I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

Από LRDiazz

121K 1.7K 426

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... Περισσότερα

Not So Happy Campers
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up The Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat
Who Can You Trust
Basic Straining
X-Treme Tourture
Brunch of Disgustingness
No Pain, No Game
Search and Do Not Destroy
Livin' It Up As A Loser
Haute Camp-Ture
Some Alone Time (+18)
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two

Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

2.2K 33 2
Από LRDiazz

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island!"

"It's been a long time since you last saw our campers slugging it out for the one hundred thousand dollar grand prize! Since the competition came to it's shocking and dramatic conclusion,"

"our campers have had some time to snack on some real food,"

"no offense, Chef,"

take a hot shower, get their stuff back, and even peruse their emails from home!"

"There were losers, okay, lots of losers! Hahahaha! But, there was only one winner, Owen."

"The youngest of three brothers and a hardcore under achiever, turned out to be the suprise champ! Without much knowledge, ambition, fitness, or even charm, he ended up with one massive prize! He's planning a wicked tropical party for all his fellow campers this winter! But, first, their gonna move their booties for one final poolside rap party!"

"And tomorrow, everyone's heading for home. Or are they???"

"Find out here on..."




It's been a few days since the dramatic conclusion of Total Drama Island. Now, everyone resides at Playa de Losers, just having a good time. Owen is enjoying being a winner and celebrating with Izzy, and Gwen, while wishing she had won, is still happy for Owen and enjoys her relaxation with Trent as they both sit on the edge of the pool. Tyler throws a frisbee across it to Cody, who is more than happy that the show is over. "Alright!" he shouts. "No more challenges or alliances. We can finally just hang!" He throws the frisbee back to Tyler, but ends up losing his balance and falls into the pool, making a rather big splash. The frisbee soars through the backyard of Playa de Losers. It makes it's way pass you and Bridgette making out in the hot tub, as well as Tyler, who jumps up and attempts to grab it with both hands, but misses. He chases after the plastic disc and ends up running straight into a light post.


Chef cooks some hot dogs on the grill, while Owen, Izzy, and Eva enjoy their time at the snack table, nearby. Izzy chucks a few marshmallows and takes a few sips of her drink. She then belches out a roaring burp. Owen is ecstatic and bows to wild red head. "You are a marshmallow goddess" he says, making her smile. Izzy then turns to Eva, who was roped into the eating contest. Clearly, she's had enough as she holds her stomach in pain."37's not bad, Eva!" Izzy tells her. "Besides, with a little practice you'll be burping like--BUUUUUUURRRRRRRPP!!!" Izzy's belch is so loud and so powerful, that it actually moves Lindsay and Beth from one side of the pool and across the water, sending them sitting on the opposite side, joining Gwen, Cody, and Trent. Owen's mouth hangs wide open, letting two marshmallows escape it. "I think I'm in love with you." Owen bends down and kisses Izzy's hand, just as she starts to cover her mouth. She jerks away her hand from Owen and looks around. She darts towards the grill, where Chef is cooking some burgers, and throws up all over them. "Ew...hehe...that was gross. Okay, um...who wants some hot dogs?" She grabs a nearby plate of the hot dogs that Chef was cooking earlier and walks back over to her group, leaving Chef with no hot dogs, a burger covered in throw up, and a sour frown on his face.

"How can you not love a woman who barfs like a guy and come back for more?"


Harold sees his dream girl, Leshawna, and starts showing off his skinny muscle-less body. "Hi, Leshawna" he says. "Hey there, Sugar Baby! Mmm-mmm...you got game, baby. You been workin' out?" Harold beams at her. "You noticed" he says right before jumping into her arms and pulling out a pair of yellow flowers. "These are for you!" Leshawna's smile fades and puts Harold down. "Listen, Harold, I gotta talk to you about all that. See...you and me..."


"On the dock...I just got all...emotional back there. Y'know with the elimination and all...I think we moved way too fast." Harold lowers his head in disappointment. "Oh...okay. So can I still talk to you and stuff?" Leshawna smiles at him again. "Harold, you are the funkiest, baddest, strangest white boy I have ever met. You and me are like this." She crosses her index and middle finger together, symbolizing their bond. "Alright!" Harold rejoices. "So you wanna go behind the bushes and make out?" Leshawna frowns. "Did you not hear a word I just said?! Look, I gotta go." She walks off, leaving a sad, yet determined Harold alone. "I'll win you over, Leshawna! I love you!!"

"Yeah. Leshawna and I are pretty tight. I'm sure we'll hook up after the show's over. Maybe move in together when we're like, thirty. I'd have to ask my mom first, but I'm sure it'd be alright. Maybe she'd let us have the basement. That'd be cool!"


Leshawna sits down with Gwen and Trent. "I think the best thing of playing this stupid game was meeting the two of you" Gwen speaks up. "I feel the same way" says Trent. "No doubt" Leshawna replies. Gwen pulls out a few pictures, telling them how she can't wait for thwm to meet her friends back home. "This is Marilyn, Pixie Corps, and Reeper." The first girl, Marilyn, is wearing a black dress, but it's not too long, so she's also wearing leggings underneath. The dress is so short, it could be considered a skirt that's just attached to a shoulder-less, sleeveless shirt. On her hands, she is wearing fingerless pink gloves. Her face and neck are covered in white face paint and eyeshadow. Her short pink hair flops over her forehead while she gives a sour frown at the camera. The next girl, Pixie Corps, has long midnight blue hair and doesn't seem to have any makeup on her, although she still looks pale with her natural skin. Her outfit is a black crop top with spaghetti straps wrapped around her shoulders. She has on what look like sleeves, but they only go from her forearm to her hand, leaving open her shoulders and hands. Below her torso is a rather large belt with a skull shaped buckle. The last girl, Reeper, isn't as...creative looking as the others. She seems to wear a regular shirt, but, has giant multicolored bracelets around both wrists. Her hair looks like it was struck by lightning, giving it a look that's a combination of the Bride of Frankenstein and Albert Einstein. While the other pictures have the girls just scowl at the camera, Reeper seems to try and get the camera away from her. As Leshawna and Trent look at each other, worryingly, Cody and Tyler continue throwing their frisbee. It hits Tyler in the face, causing him to fall into the pool. As he struggles to swim, Lindsay and Beth rejoice at the fact that Lindsay's friends are throwing a 'Welcome Home' party for her. DJ sees his friend in trouble and after putting on his life vest, he jumps in to save Tyler. But, strangely, Tyler ends up carrying him out of the water and getting the liquid out of his lungs. As he does that, Harold and Noah walk by, with Harold telling a very disinterested Noah about what he knows about the Vermin Family. He offers his journal for Noah to look at, which he quickly declines. They keep walking and pass by the hot tub, where you and Bridgette are still making out like crazy. Bridgette giggles and gets an idea. She walks over to the other side and presses a button to make more bubbles. This suprises you, as the tub feels even better now. You look ahead to see Bridgette with a devilish smirk on her face. She lunges forward at you and unintentionally scratches your eye. "Ooow!!" you shout in pain. "Oh! Sorry!" Bridgette quickly blurts out. She looks at it for a second and then gets another idea. As you both sink into the water, she kisses it.


Duncan is dancing, while Courtney is sulking about how much she wants to go home. "What happened to that crazy chick who helped me raid the camp kitchen?" Duncan asks. "I'm over this stupid show" Courtney sighs. "I lost the competition, my pathetic lawyer lost my lawsuit, and now I just wanna go home, study for my LSAT's, and work on my class president campaign." Duncan is bored by all of this. "Wow. Hello, Debbie Downer. C'mon, relax! It's almost over. I thought you'd be happy."

"I AM happy!!" It gets a little quiet, thanks to Courtney's outburst.


Heather walks by the pool where Gwen, Leshawna, and Trent can see the back of her bald head. They snicker as they see a smiley face is on the back of it without Heather knowing it. "Oh, brutal!" Trent chortles. "Yeah, I did that!" Leshawna brags. "What's so funny?" Heather asks.

"Okay, you know you'd had done the same thing if you were me. After all that girl did to the rest of us over the last eight weeks, she's lucky I didn't tattoo it on her head!"

Suddenly, footsteps can be heard across the pavement. You all soon look in the same direction and see that Chris is walking by with a suitcase. Chef snatches the check from Owen and walks over to his co-host, who walks over to Duncan and Courtney and sets the suitcase down. "Hello, campers!" Everyone scowls at Chris, not wanting any part of what he has planned. "Haha, that's ex-campers to you" Duncan tells him. "Yeah, your twisted game is over, remember?" says Heather. "We'll see about that" Chris whispers into Chefs ear. The two chuckle and soon face everyone. "Congratulations to our winner. Owen, you played hard, fought hard, ate hard, and farted harder! Not sure why, but you beat every other person on this island and your pockets will soon be stuffed with cheddar!!" The whole group cheers for Owen throughout Play de Losers, making him feel pretty good. He then starts to get hungry, since Chris mentioned cheddar. "But what I'm about to offer you may change all that. Inside this suitcase is ONE...MILLION...DOLLARZZA!!" Chef holds the case over his head in glory. "We had our PA's make a cardboard cutout of this awesome new prize" Chris says as a few helicopters fly over the island holding a giant check. "WE WENT THREW A LOT OF CARDBOARD TO MAKE THIS!!!" Chris yells. "Owen, my man, this mlion dollars could be yours. All you have to do, is figure where we're about to find it and bring it to the Dock of Shame before anyone else does."

"You're telling us that we all have a chance to win a million dollars?" Gwen asks. Chris replies with a yes and asks Owen if he wants to take the challenge. With his usual enthusiasm, Owen accepts, making Chef tear up the old check. "That's the spirit, Owen!" Chris exclaims as he hands the case over to an intern to hide it. "Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints through the loudspeakers so you're not completely lost."

"Okay, this just got interesting again."

The challenge soon begins and Owen sprints off to find the money. Turns out, Playa de Losers isn't completely disconnected from the island. As Owen cheerfully goes on his search, the rest of you stay, with frowns on your faces. "Lemme get this straight" Heather says. "After messing with our heads for eight weeks, you expect us to start running around thr island like idiots all over again?!"

"That's right" Chris replies. "But how do we know you didn't stuff that case with bricks or somethin'?" Leshawna asks. "You don't" Chris tells her. More and more campers start ignoring Chris' advances and try to go back to relaxing. "Fine, suit yourselves" Chris says. "I'm sure Owen will be happy to have no competition while he make the easiest million dollars in TV history." His words don't seem to work, as you all stand your ground. Chris looks around to see you all frowning at him and not leaving to go find the million. Suddenly, you all start to hear Owen's laughs about how he's going to be rich. The pressure starts to get to all of you, making you all wonder what if you had the million. Like moths to a flame, you all get up and sprint off to find the money. Unfortunately, you all run at the same time and end up falling over on each other. "Hey, I've got an idea!" Beth says. "Let's work together as a team! We can split the prize 22 ways and share it!" A moment of silence hits the group before everyone immediately goes back to try and get the money for themselves. You struggle to get up as you hold out your hand for assistance. You feel someone pull you out and see that it's Bridgette. "Hey, mister. Wanna split a million dollars with me?" You smile at her the same way she smiles at you, with a lustful grin. "God, you become even hotter when your voice is like that" you say right befor pinning her against a tree and making out with her some more. Everyone gets up and starts making their own groups. Heather is left with just Harold, since no one else wants her. She even tried pairing up with you and Bridgette, but you didn't hear her. Soon, you stop kissing and realize everyone else is gone. "How long were we--" Bridgette begins to ask. "That doesn't matter right now" you tell her. "We gotta find that case!" You both head off on your quest to find the million dollars.

Two Hours Later...

Chris tells you all your first clue. "It's just hangin' around." You look nowhere but up for the next few minutes, searching throughout the mast amount of trees. A little while later, Chris announces that the case is wet. You and Bridgette search for any streams of water. You soon find a stream and follow it. You soon come across a beaver dam and see that someone got stuck in it. Screams of pain can be heard from inside. "Is that...Heather?" Bridgette asks. "I think so" you reply. "She probably regrets wearing those short shorts now" Bridgette chuckles. "Do you think we should help her?" you ask. A brief moment of silence is heard before you both burst out laughing. "Who's there?!" Heather asks. "Someone help me!!" You and Bridgette move along, not acknowledging her existence. "Babe, you are hilarious" Bridgette remarks.


You two hike a cliff, while carrying walking sticks, to see a better layout of the island. "This should let us see what other bodies of water there are" Bridgette says looking around as her flowing blonde hair dances in the wind. "I don't know how" you begin, "but the wind making your hair flow just makes you look even more beautiful." Bridgette smiles. "That is so sweet!" She drops her stick and kisses you. She turns around and picks up her stick, accidentally tipping you over the edge. You fall through a couple of trees before landing on a rock. You feel a lot of pain, but suprisingly nothing's broken. You're not sure where you are and wonder if Bridgette can find you. "BAAAAAAAAAAABBE!!" you hear her call out to you. "OVER HERE!!" Your girlfriend soon finds you and hugs you tightly. She then apologizes for the accident as she flicks off the twigs and leaves off of you. "I'm okay, Babe. Really. No harm done here." You take her hand and head back on your quest.


You soon come across a baby moose trying to reach a tree branch. You see Bridgette awe at the cute creature, so you walk over and help it reach the branch. Bridgette, focused on the adorableness, walks over and accidentally trips on a rock and pushes you onto the moose. The mammal cries as its father soon approaches. "This isn't what it looks like! I swear!!" The large moose doesn't back down as it charges at the two of you. You pick up Bridgette, knowing that you're faster than her, and sprint as fast as you can. "Gogogogogogogogo!!" she screams, clinging onto you for dear life. You soon past Katie and Sadie, who quickly see the moose and follow your direction, while screaming. The ladder, diving board, and tub of jelly from the 'Phobia Factor' challenge is soon in view and you all immediately start climbing. "Sadie, I'm so glad we're friends again" Katie tells her BFF. "Oh, me too" she replies. "When u think about having to go to go back to high school without begging able to talk to you--"

"Ohmygosh! Chills! I would die!" You and Bridgette quickly get annoyed by their back and forth. "Guys!! That moose will be back any second now!!" you yell at them, making them climb faster. "What are you guys doing up there?!" You look down to see Duncan and point to the moose. He turns around and recognizes that's one of the many animals he's abused. The moose charges at Duncan, making the teen run for his life. He gets followed into the Main Lodge, but the moose ends up running out of it first, as Duncan chases it with a prosthetic moose head. Bridgette turns around and sees a hot air balloon heading straight for all of you. "Ah! Incoming!!" You can see that Owen, DJ, Cody, Tyler, Courtney...and a bear are all on it. As the bear climbs to where the rest of them are, the guys all jump off of the hot air balloon, with Courtney snatching the case from them. The weight of the guys makes the diving board wobble. "Suckers!!" Courtney yells. "I'll call you from my hot tub phone in my new mansion in--what?!?!" Courtney turns around to see the bear facing her. She immediately jumps out of the balloon and in the midding of both groups. She extends her free arm and one of her legs to keep everyone away from the case. As you try to get it away from Courtney, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Leshawna. "Help me, and I be sure to split some of the money with you and Bridgette." You trust Leshawna enough to lift her over the crowd and close enough to grab the case from Courtney, but it slips out of her hands. The case falls down to the edge of the jelly pool. It bounces off it, down to the communal washrooms where Lindsay, Beth, and Ezekiel are. Lindsay picks it up, but Heather, who stole Chef's keys to the plane, flies overhead and jumps out to snatch the case. The plane slashes at the diving board, tearing off a wing.


As Heather tries to take away the case from Lindsay, Izzy and her group of Noah and Eva, also join in the fight. Izzy eventually snatches the case away and runs off with it. Gwen and Trent runs past the group at the washrooms after Izzy, with Beth and Lindsay not too far behind. Izzy trips and drops the case and chases after it, along with everyone else.


The diving board soon breaks and plummets down to the pool full of jelly. Cody, Tyler, Katie, Sadie, and Courtney all fall in, while the rest of you, still on the diving board, slide off the broken plane wing, sending you on a sled-like ride across the island, snatching Heather, who is still connected to her parachute. Duncan, who us now riding the moose is not too far behind you. Everyone and the case approaches the Dock of Shame and falls in the water. You look around for Bridgette in the maze of bodies swimming up for air. You soon find her and pull yourselves up to the surface. You all look around for tbw case and soon find it a few feet away from all of you. And then it gets eaten by a shark. "Great!! Now what?!" Leshawna yells, angrily. Chris and Chef soon land on their helicopter and Chris gets out to tal to all of you. "So....you lost the case. Way. To. Go. I didn't want to have to do this, but since none of the fourteen of you officially won, you all officially tied. Which means, that you will all have another shot in winning the million dollars." This makes everyone excited, but then Chris drops the major bombshell, that changes the mood completely. "In season two!!"

"Oh, forget this!" Duncan rebels. "I didn't agree to season two!"

"Actually you did!" Chris fires back. "It's called the fine print! Read it! Live it! Llllllove it!"

"I HATE the fine print!" Gwen growls. The others that fell in the jelly soon make it to the Dock to recive some bad news. "As for the rest of you" Chris announces, "your treasure hunt ends here! Along with all your hopes of ever winning any money off of being on this show! The good news, though? You'll be watching all the action on season two from the sidelines!"

"Wait a minute!!" Courtney protests. "I wanna be on season two!!"

"Tut tut tut tut! Fine print!"

"Yes this is soo awesome!" Izzy exclaims. "Escope is comin' back! Escope is coooomin' back!!" Most of you have no idea who or what Izzy is talking about. "This is so exciting!" Beth says. "Lindsay, if you win and you buy France, will you have me over?"

"For sure!" Lindsay replies.

"In exactly two days, you will all report to a brand new location for a whole new challenge and the last one standing will receive...One...Million...Dollars!!! So don't forget to tune in to..."




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