𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

By hotgirllex

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

2.9K 129 44
By hotgirllex


"Alyssa" Jaylen yelled, yanking the thick white comforter from her grasp with hopes of waking her up in the process.

"Hmm" she groaned pulling the cover back up over her body. She wouldn't be considered an heavy sleeper, so she never liked to be woken from her sleep.

"Get up" She yelled once more.

"I'm up now what?" She asked sitting up. Her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room before focusing on the smile making way on Jaylens face. Sliding out of bed, she stretched and yawned away her tiredness as she walked to the bathroom.

"You are such a bitch" She mumbled lowly, cutting on the bathroom light.

"Hey, I heard that" Jaylen yelled as she began looking through Alyssa's floating shelf that placed along her wall, holding every sent of perfume anyone could imagine.

"I'm sure you did" she replied.

"You need a fucking man because your attitude is disgusting" Jaylen scoffed as she stood in the door way. Stopping mid brushing her teeth, Aniyah looked at her in revulsion. She felt she definitely didn't need a man, let alone want one.

"Just saying" she threw her hands up in defense as she backed away.

After doing her hygiene, she picked out some clothes. She decided to go with a long sleeve black crop top, dark American Eagle blue jeans, and pink fur slides. When staring in the long, wide body mirror of her bedroom she noticed the long scar on the right side of her stomach that wouldn't go away. Most times she'd never pay attention to it, but other times it's not so likely that she wouldn't end up ruminate over the incident.


"Wussup?" He asked, sitting on the bed. His eyes never thought to set on her as they stared at the bright phone screen.

"I'm pregnant" She said nervously as she fiddled with her finger nails to occupy her attention. She didn't know how he would take the news considering he put himself in the predicament, but stated multiple times that he didn't want a child by her.

Looking up from his phone, he stared at her with squinted eyes before his large hand tightly grasped her neck. The tip of his fingers fixed firmly into her neck.

"Get off of me, please I'm begging you" She cried attempting to push his firm grip from around her neck. Tightly clenching his fist, he forcefully brought it across her face provoking her to scream in pain.

As he continued, her strength weakened. Blood leaked from every open wound on her face. As he continuously kicked her stomach, she felt most defenseless.


Words can't explain the way she felt that night, the deep hate she had for her mother became deeper than one would think. She watched it happen to her, she enjoyed it. That one scar was a constant reminder of it all. She lowly began to sob at how far she's become, overcoming all obstacles.

"Hello, we're sitting her Alyssa" Brooke waved her arm as Alyssa's legs dragged her past them, into the kitchen.

"Oh, hey" she said lowly.

"You okay?" she asked as her eyes squinted, attempting to figure it all out.

"Yeah I'm fine" She sniffled as she grabbed a water from the fridge. They watched every step as she entered into the living room, throwing her body onto the couch. Her eyes quickly scanned across each of them, before giving them small smile and taking a sip of water.

"Lyssa come on, you're not fine" Olivia said breaking the silence and getting up from the bean bag chair. They all hugged her tightly, knowing the problem. They knew what she went through and it's hard to get over things like that.

"Your stomach is beautiful. Embrace it, wear it, own it" Brooke said as a smile made its appearance on Alyssa's face.

"It just shows that your a warrior, you beat the odds" Jaylen cosigned.

"I guess so" she chuckled, standing up.

"Look at that ass" Olivia slapped her butt, causing Alyssa to turn around.

"Aye chill blood" she laughed. Olivia stood up and patted away Alyssa's tears with her thumbs.

"Seriously, what do y'all want?" Alyssa asked as her resting bitch face quickly made its appearance.

"But like why do we always gotta want something?" Brooke asked.

"I know you, so tell me" she laughed.

"We just came to check on you, that's all" Olivia placed her cross body onto her left shoulder before grabbing her phone.

"The lies y'all tell" she shook her head.

"Alright there's a party tonight" Jaylen said as Alyssa's eyes scanned over each of them as they waited for an answer from her.

"I knew it was something, but I'll pass" Alyssa stated as she shook her head.

"Loosen up, it's just to take your mind off of things" Jaylen said.

"Nope" she went to the island to grab her keys as Olivia trailed every step. "Stop following me blood" she laughed as she pushed her body back with her forearm before walking back into the living room.

"I'm dead, but you getting out this house" Olivia said as she and Brooke headed towards the door.

"Whatever" she grabbed a box full of packages as Jaylen grabbed the other and they proceeded out the door. She didn't feel the need to go out and party. She wasn't gonna let her friends swiftly take her out of her comfort zone to do it either.

"Come on Alyssa stop being so lame. Live your life while you can, get drunk" Olivia said as they stepped onto the elevator. "You won't be able to do these things when you get older"

"I'm not being lame, and I know that but I don't care. Im not going to do it now nor later" She chuckled as she pressed the button to go down to the second floor.

"Yes you are, you never get out of the house Alyssa. You haven't been out since-"

"Pease don't even mention it" Alyssa threw her hand up as she walked out of the elevator. Proceeding out of the door. Placing the box down, she took the key from her purse to pop the trunk.

"Alyssa all we're saying is get out of the house sometimes. You can't let that one incident scare you away from parties" Olivia said as she stood close beside Alyssa, obviously trying to agitate her.

"Back up dude, why do you keep following my every move?" Alyssa laughed as she slightly pushed her back. Picking up the box, she placed it into the trunk.

"You know what, Just be ready by eight" Jaylen said as she took Alyssa's lead and put the package in the trunk.

"You know what, you done already burned yo motherfucking bridge with me today. I try to take a lil nap while my child is gone cause you know that is impossible when she's here" Alyssa slammed the trunk.

"Dont slam the trunk to the Mercedes like that, treat it accordingly the fuck" Jaylen said causing Alyssa to stop and laugh. "And don't try to flip this on me either because you don't want to go, like I said you gone go" Jaylen replied.

"Who gone make me?" She rolled her eyes as the tip of her fingers pushed Jaylens forehead before turning around and opening the drivers side door getting in.


Getting out of her car, she headed inside. Reaching inside Zoey was playing with the other kids at the table, which was a surprise because she never gets along with any of them. She's the problem.

"Look Zoey, mommy's here" Jamie said as Zoeys neck craned to look towards the door and her face gained a smile. Throwing the baby doll down, she began to run to her.

"Zoey go put the toys back where you got them" Alyssa said, turning around she ran back towards the doll and placed it on the shelf where the others were lined up.

"I'm sorry about that" Alyssa apologized as she grabbed the clipboard from her and signed Zoey out. Keeping track of when each child leaves and by who was the most responsible way.

"Oh it's fine, she's just the cutest" Jamie chuckled grabbing the clipboard. The two watched Zoey place all the toys in their rightful place.

"Thank you" She smiled. Zoey ran back to her as she squatted down allowing her to run into her arms. Picking her up, she placed her on the right side of her hip.

"See you later Zo" Jamie waved as Zoey's attention was directed towards the other kids playing.

"Say bye Zo" She held her arm up.

"Bye bye" she tried to say as she did the hand motion and Alyssa found that to be the most adorable thing.


Production of the company is actually going great. She gets orders all the time which means she stay busy. Getting Zoey out of her car seat, she took one box filled with cosmetics, bundles, and lace fronts in at a time as Zoey trailed behind. She then paid for them to get shipped and they left.

HOME : 3:48PM

"Zoey come here" Alyssa yelled. She wondered off elsewhere as Alyssa packaged. It was times like this that she wished she would just take a nap.

"Zo" She called out as she searched the apartment only to find her in her room coloring on her wall with a green marker. These are the things she would do at daycare that Alyssa would get called about.

"No" She snatched the marker away and instantly Zoey collapsed onto the floor as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Where'd you even get this" she placed the top onto the marker before picking her up under her arms and taking her to the bathroom across from her bedroom.

"You always in something" she washed the green marker from her hands as she cried. Alyssa never whoops Zoey, she could never bring herself to do it. Trying to teach someone a lesson by physically hurting them was never right and plus she's on my 1 she don't know.

After finishing, she dried her hands and took her to the living room. Sitting her on the couch with some cheetos, she turned the television on to cocomelon to occupy her attention. She began to color the last wig that was requested. After coloring the 3 wigs, she decided that she and zoey should go to the galleria.


The galleria was pretty packed today so I couldn't allow Zoey to walk freely. Unstrapping her from the car seat, I placed her on the ground as I closed the car door. Locking the doors with the keys, I placed them into my purse before taking Zoey's hand into mines. Once getting inside I placed her onto my hip deciding to go to kids foot locker

Walking to the section holding Zoeys size shoes, my eyes scanned all of the shoes. Leaning up, Zoey pointed at the all over white Jordan 1's that she already has.

"You don't want those, you've already got them" Alyssa chuckled.

"I like these mama" I grabbed the red, blue, white, and grey Jordan Retro 4's and showed them to her. "What about these?"

"Can I get these, size 4?" I asked holding the shoe out for her to take.

"Sure thing" she took the shoe and went to the back. Taking a seat on the sitting table, I held Zoey in my lap as we waited for the shoe. She'd try to get into anything she could possibly put her hands on.

Taking one of Zoey's yeezy shoes off, I smelled them.

"Ewww stinky" I scrunched my face and fanned my nose causing her to laugh. Taking my wrist into her hands, she pushed the shoe back up to my nose.

"Pee yew" I said causing her to laugh harder. Taking the shoe out of my hand, she brought it to her nose before looking at me laughing, shaking her head.

"You so silly Tink" I laughed.

Hearing a familiar voice, like distinctly familiar, the closer it got the more I could distinguish it. Looking up I set eyes on, Jaden. He had a baby in his arms with a girl by his side, genuinely happy, seeming utterly absurd that a person who didn't want his first had another one. I couldn't dwell on it, she's well taken care of by a mother who played both roles just fine.

"Why are you staring at her?" I heard a slap on a part of his body. I didn't see it but I definitely heard it. He didn't answer, but in the corner of my eye I could see him quickly turn his head. Soon to see her walking in my direction with very insecure motives.

"Hey, do you know him?" She came up to me as she pointed at him. He's made her very insecure and a bold insecure, he does that to woman.

"No, I have no clue who he is" I answered without bring my eyes upon him. He has no strings attached to me. My daughter can't tie us together in any sort of way. I don't like him as supposed to being a human being and I will continue to stand on that.

I'll be damned if I had gotten an abortion for my parents or anybody just for him to go have a child with another bitch who definitely can't compete where she definitely can't compare.

"Here's your shoes" the girl said coming back with a Jordan shoe box. I took one out and placed it onto her small foot before pressing upon the top to see where her big toe sat. She was at the age where telling me if something hurts was available.

"Walk for me" I put her down from my lap and she started to run. Prime example of giving someone an inch they take a mile.

"Come on now, it's not the time to play" I ran and caught her. Ending up in front of Jaden, he waved at her as she just stared at him. Picking her up, I turned around and walked back to our seat.

"You can't be doing that Zoey" I said lowly as I shook my head. After placing the shoe back into the box, I put her shoe back on. Something that was wanted dead should continue to be seen in that light.

I could feel his eyes placed onto us. I'm not being in denial, but when you see a person who did those things, your minds threatens to kill them.

"Let's go Tink" I motioned for her to follow me and the hard headed nerve prompt her to pick up a shoe from the stand. Taking her hand, my arm led the way to the counter as I walked her in front of me

"That'll be sixty two thirty six" the cashier said as I took my eyes off of Zoey for one second to take out my card.

"Eh" Zoey said picking up a blue ball out of the ball pin and bringing it to the counter. Reaching up onto her tippy toes she rolled the ball onto the counter.

"Zoey put it back please" I shook my head as I caught it and handed it back to her. She started to whine, knowing how to do it in every single store.

"Oh my gosh, get it Zoey" I sighed.

"She's a handful isn't she?" The cashier laughed as she scanned the ball and leaned over the counter to hand it to her.

"Two handfuls and some more" I added as I swiped my card and paid. Handing me the bag, she laughed.

"Bye pretty girl" she said waving at Zoey as she smiled in response. Undeniably gorgeous. After doing a lot of shopping for mostly Zoey, we went to the food court to get some food. Chick-fil-a and a Cinnabon, per usual.

"Here Zo" I took a fry and handed it to her. I can't place the food in front of her, I seen how that turned out. Snatching it she packed it in her mouth.

"Do not do that" I looked at her as she laughed.

"You just to silly for me" I smiled.

She's literally my whole heart. She makes me happy and satisfied with life. She shows me what it really feels like to be loved and adored by someone.


"Stop being a lame. Call Zoeys babysitter, get dressed in something cute, and we'll come pick you up at eight. Bye love you" Olivia said into the phone. Before getting a chance to reject, she hung up.

Slicing three strawberries in half, I placed them onto the Doc Mcstuffins themed sectional plate. Grabbing the yogurt, I poured it into one of the sections. Grabbing the pan from the stove, I placed it above the plate before pouring the pancake bites into biggest section. Something slight just to fill her up. I try to give her the most healthiest snacks.

"Come on Zoey" I yelled loud enough so she could hear me as she laid on my bed watching cocomelon on the television. Grabbing her pink spoon from the utensil holder, I went and took a seat on the couch. Coming in yawning, I grabbed her and sat her beside me.

"Look at what you got Tink" I said as she started smiling. Leaning up, she grabbed a sliced strawberry from the plate.

"Mmm" she smiled as she rubbed her tummy.

"I should not have to sit here and help you eat" I laughed. She'll sit in her high chair and play with the food, throws it onto the floor, and she even knows how to get out of it. No need in her even being in it.

"You are such a character" I laughed as I gave her some of the yogurt. Once feeding her all of her food, she sat on the floor playing with her toys.


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