Thor VS Shao Khan

By Dragonhardt

17 0 0

Battle of two mighty warriors, the Might Conqueror of Outwolrd faces off against the Mightiest Asier More

Thor VS Shao Khan

17 0 0
By Dragonhardt

The Mortal Kombat tournament, was seemingly won, Raiden though was still confused his amulet was still damaged he was getting visions of the future saying he must win and he was sure it was Liu-Kang, but now he wasn't sure, as he was with Jax who had a cigar in his mouth, though he was sure one thing Earthrealm was ssafe from Shao Khan's conquest, or so he thought standing on one of the monasteries of the Shaolin temple balcony, when he was approached by the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung, who approached them as Jax had finished insulting The Sorcerer, "Here to congratulate us on our victory sorcerer?" Raiden replied with some smugness though he hid it well, Jax however was confused "huh Shang Tsung??" Raiden turned to face him as Jax threw out his Cigar as raiden was first to comment "You've been revitalized, I see. I didn't realize your master was in the habit of rewarding failure"

The sorcerer merely Replied with "the emporer has an offer, Raiden. A new tournament." Raiden scoffed "I see no reason to Participate in any plans of yours." Raiden crossed his arms as Shang Tsung explained the new tournament would replace the system of ten that had been working for a while for a Single tournament and the stakes are the same, if outworld would win it would be absorbed into Outworld, however if earth-realm won then Shao Khan would abandon his claim to it forever, Raiden just told Shang Tsung to send the emperor his regards.

as Raiden turned to look away he noticed something, Some priests have arrived at the monastary not shaolin but Norse Worshipers seeking refuge, The Norse gods have had somewhat a steady relationship with the elder gods and gods of earthrealm, though they lived in seperate dimensions, however Raiden soon heard a protal open and saw many tarkatans rushing through arms blades extended ready to kill in the emperors name as Raiden was enraged. he attacked shang Tsung as Jax went to go hold off the attacking force, he held his own however he was overwhelmed and knocked out as raiden out of the corner of his eye noticed one of the worshipers were killed as the others fought on with sword, axe and spear all with shields as he wasn't calling a storm as thunder and lighting was crackling.

The fighting had stopped as many looked up and from looking up there crashing down was one of the mightiest of the Asier gods, the Son of Odin; Thor God of thunder lighting and war, as his landing caused a huge rumble and explosions of lighting and thunder, his eyes were glowing thunder was dancing around his body and his hammer: Mjölnir.

Shang Tsung looked terrified, he knew the power the Norse thunder god wielded he disappeared from Raidens view and took sonya blade, as some of the tarkatans tried to fight the angered god, key word is try.
It was a blood bath as more of Raidens allies came over all they saw was this man in strange armour, with red hair and a bloodied hammer in hand as lighting was dancing across his body.

One Johnny cage went up to raiden and asked "who's the red head?" Raiden scowled "that is Thor god of thunder and lighting  and war, an Asier god."
Johnny looked confused "I thought you and the elder gods were the only ones?" Raiden nodded "that is true form you perspective however we share earthrealm with the Norse deities, they are much more war centric and better fighters then the elder gods, more brutal in punishments and overprotective of some mortals." Johnny cage just stared at Thor as he turned around approached Raiden "Who's responsible for this Raiden?" Thor held back his anger as he approached as Raiden bowed respectfully "Lord Thor, an honour, those who are responsible is Outworlds Khan-" Thor righted his grip on his hammer and growled "Shao Kahn!" Raiden had explained what had happened as Jax regained consciousness, he had explained to his allies what Shao khan intended and so he looked to the sky "Elder Gods i accept Shao khans terms, and I request that Thor of the Asier is allowed to join us to help aid us in this new tournament!" A light shined through as a sign the elder gods agreed as they made there way to outworld.

Serval hours later

It was tournament time, Thor was already there as Raiden arrived "Thor your already here?" Thor smirked "Well Shao khan needs to feel my wrath, let me fight Raiden, I'll show Shao khan Asgard's wrath?" Raiden raised a hand of a calming motion "I understand however, I can't risk you yet, your too important to Asgard's survival." Thor was quiet but nodded as Kung Lao stepped up and had fought Shang Tsung and Quan Chi at the same time and won however he fought a Cat like shokan named Kintaro, and it was a close fight but he had won as the outworld people were outraged as he looked to Raiden "you see lord Raiden earth realm is-" Shao khan, snapped Kung Lao's neck as Thor was enraged as Liu Kang was free kitana as he was going to attack as was Raiden declaring he would strip the flesh off of his bones Thor slammed into the outworld Khan knocking him across the arena.

Shao khan growled "Who dares?!" He saw Thor standing there  Mjölnir In hand "SHAO KHAN IN THE NAME OF ASGARD YOU ARE TO ANSWER FOR YOUR CRIMES OF ATTACKING MIDGARD AND KILLING FLIEX TOGRIC, ODINS FAVOURED MORTAL!!" Shao khan laughed and summoned his hammer " HA so Odin sends his lap dog of a son, well then come odinson see if you can claim your so called vengeance!"

Round one: FIGHT!

Thor leaped into the air and brought  Mjölnir down Shao khan moved out of the way as he knew one his from that hammer would kill him as he swung at Thor who parried his hammer as he punched Shao Khan hard and knee him as well, he again brought Mjölnir down and Shao khan blocked it and shoulder bashed into Thor slamming his hammer into the thunder god as he threw energy spears at the thunder god, Thor grunted in pain and snarled as he summoned lighting and aimed Mjölnir at him as it shoots out slamming into the Khan nearly frying him as he panted and roared charging him

"Just die already you Dog!" Shao khan roared as he brought his hammer down Thor swung upwards as the hammers collide cuashing a shockwave pushing people back, Thor stood up he realized his hammer was across the arena he snorted as he held his hand out before he could summon it he felt a sharp pain of a energy spear in his shoulder, he let out a hiss of pain as he snarled and charged Shao khan as he started to punch kick and knee the Khan in a combo as he proved he didn't need Mjölnir to beat the outworld emperor, though shao khan blocked one punch and countered with swings that connected to Thor as one last swing sent him flying  into the wall, Thor got out of it snarled as he was able to summon the hammer to his hand and then threw it, direct hit into the khan though was lucky it didn't kill him, however it left him winded a bit.

Round 2: FIGHT
Getting up Thor laughed "Is this it, IS THIS THE STRENGTH OF OUTWORLD! HA! Even my uncle Loki could beat you!" Shao khan roared in rage charging  the prince of the Asier as Thor charged back they began a pushing contest as it looked like both sides were even however Thor was stronger as he began a combo of blows light hits from Mjölnir and hard blows from hand to hand without it as Shao khan tried everything to hit him, to now avail, as Thor then struck with lighting slammed Mjölnir into the khan as the khan pained and saw more lighting he use his reflective magic shield as it reflected the lighting back to no use, Thor was seemingly immune to it, as he walked forward slowly and gave Shao khan a hard punch dazing the him


Thor first brought his hammer down onto the shoulders ripping  the arms off as the khan screamed in pain as soon summoning lighting he was charged up as he flew up and threw himself down Mjölnir in front as he slammed through the flesh and just caused an explosions of guts and blood what was Shao khan was no more and the crowd was silent as all others looked at Thor as he gave out a victory cry raising his hammer as lighting struck around him and out of him, victory was achieved for Asgard

Thor wins

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