A Search For Something More

By HAKDurbin

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Rough Draft is a senior in Canterlot High who writes Star Wars fan fiction and dreams of finding love. He's a... More

Chapter 1: Introducing Rough Draft
Chapter 2: Pinkie Pie's Party
Chapter : The Date
Chapter 4: Octavia's Concert
Chapter 5: The Day After The Vandalism
Chapter 6: Welcome to the E.M.R.
Chapter 7: The Dazzlings' Trail
Chapter 8: To Interrogate an Ex-Siren
Chapter 9: The Truth
Chapter 10: The School Day after the Trial
Chapter 11: Artists and Arcades
Chapter 12: An Olive Branch
Chapter 14: A Fancy Ball
Chapter 15: E.M.R. Meeting
Chapter 16: Carmel's Double Date
Chapter 17: The Date
Chapter 18: Present Hunt
Chapter 19: Rumors
Chapter 20: Striking The Heart
Chapter 21: The Fight
Chapter 22: One Last Try
Chapter 23: To A Less Bittersweet Year
Chapter 24: Back to School
Chapter 25: 17, 25, and 36
Chapter 26: A New Look
Chapter 27: Sunset Shimmer's Song
Chapter 28: Valentine's Day
Chapter 29: Caramel the Farmer
Chapter 30: The Magic of Music
Chapter 31: A New Story
Chapter 32: Another Night to Remember
Chapter 33: Birthday Surprises
Chapter 34: To Woo Applejack
Chapter 35: Sonata's Choice
Chapter 36: Stories in the Park
Chapter 37: Magic at the Pep Rally
Chapter 38: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 39: The Truth about Octavia Melody
Chapter 40: Encounters at the Mall
Chapter 41: A Painful Interrogation
Chapter 42: Healing at Canterlot General
Chapter 43: Sunset Shimmer's Day
Chapter 44: Carmel Bear's Courage
Chapter 45: Surprises at the Sweet Apple Acres Barn
Chapter 46: Letters
Chapter 47: Unexpected Visits
Chapter 48: To Approach A Broken Person
Chapter 49: A Long Waited Round of Apologies
Chapter 50: So It Begins
Chapter 51: A Picnic on the Roof
Chapter 52: Together with the Music
Chapter 53: Ice Cream and a Story Fully Told
Chapter 54: Back to the Crystal Pavillion
Chapter 55: Renewing a Fragile Alliance
Chapter 56: The Hunt Begins
Chapter 57: Civil War
Chapter 58: A Fight for Love
Chapter 59: Graduation
Chapter 60: Welcome Home

Chapter 13: Meeting the Parents

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By HAKDurbin

We walk for about an hour until we make it to juvenile hall. A security guard checks us and escorts us to a room where friends and family are visiting kids. The guard guides us to sit in one of the tables while on the other side, another guard escorts Sonata to sit on the other side of the table. She is wearing an orange shirt and pants, and her hair had been cut to only reach her shoulders. She sits down, giving us a small appreciative smile on her face that we return.

"Hello, Sonata," Octavia says. "How are you doing here?"

Sonata lets out a deep sigh before she answers, "I'm doing okay, I guess. It's still a little scary to be in here, and there's not a whole lot of especially nice kids, but I'm managing."

"Yeah, we heard as much from the others who visited you," I say. "By the by, sorry I tased you and all that."

"Eh, it's all good," she says with a shrug. "I dove in to save Dagi, and that meant getting several nasty volts through me, so I had it coming. If anything, I should thank you. I would never have known Adagio would abandon me like that, and I feel a little happier to be with you guys and the Rainbooms since you guys have been so nice to me after my trial."

"You seem strangely okay about that," I say concerned "Are you fine with that and giving the police information about Adagio and Aria?"

Sonata's face falls for a moment until she reluctantly says, "It does hurt that she did that, and I do feel a little guilty about talking to the police, but maybe it's for the best that I do this. Maybe it'll clear my mind after everything I did with them for over a thousand years, and it will give me a chance to move on with my life."

"Yes, but they were kind of your sisters," Octavia points out. "Are you sure you can live with betraying them after a thousand years?"

Sonata's frown deepens at that question. There is a hint of guilt in her eyes as she looks away from us with a small tear coming out of her eye. Octavia regrets asking the question, and I'm about to tell Sonata that she doesn't have to answer, but she wipes away the tear and looks back at us.

"Sorry, it's just...I don't know if I even want to call them that anymore," she says with a sniff. "I want to believe that Adagio didn't mean to leave me behind and that it's just out of fear of whatever spooked her and Aria. But at the same time, I...I don't care anymore. It's like I said back at Vinyl's place. I've tried my best for them despite how ditzy and confused I can be, yet they still ridiculed me and insulted me even if we were supposed to survive as a team. They may have wanted me to come with them back to Equestria back when we attacked the school for all I know, but after Dagi abandoned me..." she sniffs again before tears run down her eyes before she cries, "T-that was the last straw! I-i may as well have taken a bullet for her, and that's the thanks I get? She left me all alone with people who are chasing us? I should count myself lucky I was captured by kind and caring people like you two as opposed to some gangsters or something! I just..."

She cries, covering her face with both hands. Octavia and I sit there on the other side of the table, feeling sorry for what she's going through. Clearly, something is amiss if something drove Sonata's sister to abandon her. Maybe something else has come here from that Equestria world or something. Whatever the reason, they left Sonata behind, and it hurts to watch her feel like her world has been taken apart by Adagio's actions.

I clear my throat and kindly say, "Just for the record, Sonata, I think I can speak for both Octavia and me when I say if they didn't have the rule against touchin inmates we'd be hugging you for comfort right now."

Sonata chokes out a chuckle in the middle of her sobs.

"Thanks. That's nice to know," She says with a sniff before she regains her posture. "I'm okay now. Really. It's just a little hard to try to get over it after a thousand years. Kinda all the more reason why I hope I get freed and sent to the Apple girl's family and start over."

"We understand completely," Octavia says kindly yet firmly. "By the way, is your new haircut part of you starting over?"

Sonata makes a small chuckle before she answers, "More or less. I figure if I am going to start over, maybe, I should cut my hair. Honestly, I think it looks cute."

"Yeah, I think so, too," I say. Sonata blushes nervously at that, and Octavia gives me a hard glare. I mouth to her, "I don't mean in that way!" and she scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Sorry, Tavi," Sonata quickly explains. "It's just that I don't get complimented by boys very often even when I was a siren. Dagi and Aria were the ones that got the most attention with the guys."

"It's alright," Octavia says plainly before she glares and says. "Just remember that mine's off-limits."

"Totally," Sonata says with a giggle. "Though who knows? Maybe I'll go back to Canterlot High and find a cute guy who'll forgive me and date me for me."

"You're considering going back to the school if you are freed?" I ask. "Don't get me wrong, everyone in our group will have your back without question - same with the Rainbooms, but while I'm on uneasy terms with Sunset Shimmer, I know that she didn't gain everyone else's trust right away."

"I know," Sonata says sadly. "But it's worth a try. I know it won't happen overnight, but if they forgave her, I'd like to think they'll eventually forgive me too. Though why are you unhappy with Sunset Shimmer? Doesn't everybody love her now?"

I get a little uneasy at her question that I should have expected in hindsight. Octavia doesn't hesitate to take my hand and squeeze it for comfort. I turn to her and give her an appreciative smile before I turn to Sonata and say, "Sorry, that...that's a story for another time."

"Okie dokie," she says bubbly, which makes Octavia and I chuckle.

Suddenly, we hear a ringtone coming from Octavia's pocket. She takes her phone out, looks at who is calling, and grumbles in annoyance.

"It's my mother again. I'm so sorry, could you just excuse me for just one moment?" She asks, and both Sonata and I make quick nods. She stands up and walks to the exit answering her phone and starts talking in a whispered, irritated voice. I look her curious and a little worried about what was going on between her and her mom. Respecting her privacy, I turn back to Sonata again to find her giving me a sly grin.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You two are such a loving couple," She says in a cute yet smug voice.

"Oh no, we're just together. We're not in love yet. I certainly hope we will soon, though," I explain.

Sonata tries to cover her mouth as she makes a cute girly giggle and says, "Keep telling yourself that, lover boy. You can only deny it for so long."

"Uh...no offense, but what would you know?" I say back. "You've only seen us together in like what? Two separate days? You can't say for sure, just like that."

"Oh, I can tell plenty just from seeing you two together right now," She says before leaning a little closer to me with a smug smile on her face. "Come on. I know you totally loooooooooooove that girl. Admit it."

I try to think of some comeback trying to deny it. Like maybe I could explain to her how Soarin and Caramel convinced me to wait a while before I can think that I'm in love with Octavia. But while I was thinking about it, I turn to look at Octavia, and the words I was about to say died in my throat. Despite looking annoyed while talking to her mom, I couldn't help but think of all that we've done together over the past month. The talks, the movie dates, Sugarcube Corner, her concert, the kiss that made us officially a couple - it flows through my mind. It was at that moment that despite my best friends' advice, that I knew I couldn't hide it anymore.

"Yes. I do," I whisper.

"You do what? Come on, say it," Sonata demands in a teasing tone.

I take a deep breath and say loud enough that only Sonata can hear, "I'm in love with Octavia."

"AWWWW!" Sonata exclaims in joy. The people around us look at her funny, but she doesn't pay any mind. "This is so cute! Finally admitting you love your girlfriend! Oh, that is so romantic!"

"Yeah, yeah, keep it down," I hush. "Even if I admit it, that doesn't mean she feels the same. I'm just waiting until the right time where I know that she loves me back."

Sonata rolls her eyes at me.

"Oh, get a clue, Rough Draft," she says. "It's obvious that she loves you too."

"How would you know?" I ask.

Sonata giggles at my query, trying hard to cover it up with her hand.

"Oh my goodness, you're so dense it's adorable," she says. "Haven't you noticed how she looks at you or how she was so quick to try to comfort you when I asked why you dislike Sunset Shimmer? Or how she was glaring at you because I blushed when you said you like my haircut and then acted a little possessive of you? I may be ditzier than I want to admit, but even I'm not that ditzy. She clearly loves you back."

"You think so?" I ask.

"Oh, I know so," she answers cheerfully. "I may have lived for over a thousand years, causing hate against both people and ponies, but when we weren't doing that, I can see when a couple together are really in love with each other. Answer me this, does she like to spend time with you and support you on things you like to do."

"Well...yeah," I say admittingly.

"Well, there you go," she says. "Couples may do that when they only like each other too, but I can tell during this whole visit that's not all she thinks of you. She loves you for realsies, and she's just waiting for you to take that step."

I turn to Octavia, who is still arguing with her mom on the phone. I think about how she apologized after Pinkie Pie chased us out of Sugarcube Corner but late encouraged me that I'll make the stories I want to make, making me part of the E.M.R. so I can to fight any future magical encounters with her, when she was happy that I put her in that story and more. She did more for me in over a month than Sunset Shimmer did in three months. She says she's dating me because I'm the most caring and sensitive guy she's ever met, and that means a lot to her. The more I think about it, the more Sonata's words make sense. It must be true. Octavia loves me back.

"You know what Sonata, I think you're right," I say confidentiality. "I'm going to confess my love for her."

"Yay!" Sonata cheers bubbly. "How are you going to do it?"

"I...have no idea," I say, scratching the back of my head. "I kinda just accepted that I'm in love five minutes ago, remember?"

"Oh yeah," she says, giggling at her mistake. "Well, take her on a date. Like dinner and a movie or something."

I scratch my chin in thought.

"You know, that's not a bad idea," I say. "Come to think of it, we haven't gone on a real date since before we got together."

"For realsies? You totally should fix that ASAP!" She exclaims. "Just find a nice place and have dinner and maybe go for a walk, and then you guys could sit on a bench, and then you make this lovely speech that ends in you confessing that you are deeply in love with her. Eeeek! That's just so romantic!"

"Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to do all that word for word, but I'll think of something. Something especially special to her. I guess I'll just start with suggesting that we have a real date this Saturday or something, and we'll take it from there."

Sonata is about to comment on that before a security guard comes behind her to say visiting time is over. Sonata sadly stands up saying, "Aw!" before she turns to me and says, "Let me know how it turns out, okay?"

"Absolutely," I answer. "I'll tell Octavia you said bye and thanks."

"Thank you! Good luck!" She calls back as the guard escorts her back to her cell.

I turn back to Octavia feeling confident that I'm going to tell her I love her. As I walk toward her, she has just finished her phone conversation, still feeling annoyed. She turns to me and asks, "Where's Sonata?"

"She just went back to her cell," I say

"Ugh, more good news," she says, frustrated.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Do you have anything planned this Saturday?" She asks back.

"Actually I was just about to-"

"Well, you do now. You're going to meet my parents and then we are going to the Manehatten Ball."

"Wait, what?!" I exclaim as she grabs my shirt and drags me away.


"Octavia, can you please just tell me what is going on?" I ask, irritated. Octavia dragged me from juvenile hall to a tuxedo store and practically barged in and demanded the owner to start measuring me for a tux right away. The owner wasted no time in taking me by the hand and began taking measurements with Octavia standing next to us with an annoyed look on her face.

"I told you. You're meeting my parents and going with us to Manehattan on Saturday," She answers plainly.

"Yeah, I got that. But could you be more specific?" I protest.

Octavia huffs before she elaborates.

"When my mother called me before we went to visit Sonata, she announced that we're taking a trip back to Manehattan this Saturday for the Manehatten Ball. It's a dance that we went to every year back when we lived there, and she wants us to go again for old times sake and say hi to old friends. I argued that I want to stay where with my new friends and with you."

"Yeah, have I mentioned before that I'm glad I make you happy?" I say a little flattered.

"Enough times," She says without missing a beat. "Anyway, she said she respected my wishes, and that seemed to be the end of it, but then she called me while we were visiting Sonata and said she had a 'fantastic' idea. She said if you mean so much to me, then we should kill two birds with one stone and have you finally meet her and my father before the four of us drive for three hours just to go to this bloody ball."

I stare at her as the tuxedo guy is making me try different coats.

"Okay, a couple of things," I say. "First, why in the world does your mother think it's a good idea for me to come with you guys right after I had just met her and your dad? Second, why does she think she can just make me do that without my own parents' consent for me to go all the way there? Third, how am I going to pay for a tux? Fourth, do people still have balls in this day and age? Cause when I hear the word ball as in a dance, I pretty much think Cinderella. And finally, does she really think that she can just take a guy who's lived in a small town most of his life and now living in a suburb to some fancy dance that he doesn't know how to act in that kind of environment?"

Octavia huffs before she says, "To answer your first two questions, my mother is a very stubborn woman. She usually doesn't take no for an answer, and she's not very good at thinking things through. She may be trying to live a normal life like my father and me, but she's still so used to the high-class life that she would try to buy you from your parents if that means getting what she wants. To answer your third question, I'm going to pay for your tux. Next question, yes, people still have balls. To answer your last question, we'll have to go over a few dances and how to behave in my old society. You're not going to be perfect on such short notice, but frankly, I'd rather you only know some things while still being the guy I'm happily dating than having you act completely like everyone else there. And if my parents don't like it, that's their problem."

"Well, that much works for me," I say before the tuxedo guy drags me over to one of the dressing rooms and gives me a complete tux to wear. Annoyed at the guy's attitude, I put the tux on and step out with Octavia and the tux guy waiting for me.

"Well, it fits me fine," I say. "How do I look?"

Octavia smiles as she walks over to me and gives me a peck on the cheek and says, "You're going to be the most handsome guy at the ball."

I smile back and peck her on the lips as thanks before she turns to the tux guys and says, "We'll take it." The tux guy rolls his eyes before walking to the cash register to start the purchase.


For the next two days, Octavia and I went to my house after school, and she taught me the basics of how to act for the ball. Octavia didn't want to teach me at her place because of her mother - as Octavia puts it, "wants this boy who's dating her daughter to be a surprise." My parents weren't on board with me doing his on short notice, but once Octavia explained the deal about her mom, they hesitantly relented. By Friday, Octavia had told me the basics of how to act and started teaching me how to dance. Currently, Octavia is teaching me how to waltz...which I'm not doing very well.

"Dang it, I keep stepping on your foot," I complain. "I told you I suck at dancing."

"Oh, don't be such a child," Octavia ridicules while rubbing her foot. "Yes, it's a little hard to get used to, but I'd appreciate it if you learn it with a sense of maturity."

"I can't make any promises," I say back. "Who makes it so important to know how to waltz anyway?"

"Well, it's like I told you before; the high-class people in Manehatten are very traditional people," She explains. "Just as my family prefers to perform very fancy and traditional music, these people like to carry on the old ways of judging people based on wealth, demeanor, fancy scenery, acting proper, and of course having fancy talents like playing classical music or knowing how to dance."

"Okay, why are we doing this when you don't want me to be like these people again?" I ask, annoyed.

"Because while I don't give a flying feather about these people, I also would like things to go as smooth as possible. We come, we put up with it for a couple of hours, and then we leave. I know it's going to be tricky since you are more into things like science fiction and video games, but the less attention we make, the less we hopefully have to deal with these people, " Octavia said.

"Gotcha," I say. "For the record though, if anyone asks what I do for hobbies and what I write and they mock me when I answer, I don't care how they react or if your parents disapprove. I'll make fun of them back."

"As your girlfriend, you have my blessing for if it comes to that, Rough Draft," Octavia says calmly. "But I warn you that my mother is as stiff-necked as they come. Say or do one thing wrong, and she'll disapprove of our relationship so much that we'll have to date in secret like Romeo and Juliet."

I stand still for a moment and gulp nervously.

"Fine, no pressure for me," I say sarcastically.

"I know that's saying a lot," Octavia says kindly. "But on the bright side, this means we're finally taking that step on our relationship where you meet my parents. Because let's be honest, I only had to meet your parents because you were so determined to have all our movie dates at your place. That said, it's a big step for me personally to act like I have a more normal life by introducing my (relatively) normal boyfriend to my parents who have lived their lives in that kind of society, and that means a lot to me."

I give her a small smile before I walk over her, wrap my arms around her waist and say, "Well, if it means that much to you, I'll be sure to do my best, Dearie."

She smiles back and gives me a deep kiss before she says, "I appreciate it, darling...but you still need to think of a better nickname for me."

"I figured you'd say that," I said plainly. "So...let's try that dance again."


It took a few tries, but eventually, I got enough of the gist of dancing 'fancy' to satisfy Octavia. We end the night with me walking her home, and we kiss at her front door as usual.

"Now, don't forget, be here in your tux at 2:30 sharp. We're leaving at 3:00, and my mother would like to inspect you before we go," She says after the kiss.

"As you wish, Dearie," I say. "Also, if there are any other tips on how to please your mother, now might be the best time."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Rough Draft," She says encouragingly. "Just be nice and polite, and you'll be fine."

"Are you sure? You just said a couple of hours ago that she's really strict or whatever," I counter.

"I know what I said," She responds. "But I think after these lessons, you'll manage to impress my mother."

"Well, what about your dad? Shouldn't I focus on impressing him too?" I ask.

"Not really. He's a pretty easy going guy compared to my mother, who is the decision-maker of the two, so he'll probably like you easily."

"Works for me," I say before I continue with my best impression of her accent, "So could I have one more kiss before I go please my lady?"

Octavia giggles before she answers, "Your accent is unnecessary, but since you asked so nicely..."

She wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a long kiss. When we part, she points her finger at me and says, "2:30. Sharp," and then turns around and enters her house.



I arrive at Octavia's front door two minutes early, so I decided to stand around until the clock on my phone says 2:30. I start to regret my decision because I'm burning inside my tuxedo. It's a little warm outside, and since my parents are out, I had to walk over here.

Finally, the clock says 2:30, and I raise my hand to knock when suddenly the door opens to reveal Octavia in a long, glittering white dress and wearing gloves that go to her elbows and pearl earrings. She has an amused look on her face as she says, "You know Rough Draft, I love that you're trying to be as punctual as I asked you to be, but there's nothing wrong with being a little early."

But instead of responding, I just stare at her. It was as if I was back in her concert in awe of her in her red dress while she played the cello. The dress truly complimented her, and the earrings and gloves gave a lovely sense of class. She is beautiful.

I snap out of my thoughts when she clears her throat, looking even more amused.

"You should take a picture, it will last longer," She teases.

"We excuse me if I'm dating the most beautiful girl in the world," I playfully retorted.

"And it took a nice dress for you to say something like that?" She asks with her eyebrow raised.

"Well, I had hoped it went without saying," I quickly say back. "How else would I have noticed you at the party not one month ago if not by how truly wonderful you look?"

Octavia rolls her eyes and smiles before she walks over and pecks me on the lips.

"Smooth move, Mr. Draft," She says sarcastically. "Now, come on."

She grabs my hand and takes me inside her house. The house itself is a little bigger than most houses in town, but unlike Vinyl's place, it still has a sense of a middle-class home in a suburb. The inside has bigger rooms, but they are filled with fancy looking couches, coffee tables, and several musical instruments from a grand piano to several kinds of flutes, violins, and cellos of different colors and sizes.

"So...what do your parents do again?" I jokingly ask.

Octavia rolls here eyes smiling as she leads me to a room where her parents are sitting on a fancy couch waiting for us. Her father is wearing a nicer looking tuxedo than mine with a white bow tie and a large flower pinned to his back pocket. He has light brown hair that is slowly turning grey and a face that implies that he was of high class but has a kind heart. Her mother, on the other hand, is about a foot taller than her father and is wearing a red dress similar to the one Octavia wore at her concert. She has the same hair as Octavia but is cut shorter, reaching to her shoulders, and the bottom of her hair is curled. Her face looks strict and skeptical, with her eyes half open and a suspicious frown on her face.

"Mother, father, this is my boyfriend, Rough Draft," Octavia says calmly.

I take a couple of nervous steps to her parents, clear my throat, and with a timid voice, I stutter, "G-good evening Mr. And Mrs. Melody. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," I make an uneasy gulp before I continue, "M-Mrs. Melody, you're looking lovely. Uh...your beauty truly explains how I've found such an equally beautiful lady in my life."

From behind, I can hear Octavia smacking her forehead in embarrassment. I turn around to see her pinching her temple.

Suddenly, two hands grab my face by the cheeks and forcefully turn my head around to see Octavia's mother standing close to me with the biggest, widest and scariest smile on her face.


I finally am set free from her hug, but I am terrified at what just transpired. The hug was so tight that I am practically gasping for air. I manage to regain my posture as I manage to say, "T-thank you, Mrs. Melody."

"Oh no need for that, Mr. Draft just call me Tempo. Mrs. Melody makes my skin crawl," she says in a giddy tone.

"Uh... very well...Tempo," I say.

"Oh, you're such a gentleman," she says flattered. "I bet you're going to be the most charming boy at the ball. Now let's get going. I'm going to start the car. Alto, darling, go grab our coats. I'd rather we be prepared in case it's cold over in Manehattan. Don't forget to grab a spare on for our guest."

"Oh come now, Tempo, dear, there's no need. The weatherman said it's going to be perfectly warm over-" Octavia's father protests but is met with Tempo giving him the adorable eyes pout. Just like Pinkie and Octavia before, I clutch my chest in pain and I notice Alto somewhat doing the same thing until he quickly says, "Yes dear," with a cheerful smile, Tempo walks out of the room before Alto gets up from his seat and with a sympathetic smile pats me on the shoulder.

"So sorry you had to experience all that, dear boy," he says with a chuckle. "My wife can be very excited when she wants to be, but don't worry; she can be calm and collective after a while."

"Uh...I'll hold you to that, sir," I say as calmly as possible.

Alto chuckles before he says, "I've been told Octavia has been using that pout on you as well."

I grow slightly annoyed as I rub the side of my chest, where my heart is remembering that day she used that pout just because she wants to see my old stories. Alto chuckles and pats me on the back again.

"Don't worry, young man, you'll get used to it," he says encouragingly. "Date our daughter long enough, and it'll be like accidentally hitting your foot on a table or couch. It hurts right away, but before long, you'll forget it ever happened."

With his "words of wisdom" said, Alto exits the room leaving me to turn around to find Octavia leaning against the door with her arms crossed and an amused smirk on her face.

"Octavia, what in the world was that?!" I shriek. "I thought you said your mom was strict and skeptical!"

"I lied," she answers plainly. "My mother is the most eccentric person in the world, even compared to Vinyl, Lyra, and Bon Bon. For years I've wanted to have a boyfriend meet my parents thinking my mother is stiff-necked and critical only to discover that she's the opposite. I'm pleased that neither you or my mother disappointed me."

"Seriously? You had your mom scar me for life just for your own sick amusement?" I shout disturbed. "Did she even demand that I come with you with you guys to the ball or piss you off?"

"Oh no, that much is true," She answers. "I don't want to go, and she really did have the 'fantastic idea' to have you come with us since she hasn't met you yet. I really didn't want to go for reasons I have already explained in the past, but at the same time, I do want you there to be my comfort for what we're going to put up with. Plus, I wanted payback for your 'I'm Batman' prank."

"Well, don't you think that was kinda overkill?" I ask.

"Perhaps," she admits. "But on the bright side, both she and my father approve of you, and that's what counts." She walks over me and wraps her arms around my neck and whispers in my ear, "Besides, my mother is right. You are a 'cutie woody pie.'"

I shiver at those scarring words her mother said before I try to firmly say, "You call me that again, and I'll dump you on the spot."

"No, you won't," She says, unfazed.

"No, I won't," I admit. "But I would certainly find a way to get back at you. Like, put you in the doghouse or something."

Octavia snickers at my comeback.

"You may try, my darling, but you cannot deny the truth that it is a feat only the girlfriend can accomplish," She says.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," I say with a sigh. "Speaking of which, how much do you intend to use that pout against me in the future? Cause if you plan to be the only decision-maker and the only one driving the car like your mom, if we get married, you may as well tell me now."

Octavia scratches her chin, pretending to be thinking about my question, and playfully says, "Well, if you're a good boy, I might let you drive around the block once in a while."

"Very funny," I said with my eyes half-closed.

"Yes. Yes, it is," she says. "But all joking aside, if we ever get married, I'd rather we be more of a team than anything else."

"That's better," I say pleased.

"Besides, if hypothetically we are married and I want to use the pout to make a big decision for us, that's what all three or four of our children will be for," Octavia continues with a playful smirk and a wink.

I blush at the thought before I quickly say, "Hey, we better get going. Your mom might not be super strict and all, but I imagine she's likes this ball so much that she would want to head out asap."

"Too right you are, Rough Draft," Octavia says. "Ready to see my old world of fancy snobby rich people."

"As ready as I'll ever be, Octavia," I answer. "As ready as I'll ever be."


We start the drive to Manehattan, and Octavia's parents start asking me about myself. Most of it was the basic stuff like do I have any siblings, what year I am in school, how long have I lived in the suburb, and so on.

Eventually, we get into asking what my hobbies are and what I want to do after school, and I reluctantly admit that I currently write fan fiction. They were surprised at first, but they thought it was interesting, which all things considered was a comforting reaction. Octavia herself is pleased with how her parents and I are getting along.

"So tell me, Rough Draft, have you ever been to a ball before?" Tempo finally asks.

"No, I haven't," I answer. "Octavia has been giving me a couple of pointers with how to act and dance and all that."

"Oh goodness, it's only been a couple of months since we moved, and I almost forgot about all that," Tempo says in a worried tone. "I hope I can manage to dance like I used to before the move."

"I'm sure you're going to be fine, dear," Alto encourages. "Still, it's good of you to do that Octavia. I wouldn't want your boyfriend to be completely in the dark about how our life used to be."

"Yeah that reminds me, how do you two feel about the move I may ask?" I ask. "I know how Octavia feels about it, but out of random curiosity-"

"Rough Draft!" Octavia hisses.

"Oh come now, Octavia, no need to get hostile," Tempo says. "It's alright for him to be curious, given the circumstances. Now to answer your question, dear Rough Draft, it's a little challenging for us. We've been living like this all our lives, and it is tricky yet somewhat exciting to live in someplace quieter."

Octavia and I exchange nervous looks thinking about how unquiet things have been at Canterlot High with the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands.

"Yes, it's tricky to adapt," Alto confirms. "But we felt it was best to make a change. We're certainly glad that our little Octavia has been managing the change well with her new friends and of course, getting together with you, dear boy."

I can't help but smile and turn to Octavia and take her hand.

"Well, I'm glad to have met her," I say as Octavia gives me an appreciative smile and squeezes my hand.

"Aww! That's so sweet!" Tempo cooes while watching me to that from the driver mirror.

"Quite," Alto says. "You certainly have more heart than those snooty blokes that have tried to woo Octavia at her old school."

"Yeah, Octavia has told me all about those 'blokes,'" I say before turning to Octavia. "Speaking which, should we expect some of your old classmates at this party?"

"Oh, I wouldn't count on it, darling," Octavia answers. "This is the kind of ball where usually I'm the only kid that comes to this ball."

"Really? Why's that?" I ask.

"Well...how shall I put this? They think this particular ball is too traditional for them. Something only their parents would pay so much attention to while the teens prefer to stay at home and enjoy how rich they are. So I'm the only one there because my parents make me."

"Oh, don't be rude, Octavia," Tempo cheerfully rebukes. "You still have a little fun when we come to this ball."

"Yeah, when I was younger," Octavia grumbles with her arms crossed.

Tempo simply scoffs and went back to focusing on the road.

"Well, at least you won't have to go through it alone," I say comfortably.

Octavia gives me an appreciative smile.

"And I am thrilled with that," she says before she lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around mine.

"Aww," Tempo cooes as she watches us from the driver's seat. Octavia rolls her eyes at her mother but soon closes them, enjoying the embrace. I smile and kiss her head, glad to see her happy.

I really can't wait to tell this girl I love her.


A couple of hours later, we reach Manehattan. I can't help but look at the window, amazed at the tall buildings and all the crowds of people walking down the street.

"Are you amazed at this?" Octavia asks, amused at my demeanor.

"Well yeah," I admit. "I'm an Applelosa child, remember? Most of my childhood was in a small humble town environment. A suburb like Canterlot was intimidating enough when we moved there, so this is kind of overkill. I've seen these kinds of building in movies, but to see them in real life...just holy crap."

Octavia giggles at my amazement.

"You are so cute right now," she says before kissing me on the cheek. "You are going to be the best thing all night."

"I'll do my best," I say, smiling.

After a few minutes, we park next to the building where the ball is taking place. We enter the building where a person at the front desk leads us to the elevator, and Tempo presses the button for the top floor. When we reach the top, there are glass doors where we can see people already inside mingling.

Octavia's parents already let themselves in, but Octavia and I stand at the front doors, both of us feeling a need to take a moment.

Octavia lets out a sigh and then takes my hand and says. "Remember, we've got each others' back. We go in, we put up with it for a couple of hours, and we go out. Alright?"

"Right," I confirm. "Let's get this show on the road."

"Indeed," She says as we walk in.

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