Apollyon x Male Warden Reader

By Jet_The_Knight

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Apollyon, warlord of the Blackstone Legion. She began her campaign to find out those who were strong, who wer... More

Chapter 1: The Cornered Wolf
Chapter 2: Forced Alliance
Chapter 3: Tales of war, intimacy and misplaced faith.
Chapter 4: Breaching the Palace.
Chapter 5: into the Myre
Chapter 7: Friends old and new.
Chapter 8: We are War.
Chapter 9: An old Wolf
The story continues...

Chapter 6: Warfare and its great wisdom

6.8K 110 160
By Jet_The_Knight

Apollyon let out a sigh of content as she watched their kids play. (Y/n) was off hunting with their eldest son, whilst their daughter and youngest son played outside.

Apollyon couldn't help but watch out the window protectively.

"Children! Come inside! It's getting dark, your father and brother should be home with dinner." Apollyon felt herself shout to her little wolves.

"Coming mother!" The two children shouted as they raced to the house.

At the time she could not remember her children's names it was there but she could not figure it out.


Apollyon looked down at herself she felt naked without her armor, dressed in civilian clothes.

An irritated sigh left her throat as she finished cleaning her and (Y/n)'s house (why (Y/n) didn't want a servant she did not know.)

As the kids ran into the house Apollyon frowned.

"Don't run in the house!" She growled out 

Stopping the two in their tracks as they ran up to her.

"I'm sorry mother."

"Me too."

The two kids looked like kicked puppies, and Apollyon would be lying if she didn't feel guilty.

"It is alright my little wolves, please try to refrain from doing it again hmm?" Apollyons said pulling them close to her in a hug.

They tended to do this. as do all kids, be little shits but still bring a sense of contentment to you.

"Yes mama."  Her daughter said hugging her side whilst her son hugged her other side.

A small smile appeared on her face as she hugged them back 

This life wasn't as bad as she thought. 

Just Then the door opened and (Y/n) stepped in the their son following behind a smile on his face. 

Over (Y/n) shoulder was a wild hare, their eldest son held another and a bow he smiled at Apollyon happy.

"I got one mother!" Apollyon let a smile cross her face as she felt pride swell in her chest.

"That you did, I think your a great hunter my little wolf." Apollyon praised whilst the younger siblings greeted (Y/n) with hugs. 

"He did good, clean shot quick kill." (Y/n) stated hugging their kids back.

"Well done, now let us make ready for dinner." Apollyon stated taking the hares.

Whilst the kids played in the living area Apollyon went to prepare dinner (Y/n) following 

As Apollyon went to prepare a soup (Y/n) walked up behind her and snaked his arms onto hers kissing her cheek lovingly.

"What do you think your doing hm?" Apollyon said with a smirk.

"Coming back to my love after a long days work." (Y/n) answered nuzzling his head into Apollyon's neck.

"Behave yourself my love, our children are in the other room." Apollyon warned softly.

"You make it difficult." (Y/n) muttered then (Y/n) looked up distracted

"Hmm." (Y/n) looked up out the window at the dark night thunder in the distance.

"Looks like we're gonna have a storm."

Apollyon looked up at the thunder 


Apollyon slowly opened her eyes and found herself in her sleeping chambers.

The soft tap! Of rain hitting glass panes drew her attention towards the thunderstorm outside.

Still half asleep, Apollyon rolled over and went to place her hand on (Y/n)'s chest for reassurance. 

Puzzled to find herself feeling not a warm chest rising but the blanket and bed she slept in. 

Where was (Y/-

Then she remembered.

A sigh left her as she put her hand on her chest, sadness clawing at her heart.

Apollyon thought about the dream, it felt strange. Being in that lifestyle no killing, looking after children, living in peace.

Apollyon frowned at the thought.

 Peace? For her? No there will never be peace she understood that, her childhood was enough proof of that. 

Apollyon began to think about (Y/n) whilst she stare out the window.

Did He survive? And if so what was he doing? Hiding? Was he wounded? Was he plotting her demise at this moment?

These questions danced in her head, He was so head strong never leaving his goals out of sight, like killing her. 

He won't stop until she is dead so there will be no reason to debate upon what could be when their path has already been laid out for them, one of them has to die. 

Apollyon closed her eyes accepting the decision she was to make and ignored those thoughts by thinking about what could have been and drifting back to sleep the rain soothing her.

*WITH (Y/N)*

The storm threw endless drops of rain on (Y/n) as he marched alongside the dawn empire army Okuma to his right, The Orochi to his left. 

Tonight they marched to the emperor's palace to retake it from Seijuro and give it back to the people. (Y/n) had started to develop a stern hatred towards the weather in the Myre wether it rained and rose the water or if it was sunny and hot.

His thoughts started to turn to Apollyon as he walked with the army of samurai through the mud.

He slightly missed her voice always so calm even in the most violent moments, her strange way of education on other cultures through warfare, her beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes...

"Hey (Y/n)" The Orochi asked snapping (Y/n) from his thoughts.

"Yes Orochi?" 

"What is it like living in Ashfield, Living in the same place." The Orochi asked hesistantly suprising (Y/n).

"Well its peaceful when vikings aren't raiding and burning it to the ground. Lucious hills and plains perfect country for a homestead." (Y/n) said with a fond smile.

"Homestead? You wish to live as a farmer?" The Orochi asked suprised to know (Y/n) wished to live like a normal civilian, most knights saw themselves as powerful people who deserved to live in castles surrounded by wealth.

But (Y/n) didn't he was truely different

"Sure, I would prefer to live a simple life than to live by myself in a big empty castle, I know one thing about life and death. We fight to gain what we cannot take with us money, valuables, personal possessions, its in our nature to fight and cling to them."

"I suppose that gives one a different perspective on life." The Orochi said suprised by such wise words.

"Yes, I suppose it does." (Y/n) responded with a nod.

"Did you really love each other?" The Orochi asked suprising (Y/n), which did not go unnoticed by Okuma.

"I..um..I do not know.." (Y/n) mumbled awkwardly making The Orochi chuckle.

"Didn't she call you her Wolf? Is that not a pet name usually?" The Orochi remarked with a smirk.

"S-shut up!"

"Have you gotten intimate yet?" 

"That's enough!" (Y/n) shouted as he jogged forward and tried to outrun The Orochi.

Okuma let out a small laugh as he watched The Orochi follow (Y/n) around asking personal questions.

Soon enough the army had approached the palace gates just as they got close an archer ran forward on a balcony firing off arrows at the army a small few were unprepared and paid a deadly price.

(Y/n) made himself scarce in the crowd not wanting to be seen by the enemy or atleast...not yet.

Ayu pushed aside a soldier gently shouting.

"Seijuro! Our people bleed! Put down your weapons!" Ayu shouted up at the balcony.

Slowly a Orochi with green armor on walked forwad looking down at the army.

'So that was the dreaded Seijuro Ayu talked so lowly of?' (Y/n) though to himself he had seen and faced more intimidating Samurai.

"Then end this and kneel before me." Seijuro said in a gruff voice katana resting against his shoulder casually. Archers launched more arrows. Soldier rushed forward sheilding Ayu and themselves from the arrows. Ayu waved someone over whispered something to them and sent them on their way.

"Let's go." The Orochi said putting a hand on your shoulder as Momiji joined them.

"But how are we supposed to get in?" (Y/n) asked puzzled.

"I'll show you." The Orochi responded leading the way. 

Eventually, (Y/n), The Orochi, and Momiji had enter the palace from the side, through an underground tunnel which suprised and astonished (Y/n) that it even existed. 

(Y/n) held his Longsword tightly as he followed The Orochi and Momiji, Apollyon gave Seijuro the palace and alot of the Emperor's warriors had remained with Seijuro and was under his command. 

(Y/n) has to be ready and weary.

The gate of the main path was shut they needed an alternate route to the main gate of the palace, luckily the Orochi had a plan. 

Turning toward a paper wall, The Orochi raised their blade and cut through it effortlessly startling an Orochi on the other side. Quickly the enemy Orochi threw a desperate overhand stike down at The Orochi who parried the attack, then threw two quick precise strike, slashing the enemy Orochi.

"Kofuku matawa horobiru!" The Enemy Orochi growled as he tried to slash The Orochi instead the Orochi dodged the enemy Orochi strike and spun around slashing that Orochi with a fatal blow.

"Nisemono no gyokuza ni hizamazukimasen." The Orochi muttered as the enemy Orochi held his side then collapsed to his knees then fell over dead all as the Orochi sheathed their katana.

"Move up let's go!" The Orochi turned to (Y/n) and Momiji. (Y/n) nodded and followed the Orochi whilst Momiji followed the Warden. Quickly they moved through the rooms hearing the faint echos of battle cries, moving to an open area they saw samurai train in sync slashing their swords until they all turned and stared at the three.

"Uh...hello there." (Y/n) said 

They all yelled out and charged at the three, a Kensei charged at (Y/n) attempting to stab him. (Y/n) side stepped the attack and slashed the Kensei with his longsword then, shoved the Kensei back.

"At last a fight!" The Kensei said with eagerness watching (Y/n) block strikes from surrounding samurai captains. Momiji and The Orochi fought off the other captains.

The Kensei threw another hit at (Y/n) with a overhand strike (Y/n) quickly blocked it then grabbed the blade of his sword as he countered and threw the blade down slashing the Kensei

"Incumbe!" (Y/n) growled at the Kensei who stumbled back bleeding (Y/n) stabbed the kensei then grabbed the blade and slammed his shoulder into the Kensei. The momentum knocked the blade out of the kensei's chest quickly (Y/n) let go of the hilt and swung the blade back the hilt slammed into the Kensei's head making him spin and fall over dead.

(Y/n) then focused on the captains, blocking strikes and killing them effortlessly thinning the herd rather quickly with the help of Momiji and The Orochi. 

They the moved forward fighting off another Orochi then, going through rooms cutting down paper walls as they cut through another paper wall a Shugoki waited on the other side.

(Y/n) stood there sizing the Shugoki up, The Orochi gripped their katana ready and went to step forward but (Y/n) put a hand in front of them then (Y/n) walked forward purposefully.

"Come here big fella just gonna take a little off the top." (Y/n) said as he gripped his longsword

In under twenty seconds that Shugoki was headless.

The trio finally got to the main area on the other side of the gate they dropped down stabbing samurai foolish enough to stand under the opening.

"Ha! Only the best for the emperor!" Momiji mocked as they examined the beast before them

(Y/n) looked up at...wait is that an elephant?! 

Momiji examined the gate the the locks whilst The Orochi formed a plan in their mind.

The Orochi showed the two the throwing knife.

"I don't think that's very good idea!" Momiji said as The Orochi threw the knife at the elephant.

" what-" (Y/n) said as he saw the knife hit the elephant.

Angered it knocked the samurai away who tried desperately to reign it in.

"We are going to die." (Y/n) said as the elephant charged at them quickly the three jumped out of the way as the elephant rammed into the lock damaging it the steel blocking the door falled down halfway. Soldiers came rushing in as they attacked the three so (Y/n) came up with a plan.

"Orochi you get that elephant to break those locks Momiji and I will deal with these troops." (Y/n) had to distract those soldiers so that The Orochi was able to get those locks down (Y/n) cut through enemies whilst he watched the elephant ram into the gate The Orochi made quick work of the first lock then the second.

(Y/n) just killed a Shugoki when the gates were exposed and turned to see the elephant charging at him.

"God protect me!" (Y/n) shouted as he dived out of thr way and the elephant knocked the gates down 

"You are outnumbered! Put down your swords!" Ayu shouted then startled when a elephant busted down the gates.

Ayu shrugged off the strangeness and shouted for her army to charge. Ayu walked up to (Y/n) grabbed him and pulled him to his feet then ran towards the battle (Y/n) following. Arrows flew past fire burning on them ducking arrows (Y/n) rushed for the archers stopping their advantage over the army. They slowly pushed up the steps taking out the warriors and captains 

More arrows rained down on them as they pushed the enemy not wanting to give ground. Eventually they had managed to get to Seijuro's throne and fought his warriors now he had to show himself.

Slowly, Seijuro walked up studying them closely (Y/n) especially, hate evident.

"Execute me! I will be remembered! As the greatest warrior our people have ever seen!"

He jumped off the statue pedestal walking forward.

"These warriors won't follow anyone else. Especially not someone who sides with the Knights." Seijuro growled. The Orochi glancing over at (Y/n) who nodded at The Orochi waiting for their command.

"You will be forgotten. The Emperor's Champion will defeat you." The Orochi stated sheathing their katana.

"The Emperor's Champion is rotting in a cell in the lower city." Seijuro responded.

The Orochi just stared at him weary ready for the fight.

Seijuro looked confused as he furrowed his brows staring back thinking, then it clicked.

"It's you."

"The champion!" One warrior muttered

"That betrayer!" The other growled.

"Hero more like." Another responded

The Orochi used his katana to fling Seijuro's Katana back to him which he caught.

The Orochi readied for the fight as did Seijuro.

Seijuro rushed forward tried to throw a strike which the Orochi dodged Then got hit by two of Seijuro's other hits. Then another strike was thrown by Seijuro but The Orochi Blocked it and threw a successful heavy strike at him. Seijuro threw another hit that The Orochi ducked and threw a light attack in response.

"You are no champion!" Seijuro shouted at he attempted to strike only landing two hits none were fatal. Seijuro threw another hit which The Orochi expected and spun around slashing Seijuro in the side then kicking the sword out of Seijuro's hand then sweeped his legs. 

The Orochi placed his blade against Seijuro's throat whilst Seijuro was on his knees his warriors watching.

"What are you waiting for?" Seijuro sneered.

"We need Commanders. Seijuro." Ayu answered walking forward.

"You Dishonor me." Seijuro responded as the Orochi pulled his blade away

"We need You." The Orochi said standing infront of Seijuro.

"You are a great warrior." The Orochi stated to him

"I won't serve beneath you."

"Then slay me. Take my place" The Orochi stated firmly suprising (Y/n) 

"What?" (Y/n) said surprised though the Orochi payed him no mind.

"Command our army!" The Orochi stated placing the blade of his own katana to his chest holding it out to Seiijuro.

"You've gone mad!" Seijuro said holding the handle in his palm the tip of the blade resting on the Orochi's chest.

"Apollyon did this to us not Seijuro. I will not fight the legion's war for them." The Orochi shouted Seijuro glanced around the room at his warriors.

With a growl Seijuro pushed the blade away and held the blade reaching it out back to its owner.

The Orochi took the Katana back and sheathed it.

Seijuro bowed to The Orochi as did his warriors The Orochi outstretched their hand to Seijuro.

"The emperor's Champion heading our armies again." Seijuro said as he took the Orochi hand and got up.

"I'm going to Ashfield. Our enemy is there. (Y/n), you will join our scouting mission." The Orochi said looking over at him.

"You helped me when I needed it and for that,  I'll stand by you and guide you to my homeland." (Y/n) said ready to go home even in times of war.

As they rallied the samurai forces to prepare for the battle The Orochi's words kept running through his mind. 

"Our enemy is there." Those words echoed in (Y/n) mind The Blackstone Legion those murderers and cowards that damned lawbringer and..


His old warlord, his leader, his Apollyon.

He had to stop her, but he didn't know if he could.

He wasn't strong enough.

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