"Just" Friends

By RavenBubblesUwU

22 4 0

Elle Winston has been friends with Park Jimin for years. Elle goes aboard for a year to try to get over her f... More

Chapter Two

Chapter One

8 1 0
By RavenBubblesUwU

I sit in my window seat waiting for my plane to touch down. Even though I'm super excited to be going back home I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Almost like nervous churning. Probably just the breakfast burrito from that sketchy Mexican restaurant. I sigh, grabbing my shirt over my stomach and contort my face.

"Knew I should have just skipped breakfast." I say under my breath so no one else can hear me. My phone pings a familiar Ring Ding Dong by SHINee. I immediately smile to myself knowing who it is. I open my text messages and read the new text in my inbox.

SuperMochiChim~ Have you landed yet?
Before I can respond to his text, Jimin immediately sends another.

SuperMochiChim~ Know what, I think Im just gonna ditch you and get some Panda Express 😉

I roll my eyes and quickly sent a response.

Me~ You better NOT!!😡

SuperMochiChim~ I wouldnt im too nice😉 besides I have someone I want you to meet.

As I read that last text the churning in my stomach amplifies. Signaling to me that what I'm feeling isn't because of the breakfast burrito.

I think about what to reply next. Unsure if I'm excited to meet this said 'someone'. As I'm thinking the announcement system comes on and the flight attendant asks us to Kindly disconnect from the plane Wi-Fi. She continues and also asks us to buckle our seatbelts. Silently thanking her for her perfect timing all I text back is:

Me~ have to disconnect from Wi-Fi. Landing soon.

After sending that last text I put my phone in my back pocket. I look out of the plane window seeing the familiar landscapes of my home country. Trying not to think Jimin and his person he wants me to meet.

The plane lands 20 minutes later and my nerves I'd forgotten about sky rocket. I've only been gone for a year but a lot can happen in a year. We sit in our seats waiting for the ok from the flight attendant. A few short minutes later she comes on and wishing us safe travels to our next destinations.

I patiently wait for the two gentleman next to me to exit into the isle before I make my way over. Going slowly as to not bump into them or others waiting. When I finally get into the isle I turn and grab my suitcase from the overhead compartment. I pass by the captain and flight attendant and give them a polite nod of my head as a farewell. I step through the tunnel connecting the plane and the building. When I make my way to the end of tunnel I'm greeted by a crowded room of people. The first person I recognize is my older sister Peggy. I quickly run over to her, carefully dodging people. When we reach each other we end up in a tight embrace.

"Elle!" Peggy exclaims. "I'm so happy your back! I've missed you so!!"

"Me too!" I say back. We pull back from each other and she immediately goes to examining me from head to toe. I laugh realizing she hasn't changed on bit. From her gorgeously groomed pink hair to her perfectly fitted clothes.

"Still the fashionista as ever. Should I twirl for you too?" I say sarcastically with a smile. Peggy ignores my comment and continues to examine me. From my curled hair, flannel, ripped jeans, and black and white converse. My makeup isn't anything special just some concealer and foundation with some mascara.

"Did you get prettier!?" Peggy let's out a surprised gasp.

"No your just imagining things." I say nonchalantly, while hiding my smile. Oh how I've missed her. Well I guess I may have tried a little today for someone. Peggy laughs at my comment clearly not believing me.

"You totally got prettier little sis."

"Where's Jimin?" I say when I suddenly hear my name being called. I turn around and smile when I see a certain silver haired boy.

"Jimin!-" I falter slightly seeing a girl next to him, standing pretty close. Dread fills the pit of my stomach.

"Elle," Jimin reaches us and instantly I'm pulled into a hug. A friendly hug.

"I'm so glad you're back." Jimin says breathing into my hair. I feel a slight tingle in my chest. I smile hugging him back tightly. Not in a friendly way. I pull away from him when the other girl. In a sort of 'ok you can be done now' kind of cough. Jimin moves back to stand by her. I could have sworn I saw some reluctance. It was only for a second. Was it even really there?

"Elle, this is my girlfriend. Kim Yong-sun." Kim Yong-sun gives me a brilliantly bright smile. Proud to hear those words from Jimin's mouth, she bows her head towards me in greeting.

"So nice to finally meet you!" Yong-sun says overly happy. I honestly can't tell if she's actually happy or just mocking me. Either way I'm still polite and bow my head in greeting back.

I make a genuine smile and say "Same, glad to meet you too." I didn't actually feel happy to meet her. In the least.

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