Banana Splits x reader

By Cry_Is_My_Name

103K 1.4K 758

I was sitting and watching the movie when I got this idea..... I have a feeling this book is going to be bad... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (/apology)
1. I am not dead and 2. i have been tagged!
chapter 20
Chapter 21 + authors apology
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chaper 25

Chapter 5

4.9K 78 65
By Cry_Is_My_Name

Y/n's POV

It was the end of the show and my family, along with the others where waiting for the tour last show us around. "Ok everyone follow me". We all started to walk behind her as she starts telling us about the history of this place. While we where walking I start to look around. "Hey mom, wheres dad?" "He had to go find his phone for work porpoises"...
"You still believe what he says?"
"What do you mean y/n?"

Can she seriously not tell?
"You know what never mind, I'm gonna go look for him you stay with Harly and Zoe" I look at her and nod. "Got it" I watch as mom turns around and walk out of the room. "Hey y/n wheres mom going?". I look at Harly "She's just going to go find dad". We all continue walking and just before we go into a different room.
The lights when out.
"Dont worry everyone it's probably just the..."
The lights turn back on suddenly and we all see the 4 stars lined up infront of us.
"The banana splits! Now if you would like a picture with the splits j would need you to line up behind me please". The lady smiles and I turn to Harly and Zoe. "Would you guys like pictures?" Harly and Zoe both replie with a quick yes so we all got in line behind the lady.
A man who was with his daughter started talking to the tour lady who seemed to be not caring about what he is saying. Until he started walking away from the group. " Hey sir you cant leave the group!" The lady tells us quickly to stay here and runs off to find the man and his daughter.
"Y/n we didn't get to get our pictures taken with the splits" Harly looked kinda sad. "Oh don't worry buddy the lady will come back to take your pictures". I look around and notice we are the only ones in here. "But since there's no one in here you guys get the splits all to yourselves!"
Harly looks up at me with a huge smile.
"You're right y/n! Come on Zoe!" You watch as they walk up to the animatronics. Jeez they are kinda tall. You walk up to them and poke the dogs nose. I think his name was Fleegle.

Fleegles POV

*very mini back up*

We where waiting for the lights to flash as bingo and drooper where talking about the girl they saw. She sounds so amazing... like a magic trick! Finally the lights flashed and we quickly walked to our positions like we where supposed to. When the lights turned back on I was surprized with what I saw. A small group of people but in the back of the group there was a teenaged girl hanging out with 2 kids.
She looked so pretty.
Wow I guess people where right when they say love works like magic cause she has me under a spell! Actually I think she has all of us under one.
After we got pictures with the first people in line we watch as a man and his daughter walk away from the group. The lady running after them, then I hear a voice. "Y/n we didn't get our pictures taken with the splits". I look over towards the girl who was looking at the boy. "Oh don't worry buddy the lady will come back to take your pictures".
I stood there thinking about the information I just learned....

Her name was y/n

Such a beautiful name.

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