Short Stories!

By malin87

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I will add all my short storys into this storygroup!! Enjoy reading =) I will always bump up the newest story... More

The Man and the Cookie Jar
Saving a Life
Where Silver and Gold Meets

The Saga About The Bedtime Story

712 8 1
By malin87

The Saga About The Bedtime Story

Once upon a time there was a place called The Kingdom. The Kingdom was a peaceful little country and the people who lived in it loved the royal family who sat on the throne. They all had  crowns on their heads so everyone could recognise them. Unlike any other kingdom this one did not have any desire for power, punishment or rankings. Everyone was equal and they respected each other. This was the kingdom of love, everyone who lived in it was community minded and they were always eager to help anyone in need.

The scene seems to be perfect, but I wouldn't be writing this Saga if everything was perfect, right?

The Kingdom had its own holy grail - the Book of Bedtime Stories. It was highly protected and loved by all citizens. Every evening after the sun had disappeared in the horizon, all family members gathered in their houses in front of their Story Orb. They listened to the Kings voice who faithfully shared a Story from the Book. The holy power in the words put them all happily asleep knowing that it would keep the trolls away.

King Calm entered his bedroom, fully prepared to read the bedtime story for the night. Everyday there was a new story waiting in the book, the previous one had faded away forever. The lost stories never bothered anyone. They took them for granted and why not? The Book had offered them an endless amount of stories for hundreds of years. King Calm activated his orb and sat down in his favourite armchair. He greeted his people, put his crown on the table and opened the book, just to be interrupted by his children. Prince Henry and princess Poppy hurried through the room and threw themselves down on the floor so their crowns fell off their heads. They are being chased by Howes, the royal family dog. They are usually 'quietly' joining the story moment instead of listening to it in their room. King Calm gives them a smile and start reading the golden letters printed on the pages. When the story reached the end they all went happily to bed, unknowing of the coming disaster.

Around the Kingdom the woods grew thick and dark. Everyone knew about the trolls and monsters who were hiding in there waiting for a victim who was carelessly enough to stop by. Every missing person, every crime was blamed on the horrific creatures living in the forest. No one had actually seen them but obviously no one could ever survive such a tragic meeting.  Matthew  who was the kings brother always stated how careful they must be travelling outside the guarded villages. Till one day he went missing too. What a heartbreaking accident!

King Calm was shivering for the first time in his life. He couldn't believe what he saw! It was story time, the orb was activated but no words came through his lips. He just sat there terrified, reading the six black letters printed in the Book of Bedtime Stories.

'The End'

The story had come to its end. The doubts hit him hard and his Queen Emilee turned off the orb when she saw the lines. Did they overuse the book, displeased the gods in some way?

King Calm just lost his brother, now he lost the stories too.

Who will protect them from the trolls now?

The citizens were stunned, and scared. Evening after evening the Story Orb stayed dead. The happy atmosphere vanished. Many citizens refused to leave their homes while others were out preaching that the trolls were going to doom them all. The royal family did not know what to do. They only had experience to rule a peaceful country. To handle the panic was impossible when they couldn't handle their own feelings.

Poppy was upset. She was a smart princess and decided to solve the situation. She couldn't stand to see her people turn rude and crazy. She was also disappointed that everyone lost their mind because the stories had run out. Nothing bad had happened yet so why worry? She loved her uncle Matthew, but she also saw a red thread between his disappearance and the Bedtime Stories. She took it as a quest and decided to find out what Matthew's secret was.  

His room was empty, untouched. Still she had a feeling that there was something more hidden in there, since he never allowed anyone to enter. She was looking carefully for a long time, so long she almost missed it! There was a secret door in his wardrobe. Exited she opened it and found herself entering a library! So many books...

It was the bedtime stories. The truth hit her. It was never real. She finally understood Matthew. He didn't have the strength to keep all this secret.

Princess Poppy knew what she had to do.

The same evening the Story Orb's came back to life. Once again the citizens could hear their king's voice calm their nerves down and scare the trolls away. Everyone went back to their normal lives, protected by their holy grail - The Book of Bedtime Stories. And of course, princess Poppy made sure they all lived happily ever after!

The End

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