20 Seconds Of Pure Embarrassi...

By amarisisabel

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We don't remember days we remember moments. We remember certain moment that will forever change our perspecti... More

~Rain and Thunder~

To Meet or Not To Meet

55 2 0
By amarisisabel

My sister sprinted out of my bedroom and into kitchen frantically ranting about how much Harry had pissed her off moments ago. we had just gotten a phone call from my brother telling me that he was in trouble with some people and he needed money quick. I told him that i barely had enough money to support myself but then be began begging and telling me about how he let himself get involved with the wrong kind of guys; I just found it easier to give him the money and work it back later then hear about for the rest of my life.

"I don't see why he comes and asks you for money when he knows you can barely make it and he's the one with a full job and pay check!" Marie continued shouting into the refrigerator, aggressively moving the milk out of the way of her Vanilla Bean Frapachino.

" I don't know Marie, you know Harry," Thomas said while flipping through the channel on my TV.

The three of us had been lounging around my apartment al, not really quite sure what to do besides wait around of the Fouth of July Festival. I wasn't planning on going this year, only because I had alot of prepping for school and my job was killing me both metally and physically but when my mom called me and said she was dropping of Marie, I really didnt have a choice. Marie was always really close to me, while she was more distant with our older brother Harry; I never knew why but I figured it was easier to have Marie on my side rather then against me.

Marie walked out of the kitchen with her Frappachino in her hand and a scowl on her face, " Yea I've grown up with him, but that doesnt mean he can just call and expect Blake to give him money when ever he wants."

I let out an annoyed sigh as I scrolled on my phone, looking at the football scores from last night game. "Marie, just give ti a reast, it was a hundred dollars. Its not going to ruin me."

"Blake, you're a good guy, honestly youre, but that doesn't mean you can let Harry walk all over you!" Marie exclaimed from some where in the kitchen.

All I could do was sigh; part of what Marie said was right. I was a nice guy, I alwaysed wanted to help soe one who needed it. But what Marie didn't know, and probably never would, is that Harry gets invovled in the gangs, and never for a good reason. He would go to these bars with random girls he hires to follow him around while he hangs out with his buddies and always ends up finding himself in financal trouble because he was stupid enough to enter a pool or a bet.

Even though it was his own fault I still felt obligated to help him out; even though the past five years he's been nothing but a genuine douche bag to me and Marie, part of me remembers how well we all got along when we were little. If he needed the money I would help him; he let me live with him the last year of high school until I could finally get promoted at work and find a decent apartment. I owed it to him, not just as his brother but as a person.

I glanced over my shoulder and looked at Marie who was standing behind me with a dissapointed look on her face. "Look, let' sjust drop it. He's gone now." I stared at the TV while Thomas continued to flip though the channels. "Do you still want to go to that Fourth of July thing down at the fair grounds?"

Marie sucked her lips for second before sighing in defeat, silently agreeing to move on from the subject. "Yea, when do you guys want to leave?"

"Waoh, wait we're all going?" Thomas asked abruptly, finally deciding to join the conversation.

I couldn't help but glare at my best friend, wondering if wordsjust go through one ear and out the other. "Welcome back to earth, and yes all of us." My phone vibrated in my hand, causing me to slightly jump.

"Why do I have to go?" Thomas whinned like the five year old he was.

Rolling my eyes, I snatched the romote out of his had and changed it to a random channel that showed nothing but murder detective shows all day, "Because, I honestly don't trust you enough to leave you in my apartment alone."

He opened his mouth to protest but wuickly closed it and shurgged. "Good point." He said as he let his attention go back to the show that was half wa though its run time.

I rolled my eyes again and shook my head at how quickly he forget a subject, "Anyway Marie, when do you want to leave to go to the fair?"

She looked at the clock on her phone," In a couple of minutes, don't wanna get there too late or else the lines will be incredibly long." I nodded my head as I looked at my phone to see why it vibrated and I felt myself smile when I realized it was text from Reanah.

From: Reanah :)

Hey (:

I hadn't talked to her much since Sara cornered me at Grimialdi's, I can tell it was awkward for both us, not just because she was my ex-girlfriend who had cheated on me right when our senior year was beginning but mostly because I was completely in love with another girl and I was pretty sure that Reanah had feelings for me too.

To: Reanah (:

Hey (: whats up?

I could never admit to her that I loved her though; it's completely wrong and just that fact that I talk to her is creepy but I can't help that I was attracted to her. She was just so different from any girl I had every met. She was the exact opposite of Sara, in every single way possible and I loved it. I couldn't explain but I know I loved her, I've know since the day we hung out in her art studio. I look at the pictures we took, us just joking around, me wearing a sombrero trying to make a sexual face while she wore black square rim glasses with tape on the bridge and I feel happy.

From: Raenah (:

I was wondering, are you going to the fourth of July thing?

I honestly didn't expect for her to ask that question; sometimes I forget that we grew up in the same town, went to the same school, possibly even had the same lunch period. I forget that I could drive ten minutes and be at her house and most of all, I forget that she is still a teenager. She definitely did't act a teenager that's for sure. When I talk to her it' s like I'm talking to an 18 year old girl, not a 14 year old still in school.

To: Reanah (:

um yea :) taking my sister. why?

Reanah was just a remarkable girl. I couldn't explain but she was always on my mind and I would really do anything for her.

From: Reanah (:

oh okay well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? I mean if you don't want to thats okay but i dunno, if you want to..

For a moment, I felt my heart skip a beat, and my hands became slightly more moist as I pondered the idea of walking around the fair grounds with Reanah. Then the realization dawned on me; I am a 18-year-old man, and this is a 14-year-old girl. What would people think if they saw me looking at her too long, or I hugging her too long, our my hand accident touches her's in the wrong spot? We could easily go from harmless to a major threat in matter of seconds.

"Hey man," Jeremy broke me out of my daze. "What's wrong?"

"What? oh I'm just... thinking about something." I said trying to play if off so he wouldn't ask any further questions.

Jeremy gave an annoyed look. "Come on man. We've known each other since we were in diapers and you insist on giving me that kind of excuse? Really?"

I let out a sigh of frustration; It's amazing how much this guy knows me. "I can't decide if I should meet up with Reanah or not." I whispered to him, afraid that my sister could be close enough to hear our conversation.

"Dude! You should totally do it!" He practically shouted and his voiced echoed through out my apartment.

My eyes shot open and I quickly placed my hand over his mouth. "Why do you have to be so damn loud! Jesus. Would it kill you to whisper?"

He rolled his eyes and moved my hand from his mouth. "Okay, okay, sorry man. But you should meet up with her."

"I don't know man, what if people think I'm like a pedophile?"

"Man, no one will think that. They will just see two teenagers enjoy each other's company and having a good time! Plus, when will you ever get the opportunity to just hang out with her like this in public?"

As much as I hated to admit it, Jeremy was right. There would never another chance for us to hang out in public without getting any confused or worried looks. Plus, I really wanted to see her again. She was such an amazing girl; everything about her was just fascinating. She was the kind of girl that you could know for an entire lifetime and still find out something new about her everyday. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about her. "Okay, I will hang out with her."

Jeremy jokingly punched my arm, "That's my boy!"

To: Reanah (:

I'll see you tonight :)


Ah! all of you should love me :) I know I've been MIA for a while but that's because high school is kicking my ass. But now that I am on Winter Break I have a lot of time to write so expect some ore updates and new stories. Even though this is shorter then my usual amount I couldn't stand to not update any more! Soon I will finish up in Blake's perspective and you guys should love me even more after the next chapter ;)

But if you're bored after reading this you guys should check my tester for a new story I have coming up call 'Gender Wars' and or check out "playing for Keeps' :) I will be updating both really soon guys.

Even though this needs to be edited extremely bad but I couldn't stand to not update for you guys! Okay Mwah! bye loves.

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