From Reel to Real

By Hsienhui1978

38.8K 2.1K 902

100% Diyue/ Dyshen fiction. Dylan, the famous actor in China. Shen Yue, the reluctant fangirl. Will they f... More

Author's note
I. Meeting Shen Yue
II. Meeting Wang He Di
III. Her Warning
IV. His Promise
V. Reunited
VI. Reconnected
VII. Bad Idea
VIII. House Call 1
IX. House Call 2
X. Strange/ Hualien 1
XI. Hualien 2
XII. Hualien 3
XIII. Hualien 4
XIV. Hualien 5
XV. Hualien 6
XVI. The Threat
XVII. The Plan
XVIII. Final Warning
XIX. Final Decision
XXI. Chengdu
XXII. The Plane Ride
XXIII. The Dessert
Epilogue 1 - The News
Epilogue 2 - The Reconciliation
Epilogue 3 - The Proposal
Epilogue 4 - The Wedding pt 1
Epilogue 5 - The Wedding pt 2
Epilogue 6 - Together
Author's farewell note

XX. The Confrontation

854 59 26
By Hsienhui1978

Dylan did not know what to do. Does Yue want him to pretend that everything is okay? Do they continue to interact like before? He scratched his head and let out a loud grunt. Their recent conversations were mainly related to work or updates on Shang Yan. The police were at that point ready to bring him in but they had been unable to locate him.

"Hey Didi, tone it down. My neighbours will think I'm torturing you."

"Xi Ze! Yue and I have so little time left together and I'm in total mess."

"What's the problem?"

"Ever since she said she will be leaving, I find it awkward around her. I should be at this point spend more time with her and cherish her but...."

"Are you getting cold feet about the relationship?"

"No, of course not!" Didi protested.

"Or are you afraid of falling deeper in love with her because you will get hurt?"

"I....I didn't see it that way before."

"I'm not love expert but it seemed like u are avoiding the matter. That she is leaving."

Dylan covered his face with his hands. He groaned. "I'm such a loser, Xi Ze."

"Make it up for her. Bring her on a date."

"What date?"

"You know, go out with her."

"I'm always with her."

"You are really an idiot. I mean romance her! Bring her someplace special. Sweet talk her. Make her feel loved." Xi Ze explained.

Dylan cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at Xi Ze "Do you date Jia Qi?"

"Definitely. Hey, buddy," Xi Ze said, hitting his chest. "Xi Men Yan will give you some tips."

"But isn't loving someone means spending time with them? I mean I have watched movies with her before at my place and we hang out a lot. Doesn't that count?"

Xi Ze shook her head. Dylan looked crestfallen.

"What if Yue does not like this kind of dates?"

Xi Ze hit his head.


"Just do it!"

Dylan rubbed his head and looked at his friend. Xi Ze does have a way with girls.

With Shang Yan's case still hot on the run, he could not possibly bring her out in public areas. He could plan something in Leshan but that would be a week from now. He needed something now.

"Xi Ze. I need your help, buddy"


Yue noticed their awkwardness. There seemed to be an imaginary wall between them. Their conversations were guarded and careful. Is this how they are going to spend the rest of the time together? She did know what to do. So, when she received a message from him, she jumped with excitement.

Our day off tomorrow. Shall we have dinner together? Wear something nice.

She beamed.

They were always together but never on a date.

I hope he won't bring us somewhere public, she thought. Shang Yan was still out there somewhere and questioning Ah Peng did not help either. He was an accomplice but not his keeper.

She wanted to do something for him too. Snapping her fingers, she started to write down a list.


Dylan tried to ignore the sounds coming outside his door. He turned to the other side of his bed and squeezed his eyes shut, but to no avail. He got up and opened his door.

Yue was moving about in his kitchen.

"Yue, you're here," he mumbled. Yue looked up. His tousled hair made her smile. "What time is it?" He asked.

"Sorry, I woke you up. I just dropped by to get you some stuff before I leave." Her tone of voice dropped lower. "As in before I leave..... leave."

She cleared her throat and gathered her energy "I know you will be busy. I restocked dry supplies, including food, and I also packed you some clothes for Chengdu. Can't do fresh foods since I won't be around....." she trailed off, a lump rising in her throat. "But I can get Xiao Ching or Hua-jie to do it," she gave him her biggest smile. Dylan watched her without a word.

Sensing his pensive mood, she continued "I will let you sleep some more." She hurriedly tip-toed and gave him a peck on his cheek. "See you tonight."

"Yes, tonight. Remember to wear something nice." He said.

"I will!"

Dylan sat down after she left. Realization suddenly hit him and he felt a pain his chest. She will be leaving him for good. What have I been doing? You are such an idiot, Wang He Di!


Yue did not want to be late. She showered early and chose a black dress with a pair of heels. She styled up her hair and put on light make-up. The week had been very hectic for them, on top of handling her work over to the next assistant, the police had been in communication to ask questions and keeping them updated with their progress. Dylan, as usual, was swarmed with his projects.

A message came in from Dylan.

I'm about 10 minutes away.

Okay, I will wait for you downstairs. she replied.

She made sure the windows and lights were off before heading down to the elevator. Dylan must had chosen a later time for dinner to avoid unnecessary fangirls or worse still snooping from Shang Yan. As long as they don't get him, Yue would not feel at peace.

She stepped out of the cool air. Thankfully, she had her light jacket with her. She saw a black car parked right at the side of the walkway. It was a fairly quiet night. She checked her phone for messages. Suddenly, a voice startled her.

"Going on a date with Wang He Di?"

She froze. That voice. She looked right into that pair of beady eye and ugly smile. The one that haunted her.

"What are you doing here, Shang Yan? The police are looking for you."

"You took everything from me!" He pointed at her.

Yue lifted her head high. "The price you should pay as a criminal. Just give up, Shang Yan." She positioned herself to get ready to make a run if he ever got near her. She cursed herself for wearing heels.

Shang Yan laughed. "Oh, not that easy. You still owe me half a million. I will make sure I have it!"

In a few quick strides, Shang Yan was grabbing her by her shoulders and pushing her towards his car. She started hitting him with her bag. He grabbed her from the back and shoved her but Yue elbowed him and managed to escape. Shang Yan gave chase and pulled her back, putting an arm over her neck and a knife next to her. "Stop struggling. Are you sure you want your pretty face scarred?


Yue looked up. Wang He Di!


"Can you drive a bit faster, Xi Zie? I told Yue we are close by." grumbled Dylan. "Then you should have driven yourself. It's your date. Why am I here? And Jia Qi too."

Jia Qi smiled " I think Didi is a little nervous about his first official date."

Dylan grinned sheepishly and touched the nape of his neck. "I might be. I thought it will be better, in case someone sees the two of us."

"So we are your bodyguards?" Xi Ze teased. Jia Qi laughed. "Anything for our friends."

As they were turning in, they noticed the black car in front of the apartment building. There were two people in front doing a dance. No, it wasn't a dance. "Yue Yue!! Didi, i think it's that guy!!"

"Xi Ze, call the police. Ying jie and Hao-ge. NOW!! I will get Yue." Dylan commanded.

Xi Ze swerved the car and stepped on the brakes. Dylan dashed out to the scene. His heart dropped when he saw Shang Yan pointing a knife at her.

"LET HER GO!!!" His voice boomed.

Yue looked up and shouted "Didi!"

Shang Yan sneered. "Well, well, we have lover boy here. This simplifies my plans. Half a million if you don't want me to scar her face.

"It's just my face, Shang Yan. If you have guts, why don't you kill me instead?" dared Yue.

Dylan held his hand up. "Shang Yan, you can't go anywhere. The police is on the way. If you let her go, you can still plea for your case."

He laughed. "Do you think I believe you for one second there, Wang He Di? I almost had it but your girlfriend here took everything from me. It's payback time."

"Take me instead." Dylan suggested in a firm tone, his glare never left Shang Yan. Yue got the chill of Daoming Si vibes.

"Didi, NO!!" Yue tried to move but his arm was still over her.

"I am worth millions. My agency will come for me. Take me." He could see Shang Yan was thinking.

"I like this proposal. But, first you need to put your hands up where I can see them. Walk slowly over here. Do it now!"

Yue looked at Dylan, pleadingly. Dylan raised his eyebrow at her, knowingly. As he was a few yards away, Yue bit Shang Yan's arm as hard as she could. He yelled and released his grip.

In a spilt second, she saw Dylan moved like lightning towards Shang Yan. The next thing she saw was Shang Yan on the ground, unconscious. Dylan's training for his dramas had paid off. He could look lean but strong and fast.

Yue ran to his arms, crying. Dylan hugged her. "It's okay. It's over now."

"Yue Yue!" Jia Qi called.

"Jia Qi, help me get Yue into the car. I need to settle Shang Yan. Xi Ze, help me."

They moved swiftly and carry him into his car. They found a wire and tied him to his steering wheel. Thankfully it was dark and there were only few passer by.

"The police is on the way. Hao-ge as well." Xi Ze said.

Dylan nodded. "I want to see if she is okay."

Back in Xi Ze's car, Yue had stopped crying. Dylan reached out to her and made her leaned on his shoulder, stroking her hair. "Little girl, I don't know if you were brave or stupid to challenge Shang Yan. He had a knife to your neck!"

"I only thought about your safety, Didi. I rather take the knife than have him do anything to you." she said softly. "You are an actor. I'm nothing."

Dylan pulled her away and scowled. "Stop saying you are nothing!" Her eyes glistened and she hugged him tight. "I'm so glad you came, Didi."

"I will never let you go through this ever again. Over my dead body." They sat holding each other for the longest time.

Jia Qi watched them  from outside the car. "Will they be all right, Xi Ze?" He nodded. "They are both fighters." She looked as Dylan kissed Yue's forehead and continued to hug her tight.


The police came and arrested Shang Yan.  They praised Dylan for his quick actions but reminded them it was a close call. They should have waited for the police first.

Dylan and Yue gave their reports separately, recording how Shang Yan assaulted her and Dylan came to her rescue. In the next few days, there was a flurry of activities. The special force and lawyer were finally able to put charges on Shang Yan for blackmail, assault and civil endangerment. It was a grand day for Yue and Dylan.

Someone apparently leaked out a video of Dylan punching someone's face and started a rumour that he got into a fight over a girl.  Yue was alarmed but Dylan assured her that Ying-jie would diffuse the news.

The next day, the news came out "Heroic act: Wang He Di rescued a girl from assault." Thousands of comments flooded Weibo.

Wow, Daomingsi to the rescue!
I want to be that girl.
Is there anything that Wang He Di cannot do?
Xiong Di, doesn't that girl look like Shancai?
Someone said that was his assistant.
Nah, this girl looks prettier than her.

While the speculations went on, their group chat become lively again.


THE PLAN group chat

Dylan: Hi, brothers. Finally, we got Shang Yan!

Kuan: Hurray!

Kang: Time to celebrate! 🎉

Jia Qi: It was a close call. Yue was almost hurt.

Yue: But I'm okay, Jia Qi. 👍🏻

Jia Qi: Didi was hero to the rescue.

Xi Ze: Even from the car, I could sense his Daoming Si vibes.

Dylan: I have mellowed down over the years, buddy.

Xi Zi:  Shall we have a celebration night?

Jia Qi: Yue is leaving.

Kuan: Okay, let's do it after she comes back.

Yue: Kuan, I won't be back.

Kuan: I don't understand. Didi?

Dylan: I will explain to you guys another time. Yue and I leave for Chengdu for work tomorrow. We just wanna update here before we close the group.

Kuan: Okay, buddy. Safe travel, Yue.

Kang: See you soon.

Xi Zi: You can trust me, Yue.

Yue: Xi Zi, let bygones be bygones. Thanks everyone for your support.

Xi Ze: Anytime. You are our family now.

Yue: 😭☺️🙏🏻

Jia Qi: I will call you later, Yue.

Dylan: Thanks guys!! You are the Best brothers.


As usual, Yue was staying overnight at Dylan's place so they could board the early morning flight together.

She was still packing her bags when Dylan came to her room. "Yue, do you need so many clothes? You can get them later, you know?"

She groaned. "Yeah but some of these are my favourites."

"Why don't you use one of my big luggage bag? No rental charge." he grinned. Her eyes sparkled.

"Thank you!" She jumped up and dashed to his room. But he caught her by the shoulders and pulled her close.

"Can you promise me that you will take care of yourself? I won't be there for you." A lump was rising in his throat. Her body softened against his. "I will. And anyways, Did you forget that I'm a magnet to gwai lao? They can help me too."

Dylan sulked. "No gwai lao! Yue, you know what I mean."

"Yes, I do. Now, can I pack my clothes? We need to sleep early for our trip tomorrow."

He let her go. Our last trip together, he thought.


Author's notes:

Daoming Si vibes!! You can listen to "Like a River" when he comes out to rescue Yue. The unforgettable scenes. Just few more chapters for Dylan and Yue. Are you sorry that this is coming to an end soon?

💜💛 Hsien

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