Restrained Addiction

By qveen54

657K 25K 5.2K

Read my first novella "Chained" before you read this story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Hey guys
Chapter 11 part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
ANSWERS. Curiosity killed the Cat :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Please and Gracias.
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26 part 1
Chapter 26 part 2
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31.
To my Bad ass Readers !
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35 part 1
Chapter 35 part 2
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Just a lil side note for you messy asses !
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Just so you knooowwww
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Move, move ! Get out di way !
Untitled Part 55
Get yo coinsss Hun

Chapter 11 part one

14.9K 487 127
By qveen54

Allysa POV 

I bought the dress that the girls said looked cute as fuck on me but i'm having this weird feeling. I just feel so down. We're supposed to be packing up for Hawaii because we're all leaving there, two days from now.

"You look zone, what's wrong Llysa ?" Lj asked me, sitting next to me on the bed.

I shrugged and started playing with the ring on my finger.

He pulled me on his lap and rest his head in the crook of my neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You having second thoughts ?" He asked me.

"Nah, i'm good. Just tired I guess."

He grabbed my chin and looked me right in the eyes.

"Allysa, if you're having second thoughts then just-"

"I'm not having second thought Lj, damn!" I yelled, standing up.

"I- I'm just scared alright. I don't want to back out and mess everything up Lj. I don't want you to be mad at me."

He stood up and hugged me tightly.

"It's okay to say you're scared baby. I'm okay if you don't want to get married anymore but you have to be sure about this decision." He said.

It's weird for me to say i'm scared. I thought that getting married was going to be easy as shit. I was wrong. Maybe we were just moving to fast or maybe i'm just not ready.

"So? Yes or no ?" He asked.

He looked down at me.

"What about all the money that was invested into-"

"I got enough money that'll last us for years." He laughed, "It just matters about what you feel."

I sighed, "No, i'm not ready Lj."

"I'm sorry." I said.

I'm so angry with myself. I feel like I let everyone down.

He kissed my forehead, "Don't be. Lets just call up some people and fix this."

I nodded.

Milyn POV  

So I got the call about the wedding and I was surprised. I'm kinda sad that I don't get the chance to see Allysa be a bridezilla but they're still engaged so i'll see it soon.

Mell, Crystal and I were out at Walmart. Crystal wanted to flood our kitchen with food.

"Mell and I are going to the breakfast aisle." I told Crystal.

She nodded and I rolled Mell down, making our way down to take loads of cereal.

"Mommy look! Lucky Charms. Can we get it ?" He asked me.

"Yep, how about we get two boxes." I said.

I rolled the buggie down and tried to reach up and get the box of Lucky Charms. Who puts a box this high ?

"Want me to be Spider man and get it for you ?" Mell asked me.

"I don't think Spider man would be right for this job Mell." I said.

A person reached up and got it for me.

"Oh, thank-"

I froze and looked up at Tyler.

"You Welcome." He said.

I rolled the buggie around him but I guess he jogged up to me.

You don't gotta act like this." He said.

"Like what ?" I snapped.

He looked over at Mell and then to me.

"Just give me a chance to talk to you."

"I don't think that's a good idea Tyler." I said.

"Mommy, i'm hungry." Mell whined.

I sighed, "Hand me your phone."

He handed me his phone and I handed him mine.

"I'll text you the address to my place and you can come over." I said.

He nodded, "Nice seeing you Lil' man." He said, roughing Mell hair up and causing him to giggled.

"Peace Milyn." He said.

He walked away and I rolled the buggie over to where Crystal was.

"Is is weird that I choose fruits over candy ?" She asked me, holding both the fruits and candy up.

I shook my head and just laughed at her.

"Want to hold my phone Mell ?" I asked.

We were on our way home and I knew that he was getting bored looking at everything out the window.

"Yes please." He said.

I passed my phone to Crystal and she passed it back to Mell.

"So Milyn, for the past few days I was thinking about moving out." I heard Crystal say.

"Move out ?" I asked.

I blew the horn for the idiot who decided to jump in front of me but drive super slow.

"Yeah, I just want to go out there and try living on my own. I'm the second oldest and I was living on my own before." She said.

"I don't have a problem with you moving out, i'll just miss you." I said.

"Aw, my little Mimi is going to miss me." She cooed.

"What ever." I said.

I pulled up to our house and Crystal got out to unbuckle Mell.

"Sit in the living room while Auntie Cece and I put the bags inside." I told him.

He nodded and Crystal unlocked the front door for him to go inside.

"So I got two things to tell you." I said, grabbing the bags from the back.

"Shoot." She said.

"Well first, the wedding is off." I said.

"What ?!" She yelled, dropping a box of cereal.

"Yeah, I got the text. I guess it was the cold feet." I shrugged.

"Damn, and I brought that nice dress too." She pouted.

I laughed, "Oh yeah, I saw Tyler in the store." I said.

"Oo, tell me what happened. Nah, let me guess, he begged for your forgiveness ?" She asked.

We were done putting all the bags in the house so we were now unloading and putting them where they belong.

"He basically just wants me to meet up with him so we can "talk" and some other shit." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't stab me but I think your overreacting at you guys whole situation." She said.

I know my face was confused as hell because I was.

"Enlighten me." I said.

"Well, lets not forget the time you kissed Vincent more than once. You talked about his dea-"

"I get it Crystal." I snapped.

She held her hands up in defense, "I'm just saying."

"But when he cheats on you and slips up this one time, you want to cut off all ties with him. I just don't think that's fair."

"What're trying to say Crystal ?" I asked.

"So he cheated once, i'm not telling you to take him back or anything but if you really still have love for him then you should give him another chance."

I let out a sigh and peeped my head down the hall to see Mell still playing on my phone.

"I'm scared alright." I said.

"I know. But Big Poppa C is going to help you through your love story." She laughed.

"Big Poppa C ?" I chuckled.

Our laughter died down, "What if I told you I kind of like Fizz too ?" I asked her.

"It's just a like. You don't love him right ?" She asked.

"I- I don't know." I stammered, "I'm just all mixed up and confused."

She hugged me and started playing with my hair, "I'm so glad I have siblings." She said.

"I'm glad that Brandon and I have you. Especially glad because I have a sister now." I laughed.

Cheyenne POV 

Today I was dropping off Shai to Chris house. I know that he's still pissed at me from last night but we have to put that aside for Shai.

"Mommy I want heels like yours." Shai said.

I laughed, "Enjoy not having to wear them for a while." I said.

I knocked on Chris front door and stood there waiting for him to open the door.

"You packed your coloring book in your bag too ?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said.

The door opened and a woman stood there and smiled. She was beautiful but I never seen her before. 

"Hello, um I was here for Chr-"

"Come inside. She smiled.

I held Shai hand as we walked inside. 

"Hi Na-na !" Shai yelled.

Na-na? Duh Cheyenne, Chris mother. I should slap my forehead for this.

"Hey pretty girl." She laughed, picking Shai up.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't know you were Chris mother." I said.

"Nonsense child." She said, "She looks just like Christopher." She said, tickling Shai.

I smiled, "You couldn't have been anymore right." I said.

"So you must be the lovely Cheyenne." She said, sitting on the chair by me. She held Shai and Shai started playing with her necklace.

"Yes, nice to meet you to. Ms.-" I paused not knowing her name.

"Joy." She smiled, "Call me Mama Joy."

"Okay, Mama Joy." I said.

"Oh, I baked some cupcakes." She said. She slid Shai down on the floor and walked to the kitchen.

Shai slipped her bag off and dug in it for her coloring materials.

"Here you go Ms. Shai and to you Cheyenne." She said, handing Shai and I a cupcake.

"Thank you." I said.

"Tanks." Shai smiled.

"You welcome ladies. So Cheyenne, tell me about yourself." She said.

"Um, well I work at a boutique and I co-parent with Chris as you can see." I shrugged, " I don't really know what to tell you."

"You seem like a nice girl, how come you co-parent with Chris ?" She asked.

I let out a huge sigh, "We just have a rocky relationship. He seems to be doing right now but we had a lot of issues in the past."

Him leaving me. Him cheating on me. Him treating me bad. Oh and did I say him cheating on me ?

"I don't want to get too much in you guys business. Just give me a call when ever you feel a need to talk." She said.

She handed me her phone and I put my number in it. I looked in her phone to see what her number was and I put it inside mine as well.

"Thanks Mama Joy." I said.

I laughed to myself as I saw Shai pouting from breaking her crayon.

"You don't have to thank me. Just help me with my fashion and we'll be the best of friends, darling." She said.

I started to laugh and Chris came inside.

"Daddy !" Shai yelled, she ran up to him and hugged his legs.

He smiled and picked her up.

"Wassup princess ?" He asked her.

"Coloring but I keep breaking my crayons." She pouted.

He poked her bottom lip, "Quit pouting, it makes you look like the evil queen." He laughed.

"Evil queen ?!" Shai squealed.

We all erupted in laughter at how she was surprised at him calling her evil.

"I'm the good pwincess." She said. She started squirming and he put her back down. Shai started coloring again.

"Hey momma." He said.

"Christopher." She said, side eyeing him.

He kissed his teeth, "Don't you have a home to go to ?" 

"Don't play with me Christopher before I get that wooden spoon to whip your ass in shape. You might be bigger than me but that don't mean you too old enough to get your ass woop !" She snapped.

I tried to cover my mouth from laughing.

"Now you got me using French in front of family." She said.

Chris started laughing and I did too. His mom walked off to the kitchen.

After we finished laughing, I started playing with my fingers.

"I guess I should go." I said.

"See you later babes." I said, giving Shai a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Mommy." She said, not even paying attention to me.

I laughed and shook my head, "See you Ms. Joy." I yelled.

"Nice meeting you Cheyenne." She said.

I walked past Chris and out the door. I looked at my phone and saw I had a miss call from Allysa. I guess i'll call her later.

I felt a tug on my arm and I instantly turned around to see it was Chris.

"Don't tug on my arm like that Chris." I snapped.

"I just wanted to say sorry for how I acted last night." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

That just caught me off guard.

"Oh, um it's okay." I said.

I have to get used to him apologizing.

I looked up at him and he looked as if something was really on his mind.

"What's wrong Chris ?" I asked him.

"Nun'." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Isn't it crazy how fucked up we ended up ?" He laughed.

"Yeah. It actually is." I said.

I turned around to walk back towards my car but I felt Chris tug on my arm again, turning me around back to him.


Before I could finish my sentence, his lips were connected to mine. I was shock but I couldn't help but kiss him back. He bit my bottom lip and I gasped, causing him to slip his tongue in my mouth. He tongue explored all around my mouth as mine did the same. His hands lowered down to my butt, giving it a light squeeze and I wrapped my arms around his neck. A light moan escaped my mouth and he bit my bottom lip, pulling away.

"I- I got to go." I said, unwrapping my arms from around his neck.

I walked off and got in my car to drove off. I sped off down the street with very heavy thoughts on my mind.

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