Countryhumans: WW2

By JessicaisKool45

4.2K 49 5

In a world of newfound peace, a new threat rises. Can peace be kept before it's too late? More

File one: Austria's Fall
File Two: Accusations
File Three: Game On
File Four: Battle of France
File Five: Backup
File Six: Meetings and Volunteers
File Eight: Phantoms of Defeat.
File Nine - The Faces of France
File Ten: An Empire Strikes Back
File Eleven: A Fatal Betrayal.
File Twelve: A Tropical Attack
File Thirteen: The Bear and the Black Eagle
File Fourteen: A Crumbled Axis
File Fifteen - D Day
File Sixteen - Kapitulation
File Seventeen - Destroyer of Worlds

File Seven: Winter War And Building Insanity

187 1 2
By JessicaisKool45

Drip...Drip...Drip. The damp dungeon, apart from the dripping leak in the roof, was completely silent. Reich slowly strutted among the inhabitants that would not comply to the puppet state device. They were to all be executed, one by one. She looked at the names that were hung onto the dungeon bars and scanned them. =Latvia... Lithuania... Aha! Estonia.= She thought, almost aloud. She slowly looked down at the small trembling figure of Estonia. She unlocked the gate slowly. "Verfolgen." She ordered sternly. Estonia was absolutely frozen. Was it with fear, or with blunt defiance? Either way, she didn't move an inch.

"Verfolgen!!" Reich repeated, louder. Estonia let out a small "...No." Reich began to storm her way over, but Estonia was fast. She suddenly grabbed Reich by the shoulders and jumped forward, knocking her off her feet. Latvia and Lithuania started to cheer. "Yes! Get her! Show her what's what!" they cheered along with others. Reich twisted her head around right before Estonia attempted to pin it. Out of the corner of her eye, she had spotted Finland, showing emotion for the first time in the dungeon. Was it fear? Sadness? Worry? Well, nonetheless it was for Estonia. Reich turned her gaze back up to Estonia, who's eyes were jam packed with confidence and defiance. Reich was going to make her expression turn, very quickly

Reich lifted her legs, that were unpinned and felt a surge of satisfaction as they connected with Estonia's belly. She saw Estonia's eyes widen with shock and Reich couldn't help but break a cackle as she threw Estonia off her with unbreakable ease. She got to her feet with a desperate pant and a wide smirk; she was going to tear this tiny thing to shreds before she could even cry for mercy. She picked her up by the throat as she struggled in her grip wretchedly.

As she pinned Estonia to the wall, she gasped a breath, as if she was going to cry something, but Reich closed her eyes and laughed as she pounded her fists into Estonia again and again. More and more! Yes, yes!! She'd make her pay! She'd- Reich then heard pounding footsteps right behind her. She turned and managed to point out white colours, then a flash of red replaced it. As Estonia was pinned, Reich whirled her head around fully to face what had just happened. Finland had escaped his cell and was pinned down by USSR. Reich turned back to Estonia, there was no need to cause any more damage, though she was oh-so tempted.

She dropped Estonia, who limply fell to the floor. She was weak but breathing. Reich threw her back into her cell. She sighed, turning to USSR and Finland. Finland had grasped USSR and threw him to the other side of the room. =How embarrassing...= Reich thought. The other Nordics who were captured, and alive cheered him on. Reich felt enraged. She opened the cell of Norway, then Denmark. She dragged them both off to a small, cold room with a few disguised 'showers'. But she didn't feel like using the poisonous gas today. The fight with Estonia had left her... strangely eager.

She threw them both to the floor and gathered a few others. Including Lithuania and Latvia She was to execute them next anyway with a few other countries. She shoved them both to their knees in a straight line and once they were in position, she placed a blindfold over their eyes. They were trembling like all hell when they took in the situation. Reich loaded her gun. She glanced at Norway, who was shifting himself closer to Denmark until their shoulders were touching. Reich watched as Denmark softly rested her head on Norway's shoulder. Reich simply scoffed.

She pulled the trigger, right through Denmark's head. Then watched as she slumped to the floor. Norway gasped and cried, sobbing loudly. Reich hated that sound. It showed weakness, and she would never make the sound herself, her father had very little tolerance for that. She found great satisfaction when she shot down Norway, then Latvia, Lithuania, it mounted up, more and more, until she let out a short cackle, the blood on her hands, the crying of her victims. Now this! This, is what she was meant to do! 

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