You Can't Escape...(Jeff the...

By The_Wishes_of_You

387K 12.9K 8.3K

(Y/N) is a little girl who loves to make everyone smile. She doesn't have a mother or father but, has a wonde... More

Why did this happen...?
Goodbye & Hello...
Strange Feeling...
The Deadly Encounter...
The Chase Begins....
New Home...?!
I Have Feelings....?
Meet Dr. Smiley...
Jeff's Apology
Homicidal Liu...
The Struggle...
The Final Battle... Jeff vs. Liu
Jane's Plan.
Jane vs. (Y/N)...
Party x3
Kidnapped Again...
Welcome to the castle.
The Truth is Revealed
(y/n) Vs. Dark Link
Authors Note ^_^
The Sacrifices Made...
The Deal...
An Ugly Situation
Important Update
Is there a Solution?
Jeff's Efforts
It's Over...
You Decide!
Love is Dangerous
Zalgo's Trial
My apologies
Getting Ready. XD
A Plan In Motion.
(Y/n)'s Trips to Wonderland. (Part 1)
(Y/n)'s Trip to Wonderland (Part 2)
(Y/n)'s Trips to Wonderland. (Part 3)
(y/n)'s Trips to Wonderland. (Part 4)
Whats going on with author?
My Thank You
Filling It In
Five Nights at Ben's (Part 1?)
Five Nights At Ben's (Part 2)
Addressing Some Issues...
Five Nights at Ben's (Part 3)
Five Nights at Bens (part 4)
New Story Announcement!!!!
New Story and chapter!!!
Five Nights At Ben's (part 5)
Five Nights At Bens: The Final Night! (Part 6)
The Confrontation
The Battle For Her Affection!
Regarding my uploading.
Jeff vs. Smiley!
Mysterious Force..
Where Have I Been?
Does anyone still read???
The Puppet
New Story!

The Confession.

10.7K 325 265
By The_Wishes_of_You

                                                        *Jeff's Point of View*

        I sat on the edge of my bed, staring down into the dark wooden floorboards. I...I like (Y/N)? No I can't. There has to be something else to explain this. I pushed the edge of my finger tips on my temples, rubbing in circles trying to prevent the upcoming headache. I sat in the position for the longest time, getting nowhere fast.

        Suddenly, I remembered that Toby has a girlfriend. He doesn't see her much but, he is still with her. I quickly jumped up and bolted to the shack behind the mansion, looking for Toby. I busted through the door and stood in the door frame calling out "TOBY"! I watched as a pair of orange goggles popped their head out from a door. I looked at him confused and asked "Toby"? The goggles slowly slid out more and I saw the messy mop of brown hair and a pair of dark brown eyes staring at me sleepily. 

        "Toby I need to talk to you about something important...really important". I watched as the door slowly closed and re opened, revealing Toby shirtless and in his PJ's. I looked at him and laughed nervously, apologizing for the sudden intrusion. He stretched his arms way above his head, shrugging it off as nothing. 

        He walked over to a tiny light blue table with two wooden white chairs at its sides. He sat in one and motioned for me to sit in the other. I walked over and plopped down into the chair, looking back at Toby.

        " why did you wake me up"? I sighed nervously and looked down into my lap and began to slowly speak.

        " I have no idea what is wrong with me...I feel so weird around (Y/N). When I look at her...I just..I lose everything! Her features are so beautiful and her smile...that is my favorite....I have been trying to tell myself that I don't like her because I don't right? I mean...she was a failed murder attempt". I slowly looked up at Toby who was giving me an evil toothy grin. 

        " can keep denying it and denying it but, you do like her. What you are experiencing is a crush. Sometimes they will just fade away but...if it doesn't you know that you need to at least try with this girl. I talked to her once and she is incredibly sweet...and so pure....anyway, if I were you, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity with a girl like that".

        I replayed what Toby had said over and over in my head. I placed my forehead on the cold metal table and stared down to the waxed wooden floors. I like (Y/N).....I knew I should have killed her...I wouldn't be in the position I am now if I would have went ahead and killed her but...even on the first day I saw her, in the midst of my insanity, something stopped me from harming her. The night I kidnapped her, I know I hurt her then but, the guilt consumed me that night sitting at the Pasta table. 

        "Jeff"! I quickly snapped back up to a sitting position and looked straight towards Toby. He was sitting there with his arms crossed and looking straight at me with all of his sharp teeth shining. "What"? He leaned his elbows onto the table and said "Why not take her into the human world for some fun? There is a carnival and laughing Jack is gonna make a guest appearance. Why not let her go and see"? I looked at Toby and smiled widely, his idea was perfect except for one minor detail....her damn friends Leo and Alex....

                                                                *(Y/N)'s Point of View*

        I was sitting in Ben's room with him and my new pet kitten. Ben and I were playing 'Super Smash Brother's Brawl' on his TV in his room. I was playing as Pit and he was playing as Wolf, we had a long argument on who was better so, this is how we chose to decide the answer. It was a five minute match and we were down to one minute, both of us tied with equal amount of kills. He was laughing and kept trying to mess me up but, luckily for me, I broke the Smash ball. I activated my smash and right at the five second mark, knocked his character off the screen and gained the final win. I threw my hand up in the air, yelling in  happiness. I looked over at Ben who was sitting with his arms crossed and his lip poking out. I laughed at his expression, it was so silly but, incredibly cute at the same time.

        "I demand a rematch"! I looked at him and giggled softly saying "Nuh-uh, that is how the battle rolls. Pit is better than Wolf"! He glared at me and then looked back at the screen setting up for the next match. This time he chose R.O.B and I chose Link, putting on his Dark Link look. We were about to start the next round when, we heard a soft knock on the door. I looked at Ben and pressed the home button on my remote while I waited for him to go answer. 

        Ben slowly opened the door and Jeff slowly walked inside. I looked over at him, giving him a soft smile and saying " Hey Jeff, what brings ya here"?

                                                                *Jeff's Point of View*

        When I entered Ben's room I looked and saw (Y/N) smiling over at me. I gave her a soft smiled back, turning to Ben and asking him nicely "Could you leave us alone for a few minutes, please"? Ben looked at me confused but, shrugged walking out the door saying "Yeah, I have to go pee anyway". I stood there awkwardly waiting for the door to shut. When I heard the soft click of the door, I looked down at the ground, trying to figure out how to word this correctly. I walked over to (Y/N) slowly and when I got beside her, I looked up slightly and said "Um....there is this carnival in town tonight and I was wondering would like to go with me"? I looked down at the floorboards, expecting denial but to my surprise I heard her say "Sure! That would be great"! I snapped my head up quickly and looked at her saying "R-Really"? She gave me a soft smile, nodding her head slowly. I felt a warm feeling run through my body as I smiled back at her saying "Alright I will meet you downstairs in 30 minutes. Oh and, I grabbed some of your clothes and placed them in the closet over there. So, you'll have something clean to wear". (Y/N) looked at me with happy eyes saying softly "Thank you. I'll be ready soon". I smiled and quickly walked out of Ben's room and towards my own.

        I quickly washed off the dirt from today, hopping out. I quickly ran out to my dresser grabbing a fresh pair of boxers, a fresh hoodie, and a fresh pair of black pants. I slid everything on quickly and went to the bathroom where I dug around in one of my drawers finding the charm allowing Creepy Pastas to walk around in the human world. I looked in the mirror and slid on the charm watching at my long jet black hair faded to a semi long brown, my eyes shined green, and my beautiful fake smile gone being replaced my my real one. I grabbed a hair brush and quickly ran it through, brushing my teeth at the same time. When  I finished all of that, I ran grabbing my black beanie and out down stairs to wait for  (Y/N) to come down. 

        I stood there for about five minutes until I heard someone come downstairs. I turned toward the stairs and saw (Y/N) standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at me with a soft smile. She was wearing a shirt that said Ghost Town, a pair of white skinnies, and a pair of black and white Dc's. I looked into her eyes and saw her beautiful (E/C) orbs staring right at me. I gave her a soft smile and walked up to her asking while extending my elbow to her "Ready to go"? She giggled softly and hooked arms with me saying "Of course". We walked out of the front for and down the dirt trail, heading toward the human world.

        When we made it out of the forest and onto the streets of the town, we saw all the different color lights shimmering, people filling the streets and shops, and children running around imitating the circus carnies. (Y/N) and I walked slowly through the crowd, admiring all of the beautiful decorations the town did for the circus. Balloons tied to lampposts, confetti covering the roads and sidewalks in many different colors, and the smell of candy apples, cotton candy, peanuts, and popcorn filling the air. I looked over at (Y/N) who was staring at the large Ferris wheel with eyes of longing. I chuckled softly and grabbed her hand, pulling her behind me as I headed towards the Ferris wheel. When she saw where we were walking she squealed in happiness and quickly ran ahead, dragging me behind her. I laughed softly at her enthusiasm.

        We got lucky and were next in line. The operator opened up the door for us and when (Y/N) entered I leaned over to the operator and whispered softly, asking him to stop us at the top. He gave me a soft smile and a nod. I smiled back at the man and hopped in, sitting across from (Y/N). When we started moving, I watched as she pressed her face gently against the glass staring out to the streets. I walked over beside her and looked out with her.

        The thousands of lights from rides, glow sticks, and flashes from cellphones filled the fair grounds. I turned my head towards (Y/N) and sat down on the seat. I gently grabbed her hand and asked her nicely to sit down. When she sat down on the seat, the Ferris wheel came to a complete halt, leaving me and her alone at the very top. (Y/N) looked around curious but, I began to speak, making her go silent.

        "(Y/N)....I wanted to bring you here because there is something I need to confess to you.... The first day I laid eyes on you, those many years ago...something told me that I could never hurt you....after that night...I was determined to see you again, no matter the cost. When I found out what school you went to I took that as my opportunity to find you again but...we all know what happened...The night I found you...when I hurt you...I am so sorry..I am sorry for all the harsh things I have done to you and I am hoping that you will forgive me....but the reason I brought you up here was to tell you that....that I like you (Y/N) are the most beautiful, sweet, innocent, and nicest person I have met in my life...I want you to be mine...I will never hurt you...I will only put my hands on you to make you feel better.....". 

        The tiny space we were in was silent. I looked down, thinking that this was a sign as no but, I felt something warm placed on my cheeks. I looked up slowly and saw (Y/N) looking at me with crystal tears in her eyes and a large smile on her face. She pulled me close and whispered softly to me saying "Yes...I will....I will be your girlfriend". She then pulled me into a tight hug. When I heard her response, something warm filled my heart, something that hadn't been there in a long time. I slowly pulled away from (Y/N) gripping her chin gently with my forefinger and thumb lifting her head slowly, gently placing my lips on hers.

        We sat like this for minutes. We finally stopped when we heard a soft tap on the glass and saw that we had to get out off. I smiled softly at (Y/N) getting out first and extending my hand for her to grab as she exited. When she was back on the ground I slowly intertwined my fingers with her, walking off towards the large circus tent. 

        I felt so happy. I have (Y/N) as a girlfriend! This whole night feels like a dream and if it is...I hope I never awake from something so beautiful....

( I am so sorry about the late post!!!! T^T I have had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on and I had to take my little brother trick or treating by myself. I is back now and have brought this as your late Halloween present :D I hope you enjoyed and one more thing *HUGS* you all have brought this story to about 400 reads :'D I have gained followers from this and it may seem like nothing but to me, this is a huge surprise :) Thank you to everyone who reads when I post :D I love you <3

        Love~ Natsu <3

P.S I may be starting an Eren x Reader story along with this :3 comment below on what yout think :D

                                                                        Have a great day!!!! :D

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