Hermitcraft Prank War: The St...

By JLeaff

19.4K 836 630

Are you confused about the events of the Hermitcraft 6 Prank War/Civil War? Do you wish the whole story was i... More

Notes/Character List
Prologue: Introduction
The Prank War: Scene 1
The Prank War: Scene 2
The Prank War: Scene 3
The Prank War: Scene 4
The Prank War: Scene 6
The Prank War: Scene 7
The Prank War: Scene 8
The Prank War: Scene 9
The Prank War: Scene 10
The Prank War: Scene 11
The Prank War: Scene 12
The Prank War: Scene 13
The Prank War: Scene 14
The Prank War: Scene 15
The Prank War: Scene 16
The Civil War: Scene 1
The Civil War: Scene 2
The Civil War: Scene 3
The Civil War: Scene 4
The Civil War: Scene 5
The Civil War: Scene 6
The Civil War: Scene 7
The Civil War: Scene 8
The Civil War: Scene 9
The Civil War: Scene 10
The Civil War: Scene 11
The Civil War: Scene 12
The Civil War: Scene 13
The Civil War: Scene 14
The Civil War: Scene 15
The Civil War: Scene 16
The Civil War: Scene 17
The Civil War: Scene 18
The Civil War: Scene 19

The Prank War: Scene 5

617 28 19
By JLeaff

(A mystery person enters, wearing all black, voice concealed but accent still intelligible)

Mystery Person: Oh? What's this? A prank for Cleo, eh? That dirty sign-changer! But she didn't exactly do anything wrong. This is a very unfair prank. It would be a shame if someone... (scribbles over sign) ...were to redirect the victim! And who, you may ask? Well, I need to put a message in his base, first.

(Mystery Person exits, evilly cackling)

(Grian enters and sees a chest in his base. He pulls out a book and quill)

Grian (reading book and quill:) 'Dear Grian, there is treasure for you on the pirate ship. See it as a welcome gift for being the newest Hermit! Head to Cleo's pirate ship. Right next to it, there is a ghost ship. Follow the signs!' That's it? Alright. Since when did Cleo start on a second ship...?

(Grian shuts the book and sees the ghost ship)

Grian: Oh! An actual ghost ship! Made out of glass with bits of wood! I love the spooky effect it has. (Reads sign) 'Grian, spin the key!' And the arrow goes over here...

(Grian takes the tripwire hook off the item frame. Potions of poison are thrown at him. 4 zombies begin to encircle him)

Grian: What?! Doc, Ren? ... Me? What?! (takes out sword and begins swinging at them, but his sword slips out of his hand) No!! Stop!!! Get off! Someone help! Help! Please, somebody hear me!! Please!!! No-, stop!! Stop!!! NOOOO!!!

(Grian gets devoured by the zombies)

Cub: Grian was slain by Captain Ren.

(Various hermits enter)

Mumbo: Is Grian okay??? Where's Grian?

Iskall: In his base, obviously.

Mumbo: And who in the world is 'Captain Ren'? It must be a named mob. What reason does Ren have to kill Grian?

Iskall: Dunno. I gotta go. Bye, Mumby Jumby.

(Iskall exits)

Ren (whispering to Doc:) Doc, something's gone terribly wrong.

Doc: What?

Ren: 'Captain Ren' is what I named my zombie in the ship. So that means....

Doc: Grian fell into Cleo's prank! But how?

Ren: We'll have to wait for his speech.

(Grian gets on podium)

Grian: Uh, hey, everybody. Um, yeah, I died. Don't know how or why really. Just... Don't go in the ghost ship beside Cleo's ship. Sorry this is quite short. I have to meet someone really soon.

(Grian gets off the podium and runs to a corner. He takes out a communicator)

Grian (whispering:) Tango, you understand? Grian to Tango Tek, I repeat, Grian to Tango Tek. I'm on my way right now. I'll explain the rest when we meet at your base. Prepare to get undressed.

Tango: Okay! Wait wha-

(Grian ends the call early and exits)

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