Nothing Without You | tk

By NimraSajjad

1.5M 74.7K 67.7K

All the time, Kim Taehyung hated his life, hated being an omega and being treated like a puppet---controlled... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1: Knight
Chapter 2: Blue
Chapter 4: Eavesdrop
Chapter 5: Halo
Chapter 6: Shimmer
Chapter 7: Prestige
Chapter 8: Starry
Chapter 9: Enthral
Chapter 10: Symphony
Chapter 11: Bubbly
Chapter 12: Pup
Chapter 13: Ravishing
Chapter 14: Twilight
Chapter 15: Moonlight
Chapter 16: Lucifer
Chapter 17: Ponder
Chapter 18: Lifeline
Chapter 19: Octave
Chapter 20: Alter
Chapter 21: Engage
Chapter 22: Nerve
Chapter 23: Anomaly
Chapter 24: Periwinkle
Chapter 25: Brother
Chapter 26: Kryptonite
Chapter 27: Lavish
Chapter 28: Serenity
Chapter 29: Joy
Chapter 30: Epilogue
Thank You 《End》
New Book

Chapter 3: Hislerim

47K 2.7K 2.8K
By NimraSajjad

Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

As long as Taehyung remembers, he never woke up surrounded by such warmth and calmness, no fear or dread of any one like it used to be as soon as he'd open his eyes. Today, a smile appears on his lips as he wakes up, his eyes falling on Hansol who is wrapped in a towel since he doesn't have clothes.

Usually when Hansol wakes up first, he wakes Taehyung up by either tapping on his face or squirming and getting closer to him, seeking his warmth and Taehyung would always find him curled into his side. Hansol is sleeping soundly, hands curled on his sides and Taehyung smiles.

It's an overwhelming feeling only by getting up in a comfortable and warm place, with no fear and dread and he doesn't want to be selfish but he wants more of it.

And above all, the sweetest scent that he is surrounded with, it soothes him and was the only reason Taehyung slept in a matter of mere seconds.

He couldn't name this scent because it was the first time he was surrounded by it and he doesn't even know much scents, let alone their names so he unconsciously name it---

Jeongguk's scent---

He doesn't know why he can't seem to look at the alpha even for a second or maybe he knew the reason---just doesn't want to dwell in it.

And then Taehyung realizes he's not on the floor. Even in the orphanage, no matter how he was told to sleep on the bed, he'd always set the comforter on the floor. He can't just let go of the habit he was forced to adopt for eight years.

And he's fine with sleeping on the floor. He doesn't wish for a luxurious or rich life, he just wants a life where he's seen as a person who has feelings, emotions---can get hurt and is not a toy.

He just wants to be respected. Respect---should come first than anything else.

And for Taehyung, love is a luxury right now---which he can't afford at all.

He used to believe love doesn't exist but it does because he feels it---he loves his son---more than anyone and anything in the world.

"I'm sorry baby. I couldn't fight for you yesterday---". Taehyung whispers, holding Hansol's little hand.

"I should've been strong for you but---but I was so so scared and---just so tired." Taehyung feels the guilt and he knows it was his mistake that he got so reckless for a moment and went out.

"But I swear---I swear all I could think of was you and what would happen to you---what would those ruthless animals do to you---". Taehyung closes his eyes, stops his tears.

"Please forgive me baby, I love you and promise to fight for you now and to stay strong for you." Taehyung whispers, holds back a sob and now Hansol is squirming, probably feeling Taehyung's emotions and then flutter open his eyes.

Hansol yawns, the sight too adorable that Taehyung giggles.

"Good morning baby." Taehyung whispers and Hansol tries to get out of the towel he's wrapped in, as usual excited after waking up. Taehyung helps him, loosens the towel and Hansol wriggles his arms and legs, turning on his side and laying in his stomach.

"Do you forgive me Hanie?" Taehyung whispers when Hansol lays his head down and stares at Taehyung, breathing a little rapidly and Taehyung touches his cheek, tickles there.

"Oh do you forgive me, my sweet little baby." Taehyung whispers and Hansol giggles, hides his face behind his little hand.

"I love you baby. Appa loves you." Taehyung utters and smiles, now playing with him. He laughs softly at Hansol's naked form as he crawls out of the towel and comforter. Hansol hardly cries at night, letting Taehyung sleep through out the night and himself as well.

Taehyung gets up, feels the softness of the sheets as he traced his hands on the fabric. It all feels so soft and so---right that Taehyung feels his stomach flutter.

He picks Hansol and takes him to the bathroom. Taehyung doesn't take shower because he was unable mix the hot and cold water and he didn't want to ask anyone either, wouldn't that be so---embarrassing. He doesn't even know how to set warm water.

Yeah, he doesn't because he has never been to such a big bathroom and has never taken such a relaxing bath and those animals expected him to clean himself and look pretty after throwing him in cold showers.

Taehyung shakes his head, doesn't want to think about all the painful memories for now.

He freshens up, brushes his teeth with the new brush Seokjin put there for him. He cleans Hansol with a wet towel and then wraps him in another one, the pup sneezes after that.

"Aww, sorry beautiful." Taehyung pouts. Hansol has just recently started to sit and he has two lower teeth now. Taehyung thinks it'll take him a few more weeks after being a year old to start walking.

Taehyung was a little nervous to go outside. He didn't want anyone to come and take him because he isn't their responsibility---or more like he doesn't want to become their responsibility, and he doesn't want to get pampered, he is even thinking of working if he'll be staying here. One day of immense generosity is enough for him.

He can't get used to it because when some expectations break and acts change---it hurts.

Taehyung picks Hansol up and walks out of the room, he doesn't pick Seokjin's scent and gets a little alert. Stepping outside, he sees Jeongguk preparing breakfast when he turns thr hallways and soon as he gets Taehyung's scent, he turns around.

And Jeongguk's not able to turn back or blink or maybe even breathe and maybe he's exaggerating but he never knew this sight will ever leave him stunned. He's just watching Taehyung in his clothes and something about it is just---magical.

He's glad that Taehyung doesn't look at him or else he'd be so damn embarrassed if he was caught staring. And he's also surprised that Taehyung is out of the room by himself because he thought the other would be scared of him to come out.

Jeongguk is kind of---sad that Taehyung never looks at him as if he isn't even present.

Jeongguk came even curse at his older hyung to whom he begged to not leave because he didn't want to be alone with Taehyung but the older omega left, saying he'll be back tomorrow with alot of things for the two.

Seokjin told him that Taehyung isn't going to bite him so he doesn't have to be a pussy and act like this an he was right because Taehyung doesn't even acknowledge him.

Jeongguk clears his throat; "Seokjin hying said that he'll be back so he's probably in his way." Jeongguk says and watches Taehyung try to look at him but doesn't. He nods.

"I prepared breakfast, please uh---please eat some." Jeongguk says and Taehyung puts Hansol on the floor, walks towards him and the pup crawls behind him, trips when he towel becomes a hurdle but continues even in his naked form, leaving the towel behind.

"Seokjin hyung told me to give you this mashed feed for Hansol." Jeongguk puts the small packed bowl in the table. Taehyung bows to him as a thank you and Jeongguk wants to tell him that he just wants to hear his voice.

Taehyung takes one pancake in his dish and a fork, takes Hansol's feed and sits down right where he was standing, his pup sitting next to him immediately and Taehyung smiles when he sees him naked, grabs the towel and wraps it around him again.

Jeongguk doesn't know what to do. He'll never sit on the stool while Taehyung sits down so he doesn't even eat, just leaves towards the couch and watches Taehyung, who feeds Hansol first. Jeongguk hopes Taehyung didn't sleep on the floor.

He wants Taehyung to look at him the way he looks at Seokjin when he talks to him. He wants Taehyung to be comfortable with him and to speaks to him---and---

And maybe I should stop thinking too soon because he hasn't even looked at me. He probably came even see me. Jeongguk almost pouts.

The three of them are startled when they hear the door open and Jeongguk regrets giving Seokjin the pass code of his door. And it's not just Seokjin this time---

He is followed by Hoseok, Jimin and Jeongguk is surprised to see his father.

Seokjin has a bags of clothes in his hands and Jeongguk wonders how the fuck did he have time to buy all this in the morning. Hoseok is holding toys and baby clothe bags. Jimin has a bottle sterilizer and a pack of feeding bottles. Yunho follows them with a soft smile on his lips and even he is holding a shopping bag.

When Jeongguk's eyes fall on Taehyung, he's standing---holding Hansol protectively. Yeah, Hoseok wasn't really quiet when he entered.

"Good morning." Seokjin utters as he ruffles Taehyung's hair and gives Hansol a kiss, the pup rubbing his nose.

None of them greeted Jeongguk.

"Hi, I'm Hoseok." Hoseok excitedly greets Taehyung and waves at Hansol, both of them staring at him.

"Aww, he's so adorable." Hoseok steps forward even though Seokjin had told them before that they can't and the excited Alpha stops immediately when Taehyung steps back in alarm, almost hiding behind Seokjin.

"Oh, shit---sorry." Hoseok utters and gulps when he sees Seokjin glaring at him.

"Idiot." Jimin whispers and then he looks at Taehyung, smiles at him and bows politely.

"Hello, I am Jimin. It's really nice to meet you." Jimin says and Taehyung looks at him a little descriptive. His smile is wide and soft and his scent is of a beta but he looks strong even with a fairly normal body, he oozes strength.

"Taehyung." Taehyung utters his name and all of them look at him in surprise except Seokjin and Jimin who are smiling at him.

"That's a really beautiful name." Jimin says and Taehyung smiles a little, not used to compliments at all.

"What's your pups name?" Jimin asks.

"Hansol." Taehyung answers. Hoseok is pouting, regretting that he got too excited but he couldn't help it---the pup and the omega are both so cute.

Yunho then comes forward and bows too, which takes Taehyung off guard since he was an alpha.

"It's really nice to meet you Taehyung, I'm Yunho, Jeongguk's father." Yunho says and Taehyung nods, feels like he shouldn't be rude because they are nothing but nice to him.

Taehyung's eyes, for the first time since they've met---looks at Jeongguk and the alpha almost embarrasses himself when he was about to lose his balance as he gets up. Taehyung looks away.

Jeongguk wanted to make his presence known. He wished Namjoon was here because he would definitely be standing next to him and now that Taehyung looked at him---he was about to pass out.

The fuck is wrong with me.

"Come on Taehyung, change your clothes and put some on this little cutie too." Seokjin says and Taehyung nods immediately, wants to leave because the hall is too crowded now.

Seokjin leaves with Taehyung and Hansol and Jimin hits Hoseok on his head.

"Seokjin hyung told you to be careful you idiot." Jimin hisses and Hoseok pouts.

"I just wanted to say hi". Hoseok whines.

"Alright you two, get  back in the car. You said you'd only say hi to him and go to the borders of the pack." Yunho says and both tracking wolves groan but obey, saying goodbye to Jeongguk. Oh they finally notice him.

"I was here to ask him about Lotus and everything that happened to him but I think it's too soon." Yunho says.

"Yeah, he isn't even much close to Seokjin hyung---we are from that." Jeongguk replies.

"He's pretty." Yunho says and Jeongguk looks at him, find slight amusement in his eyes and his smile almost teasing.

"Yeah, he is." Jeongguk utters.

"Though why didn't any of you considered asking me before bringing all that?" Jeongguk asks and Yunho raises his eyebrow as Jeongguk points at all the equipment brought.

"You wouldn't want that?" Yunho asks and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"It's my house. No one asked me if I want Taehyung and Hansol here or all these things." Jeongguk says.

"So you thing the omega and his child are forced upon you and you don't want them here?" Yunho says.

"I never said that---".

"You sounded like that." Yunho challenges and chuckles when Jeongguk groans.

"Are you perhaps, bothered that he's an omega?" Yunho says, daring.

"What? Dad! You're taking it way too far. I'm glad that he's an omega and---". Jeongguk stops when he sees a smirks on his father's lips.

"You're unbelievable." Jeongguk groans and Yunho laughs.

"I can read you like an open book." Yunho says and Jeongguk keeps glaring at him, pouting.

"Are you coming to pack house today?"

"No." Jeongguk says because now he won't.

"Alright, enjoy your day and admit that you changed the subject because I said Taehyung's pretty." Yunho playfully says.

"Please father." Jeongguk almost whines. Yeah, Alpha. Huh.

"Alright alright, I'm leaving." Yunho says and chuckles, leaves then.

"Taehyung is beautiful." Jeongguk mummers to himself.

Something is wrong with me. Jeongguk groans.


Jeongguk was alone in the house because Seokjin took Taehyung and Hansol outside somewhere. He knew it won't be a crowded place yet all in his mind was that Taehyung listens to Seokjin and doesn't even talk to him on the other hand.

He heard Taehyung's soothing voice when he told Jimin but he wanted---even a single word from Taehyung to be spoken to him.

Jeongguk was in his room all day and ate breakfast alone. Seokjin dropped Taehyung and Hansol but the alpha didn't come out of his room. He didn't want Taehyung to be uncomfortable.

He was taking out his night clothes when he hears the knock on his door, eyes heartbeat accelerates and eyes widen. There's only one person who can do that and when he gets the scent---

Strawberry and clove---the most unique natural scent---Jeongguk can't believe Taehyung's knocking on his door.

He walks towards the door, opens it and find the red head omega standing infront of him, hands curled on his chest and he looks nervous.

"What's wrong?" Jeongguk softly asks. And man---if Taehyung is about to talk to him than Jeongguk believes in miracles.

"Can you---can you come to the---bathroom with---me?" Taehyung asks so sweetly and Jeongguk stands there stunned at the offer.



Olders phone case and youngers phone case. Jin in the maknae 😂




Hello beautiful people. How are you guys

Hope you liked this boring chap. I know there is not much interaction between them but it will be now. I promise.

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Have a good day and peaceful night.

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