It Struck A Heart String With...

By KanaRika4

268K 8.6K 3.3K

Ishi Azusa, she lived a life free of people on the streets of mustafu. She could never see the outside word b... More

Character Information, Prologue, Warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Omake 1, At the beach.
Chapter 17
Omake #2, And then they were Quarantined
Ishi x Mina!?
Omake #3 Mina falls for an Angel
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

9.2K 330 85
By KanaRika4

After seeing Tamaki's message she smiled lightly before replying.


You're welcome

Then she took a meaningful look at the stack of school work to get done before sighing and deciding to just get it over with.

It wasn't that she didn't like doing the work, in fact, she loved doing school work and learning all sorts of new things, however, school is tedious and takes the fun out of learning to a certain degree. It was repetitive and took forever, the Heroes try to avoid making it too bad but some things are just a fact.

Halfway through the stack the tablet showed a message from Aizawa.

Slepingbag: Are you having any difficulties?

Snake Tamer: No, I'm good.

Slepingbag: I'm here if you need me

Snake Tamer: I know

She refused his help confident in her own abilities...That is...until she got stuck.

Snake Tamer: Help...

Slepingbag: What do you need help with?

Snake Tamer: Grammar

Slepingbag: Ask Hizashi

She got frustrated, he said he was there to help then said to ask someone else, she pouted and fumed for a couple of minutes before deciding that a better course of action would be to indeed ask Hizashii for help. Right now however Hizashi was teaching a class so Ishi decided to take a break and get breakfast.

She grabbed a water bottle off the corner of the desk before proceeding to empty it's full contents into her stomach, the cool temperature of the water soothing her parched skin and calming her restless snakes. Proceeding toward the door she grabbed a bandage that hung on the end of her bed frame to wrap around her eyes before she left. She did not want to accidentally hurt anyone who may happen to be in the kitchen.

She still felt a bit nauseated after the previous night's ordeal so she didn't really want to eat anything too tough or filling.

The closer she got to the kitchen the stronger a food scent seemed to be, it wasn't one that she could easily put her finger on though it seemed a bit like it was burning. Noises and faint screeching also began to reach her sensitive ears.

With no further haste, she jumped the last couple stairs, wincing at the sharp pain that bounced up her ankle before continuing her growingly nervous quest to the kitchen. Her snakes tried to get her to calm down whispering soothing and practical things such as, "Maybe #13 tried to put the waffle maker in the dishwasher again and got upset when it fried again" or "Maybe Hizashi forgot to go to class and is burning eggs instead" and various mildly insulting but still comforting hypothetical scenarios.

She was slightly out of breath though a bit calmer by the time she slammed the door to the kitchen open, the stench of acrid smoke filling her nostrils causing her to cough repeatedly. The door banged loudly against the wall making the room's inhabitants freeze in their tracks.

"Well, shit" Nejire whispered breaking the silence.

"We can explain!" Mirio cried trying to figure out exactly what her current reaction to the chaos unfolding in her kitchen, was.

"It's Mirio's fault" Tamaki stated bluntly, a bit unusual for him but he really didn't want her to be mad at him, and after all, it was the truth.

"Why...are you here?" Ishi asked.

"STUDY HALL" Mirio yelled causing all of Ishi's snakes to shrink back and her to curl into herself.

"Look at what you did!" Nejire panicked whacking Mirio over the top of the head.

Tamaki, ever the intelligent and collected one decided that this was the time when they actually give a real explanation instead of a vague factoid. ", we really liked the food you made for us... we wanted to thank you, our homeroom teacher said you weren't feeling so great, so we asked if we could make you breakfast during self-study" he explained quietly, "But, none of us really know quite how to cook, so...we burned it" Tamaki was trying really hard not to curl in on himself anxiously but the longer he went without her reply the more nervous he got.

"Do you forgive us?" Nejire asked.

"Do you want some help?" Ishi questioned after a long pause.


"Do you want some help, making breakfast that is," she repeated.

"Please god yes" they replied nearly falling over in relief.

Ishi's snakes started extending themselves bit by bit and sneaking over to the three third years to give them a reassuring pet on the head. Tamaki, of course, froze in shock, however, the other two started coo'ing lovingly over what they dubbed as "their" snakes.

"What were you trying to make?"

"French toast?" Ishi thought for a second before deciding that as tasty as French Toast is, she wanted to make something more special with her friends.

"Can we make something else?"

"Whatever you want to make we will merely do as we are told" Mirio declared gallantly causing Ishi to chuckle, a soft smile gracing her face, not a big open-mouthed smile that reached her eyes, but a small angelic smile that just barely caused her cheeks to create small dimples. For Tamaki, on the other hand, it was about enough to stop his heart, so instinctively he turned and drove his forehead straight into the nearest wall like surface trying to hide from the world and all the complex emotions that came with it.

"We need Flour, Salt, Water, Eggs, Milk, and Butter. The flour is in the cabinet to the left of the stove, salt is in the windowsill above the sink, water can just come from the tap, eggs, milk, and butter, are in the fridge." She explained before sitting down to wait for her friends to collect all the ingredients.

A few minutes later the ingredients were all collected and placed on the counter with a variety of bowls and measuring cups or spoons. Ishi recited all the proportions and amounts from memory waiting a few moments for her friends to put them in the bowl before continuing on to the next one.

The part she was really nervous about was the actual cooking of the shells, so as her friends finished whisking the batter together she decided she would do that part herself.

"ALL RIGHT WHAT'S NEXT!" Mirio cheered excitedly.

"Next, I'm going to cook them" she replied bluntly while also trying not to hurt his feelings.

"But I wanted to cook them!" Nejire contested before being shut down by Tamaki who drew her attention with a meaningful look at their past burnt disaster that was currently still smoking slightly in the sink. "Fine," she pouted while Ishi gave her a soft hug to make her feel better and nodded in thanks to Tamaki for understanding flashing another small smile at him which struck his heart like a cartoon bullet making him stumble back a little and put his hand on the wall for support. The girl is the definition of cute, at least to him.

Cooking the shells actually took longer than any of them expected it too so Nejire and Mirio situated themselves on the couch and started watching TV intentionally from All Might's overstuffed chair, they could practically feel the power of a hero transferring from it into them.

Tamaki stayed behind, observing as Ishi's snakes would alert her on when to flip the shell and where to pour it to get a thin layer, or how to avoid getting burned. She really didn't need her eyes to do things that he couldn't imagine not having his eyes for.

Suddenly he remembered something, "Your breakfast, I used it today during training, It was pretty nice" he mumbled, wanting to report but also incredibly nervous.

She whipped around quickly, her snakes squeaking in protest urging her to pay attention to the hot implement. "What did it do!?" she asked excitedly.

"Electric current, it was a bit like a stun gun, very useful, thank you" he have her a shy smile before walking over closer to her and reaching his arms around her, Ishi's heart stopped at the thought of a hug from Tamaki, it resumed when she realized that he was flipping the crepe for her.

He jumped away when he realized what he had done mumbling out a string of apologies as well as incessant desires to just go home. She took the final crepe shell off the stove before walking over closer to him, invading his personal bubble and wrapping her arms firmly around him comfortingly, reassuring him that she wasn't upset about anything. She patted his back before pulling away and turning away to the fridge, her cheeks coated a thick red of embarrassment as she started pulling out a variety of crepe toppings, ranging from fruits to whipped cream and various sugary syrups, and placing them on the counter.

Her other two friends rushed in when they heard the fridge door slam shut, they ignored Tamaki standing still as a statue in the corner in favor of the delicious dessert they had made piling topping upon topping on the thin sheet of crepe shell before bouncing back into the living room and pressing resume on the television. Ishi and Tamaki shared a look before copying their friends and joining them on the large black couch all cuddled together watching a new anime that had just come out, laughing every now and then when one of them dropped a dollop of whipped cream or got maple syrup on their nose.

They would have forgotten to go back to class if it weren't for Vlad King walking into the entry room, his boots clicking loudly on the tile floor. "I heard, that some of the school's top students were skipping out on study hall, and what do I find but them in the teacher's own house" he chuckled at the irony.

"Actually, Sir, this is Ishi's house and she wanted us to make desert and skip class" Nejire contested jokingly, raising a whipped cream tipped finger at him to further her point before throwing that small ball of whipped cream directly at the Pro-Hero's forehead causing the whole group to burst out in uncontrollable laughter until Aizawa came to physically drag the third years back to class.

"BYE!" Nejire shouted as she was dragged through the door, elbowing Tamaki to follow her lead.

"See you later" he eventually forced out, with a very awkward but completely priceless half-smile. 

 A.N. hahaha, so, sorry, it's been forever, I know, and I feel bad. But hey LOOK ITS A CHAPTER! I personally really like this one kinda, cuz it's just really fluffy and hanging out and for all the angst I've made her go through I feel kind of bad. But yeah this one was a lot of fun, I hope you liked it, I remembered that thing I said in the character bio about the water and the snakes so I put in some water (you know just randomly in chapter 14, haha...sorry). I'm gonna try to put the link for the crepes in a message board on my page because for some reason I can't put the link in here. 

As for why I was gone so long, a couple of reasons, 1) school started again 2)I'm taking college courses as a junior and lemmie tell you, it sucks. 3) and reason three is the biggest, I'm going on a trip! in February, my little weeb self decided to leave my room around May when my school decided that we would try to put together a small group of like 15 people to go to the Galapagos islands, so for the last couple of months I have been working 2 jobs so I can pay the monthly fee for the trip so I have absolutely no time to accomplish like anything at all. On that note, My tour company has a "go fund me page" type thing where people can donate to people's trips, so if you want to help me pay (even just five dollars is helpful) for this trip I'm going on so I can quit one of those jobs sooner than February and thus have more time to write more chapters, then I will put the link for that page in with the crepe recipe.  

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