Ride Or Die - KidLucas

By BeenTrappin

44.1K 1.2K 222

Will Jayda ride or die for Lucas ? Read and find out what happens . More

School .
Surprises And A Chill Day
Bestfriend .
My Ex .
Gone .
Authors Note .
You Made A Mistake .
Anyone ?
Im Trying .
New Flame .
What? Pt. 1
What? Pt. 2
Please .
We back .
Hmmmm .
New story !
Thank You .
Working .
Our Night Pt. 1

Our Night Pt 2

1.3K 59 18
By BeenTrappin

* Getting ready for prom *
• Jaydas POV •
I got out the shower and dried off .
I lotioned up and slipped on my dress .
I put on my heels and accessories then got ready for my aunt to do my make up .
* 20 minutes later *
She finished my make up and I checked the time .
7:50 . Prom starts at 8 so Lucas should be here .
Knock , Knock !
Well i guess that's him .
I opened the door and he stood there holding my corsage. It had a gold ribbon to tie on my wrist with small pretty white roses on it .
I hugged him and gave him a kiss .
I looked behind to see that he was
driving an all black Audi .
"Oh my lord . My babies" my mom said wiping her eyes
I felt embarrassed for a second .
"Cmon lets take pictures before you go"
she says pulling out her phone .
We posed , made silly faces and everything .
I hugged my mom good bye and walked out to Lucas's car .
He opened the door for me and I got in .
He jogged to the other side and got in .
He ain't even say nothing he just proceeded to drive down the street to our school .

• Lucas POV •
"You stupid" Jay said laughing at Meech and Lo dancing and shit .
She was enjoying herself so I mean I was happy .👌
A couple minutes passed and they played more slow songs .
"Can I have this dance" I chuckled and flashed her a smile .
"Yes" she smiled and I took her hand in mine .
She laid her head on my chest as we danced around for a while .
I looked over and saw Zay dancin with his lil date .
Sadly the song was over and we sat back down .
Jay sat on my lap .
"They got drinks right" she looked at me .
"Like alcohol?"
"Yeah nigga" she laughed.
"Yeah I herd they allowed us to have it now" I chuckled .
"Oh well im bout to go get some"

Jayda stumbled around cause her ass gon get drunk . 😂
The crew and I just decided to head to the hotel .
I took Jayda to the room and laid her down .
But something got to her cause she was all touchy feely and stuff .
"Im tired of playin games. I want you Lucas" She whispered .
But I mean I guess you know where it went from there 😼.
|| The next morning ||
Jaydas POV
I woke up and I was naked but I was under the covers.
Lucas was just walkin out the bathroom .
"Good morning baby" he said .
"Morning" I said back .
I thought back to last night .
I can't believe I had sex with him .
And niggas didnt even use a condom .
You can't get pregnant your first try right?
Maybe I'm just over thinking this .
Im not pregnant .
I got up out the bed and was wobbly .
Lucas dumb ass gon yell "ROUND 2" while I'm walkin to the dresser where he put some of his clothes in.
I put on some panties and on of his big white tees .
I crawled back in bed and got on my phone .
I got a message from Mariah .
"M: Damn quiet down . Lucas must be hittin it good 😂"
I laughed and put my phone down and took a little nap cause my legs was sore and we gotta leave the hotel soon .
Dooooonttttttt worrryyyyyyy.
Shes not getting pregnant.
maybe 😼😹
But Naaah ion know if she should .
Probably not this early.
But I need more answers. 😫,
If a baby "somehow" happens 😹 ( later on ) should it be a Boy or a Girl ?
300+ votes and almost 6k reads . ❤️
Im so happy 😊
I remember when I hit 50 reads and I was happy but now I'm almost at 6k.
Thank you . 😘
Excuse any mistakes
Vote and Comment please 💭💕
-Love Taty

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