Torvosaurus Adventure

By gojira223

15 0 0

This story is less like the dinosaurs life but rather a short story from a young torvosaurus perspective More

torvosaurus adventure

torvosaurus adventure part 2

6 0 0
By gojira223

It's bin a long time. Me and my siblings are still living with our mom. This time our on a hunting trip. We are hunting a group of ridges heads. Our mom will scare them then we will take them dawn. We are about half our mothers size and the ridgs heads are a bit smaller then that. I can see mom moving in. Then she jumps out of the tree line roaring loudly! The ridgs heads run towards us. The plan is working. As one of them runs by my sister jumps out and grabs it by the neck. I do the same.  My brothers aren't as lucky only blade managed to catch one and he got tackled by it then killed it. My sister was uneasy today as if something was wrong. Then I smelled something. Then something wet fell on my head. Oh just the sky water. I told my sister that it was mostlicly nothing but then the sky water started to fall harder. Then our mother told us to get in the den. It wasint very big but it was good enoph so we all got in. One of my brothers Jack gives me a strange look then climbs into the den. After that our mother sleeps outside the den because she is so much bigger then us. It's pretty cramped in here but we'll be fine. The next day our nest is full of water and the den is really wet. We all climb out of the den when we see our mother fighting a pack of ridg heads! She grabs one of them and shakes it until it's dead. The other two claw her legs. I can only stand in shock but my sister jumps into action. She rams the one of the ridg head over and over until it fall to the ground. Then our mom pushes the other one off of her then swings her head and hits it in the arm! The ridgs head runs off. I turn to the the ridg head on top of my sister slashing at her neck! I try to kill it but before I could get it off of my sister  it slashes me in the face then mom grabs it and throws it off! I go to look at my sister but before I could get to her mom told us that she was dead. No this can't be happening! I look at her one last time before I see her eyes close. Nnnnnnooo! My brothers run towards her body. They all look at her then to me. If you warint so weak our sister wold still be alive! Razer don't say that! My mother growled at him. I'm only telling the truth! He's so weak! My anger levels are starting to reach maximum. First we get attacked then our sister dies now my own sibling are blaming me for it! That's it! Thats it! I grab my brother by the neck and shack and shack until my mother separates us. No this is not how we treat family! He's not my family! I roar! Non of you are! Then I run of. Good no one wanted you here anyway! I hear Blade and Razer call out. I hide close to a large tree. I began to look around me for anything to eat. I see a dead plate back so I get up and I start to eat it. This body I very rotin but it will do For now. I look up at the sky the big ball in the sky shining as bright as ever. I already miss my sister. She was good at defusing these types of situations but now she's gone and it's all my folt. I hear a loud roar coming from the nest. I go to see what s going on and I see the biggest male torvosaurus in my life! He grabs my mom then claws my siblings to the ground. I roar at this male Then a charges! I hit his leg and he falls over and let's go of my mom. Then she grabs the male by the jaw and shakes and shakes until hi lower jaw is broken. The male barely breathing she grabs his neck and suficants him. Then his body falls to the ground. My mom gose to check on my siblings. My brother Razer gets up and ask me why I came back for them. I tell him that I dosint mean what I said and that.... I'm sorry. He says me too then my other brothers get up and we all go back to the nest to sleep and live the rest of our lives in this territory for good.

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