Tea Leaves (COMING SOON)

By EmilieKath

410 14 6

SEQUEL TO COFFEE NOTES I am Oliver or Ollie My parents fell in love over coffee But I think I mig... More

part 1.
00. Tea Leaves


62 4 0
By EmilieKath


I am Oliver or Ollie
My parents fell in love over coffee
But I think I might be stumbling over
The tea leaves in this little shop
Stumbling and falling just like they did  

To the time, when Mocha and Daniel has grown away from their teenage years and has gotten a boy. A boy who has the lack of addiction to coffee, but though has it for something else. Meet Ollie, a fifteen year old boy obsessed with the girl in the back of the class and the tea shop down the road.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E

I know it is probably a little too late after, coffee notes hitting the finish, but I just really wanted to toy with that writing I did there again. So here is a sequel for Coffee Notes, this time hitting the subject of tea. Mocha and Daniel will also be mentioned in here, about the love after the book, mostly how their son Ollie sees them. I think this is going to be fun and yeah there will be twist and turns in this one too, just no love triangle I promise.

C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 1 5 A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D

[1] This story may not be coppied in anyway every scene or chapter in this belong to the author (@EmilieKath)

[2] All character belongs to the author as well, everything else you see is just a perspective of the reality.

[3] Any wish on translating this story has to go the author and give credit to the original story. If not I will make sure that the story is taken down, so please ask before you do it, I'll be happy to let you do it then.

Now there is only one thing left to say


xx Emilie

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