged to keep up with Emma. Man, she was fast when she wanted to be. I watched her out of the corner of my eye and studied her face. Long blue hair that was always tied up in a low ponytail, bright blue eyes, pale skin, cute freckles...



Why would I think Emma's freckles are cute? I mean, they are but... Ugh! What is wrong with me?!

I shook my head and focused on walking. I was in a deep state of confusion. What is happening to me? I would never think that. This is so weird. I mean, it's not like I have a crush on her or anything...

Do I?

Emma's POV

A little tip. 

If you want to be quick, don't go walking around with someone famous, say, Alan Lahiffe, without his bodyguards or someone strong enough to help you push screaming fans out of the way.

Taking Alan around the school was pure torture. He was like a magnet for fan girls. Every corner we turned, there was a group of people there waiting for him. It was crazy. They were all screaming, "Alan Lahiffe! I love you!" "You are so hot!" "OMG! It's Alan Lahiffe! Will you sign my T-shirt?" Some were just plain screaming. The sound was deafening.

We had to elbow our way through the hordes of girls that crowded around us. You'd think there was an akuma attack from the way they were screaming. It's a wonder that no one came rushing out to see what was going on. I yelled over the noise to him while pushing another girl out of the way, "You deal with this on a daily basis?" Alan nodded and replied, elbowing his way through another horde of girls, "Perks of being famous."

When we finally got back to the school's front door, we were panting like crazy from all the running we did. I let out a laugh and said, "I pity your bodyguard now." Alan nodded and said, "Yeah, me too. I gotta treat him nicer from now on." We laughed at this and after a while, we sat down on one of the steps leading up to the school.

It was pouring outside. We were watching the rain drops as they dropped to the ground one by one. I stretched and said, "Well, I should probably call my driver and-" I froze. Alan turned to me and asked, "Hey Emma. Are you ok?" I exclaimed, "Hugo and Louis! I totally forgot! I have to fetch them after school! What time is it now?" I looked around frantically, trying to find a clock. Alan looked at his watch and said, "It's 5 now." I grabbed his arm and looked at his watch myself, not believing him.

It was 5!

I freaked out. I rambled, "Oh no, oh no, oh no! The stupid tour took 2 hours?! My brothers are going to be so worried. Mom and Dad will kill me if they find out I lost Hugo and Louis. And I can't go out in the rain since I don't have an umbrella. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. What am I going to do? I'm so dead and-" Alan put his hand on my shoulder and said comfortingly, "Hey, hey, hey. It's going to be alright. I'll help you find your brothers."

I looked at him with a surprised and hopeful expression on my face. "You will?" I asked skeptically. Alan nodded. From his bag, he pulled out a big black umbrella, big enough for the two of us. He said, "Come on. We have two brothers to find." We dashed out into the rain, Alan holding the umbrella over our heads, trying to shield both of us from the rain.

We ran along the streets of Paris until we came across Hugo's school. I dashed inside and looked around the main grounds. Hugo was no where to be seen. I panicked and said, "Oh no! Where could Hugo be? I told him to stay here. What if he got lost while trying to find his way home on his own? Or hurt? Or kidnapped?!" Alan said, "Come on Emma. Let's try to find Louis first. We can worry about Hugo later."

I nodded shakily and Alan put his arm around me, giving me a sideways hug. I smiled up at him and said, "Thanks Alan. I really appreciate you doing all of this for me." He smirked and said, "No problem, Emmy. I'm happy to help out an old friend."

I was about to tell him to stop calling me Emmy, but I had bigger things to worry about. Namely, my brothers. We dashed back out into the rain. Louis' and Hugo's schools were relatively close to each other so we didn't have to stay in the rain for very long. When we got to Louis' school, it was pretty empty. Probably because it was so late already.

I shouted over the roar of thunder when we were nearing the school, "Hugo! Louis! Can you hear me?! Where are you?!" There was no reply. Alan shouted, "Hugo! Louis! Are you guys here?! Come out if you can hear us! It's Emma and Alan!" Two figures burst through the school doors and rushed at us. I squinted, trying to see through the rain. It was Hugo and Louis! I ran to them with my arms stretched towards them, not caring if I got wet.

Hugo and Louis ran into my arms. I whispered to them, "I'm sorry. I'm so so so so so sorry." Louis said, "It's ok Emma. Hugo came to find me after you didn't come. We were perfectly safe." I pulled away from them and said, "God, I was so worried about you two. Especially when I couldn't find you at your school Hugo. I'm so glad that you're alright." Hugo smiled and said, "Me too."

Alan came running over at this point and said, "Hello Hugo, Louis. I'm Alan. Remember me? I'm Alyssa's twin brother." Louis nodded and hugged him. He said, "Thank you for helping Emma find us." Alan smiled and replied, "No problem little buddy." He turned to me and said, "I gotta go now. My parents are probably worried about me." He waved goodbye and turned to leave. After he walked a few steps, he turned back around and held out the black umbrella. 

"What?" I asked. Alan replied, "This is for you. I'll call Mom or Dad to come pick me up. Right now, you need it more than me." I raised my eyebrows questioningly but he nodded. I reached out my hand slowly. When our fingers touched, I felt a spark and recoiled. Alan smiled at me and nodded towards the umbrella. I finally took it from him and said quietly, "Thanks Alan. You were a really big help today."

He smiled and replied, "No problem Emmy. I'm always happy to help. Call me if you need anything else." With that, Alan dashed back out into the rain with his bag over his head. I smiled at his retreating figure. My heart was still beating very fast from when Alan handed his umbrella over to me. It was so sweet of him.

A sudden realization hit me and I froze. Louis asked, "Are you ok Emma?" I nodded but I couldn't ignore the feeling. Not anymore.

I think I'm in love. 



Crush on the new kid? Oh, this ought to be interesting.

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 3 of New Revelations. I really liked writing this one. In case you guys haven't noticed, this is something like the MLB episode Origins. This is sort of a tribute to the MLB series. I really love it so so much.

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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